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Ninja Tag [Septimus]

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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptySun 05 Sep 2010, 10:26 pm

~Let the Games Begin~
Ninja Tag [Septimus] Mad-inu1

Kinu Yamazaru sat in a very high tree and was blanketed by its leaves. The Lightning Planes was famed for its flourishing characteristics, having valleys of grass and hills that was without a doubt a gift from mother nature. If it wasn't for the terrible storms that frequently came across the valley, this place might actually be perfect. Kinu loved the planes because his childhood memories where embedded in the bark of the forest trees. When young his father would usually take him to the Planes to view lightning strikes which was quite the norm in Kumogakure. Oh the memories. Kinu could sit for hours remembering the flashes of light and thunder as he sat on the grass patches with his friends. Its been years though, and Kinu has returned to the Planes with a new interest in mind. A few days ago he came across a young lad who had similar interests to him, immediately they 'clicked'. It was strange though, usually Kinu wouldn't hand out with the Chuunin but instead he decided to play with another Genin. It would be nice though he thought, having fun with a kid his age. Azien was this boys name, a name that Kinu found quite unique and could easily remember. Kinu didn't know much about Azien, but hopefully after this game he would build a better bond with him. Today, the two young boys would play a fun game of 'Ninja Tag' which was the norm for young Ninja all across the world. This game was no different from regular tag, the mechanics of the system was quite basic. But with Kinu, there always was a twist.

Kinu laid on large branch and embraced the suns rays as though he was tanning. His small monkey tail and arms rocked off the branch freely as his entire body felt weightless. Having transformed into a small monkey himself, Kinu could feel the power of the primates in every cell of his body. Having learned a powerful Jutsu from his clan a few months ago to transform into various animals, Kinu thought it would be quite interesting to play the game as a animal himself. This was his first time transforming into a monkey, and so far he was enjoying it. He was approximately two feet tall, and his body was covered in black hair. His now acquired tail was four feet in length and very flexible. Kinu now realized why his clan specialized in monkeys so much, they were indeed a fascinating species. Kinu leaned forward as it was about time for Azien to arrive. With extreme grace, Kinu jumped from the tall tree area and landed effortlessly on the ground.

"He should be here any second now... I hope." Kinu said upon landing. Being in the forest part of the Lightning Planes was rather tricky seeing as how most of the surroundings were trees and bushes. But Kinu previously notified Azien that they would meet at the base of the tallest tree in the forest, which was located in the center. It would be quite entertaining to see Aziens reaction when he sees Kinu as a small monkey. Kinu couldn't help but smile at the fun at which was about to commence.

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Age : 27
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Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptyMon 06 Sep 2010, 2:17 am

Azien lingered around the market lost in the sights,, smells...and memories. Azien was delving inside his past as they the market moved around him. Azien was quite enjoying himself until he hit a memory that had been thrust away by the memories of his past-self. He was late for a meeting with another Genin he had meet sometime yesterday. As soon as they had began talking something had 'clicked' between them. Azien had told him his name but not his second. He had felt slightly ashamed about his second name meaning 'Young God'. At the time he was given it he was happy with the name. But now it was plain awkward. Opening his eyes he had found he had been pushed and shovelled along.
As soon as he had cleared the market, he took off. He was quit was for a Genin, only those with clan abilities who gave them more atributes could match him in open combat. He jumped with a grace and power that didn't seem to belong inside a Genin body, his movements were perfectly controlled and modulated. As he went on he felt himself beginning to enjoy the jumping motions, he was happy. Carefree.
Soon Azien cleared the last of the taller building and was running on the rooftops of the two stories. A little bit later Azien found himself running through grass. He had reached the Plains of Lightning, they flashes of lightning were quite impossing, no wonder the Kumo ninja in battle were quite fearless, no enemy could quite match up too the power of a lightning. He soon found himself glancing around the plains looking for another human shape. He was sorely dissapointed to see no one around. He wondered were he could be, Azien began making his way towards the big tree, this had been there arranged meeting place, he would likly be there unless he was more tardy than he was.
As he get within three mters of the tree he heard a voice carried on the wind. "He should be here any second now... I hope."
A split second later the owner of the voice dropped down, the voice had sounded like Kinu, however the shape of the body was that of a monkey. "Kinu?" Azin wispered hopefuly. As a secondery method of checking Azien activated his Skeleton Eyes as a way of seeing what the monkey was. He had far more life energy that normal so Azien assumed that it was Kinu. Dissactivating his Skeleton Eyes before the blakc flames could become noticeable he spoke again "That is a dirty trick Kinu..." Azine said all this while smiling happily. "So how do we play 'ninja-tag"?
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptyTue 07 Sep 2010, 1:22 am

