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Suna to River

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Age : 37
Posts : 1136

Suna to River Vide
PostSubject: Suna to River Suna to River EmptyFri 06 Aug 2010, 6:19 pm

OOC: Posted on behalf of all those attending the Wargames. It is not req that individual Nin post but the can if they should wish.

Suna to River 1716304452_3e02dced20

The sun boiled down with a fury untamed as Suna’s army made its way east under the watchful eye of their Kage. Scouts led the way scouting upto 50 miles ahead of the main unit followed in their wake by vanguard of seasoned Nin to delay or stall any attack not that such was expected. Not that Suna’s army had ever known recent defeat when fighting in it shifting sandy territory but these were troubling times and caution was paramount. Following in its wake the Nin travelled in loose wedge formations spread out to mitigate the possibility of any successful ambush. The Kage formed the centre of the force in part to better direct them and but mostly to allow him to quickly travel to elements as needed surrounded as ever by a swirl of suit clad TSOKR operatives.

They not precisely fast the formation travelled quickly given its size and nature and hour by hour eat away the miles between dry Suna and wet River stopping only to rest, eat and sleep. In spite of the military development the only resistance was the expected complaints of younger Nin not used to travelling in such manner and those who failed to pack enough sun cream or a suitable shady hat. A few had caught sun stroke but an evening in the hands of medical Nin had resolve most of the problems. The entry into Suna, while breath taking, for River unlike Suna was as rich in diversity of life as it was rivers was relatively underwhelming with many Shinobi not realising they had crossed border till several hours after. The truth of the matter was the military formations being practised where hardly needed in a country whose loyalty to Suna had been insured almost decade ago and if they were any bandits or raiders abroad they knew better then to accost an entire army of Shinobi. Two hours after passing rivers borders the column was halted and the Kage’s tent briefly erected for as the next move was debated. Many Shinobi took advantage of the brief unexepected respite to enjoy their surroundings, swim, relax or snooze in the midday sun but soon enough they were off again though to the surprise of those familiar with this vibrant country north towards its uncharted regions rather then due to east to the capital. As they did so teams broke off to cover the columns tracks and lead false east. Wherever they were going it was clearly off the beaten track and the Kage did not want them to be disturbed.

As the column travelled its final day even the most unobservant Shinobi could not help but notice how the land had changed, even more wild and vibrant then before, ruggard, uncivilised and dangerous. Massive mountains rimmed the vast valley western edge while the east swamp like wastes spread as far as the eye could see. Before them stood a fortified camp, recently erected for the war games and beyond it a tropical jungle of enormous size and scope. With they weary trudge of those who have been travelling too long the Shinobi managed gather their equipment up and entered.
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Age : 28
Posts : 701

Suna to River Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suna to River Suna to River EmptySat 07 Aug 2010, 4:51 am

As the day continued to drag on, the march toward River Country, for the Great Village of Sunagakure no Sato, had begun. Initake, the day before, had stocked up on things he may need before the march began, for he knew it would be long, strenuous, and possibly even fatal due to the intense heat that the desert may provide, especially at this time of the year. Nonetheless, he tried to stay as on-task and determioned as he possibly could. He may not like the hot weather, but, living in the desert, he had gotten used to it, so much, that now it barely phased him if he were to literally sweat buckets.

As the march continued on past dusk, Initake wondered when the first break would be. At, by Initake's guess, the first break came at about 10 PM. after that, the rest of the march would be easy, for he knew what to expect. As the water supply of the country became more and more abundant, Initake soon had come to realize that they were most definitely in the River Country at that point.

He stocked up his canteens that he had brought along with him, to keep himself from dehydration. The breaks were few and far in between as they had gotten deeper into the Country. A rugged mountain range bordered them to the west, while, to the east, were many swamps, bogs, marshes and quagmoires that seemed to stretch on for miles.

As the continued on the push through the River Country, Initake looked back at his Kage, for he was toward the front, which was surprising for a genin, considering most of them wished to stay in the center, closer to their Kage, which provided more security than where Initake was. He knew the Kage had a better view than him, for he was riding cavalry, and was about 7 feet higher in the air than he was, though not far behind him.

He saw a camp open up in front of him, and it was apparent that this would be the camp that they would use for the wargames. There were guards on duty, fortifying the camp from any outwside danger, which was a smart move, and he could tell there wouldd be many fantastic things within the confines of the camp, he could tell.

Initake's mind and heart raced, thinking of what the Kazekage had in store for his faithful and powwerful shinobi. He knew he was going to find out soon enough, but the anxiety and the wonder was overwhelming. He talked to himself quietly about the many possibilities. As they neared the camp, it only grew.

He soon saw a giant jungle in the background, behind the camp, and it was humongous in area. Maybe we'll use that, or the mountains, or maybe wven the swamps, who knows? Initake thought to himself. He, along with everyone else, had no idea. Only the kazekage and his most trusted and loyal subjects knew, but, knowing the Kazekage, Initake believed that the Kazekage didn't even know all of what was to be planned and happen.
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