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Where Are They Now?

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Kumo Nin

Posts : 1729

Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptyThu 24 Oct 2019, 11:22 pm

It's ya boi, BK-201, feeling oddly nostalgic.

Doesn't feel like it's been 3, almost 4 years, since the place closed up shop, yet here we are. I know I'm not the only one who peeks in now and again, just to look at the place and reminiscence. So drop a line when ya pass by, and show off where you've been, where you're going, since US shuttered the windows and turned off the lights. I'll start.

Myself? Graduated college with a BA in IT, suckled on Walmart's teat for a couple years to get by, pretty fresh into a new job. Drive around fixing up registers, self checkouts, and the odd ATM or server. Solid pay and benefits, don't pay for my own gas, and most importantly, don't have to take shit from the average entitled customer anymore.

Ironically, my boss is named Adam. Made me really aware of just how hard coded "Adamn" had become in me.

Looking back at my old posts, I dunno where I found the energy to be such an angry little piss all the time. Certainly could have been doing more productive things, and found ways to argue my point without dropping an F-bomb every 3rd word. But ya life, ya grow, I guess.

Never really got back into RP after Gouka. False start here and there, and looking back, certainly things I would have changed about the way I did my boy dirty, but all the same, never felt the same level of investment in another character. He was a broken record of a boy who didn't know how to resolve his issues without violence, a hammer that treated every nut, bolt, and screw like a nail, but he was my mess.

So yeah, that's about that. Make a living wage now, much less stressed and angry all the time, play the odd game here and there, never really RPed again after Gouka.

Like I said, I was feeling nostalgic. To all y'all lurkers who can't help looking back over your shoulder now and again, feel free to drop a line or two on where you are now.
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Age : 30
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Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptySun 10 Nov 2019, 4:17 am


I'm still breathing, myself. I can't remember the last time I poked my head in here, but I've had that itch again so here I am.

My life's not been super exciting, but I've gone from working at Walmart to working for a health insurance company for a year on contract, and since last year I've been a Starbucks barista. All the while, I'm accumulating more student loan debt doing fun things (animation), much better than the first go round. I've probably got a year and some change left, depending on how well things go. I've been growing my hair out for the past 3 and a half years, honestly these locs were the best decision I've ever made, they are the anchor for me actually liking how I look since otherwise I feel (always felt) like a total gremlin, lmao.

Both more stressed and also less stressed at the same time, but I make do. If y'all see me on discord (Captain Tigglesworth #6231) feel free to drop me a line if you're feeling chatty. I'm not as talkative as I used to be (mostly just tired) but I'd still be happy to chat a little every once in a while. If you send a request let me know. If I don't know who you are, I won't accept lmao. ^^ I SOMETIMES play the occasional game, and because I'm a big kid I'll be Playing Pokémon Sword and eventually the new Animal Crossing when it comes out next year.
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Age : 32
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Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptyTue 19 Nov 2019, 10:47 pm

For the record, this isn't my idea, this topic just looked lonely...

So, since leaving, I've finished my master's in criminal law only to immediately drop everything and ditch my place for somewhere western. Been snooping around the Baltics for a short while before settling in Lithuania where I had living relatives that could shelter me until I got my actual shit together. Due to said relatives and common visits during my childhood, I was somewhat familiar with a few words of the language too so babbling absolute rubbish was easier than picking it up from scratch.

Had to serve tables for a couple of years until I had my degree validated, there's a fancy word for that but my grasp of legal terms eludes me (the irony for it does not, however) and I tend not to Google things these days acting like I knew what they were called all along, trying to exercise fair play here...

I've managed to squirm my butt into a nice little job in the municipality of the local town I'm residing in, providing free legal aid to people too poor or too looney to get it themselves. I'm fairly certain due to my status as a foreigner I won't ever be able to become a civil servant, which is fair, though they picked me up on a loophole with a basic employment contract. As long as it counts as legal work experience, it's fine by me, I was profoundly lucky to get where I am today already as it is!

