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Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin]

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Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptySun 23 May 2010, 7:34 pm

Basic Information:

Chuck Sabure

Secondary Title:



Physical Appearance:
Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Never

Chuck is pretty short. He is 4'11". And to match that, he is very skinny, and barely has any muscles, so taijutsu will never be his forte. He has long red hair, alwasy enjoying it when it is nice and scene or very poofy. Oh by the way, he looked exactly like his twin. He has big cute brown eyes and has milky pale skin even though he lived in the deserts of Suna for the beginning of his life. He has long adn limber arms, and tiny fingers that are nice and dextrous for puppetry or for operating if he ever gets the chance. He always cleans himself, and has perfect teeth for a perfect smile. Or run from it. He has a tattoo on his chest that says "Love is a Weapon". He also has and ankh tattooed unto his left forearm.

He loves to wear skinny clothing. He also enjoys to be warm. He thinks vests are cool, and most times he will refuse to wear shoes, finding they feel good with sand on them. He likes cool sunglasses and on some days he will wear a hat. But he always has to look good, no matter whether he is on a ninja mission or if he is going out to grab some groceries for his grandfather to make a soup.

Chuck is usually calm. Not really though. He is quite ecstatic, loving the jokes and loving the good times that he has with freinds. He goes out of his way to do something humorous and that gets him attention, and never feels uncomfortable with any kind of social situation. Well, sometimes he does. But usually he makes social gatherigns funny and awkward at the same time. He always has a smile on his face and always looks on the brightside of things, no matter how sucky and lame they might be. But sometimes, he can get serious.

He is a much different person when he is serious, like when he is in combat. He still smiles and all, but the jokes are gone. He will keep it together, and hopefully he will make it through the opposition to laugh about it when the immediate threat is gone. Then its back to being fine. He is very protective of his puppets, they are the only thign that he won't let somebody pick on, for they are his pride and joy. He might even cherish them more than he would cherish another human being, being himself an Asexual.

Catch Phrase:
Word up?

Clan Information:

Clan Name: Sabure

Clan Location: Suna

Clan Traits: -

Kekkei Genkai:

Sand Manipulation

The members of this clan hav a very unique ability to manipulate sand as though it were an extension of themselves in terms of ultimate defense and ultimate offense. It is said to be one of the most dangerous and effective tools a ninja of the sand village can have. The members of this clan have unique chakra with in themselves that allow them to do this, and it is not a mix of two elements, rather it is a new off set basic element and as such is the main element of all ninja who wield it. (This meaning that all ninja in this clan can only have sand and a sub element contrary to advanced element clans which allow three elements.) However, they can not create sand just from their chakra (another difference from advanced elements) and need a source of sand to use their jutsu. For this reason, many find a way to carry sand with them at all times.

This ability is largely tied into their history and founding from the ninja Gaara, the very first Kazekage and founder of the Village Hidden in the Sand as well. The man was imbibed with a demonic beast known as Shikaku, the sand demon. Having the demons influence his entire life, it altered his very genetic structure, granting him the natural ability to manipulate sand with his will at the expense of chakra. Being that the demon provided a mutation on a genetic level, this trait was passed to his children, and the children of his children. Being that this derived from one person alone, and by comparison is a relatively new clan, it is small by comparison to other clans, but is abundant enough to be considered a clan.

Secret Clan Jutsu:

Name: Sand Armor
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: Using this jutsu, the user can cover themselves in a compacted layer of sand, providing an additional defense. Though quite effective, maintaining the armor requires a large amount of chakra and stamina. Furthermore, it is nowhere as resilient as the Shield of Sand, since it easily breaks away upon impact, meaning that the sole purpose of the armor is to absorb impact channeled unto the body during battle. And will reduce the impact of all taijutsu and weaponary by 75% effectiveness. Another weakness is the additional weight of the sand means a decrease of speed and mobility. It takes a D rank amount of chakra PER POST to keep it activated (not counting the first post used).

