Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
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Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptySun 25 Apr 2010, 9:56 am

Clan Name: Kyuudousha
Clan Location: Konohagure
Clan Traits:

The Kyuudousha clan is not a really well known clan since it was only founded around 5 years ago. But putting aside the popularity the Kyuudousha are people to be feared by any criminal. You could call them the heroes of justice. For unknown reasons they just can't be bad. They can't kill somebody without any reason, they can't steal from somebody who is innocent or do anything to anybody who is innocent. But even being good they are not really cheerful persons. They rarely smile and they mostly keep things professional. They also have a nickname given by people who have talked to them. The Silver-Tongued Devils. The way they talk is like you have been captured in a genjutsu and you believe them anything they say.

But the clans most known clan is their doujutsu, the Detective Eye. With that they become real investigators and they are the first people to be called in any crime scene. The Kyuudousha children are taught from early age (6 years old) all the things they need to know such as biology, chemistry, human body and different stuff so that they could know what their eye is showing them. Since every member of the clan has photographic memory they all learn fast. And combining that with the trait that they can store unlimited amount of information, they are considered walking encyclopedias.

Kekkei Genkai:

Name: Onmitsu Me (Detective Eye)
Detective eye is a quiet unique doujutsu. It gives the power to collect various information from evidences such as footprints, blood, small cuts on a tree or grass and other things. With this eye the user can accurately tell what happened on the field based on the evidences.

Lets start with footprints. Even though it's a common evidence it still gives a lot of info about the person like the size of the foot and the approximate weight, if the person who is being traced has a wound on his leg.

Than it's blood. With blood the user can see the DNA structure of the blood, the approximate age of the person, what did it eat and drink in these past days or if it took any drug, what illness does it have (if it has any), the gender of the person and in which clan it is (Only if the user has seen the blood of the clan already.) Same things can be seen with just a piece of hair, fingernail, skin, spit, urine and feces.

Than there are irregularities in the field like cuts on a tree or grass, small cracks in earth that were made by a human not nature itself. The user can see when was the cut or crack made and with what kind of weapon (blunt, sharp and other)

Another important thing that Detective Eye gives is the ability to know if a person lies. It's just like a lie detector. The eye will see by voice alone if the person is lying. The way the user sees that the person is lying is by sound-waves made by the persons voice. If the person is not lying the sound-wave will be normal but if it's lying, than the sound-wave will have irregularities. Of course there are persons who can lie and yet the lie detector will say they are saying the truth, however to accomplish that with the Detective Eye is almost impossible. It can be done but nobody yet succeeded.

Next is being able to see in one look what the thing is made out of. Lets say a person finds a piece of something but can't really figure out from where it is and what it is. With the Detective Eye the user will know what it is right to the chemical substance of the found item.

This one is maybe the best thing the Kyuudousha clan has, and that's the ability to calculate the size, weight of a person in just a glance. But not only that, it can calculate the speed an object is traveling, how strong will the impact be when it hits something and other things. All of that is stored in the brain of the user and it plays a great role in fightings and other things.

Now all that info is impossible to remember by a normal person alone without writing it down. Well since the eyes are connected with the brain all the info is stored in the it and it will never vanish. Those who possess the Detective Eye do not have any limitation of how much information they can store in their brain making them walking encyclopedias.

Secret Clan Jutsus:

Name: DNA extraction
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: N/A
Rank: B
Element: N/A
This jutsu needs to be used so that the clan members can see with their Doujutsu the structure of the evidence they have found. However, this takes at least 3 posts to actually see the DNA structure.
Chakra Cost: 10

Name: Microscopic look
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: N/A
Rank: B
Element: N/A
This jutsu is similar to the DNA extraction jutsu except that it allows to the user to see the chemical substance of an object he just found. And same as DNA extraction, it takes 3 posts to be able to see the chemical substance.
Chakra Cost: 10


Name: Forensic Investigation Kit
Rank: C
A small metal grey kit in which the basic forensic investigation tools are stored. The kit holds a few pairs of plastic gloves, 30 plastic bags, two packs of swab each holding 50 swabs, a pincer, special scrolls in which the evidences are stored and 10 lifters for footprints, handprints and fingerprints. The box cannot be opened by anyone even if they are using force. Only the owner can open it and that's because of a seal which protects the box of being destroyed or being opened by force.