Within moments of landing of the ground the voice of young Azien became heard by Kinu as though he was standing right next to him. His hearing had greatly improved due to his transformation which was something that Kinu didn't expect. Lifting his small monkey head ever so gently as his name was called, Kinu finally saw Azien standing on a open space of grass. The sight Azien warmed Kinu and he was glad that he came sooner then expected. Although he wouldn't have minded waiting for Azien, if was quite fortunate that he wasn't the type to be tardy. Kinu admired that, and so far Azien made a great first impression to Kinu without probably realizing it. Kinu nonchalantly scratched his chin while studying Azien. The first thing that he picked up was his red hair, which was quite rare in Kumogakure. Culturally Kumogakure villagers had black hair with the exception of the blonds here and there. But red hair? Kinu thought that was highly fascinating, and was compulsed to run up and touch it. He then studied Azien attire which was too weird for Kinu to process. He couldn't figure out why he was wearing a white robe instead of the usual sweatpants and shirt. Including the fact that it was quite warm out today, Kinu could only imagine the uncomfortableness Aziens body must be going threw. Although meeting Azien once before Kinu finally studied Azien and concluded about how weird he was, although he was usually not the type to judge a book by its cover.

"That is a dirty trick Kinu..." Said Azien with a warm smile. Kinu kindly returned the smile automatically without thinking. But there was something weird about Azien that Kinu couldn't put his little monkey fingers on, something dark. It was like he was a boy but was also something else. Kinu thought he was going crazy and being a jerk for thinking such thoughts, and momentarily dispersed the entire mentality as Azien spoke again. "So how do we play 'ninja-tag"? He asked which Kinu thought was almost sarcastic. A smile flushed Kinu's face and he did a small back-flip in the air. Landing on all fours, Kinu whirled his tail around similar to that of a dog.

"Hey Azien! Took you long enough, I thought you had died." Kinu teased while standing straight up. "Ninja Tag? You mean you never played it before?" Kinu asked as though it was the most ridiculous thing in the world. He then smiled and proceeded with explaining. "Well in regular tag you chase a person and touch them, thus doing so makes them 'it'. When a person is 'it' they then chase the others and tries to tag them. Usually that game is played by the commoners with no military training, but Ninja's on the other hand play 'Ninja Tag'. Both games are very smiliar, instead Ninja have more utility to work with." Kinu said while sinking his smile. Keeping his body casually straight, Kinu used his long tail and stuck it into a pile of leaves a few feet beside him. His tail burrowed into the leaves for a few moments and then arisen while holding a small bell. His tail wrapped around the bell with a firm grip and the he maneuvered his tail behind him once more. "This here is a simple bell that I took from the training grounds, for this game, you simply have to take the bell from me. But, you will have to do so with your eyes closed, which means you have to utilize your other four senses to your advantage. But on the flip side I won't use any Jutsu." Kinu said while clapping his small hands. Opening his hands back up, Kinu held a small red blindfold in both his palms. In a gentle motion Kinu tossed the blindfold at Azien with the obvious intention of him putting it on.
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Age : 27
Posts : 209

Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptyTue 07 Sep 2010, 2:02 am

Azien watched as the small monkey looked over him, it was rather usal for most people. Azien stood out on the streets like a light among the dark, which served to hide his most feared secret. "Hey Azien! Took you long enough, I thought you had died." Kinu teased while standing straight up. "Ninja Tag? You mean you never played it before?"
Azien shook his head to show that he hadn't but let Kinu keep talking. He could see that Kinu was slightly surprised by the fact that he hadn't played ninja tag, however since Azien's past life he was sure that the rules had changed. "Well in regular tag you chase a person and touch them, thus doing so makes them 'it'. When a person is 'it' they then chase the others and tries to tag them. Usually that game is played by the commoners with no military training, but Ninja's on the other hand play 'Ninja Tag'. Both games are very smiliar, instead Ninja have more utility to work with."
Azien nodded to show that he understood it now. The game had changed from when he had last played it, his past self had been born in Kiri, durring the time when it still had it's bloody nick-name. The goal had been to use whatever jutsu avaliable to steal the ball off the current carrier.
Returning to the present Azien watched as the small monkey dug his tail into a pile of leaves, and emerged with a small bell, this small bell unlocked yet another torrent of memories, showing him what had happened in his Genin Exam. He forced the stream of voices and sounds aside and listened to what Kinu was saying now.
"This here is a simple bell that I took from the training grounds, for this game, you simply have to take the bell from me. But, you will have to do so with your eyes closed, which means you have to utilize your other four senses to your advantage. But on the flip side I won't use any Jutsu."
Azien cocked his head to one side, there was a small catch in this game for him, all Necromites had a eye ability which showed them the life signitures around then, but Azien didn't want to have his true status know just yet.
The small monkey held out a blind fold for him to put on. Azien reached out and gently took the blind-fold. He put in on and entered a world of darkness.
Azien stood up, he had to kneel to take the blind-fold from the monkey.
"I shall give you the count of ten to get away from me, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten."
Azien decided to do something a bit off beat, he jumped away from Kinu, this small movement would do two things, throw him off gaurd(Hopefuly) and show Kinu the extent of his Taijutsu abilities, however Azien held back on how much power he placed in his leg so that the move only looked like that of an above-average Genin.
As soon as he landed down he began reaching out with his Death-Sense. He would locate Kinu and make it look like he had only found him though luck.
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptyThu 09 Sep 2010, 3:44 am