Name: Sand Shield
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: This creates a curved shape wall of sand to come up from the ground around the users vacinity, the restriction is only 2 meters away from the person using it. The shield is capable of withstanding considerably strong attacks and projectiles, and can be hardened to a point where it's stronger than steel. It can be defeated by avoiding it completely with extremely high-speed attacks, or merely overcoming the shield with incredible brute force. It costs a C rank amount of chakra per shield wall created and additional C rank per post (minus the post created) to maintain the wall or else it will crumble back to sand, impacted or not.

Name: Third Eye
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: Sand
Description: This jutsu creates a small sphere shaped object of sand that creates a direct link to the users optic nerve. The ball will then from into an eye shape and then take the appearance of an eyeball floating in the air. The user can then see anything the eye ball can.

Name: Sand Shuriken
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: Sand
Description: The user creates up to five shuriken made from sand that are launched at the target. Unlike regular shuriken, these are merely fast-moving balls of sand that cause blunt trauma, not actual wounds. They are thrown much faster than regular shuriken; therefore, the pain caused can be considerable.

Name: Sand Clone
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: The user creates a copy of themself out of sand, although it lacks color and is immediately recognizable as sand. This means that it is almost useless as a decoy. Unlike most bunshinjutsu, the clone still retains its shape after it is struck, and can even ensnare whatever comes into contact with it.

Name: Sand Coffin
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: With the ability to control sand, the user encases the opponents in a large amount of the sand, immobilizing them. It can be used to suffocate an opponent or in preparation for a deadlier technique, the Sand Burial. This appears to be the clans favored technique. It takes a C rank amount of chakra per post if used only to capture and hold the target.

Name: Sand Burial
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: After wrapping an opponent with sand, the user will cause the sand to implode and crush whatever is within. When used to kill a person, the death is so quick that there isn't even time to feel pain. The pressure also produces a sizable fountain of blood. The user can control the pressure used in the attack, which allows them to either break bones or completely liquefy an opponent.

Name: Sand Drizzle
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: An alternative to Sand Coffin, the user simply gathers sand from the earth and makes it come down like a rain, targeting the opponents from above. To make sure the rain hits its mark, it can be combined with Sand Coffin to immobilize the target.

Name: Successive Shots Sand Drizzle
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Sand
Description: This creates the cloud of sand behind the user rather then over head. Several sand bullets will erupt from the cloud and bombard the opponent at once. These are much thiner and faster then those used in Sand Shuriken and are capable of actually piercing through the target, rather then just causing blunt force trauma to the body.

Name: Sand Suspension
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Sand
Description: Gathering sand beneath them and/or an ally, the user will create a platform of sand to raise up from the ground and float in the air. It costs a B rank amount of chakra to cast the jutsu and a D ranked amount per post afterward to sustain it over time.

Name: Prison Sand Burial
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Sand
Description: Using the ability to manipulate sand, the user will loosen the ground below the targets and cause them to sink two hundred meters into the earth. By being imprisoned at this depth, the pressure will completely nullify their ability to move. Also, the pressure resulting from being buried at such an extreme depth would surely kill any normal human, if not from suffocation.

Name: Sand Tsunami
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Sand
Description: This jutsu sends a massive amount of sand towards an opponent in the form of a wave, covering and "drowning" them in an ocean of sand. In addition to the wave effect of the jutsu, The user can control the sand, allowing him to attack his opponent while they attempt to outrun the wave. The jutsu is so powerful as to be able to change the landscape into a miniature dessert. It will smother and bury any one who is caught in it, though it is quite easy to come back up from this burial. Though it is only a B ranked technique, when used it costs as much chakra as using 2 B ranked jutsus, draining much more chakra.

Name: Giant Sand Burial
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Sand
Description: Following Sand Tsunami, the user will slam both hands palm down into the sand, creating powerful shock waves that compress the sand. Anything buried in the sand is subsequently crushed. The compressions also creates several small scale earthquakes.

Name: Sphere of Sand
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Sand
Description: The user surrounds them self completely with a Shield of Sand to guard against attacks. They can then use the Third Eye to watch an opponents' movements and control sand as necessary to battle them. In addition to being extremely dense, this sand-sphere can form spikes from its surface to spear any would-be attacker. With sufficient piercing or blunt force this defense can be broken through.