Name: Evidence Scroll
Rank: C
A special scroll designed to store all possible evidences. The prevent the evidences to mix with each other they are all stored in different "files". They are stored under the name of the person of which the evidences are taken from. After the user decides which persons evidences he wants to see a list will show up of all evidences the user collected. (Imagine it as a computer. You store the evidences under a certain file. When you click on that file a list of all evidences will show up.)

Name: Print Lifter
Rank: C
A special paper designed only for taking prints such as footprints, handprints and fingerprints. The user will place the paper above the print and concentrate a low amount of chakra in the paper (E rank amount of chakra). In just a second the print will be transfered to the paper. After that the paper is stored in the evidence scroll.

Name: Handcuffs
Rank: A
These handcuffs look like normal ones but they are everything but normal. On these handcuffs a seal is placed which will activate once someone has been handcuffed and it has no limit of how many times the seal can be used. As soon someone is handcuffed with these handcuffs his strength will decrease by half of his normal strength and he would not be able to use high level jutsus (Only E,D and C). However for this effect to begin, the owner of the handcuffs must put B rank amount of chakra in them.

Kyuudousha Wolf_Clan___Duke_Tattoo_by_Nainu
The story is not really well known. Only the clan members know it. Even though this clan was founded 5 years ago, the Detective Eye existed way before of the foundation of the clan. Approximately 100 years ago. The clan founder, Yoshitora Kyuudousha was born with the Detective eye. However he didn't know that his way of seeing things is different than other people. He though it was normal to see footprints other things glow. But as he grew older his parents began to notice weird things in how he notices even smallest things such as a piece of hair in a corner, footprints which couldn't be seen easily from distance and other things. They began to question it and he said to them that he sees those things glow and that's how he sees them. Thats when he figured out that what he sees it's special, something that nobody has.

And so years have passed and Yoshitora has become an excelent ninja, one of the best in the village just because of his special eye which he called the Detective Eye. It didn't take long before he got married and made a child. The child too had the doujutsu. And so year by year the holders of the Detective Eye begun to grow and after 80 years, when Yoshitora was 100 years old he decided that the Kyuudousha will become a clan. And that was 5 years ago. Now Yoshitora is dead and his son took over. His name is Kanazaki Kyuudousha.

Clan Details: Open

Last edited by ~The Boy that Rocks~ on Sun 31 Jul 2011, 12:57 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
Posts : 869

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyMon 26 Apr 2010, 6:45 pm

Flash bump?
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Age : 33
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Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyMon 26 Apr 2010, 9:06 pm

Haha, okay, I've read through the KKG and I personally like the idea, however there are a few details I'm iffy about. The ability to look at something and to recognize it as an 'abnormality' means that one has to first have knowledge of what is 'normal'. This comes only through experience. In any case, it would be assumed that an individual that is trained in some sort of tracking would be able to notice such abnormalities anyway; and it is safe to say that most ninja can in fact do that.

The next logistical step is the ability to analyse. Once again, one must have prior knowledge of DNA analysis which really only comes from Biology and Chemistry lessons. Otherwise, the brain could receive data and not know what to do with it; especially when DNA analysis in modern day is by all respects a new and growing field, I can see this being difficult for shinobi that are supposedly stuck in a pre-industrial age time.

NOW, what I do like is the potential to break down things to a mathematical science. For example, being able to look into a glass of water and quantify by some measurement exactly how much water is in the glass. This would allow a level of instant and accurate knowledge that would for sure grant you the Sherlock Holmes like perception I'm sure you are aiming for.

I'm NOT sure about the scent thing, because while I get the concept it is a bit more of a stretch then the forensics abilities that you are attempting to get passed.

Haven't looked at the Jutsu...