It's never easy living in a country that used to be occupied by the country you've left for almost a hundred years, that baggage is always there whenever I'm meeting new people. It doesn't help that stuff's still pretty heated between the Baltics and Russia to this day but I knew what I was getting into and it just had to be gotten into, thought so at the time, still do so now.

I do occasionally scribble from time to time, I'm helping an old friend with too much time on his hands on a novel, it's a passion project for both of us but, hopefully, it'll see the light of day at some point. I do some fanfics from time to time too, though I admit it's not quite a format I enjoy. Some of them involve stories I've been working on here, which is why I occasionally snoop my nose here to check on what exactly was going through my mind with most of that stuff. I always think it'll be just a simple grab off my old basket but it is never an easy grab 'cause they always have T... End up scrapping it all and starting almost from scratch anyway.

That's exactly how I noticed this topic and felt bad about how lonely it looked. I usually notice most flares of activity though I tend to not get involved since I only poke around once in a blue moon, was never one of the OGs of the place anyway and it doesn't feel right patting myself or anyone else on the back over the warmth and nostalgia that the true OGs feel about the place, and rightfully so, I suppose.

It's a bad habit, maybe, I won't deny, keeping my nose out of stuff, even if said stuff invokes some sort of personal connection or a need to connect but it's how I roll these days. Can't even be bothered to log onto my Skype account for months and I've heard that kids these days play with some Discs on a Cord or something... Whatever, you kids and your fancy rock-n-roll...

I really hope to see more activity on this topic. It's been quaint being a real rogue and BUMP'ing it with this post and I never consider reading up on what people I've looked up to, considered friends (I guess still do), hated the guts of (though not really), and let otherwise light on my life during some pretty tough times are up to now as time wasted.

Okay... One last pharaoh emoji, for old times...

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I am Legion
I am Legion

Age : 33
Posts : 32

Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptySun 02 Aug 2020, 9:03 am

Hey so... Feels like forever ago I was actually active on these sites. Looking back it seems like the best years of my life, not just because of the pandemic. Some of you knew me as Sousuke, some as Foxeh, some as that crazy cunt that shows up, blows up, and causes havoc. What can ya do about the past.

Honestly just talking here feels like talking to a wall just because I don't know if I'll get any answer on here. But in sticking with the theme, stuff's mellowed out a bit. I'm not the hyper eccentric batshit crazy teen I was when I joined on all this stuff back when Ninja Nation was a thing. Had a job, got pissed that it was a factory job packaging parts and one day after my supervisor snapped at me for being on a forklift he taught me to drive without a license and I broke and just shut down, called in a bunch and blamed it all on aspartame poisoning because the symptoms matched up with the migraines and vomiting I was pretending to have.

A while after that I fell into some shit, pardon the french, and ended up on some lighter level drugs like K2 ie bath salts and such, ended up in jail for a week and came out the other side with a brand new outlook on life. Took a few years to figure some stuff out and got a job in 2017 at a Firestone after I cleaned myself up and I've been working on cars since then. I still think back on this place from time to time and wish I had the time and energy to get back into roleplaying through a forum. I have awesome new ideas on the take of things that I would need to polish but think DnD and apply it to some of the popular animes of the timeframe of this board, then add in discord and telecom stuff of today. Mod staff acting as DM's independently and an online regulated roleplay site is born. Like I said though I just don't have the energy from way back when to fuel this stuff.

Been in touch with Caranore off an on for a while, tends to be a year between messaging him to check and see how he's doing but I ditched skype so those that I knew, sorry, skype was clunky and hellish to run prior to me saving up and building this $2800ish  machine I'm sending from now. Just got news today I'm promoted to a full tech and got a $3.36 raise with it per hour. Life is starting to look alright if you factor out corona and my field being essential. Honestly think we may need to put out some feelers and have a reunion over this place and the other sites that branched into it and off of it but. Thoughts for another time. Sorry for poking the dead topic and any and all of my past cringey as fuck interactions but. Nostalgia. Whacha gonna do?
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Renjiro Senju
Renjiro Senju

Posts : 162

Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptySun 02 Aug 2020, 2:08 pm

Hey it's your boyo Renji (Actual names Adam)! Just seen the mass newsletters in my junk folder for this ( I never check that damn folder EW!) and thought I'd have a nosy! Nostalgia hit hard since i left here in 2012 due to uni and work commitments (London Olympic 2012 games etc)! 8 years wows!