Kinu watched as Azien placed the blindfold over his eyes and stood there in silence as he knew he was invisible to him. Looking up at Azien, Kinu forgot how short he was compared to him and finally realized the awkward stance of having to look directly up in proportion to see his face. He didn't like that feeling of being so short, but then again be would probably use that to his advantage. Kinu looked at the blindfolded Azien with a sense of glee in his eyes, the type of look a child makes when his father first shows him how to throw a kunai. His intentions where pretty clear, avoid Azien by utilizing acrobatics and using the environment to further solidify his allusiveness. This would be quite interesting seeing as how it was such a ample and manic area of many trees and burrows, Kinus hiding spots where virtually endless. Of course if Azien where to get lost or obscure Kinu would gladly give him 'hints' of his whereabouts, but he got the creepy vibe that Azien had a cheat of his sleeve, weird. Although just for fun this was more then just a simple game of tag. Kinu wanted to test Aziens awareness beyond that of basic sight and perception. He wanted to see if this young boy was truly the most powerful Genin in the village as the others say. During this process Kinu also wanted to 'test' his training skills and become better at coaching those under his guide. Hopefully after this simple game Kinu would gain a better understand of Azien, and his ability to work with others.

Azien stood up from once leaning of Kinu, and as he did so the embarrassment of feeling like a munchkin left Kinu momentarily. "I shall give you the count of ten to get away from me, one-" As he counted Kinu decided to react quickly to get away from him. Immediately looking up, Kinu caught glimpse of a small vine that dangled from above him from the tree in which he fell under. Azien, still counting casually hopefully could not hear Kinu leap from the ground and climb on the vine. The vine itself was quite slippery and weak, but luckily for Kinu's enhanced monkey grip and reflexes, scaling the vine wasn't much of a hastle. As Azien got to ten, Kinu heard a movement mid-way up the vine. Deciding not to look down, Kinu used his hearing as a medium to analyze Aziens movements. From his mental perspective Kinu could easily conclude that Azien jumped backwards with great speed, but Kinu wasn't intimidated, not at all. On the assumption that Azien needed a clue, Kinu crunched the vine under his hand which was noticeable enough for only Ninja to hear. This would hopefully give a sense of direction to Azien to where Kinu was and not oppress him to cheat in anyway. This was a fair game, and Kinu hope that Azien wouldn't cheat in anyway but instead show Kinu his raw skills.
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Age : 27
Posts : 209

Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptyThu 09 Sep 2010, 8:53 am

(OOC: How am I doing so far?? Tell me if there is anything I can do to improve RPing quality.)

As he started counting he felt a small gush of air, as he lept upwards extending as Death-Sense he caught sight of the small monkey scrambling up a vine.
As he landed on the top of a nearby tree he watched as the what he assumed was the monkey's head watched him. He in turn also looked at him, however he also pretended to be looking lost and confused. In his head Azien was reviewing the situation." Kinu must have a secondery motive to call him out here....was it hate?"Azien could only guess. Azien knew that the small monkey must have a massive advantage over him in such an enviroment. Azien could only play along with Kinu's game, whatever it was.
Returning to the real world, he watched as the monkey crushed the vine it had climbed the tree with. This small movement had impacted on Azien greatly, "He's testing me" Azien would have slapped himself if he had the time, but he decided not to dissapoint Kinu. He launched himself straight towards the location where the sound had come from. As he took off he also decided to remove his Death-Sense, just so that it would be more fair. He could actully take pity on Kinu, who could only have been eleven or twelve. If Kinu could place a Kages or and ABNU's battle expirence and knowleage placed in a Genin's body, that was the closest thing to was Azien was. But the blind fold gave him a dissagvantage against Kinu, also Kinu had said he wouldn't use any jutsus, this almost made it even.
Azien had gone off target as soon as he landed down on a tree branch be began to use a tactic he had picked up from Kiri, he began to click his fingers together, he had to use enough force so that the sound waves were powerful enough to make it back to him.
He also percked up his ears and listened for the their return and something more. Azien felt a strange emotion come over him, it was the feeling of the hunter, Azien could almost see himself as one. He probaly looked like it too sitting on the branch, on all fours.
He decided that it was time to lose his cloak, he threw off the white cover to show what he wore underneath, it was a outfit simular to that of an assination type ABNU. Now that the cloak was gone it also showed the weapons that were otherwise hidden.
It was a dark enough shade so that it didn't stand out of the darkness, it would be enough to give him some cover in the failing light.
As he slipped the cloak off he also placed two of his exploding tags inside.
In a blur of movement he sent the cloak flying downwards with it clicking and rattaling. He had placed some of the bark on the tree behind the metal plate, as the cloak went flying down he looked like he had triped while taking off the cloak this might make Kinu reveal himself, at whick point he would use his speed to get into close quarters, that is if Kinu took the bait.
Azien himself had taken off, running up the tree that had been next to him. He couldn't use sight and now hearing was out to, so he began to take deep breaths too see if he could find Kinu using smell.
Azien also had a secondery plan that would take advantage of those with inhanced senses. Urine.. he would he wee on some of the likely hiding spots around here. The smell would hopefuly dissable the monkey.