If you would limit the Doujutsu to abilities involving the obtaining of knowledge that doesn't first require actually sitting down and learning the periodic table and how amino acids fit to make the human genome, etc., then we will be in business.
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
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Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyMon 26 Apr 2010, 10:01 pm

-Good point, but as you said most ninjas that are trained in tracking would notice it, but the Kyuudousha will notice sooner.

-Well that's what I planed but apparently I forgot to write it in. So it's exactly what you said, if you don't know something (like a structure of a DNA) than you wouldn't know what it is but it would store it in the brain which the user than later stores it in the scroll. And as for DNA analysis being a bit hard for ninjas, granted they would have problems with it if they were stuck in the pre-industrial age time but as we all know, the time where they live and how developed they are is unknown. In the end this is a fantasy world, sci-fi so I personally think it would be fine for a ninja to know DNA structure if he learned it. However if you still think it would need to change than we could talk to other mods and see what they think. If in the end it turns out that I need to change it than I will.

- Something like that.

- Well I't not the MOST important thing so I could remove it or maybe try to limit it somehow so we will see how it goes.

- Doesn't have jutsus, just tools

- Well all the abilities would need some kind of knowledge which needs to be learned. Although I said in clan traits that the members start to learn all the stuff they will need to use the Detective eye from an early age (6 years old). Well now that I think of it, the only ability that wouldn't require to sit down and learn would be the ability to see the color of the scent... If that's what you meant....
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Age : 33
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Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyTue 27 Apr 2010, 2:56 am

OKay, well here is the current argument.

With such a technique that apparently "highlights" abnormalities, it is basically completely up to you, the writer, as to what your character notices. You could poof up completely random facts that could be used to devise any number of conclusions that you could deem "correct" because of the justification that "the doujutsu lets you do it".

I know exactly how it would be use and it would be considered consented metagaming, to just GIVE your character information based on what you think should be considered abnormal. Because there is so much ambiguity I cannot allow you to have the ability to literally highlight things that are seen. I suggest just having normal/exceptional tracking skills as a special characteristic, that way you can get away with all kinds of tracking based things anyway...

Physical measurements at a glance are perfectly fine with me however; deciding angles, lengths, of foot prints etc., and assuming weight etc., from this info is innovative in my opinion.

I still think that obtaining sample of an individual via DNA just by looking at it is intense. I can't think of any ways that it can be abused, but we are talking amino acid analysis on a mass scale with a look. PERHAPS, if it was made into a jutsu that prevented moving for a certain amount of posts/time or that had a post requirement. In this way it can still be used, but not actively on the battle field. I'd be down for something like that.

I'm waiting to see how the clan turn out to see how the scent thing will be distinguished, but the idea of seeing scent seems like a doujutsu all its own and I'm leaning away form it ATM.

-Lets be honest. Academy Ninja Graduate about the age of 10-12. They have little knowledge of forensic science because they simply haven't learned it. At the age of 6, ones mind can't even think in a parallel to grasp such concepts as biology, chemistry, trigonometry and many physics concepts that you would have to learn to apply them. Unless, perhaps you made your character significantly older so they would have had time to go through ACTUAL schooling along with ninja training. In any case, your character would be limited to aftermath situations, not front line battles.
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
Posts : 869

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyTue 27 Apr 2010, 7:27 am

What about if I limit the range of when the abnormality can be seen? About 1 meter away. And I was going to use it only when I'm chasing someone which is in the same topic as me. That way if he was able to run away I would be able to track him based on his footprints. I wouldn't use it in a way like when I would be going to track Akat HQ with no person to follow and than randomly get clues which would lead me to them. To actually see abnormalities I need a person to follow.

Quote :
Physical measurements at a glance are perfectly fine with me however; deciding angles, lengths, of foot prints etc., and assuming weight etc., from this info is innovative in my opinion.

So is it fine to have that?

Ok, I will make the jutsu for DNA. As for scent I think I'll remove it but I'll try to think more about it and see what I can come up with.

Bah, I'll make it so that the eye is available to chunnin+ or maybe 15 and older.
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Age : 33
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Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyTue 27 Apr 2010, 8:11 am

Yeah, the ability to calculate measurements based on physical properties is cool with me.

