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Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!]

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Posts : 2032

Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!] Vide
PostSubject: Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!] Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!] EmptyMon 16 Aug 2010, 8:33 am

Night had fallen on the travelling Kumo ninja. The nasty weather that had seemed to be stalking their tails could not keep up with the blistering pace that the Raikage, Miku and Ten were setting. The grey cloud like a northern arc had subsided and was now retreating from their sight. This was good, as it allowed the bright glimmering stars to shine apon these powerful shinobi as they travelled to their chosen destination. There wasn't quite a full moon tonight, but a half cresent-shape sat high in the sky looking over the lands. Like in an alternate universe the shinobi moved through the trees above the roads that carved their way through the country side. It was not an option for a Raikage or ninja of their reputation to travel is such a common way. For the fact that they could be seen and the information relayed to their enemies it was ninjahood 101 that they would travel in the most unsuspecting way possible, and that would mean glidding through the trees.

Riku darted her eye-sight to her left and then to her right checking on her two escorts as they travelled with her. "How are we going my darlings, anyone tired? Don't worry we're nearly 20 minutes out from the destination." Riku said with a gleaming smile. The truth is that she could travel at an even more intense speed for a much longer time period, but that was training, the physical aspect of being a ninja is what Riku had devoted her life to. So she wasn't naive to the fact that others had specialised in different areas, and being Raikage it taught her to be courteous to this fact. Ever since she became the Raikage her motherly instinct has heightened and she cares deeply for the ninja in her village. Even though she still believed that she was in the spring of her youth. With that thought she let out a small chuckle to herself as her foot touched down on the thick branches of the trees they moved across.

They weren't far from their destination now and the excitement was building within Riku. But she also knew of the repercussions that this meeting could have. If tentions were high among the leaders the major villages could break out into an all out war. After receiving information on the Water Country in the records, there actions have come under suspicions of late and it was something that Riku wanted to address at the summit. But the safety of her people was the first and foremost importance in her mind, and as she tucked the side of her hair behind her ear she couldn't help but play out different scenario's in her mind. Things were about to change in the world and Riku had a responsibility and the opportunity to change it in a positive way, a way in which she could support and be an active part of. She also wondered what the Kazekage would be like. She hadn't meet the man before but had heard many many adventurous and somewhat disturbing stories about him. It would truly be an interesting incounter.

As the tree's started to clear and the road started to winden Riku knew that they were coming to the end of their travels. They would take the road from here as the enterance across the boarder begun. The group had had only one break on their travels for which they slept the night under the stars, so Riku was hoping that they could be fresh enough for the next day. It was interesting talking with Miku and her little brother in a private setting and she got to know Miku more than she could have any other way. And Ten hadn't changed and Riku always enjoyed his company. She was glad that he was here on a mission with her, their first mission together in a long time. There was no doubt that if a fight were to break out the Hougaku Clan members would be a formidible foe indeed. But this is why she enjoyed travelling on missions, she got in touch with ninja in a way that she could never in the village, she was just too busy. They would arrive in the Tea Country at night, something that Riku had hoped for. They could check into the Summit quarters and get a good nights sleep before the deliberations the next day. The Kumo group was now travelling on the road at a simple walking pace, catching their breath. As the lights in the horizon begun to shine a smile ran across Riku's face. "We are nearly there my sweets...I call top bunk!!" she said with a hearty chuckle smacking Ten on the back.
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Posts : 1084

Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!] Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!] EmptySun 22 Aug 2010, 2:10 am

Thanks to the subsiding grey clouds, the stars could now shine at their true potential. It lit up the path set out in front of the traveling trio like a candle through a dark hallway. They continued to glide from tree to tree, making their way to the Tea Country. Miku wasn't one to usually complain, but it could defiantly be said that she couldn't wait to finally reach the country and relax more properly.

"How are we going my darlings, anyone tired? Don't worry we're nearly 20 minutes out from the destination."

If Miku was a dog she was sure her ears would have perked up and her head would have tilted to the side. Her emerald eyes twinkled with excitement and relief. "Oh, goodie! I can't wait!" she answered with obvious eagerness in the fact that it was only twenty minutes away. Hopefully, her eagerness was obvious that she was in fact, not all that tired. The kunoichi glanced at Tensei, viewing his facial expression if he had any, and then at the back at the direction they were traveling. A smile stretched out across her face as she swore she heard the Raikage chuckle. She wasn't quite sure what was so funny, maybe it had been Miku's reply, but hearing the laughter of other's made a grin show up on her face.

Her thoughts then drifted back to the Summit they were all attending. So many powerful shinobi would be there. The Kazekage with his escorts, the Mizukage with his escorts, and the Raikage with her escorts. Nine ninja in total. She wondered how they would all behave. Would they get along? Would the meeting drag on and on or perhaps end sooner than later? Would they all just suddenly break into in argument? Suddenly, the image of all the Kages arguing over something as trivial as who got which certain tea cup entered her mind. Miku covered her mouth with one of her hands, giggling and snickering into it. Her hand muffled them and thankfully prevented her from giggling and snickering too loudly, preventing further attention drawn to herself.