Name: Sky Sand Protective Wall
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Element: Sand
Description: This air defense technique creates a giant shield of sand that is suspended in mid-air by raising a great amount of sand from the ground. By gathering the best possible mineral-rich sand, the hardness of the shield is considered to be very high. Furthermore, the sand has its defensive strength raised by flowing chakra through it. It is the strongest of all sand defenses usable. It is also extremely large, form a circle shape of about 50 meters in diameter.

Name: Sand Prison
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Element: Sand
Description: This uses an enormous quantity of sand to completely envelop the target from every direction and capture them. The speed, hardness, and scope of the sand depend on the amount of chakra poured into it. This allows the user to fine-tune the sand's properties to the size and characteristics of the target. No matter if the target is on the ground or flying in the air, it is almost impossible to escape from this technique. However, even if someone successfully escapes from it, it is easy to use one of the offensive techniques, like the Sand Coffin, to immediately attack the target.

Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmpireLogo

The clan started with the man Known as Gaara Sabure, Ironically his last name meaning sand. It is unknown if this was his given last name at birth or a change made later on with the birth of his children and the underlying creation of the clan. At birth the man was imbibed with a demon known as Shikaku who was known to all as the demon of sand. It was a fairly wicked demon, but precautions took by the family of the child and thier friends created barriers to which the demon could not come out and control the child as it would have liked. In desperation the demon tried to fuse itself physically with the boy at a genetic level but was not able to over come his strong will. In the end this only granted him the ability to manipulate the sands of the earth and gave the demon no more control then before.

The man later became known as one of the greatest Shinobi of his time and became the founder of the village in the sand, creating the structures and everything from the desert itself using his powers granted by the accursed demon. He was known as a hero and was one of the most respected founding Kage's. He eventually wed and his wife bore unto him children. Three. These three all showed the natural talent to manipulate the sands and so was revealed that the ability was a dominant trait and that it would be passed down through the ages so long as his children and their children and so on continued to create new life. With the passing of Gaara also came the passing of the demon, and his death day became known as a holiday for a celebration of his life and also the destruction of a threatening demon who was no more.

Clan Details: Open

Rank Information:

Village Affiliation:

Special Information:

Character Speciality:
Main: Puppetry
Sub: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity:
Main: Sand
Sub: Wind
Special Characteristics:

Skill Information:
Note: You can find the other templates in the other Creation Areas if your character needs them.

Jutsu Template:

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. Fundamentally, all ninja know this technique.

Name: Genjutsu Kai
Rank: E-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kai is a Ninjutsu technique which allows the ninja to avoid the effects of a Genjutsu illusion. After forming the needed handseals, the Genjutsu technique will not affect the ninja. The ninja can also use the technique on another individual who was unable to avoid the attack. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja touches the one affected to end the affect of the spell.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu
Rank: D-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily boost the user's reflexes. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance between the user and their intended destination.

Name: Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse

Name: Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Henge no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents

Name: Suimen Hokou no Waza - Act of Water Surface Walking
Rank: E
Type: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water

Name: Kinobori no Waza - Act of Tree Climbing
Rank: E
Type: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed

Name: Explosion Tag: Activate
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: The user will activate an explosion tag. Normally, the tag will be placed by them, so they know where it is and can easily activate it.

Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: A very basic technique that allows a ninja to escape from rope binds.

Name: Sand Shield
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: This creates a curved shape wall of sand to come up from the ground around the users vacinity, the restriction is only 2 meters away from the person using it. The shield is capable of withstanding considerably strong attacks and projectiles, and can be hardened to a point where it's stronger than steel. It can be defeated by avoiding it completely with extremely high-speed attacks, or merely overcoming the shield with incredible brute force. It costs a C rank amount of chakra per shield wall created and additional C rank per post (minus the post created) to maintain the wall or else it will crumble back to sand, impacted or not.

Name: Third Eye
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: Sand
Description: This jutsu creates a small sphere shaped object of sand that creates a direct link to the users optic nerve. The ball will then from into an eye shape and then take the appearance of an eyeball floating in the air. The user can then see anything the eye ball can.

Name: Sand Shuriken
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: Sand
Description: The user creates up to five shuriken made from sand that are launched at the target. Unlike regular shuriken, these are merely fast-moving balls of sand that cause blunt trauma, not actual wounds. They are thrown much faster than regular shuriken; therefore, the pain caused can be considerable.