From Ingoo to Revolution to US, yeah was a trip down memory lane indeed today haha! I still speak with some people from here and ingoo days. Which is great considering the time and effort people put into those sites and people.

Little update from one of the oldschool OGs I'm 32 this year... an IT Networking and Cyber Security Consultant and have been since I started my career actually back in 2012 when i left here because teenage me couldn't balance life, university, drinking and rping word counts... Noob!

I got my own place just outside of London, works good and stable, I came out as gay in 2013! So that happened! Who'd of thought that one O_O'... Straight Adam was here... eeek! I write a lot professionally on IT topics for work and on the side so these forums had a part of that for which I'm always thankful for.

It's good to hear there was a huge continuation on this site before it died off a few years ago so super happy about that (except the death of Kusa I guess haha Oo'. Where my Kusa nin at!).

I hope everyone's well, good and finding some form of happiness on their way into and beyond their 30s...

All the love,

Renji! [Discord Ascendancy #7674]
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Age : 34
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Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptyMon 03 Aug 2020, 10:14 am

Hey Hey hey! it's ya boi Yoru. ok never saying that again but that's fine. I am now a 30 yr old in home care giver living with his gf while she attends college. I served in the US military for 8 years and glad to be out. As for the great chaos that is Yoru he actually evolved from US on to a larp that I joined 4 years back. While he isn't the same as US but still the personality and fighting style is pretty much the same.

I've shown interest in other rp groups beyond just D&D and larping but nothing seems to stick for long. It's nice to see that people are still out there and surviving. It's been a rough time for me but I'm still here and glad to see ya'll are ok. if anyone wants to catch up feel free to hit me up at discord as well. LordNecro#4730 just be aware I am a night shift worker and sleep during the day. Still bummed out I didn't get Samehada.
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Age : 30
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Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptyTue 24 Nov 2020, 10:52 pm

Hey. You. The person reading this.

Check this out: http://fightingdreamers.ninja/index.php
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I am Legion
I am Legion

Age : 33
Posts : 32

Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptyThu 26 Nov 2020, 7:52 am

TwinnyPuppy wrote:
Hey. You. The person reading this.

Check this out: http://fightingdreamers.ninja/index.php

Bruh, it's about where are we as a player, now. Not where are you as a site jockey. This is supposed to be where have we gotten offline not where we migrated to. Don't plug, respect the nostalgia and growth.
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Konoha Nin

Age : 32
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Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptyWed 05 Jan 2022, 4:26 am

Got out of college worked at a rehab for years until just recently getting on at a Law firm of Morgan and Morgan. Survived two rounds with covid even with being vaccinated. I really miss this site. Whatever happened to Amy and Ruka look us up on discord!
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptyMon 17 Jan 2022, 3:19 am

Ancladar wrote:
Got out of college worked at a rehab for years until just recently getting on at a Law firm of Morgan and Morgan. Survived two rounds with covid even with being vaccinated. I really miss this site. Whatever happened to Amy and Ruka look us up on discord!

Last time I was aware, Amy was running a My Hero Academia RPG with her partner. I think she's not too hands on it with it now and based on her Facebook posts over the last 6 months I believe her and her partner moved across England.

I haven't really spoken to her outside of a birthday message here or there.

Unsure about Ruka's whereabouts at the moment but there's a big post from Ruka just a few posts above.

I know there is an Ultimate Shinobi discord that got made as well but I haven't been on it for ages and don't know how active it is anymore.
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Age : 36
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Where Are They Now? Vide
PostSubject: Re: Where Are They Now? Where Are They Now? EmptyFri 11 Feb 2022, 6:19 am

I came here just to say I'm finally unbanned
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