If you are just chasing someone in a thread then you dont need a doujutsu that can spot out abnormalities to find someone. As is I wont be able to approve it; not based on how you plan to use it, but how it COULD be used. It's not that I dont trust ya. And 1meter is close enough to just examine things normally I'd imagined.

Remove the scent thing would be favorable, lol.

Just give it a bump when you are done editing.
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
Posts : 869

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyTue 27 Apr 2010, 2:00 pm

DONE! I mean Flash Bump.
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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyTue 27 Apr 2010, 6:13 pm

OKAY! Looks much better.

The "Tell what something is made of at a glance" thing should on the same level as the DNA jutsu, in that you may be able to look at something and tell what its made of but we are talking wittle teeny tiny chemical analysis here; it should take awhile to process at least.

After that I'll look through the tools and we might just be able to getcha approved.
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
Posts : 869

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyWed 28 Apr 2010, 12:32 am

Ahh totally forgot about that. I'll make it now.

EDIT: Done. (Flash bump)
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Age : 33
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Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyWed 28 Apr 2010, 1:15 am

Some would say that the history should be a bit bigger, but I dont mind it.

It's well thought out in my opinion. An original twist on doujutsu, well done!

Happy Hunting.

~Approved As-Is.
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
Posts : 869

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyThu 28 Jul 2011, 8:21 pm

You know what, I'm not adding anything new, it's fine as it is. Let the modding begin.
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Posts : 2032

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptySun 31 Jul 2011, 12:03 pm

Quote :
They are the protectors of the innocent and somehow they cannot be deceived by any genjutsu to make them do bad things.
Remove this as there are no real grounds for this effect to actually be true.

Quote :
. Since every member of the clan has photographic memory they all learn fast.
Photographic Memory is actually a US special characteristic. So, you could make it that all clan members have to utilize one of their SC slots and have Photographic Memory (as a compulsory thing) or just remove it.

- With the KKG itself the idea is promising but it is pretty open to obvious meta-gaming tactics that could easily be employed by a member. I don't think that it is properly explain as to "how" this doujutsu can do this? Yes, you give numerous examples which are great but not the actual mechanics of how this doujutsu can do this. I would a more appropriate angle would be a unique chakra type. Direct contact with a users chakra to the target DNA, footprint etc would allow the user to gain the information, a sort of ultimate tracking chakra type. I think there needs to be a better correlation or relationship between the evidence and you gaining the 'perfect' information from it (because that is what you are basically doing) than just staring at it? As it is, how would a doujutsu do this? This crosses boarders between a few SC's such as the lie detector and High IQ. A person with a High IQ or even experience would possibly be able to the exact same thing with reading speed levels etc, but I presume this is more instantaneous? and if so how?

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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
Posts : 869

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptySun 31 Jul 2011, 1:15 pm

- Removed

- Maybe I worded myself wrong, but to know the type of DNA of the person I would need a sample of it's blood or anything that can give the DNA information, I couldn't know his DNA just by looking at it. If that's what you were saying. Plus I made a jutsu that takes 3 posts to get that information.

Now as how the eyes tell me that. Before when I was making the clan I didn't really think about that, but now that you put that issue to the light I have though about it and came with an answer. The eyes are connected with the brain and everything we learned is stored in the brain. Now the eyes will access the information it needs to show the user what it needs, for example calculate the speed of the traveling object. However if the user didn't learn about math and doesn't know anything about math, that part of the doujutsu won't show until the user has learned math. If you watched the movie Limitless, the eyes are basically the pills in the movie. They can access 100% of their brain and use whatever information is needed.

Now that I said all that I think I think it changes the doujutsu a bit. But before writing anything I would like to know what you think about it.

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Posts : 2032

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyMon 01 Aug 2011, 8:28 am

That idea is quite a bit more extensive than this ability is now so you will have to elaborate more formally. So yeah, I would like to see you write it up and see where you take it. ^^
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Posts : 2032

Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha EmptyMon 19 Sep 2011, 7:04 am

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Kyuudousha Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyuudousha Kyuudousha Empty

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