Name: Sand Clone
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: The user creates a copy of themself out of sand, although it lacks color and is immediately recognizable as sand. This means that it is almost useless as a decoy. Unlike most bunshinjutsu, the clone still retains its shape after it is struck, and can even ensnare whatever comes into contact with it.

Name: Sand Coffin
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: With the ability to control sand, the user encases the opponents in a large amount of the sand, immobilizing them. It can be used to suffocate an opponent or in preparation for a deadlier technique, the Sand Burial. This appears to be the clans favored technique. It takes a C rank amount of chakra per post if used only to capture and hold the target.

Name: Sand Burial
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: After wrapping an opponent with sand, the user will cause the sand to implode and crush whatever is within. When used to kill a person, the death is so quick that there isn't even time to feel pain. The pressure also produces a sizable fountain of blood. The user can control the pressure used in the attack, which allows them to either break bones or completely liquefy an opponent.

Name: Sand Drizzle
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: An alternative to Sand Coffin, the user simply gathers sand from the earth and makes it come down like a rain, targeting the opponents from above. To make sure the rain hits its mark, it can be combined with Sand Coffin to immobilize the target.

Name: Kugutsu no Jutsu - [Puppetry Technique]
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: Kugutsu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to use a puppet to attack from afar. Using their body's chakra, the ninja emits strings of chakra that run from their fingers to the puppet. The puppet itself can be loaded with many weapons and tools, allowing the puppet master to remain hidden while the puppet moves and attacks the target.

Weapon Template:

Name: Scarab
Rank: D
Made of very shiny iron. A few inches long.
Body Slots:
Slot 1: Mouth~Teeth
History: A puppet created back in suna, Chuck came up with the idea from ancient stories of scarabs that would eat up any and everything. He designed it quickly though, leaving many flaws, but he got the basic idea. It would be small, compact and portable, while being easy to control and very lethal at the same time. It was a success, and he took it with him to Kiri and now it is his favorite puppet.

Name: Teeth
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Description: Scarabs teeth are basically small inch long and are razor sharp. The teeth can be rotated at a very high speed, capable of shreading any kind of weak material, such as flesh, in moments. For every post that the teeth are active, there must be an equal amount of post cooldown.

Name: Anubis
Rank: C
It is about seven feet tall adn is very skinny. Made of wood and cloth.
Body Slots:
Slot 1: Back~Crunchy Axe
Slot 2: Chest~Poison Bursts
History: This puppet was made in Kiri and was based on a mythical figure of death called an Anubis. Chuck made it based off of a picture that he had in his book of mythology that he stole from the Suna library. It is his second puppet and is much more complex then hsi first puppet, but he uses it more than then Scarabs because it is not always lethal.

Name: Crunchy Axe
Rank: C
Element: Sand
Description: Anubis' basic weapon. A large axe about three feet long that weighs about thirty pounds, with a blunt axe head at the end. At the very shaft of the axe is a container that holds five pounds of sand that can be used in Chuck's sand manipulation. It can eb coated in poison and can be broken by enough force.

Name: Poison Bursts
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Description: Two large foot long containers in Anubis' chest that can contain almost any kind of poison in them. With a simple command, the capsule will open and fire out the poison forward. They can only be used once per topic and can contain different poison inside them. If the capsule is broken then a new one needs to be made and the poison releases itself in all around the Anubis. Can hold up to 20 lbs of liquid or solid poison in each container.

Item Template:

Name: Sandpack
Rank: E
Type: Container
Natural Abilities: A backpack filled to the brim with sand. It is very heavy though, so it limits Chuck to a movement speed of an academy student. It carries 20 lbs of sand.

Poison Name: Poison Sand
Rank: C
Poison Description: Chuck has put his own special sand into vats of his own poison, coating them all and making them dangerous. The poison affects chakra and makes it vile and incapable of use after a few turns.
Solid State: 65 lbs of poisoned sand.
Liquid State:N/A
Gaseous State:N/A
Poison Effect(s):
[ Post 0 / Turn of Infection/Injection] Nothing
[ Post 3 / Effect] The body part that was hit with the poison sand begins to have difficulty using chakra.
[ Post 6 / Effect] The poison spreads throughout the entire targets body no matter where it had hit, making unable to use genjutsu or ninjutsu of their rank.
[ Post 8 / Effect] The poison is fully active and stops the target from using any chakra in ninjutsu and genjutsu. Taijutsu and physical moves can be used.
[ Post 9 / Effect] The poison wears off and the target regains all control of their chakra plus another C rank of chakra.