After the giggles and snickers died down, she realized how less and less trees were in their way and how more and more of a road showed up. They must be getting closer than she thought! She continued to smile and glide from tree to tree. Her fingernails dug lightly into her palms in anticipation. The trio had only had one break through-out their traveling, that breaking having slept under the stars for a period of time. During then, Miku had been able to have various conversations with Tensei and her Raikage, varying all sorts of different topics. Being the little social butterfly she was, it was a most enjoyable session of chit-chatter, especially with who it was with. Miku was already becoming very attached to them. Then again, it didn't take much for her to feel that way.

And even though the break wasn't necessarily the most comfortable setting, being out in the middle of trees and what not, Miku had done it before and she was still fresh as ever. It also kinda helped to remind herself of a nice bed that awaited for her in the Tea Country. She couldn't wait to just plop herself down on the bed, roll around in the nice warm covers, and huggle with a soft pillow and soon drift off into a wonderful dream land. Miku unknowingly let out a dreamy type sigh, still moving towards their destinations, though at a considerably slower pace.

"We are nearly there my sweets...I call top bunk!!"

The Raikage then proceeded to smack her brother on the back, chuckling. Miku smiled at the two, still walking. She was thankful her Raikage wasn't a boring old man or an up-tight stick in the mud. "Bunk beds? I want a whole king sized bed to myself and I don't even need that much room!" she stated, giggling and stretching her arms out in front of her to emphasize how large of a bed she wanted. Of course, she was merely joking and would accept whatever bed was given to her. "Kukukuku!" she continued to giggle as lights began to shine in the horizon, adding to her eagerness and anticipation.

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Age : 31
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Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!] Kumo --> Tea Country [It's Tea Time!] EmptySun 22 Aug 2010, 8:23 pm

An uneasy feeling came over Tensei as they made their way closer and closer to Tea. He was used to the kind of travel, as he had been a member of Flash Force for quite a few years, but he knew that there was always a possibility that a battle could break out during the meeting of such powerful ninja, and he had doubts in his ability to protect his older sister if such a thing was to happen. Riku was of course extremely powerful herself, but against what odds? Tensei had read short profiles on the other Kages and attendants, and it was quite intimidating. He thought about this so much, that it made it impossible to care about the beautiful gleaming stars or any conversations going on around him. As if he was on auto-pilot, every response he gave was instinctive. All he could really hear, was the sound of their feet hitting the branches under them, and his own heartbeat. Ten then thought about the one thing that he believed might calm him down, his training, both Medical and Flash Force. Since Tensei didn't have the physical capabilities of Riku, he was unable to learn the special Flash Force Jutsu that she usually taught to all Flash Force members, but the training still taught him how to balance his body and mind. He also thought about his training with his father.

13 years earlier...

"Get up, boy! You're better than this!" yelled Hougaku Oshi, Tensei's father. The young boy laid there on the ground, desperately trying to get up. He just couldn't. He used the only remaining energy he had left holding his side in agony. He had a broken rib, several deep cuts, and was covered in bruises from head to toe. Oshi used Shunshin to quickly get over to Ten, and continued to kick him in the stomach, over and over. All the young boy could do was lay there and take hit after hit. He wouldn't cry. No, that would be just make things a hundred times worse for him. Crying would make him look weak, and then his father would just hit harder. He knew he had to do something, he had to prove to his father, and himself, that he was strong. His adrenaline began to pump, and it managed to give him the strength to roll away from the reach of his father's kick, and get back on his feet. He still however found it hard to stand. The way Oshi taught his son was harsh, but he wanted to groom Tensei into being the future Raikage, so he felt it necessary. Tensei had taught himself a technique in his spare time, one that his father knew nothing about, but he worried that he didn't have the chakra for it. If he was going to make a comeback in his training session, that would be how. He preformed handseals as quickly as his injured body allowed, and a blue dome began to form around Tensei and Oshi within a 15m radius. It was the C rank version of the Shoyuuken, the technique of the Hougaku clan. Naturally it wasn't very powerful, but the mere fact that he was able to use it at such a young age astounded Oshi. He stuck his hand out to the side, and with one surge of his chakra into the dome, it dispersed. Tensei's face was struck with disappointment, as he began to fall over, and his eyes began to fade. He then fell to the ground, unconscious and unaware that his father was actually very proud of him.

present time...

Just thinking about it made Tensei angry. Even after all of that training, Riku was still the one best fit for the Raikage position. In fact, Tensei never even wanted it himself. He loved being Flash Force, but his father was counting on his only son becoming the leader of the Kumo people. Though he realized at this point, it was quite possible that Riku and Miku had already noticed that he wasn't listening to a word they were saying, so he quickly diverted his attention back to them. He glanced at Miku peripherally, and it really tempted him to take out his poetry book and start writing. Her beauty was intoxicating to him. There was even something about her unusual laugh that made him want to smile. He still didn't say much during their break, just a simple nod and few words here and there. It wasn't long before they were back to travelling by tree-top, however, they were already very close to reaching Tea. His eyes widened as he received an extremely hard smack on the back from Riku. She really didn't know her own strength. He looked ahead seeing a path that would lead them straight across the border, and into Tea Country. They made good time.
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