Background Information




Role-Play Sample:

Last edited by Chuckk on Sat 29 May 2010, 3:28 am; edited 4 times in total
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Posts : 1084

Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptyMon 24 May 2010, 4:53 am

Quote :
Name: Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse

Name: Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Henge no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents

Name: Suimen Hokou no Waza - Act of Water Surface Walking
Rank: E
Type: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water

Name: Kinobori no Waza - Act of Tree Climbing
Rank: E
Type: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed

Name: Explosion Tag: Activate
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: The user will activate an explosion tag. Normally, the tag will be placed by them, so they know where it is and can easily activate it.

Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: A very basic technique that allows a ninja to escape from rope binds.

These are some very basic techniques you're missing.

Quote :
Name: Kugutsu no Jutsu - [Puppetry Technique]
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: Kugutsu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to use a puppet to attack from afar. Using their body's chakra, the ninja emits strings of chakra that run from their fingers to the puppet. The puppet itself can be loaded with many weapons and tools, allowing the puppet master to remain hidden while the puppet moves and attacks the target.

You'll need this seeing as you specialize in puppetry. Very Happy

Also, those two poisons of your's need to be put in the poison template. That's in the equipment area.
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Posts : 32

Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptyMon 24 May 2010, 5:47 am

Mkay I did it. Anything else please?
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Age : 35
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Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptyMon 24 May 2010, 7:11 pm

As far as I know, the Sabure clan is Suna specific, but Im not 100% sure.
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Posts : 32

Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptyTue 25 May 2010, 3:07 am

So I couldn't have been from Suna and then moved?
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Age : 29
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Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptyWed 26 May 2010, 3:01 pm

how can you be affiliated with two villages? D:

I'm pretty sure that when it says specific villages it means you must be a part of that village. Think of it as being a bonus for the village.

{also I'm a little creeped out by your appearance photo...emo boy rubbing his titties.. ~.~}
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptyWed 26 May 2010, 3:09 pm

I believe he may have put Sunagakure as a Village Affiliation, because it's a previous affiliation, since his stating he was born in Sunagakure, due to his clan and left there, eventually coming over to Kirigakure. Maybe you just need to add Formally of Sunagakure, Chuck. <3
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Posts : 32

Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptyThu 27 May 2010, 2:33 am

Kay first about the picture he's not rubbing his nips he's just covering them so you won't see them.

Second about the village thingy I put in formerly and then currently to tell.

Finally I don't see why I shouldn't be able to. If there are is a Hyuuga, an Uchiha and a Senju clan ninja living in Kiri then why can't I?
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Posts : 32

Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptyFri 28 May 2010, 5:25 am

Bumpable, its been like two days..
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Posts : 1084

Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptySat 29 May 2010, 12:58 am

Chuckk wrote:

Name: Dokunuku no Jutsu
Type: Medical
Rank: C
Element: Medical
Description: Not for combat use.
Link: N/A
Medical use/Bastardized use: This ornate jutsu uses chakra to literally pull foreign materials(poison) from someone's body, no doubt requiring precise control on the user's part to avoid causing further internal injuries to their patient.

I believe this is actually B ranked.

Also, you don't have many medical ninjutsu... The staff is actually working on a list that consist of all the medical ninjutsu, but until then I suggest maybe looking at my medical ninja's jutsu. It's just a suggestion ~
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Posts : 32

Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptySat 29 May 2010, 3:31 am

Screw medical then. I think I removed everything medical, I wanna be unique so I'll just add something in later.
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Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptySun 30 May 2010, 8:12 am

Bump. I dislike the fact nobody is saying anything.
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Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] EmptyMon 31 May 2010, 5:55 am

My apologies. Everything looks good now.

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Sabure, Chuck [Kiri Genin] Vide
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