Last edited by Septimus on Fri 10 Sep 2010, 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changing my tactics)
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptySun 12 Sep 2010, 11:03 pm

OOC ~Your doing fine^^ Keep up the good work bud~

It had only been mere moments before Kinu heard a swishing sound from below. It echoed up the tree atmosphere where Kinu hang from a vine as if it where a gust. Looking back down from the vine, Kinu saw Azien launch himself forward to his direction. Adrenaline flowed threw Kinu, and it was then that he discovering the monkeys could indeed show facial expressions. Scrambled up the vines to only be teased by its slippery texture Kinu slowly slid back down by his failure to grip the vine properly. It was something that you could only see in a cartoon, instead this time this awkward moment was real. With the bell still hooked around his tail, Kinu wrapped it around the vine just in-case he may fall. He never felt so much anxiety in a game before, was it his eager to win? Or was it that he was afraid that Azien could get him? Either way Kinu didn't have time to think, so immediately he looked back down to see where Azien was. "What?" Kinu said as Azien was missing from sight. Raising his eyebrow Kinu scanned the environment for Azien while dangling on the vine. It wasn't until he used his hearing that he finally pin-pointed Azien on a tree branch by the snapping noise he was making.

Jumping from the vine onto a small branch diagonally above Azien, Kinu found it hard to see him due to the shade. The trees surrounding both of them creating a greenhouse dome structure which almost seemed tropical. The leaves stretched for meters and only small pockets of sun-rays could only breach it. Kinu grasped the branch like a tourniquet, getting good feel of the rough bark and caterpillars from beneath his fingers. Then, a second movement of Azien became noticed by Kinu. It appeared as though he had tripped on the branch and was falling from the tree and unto the ground. Kinu eyes widened with fear and as a reaction, he grasped. "Oh no... what am I going to do?" Kinu thought while instinctively moving to the edge of his branch to dive for Azien. Then something hit Kinu, the smell of Azien was still potent on the branch in which he fell from. With a discombobulated expression on his face Kinu sniffed the air as though he smelled something delicious. From the abysal shadows Kinu smelled Azien from below him still, on the same branch at which he fell from. "Fool me once...heh" Thought the young monkey while scurrying back down the vine.

It was time for the game to proceed and Kinu commended Azien for his trickery. It was such a barren tactic that it surprised Kinu that Azien would know such a skill. From his previous studies in the Academy Kinu knew that places such as Iwa and Kiri used tactics like that to trick Hunter Nin into deathtraps. But in Kumo the tricks were more clean and cut. Climbing up more vines Kinu finally made his way to the top of the forest. The sight was amazing, every tree, every leaf was below him in a astonishing view. Being on the top of the largest tree in a forest was a experience not many people found the satisfaction of. Dangling from a branch Kinu ignored the beehive a few feet away from him and tried to focus on where Azien was. He wasn't sure if he could hear Azien from that far up, but maybe Azien would find him instead. Hopefully the smell of honey and Kinu's scent mixed will attract Azien without much second thought.
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Age : 27
Posts : 209

Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptyMon 13 Sep 2010, 1:41 am

Azien stopped as he heard the small sounds of Kinu. He it looked like he had taken the bait and was about to jump. Azien clicked his fingers to clarafiy this. It turned out that Kinu was now getting some of his smell on the branch below him. While in truth Azien was above him, they were only seperated by several meters. "It looks like Kinu can be fooled by false scents"He winced as he heard Kinu climbing back down the vines. "Well it looks like I shall have to follow at a distance." Azien thought to himself. He knew he had to think of a plan to get Kinu to him, he had tried one of the best tricks. Maybe it was time to try something more direct.
Azien climbed until he was near a cluster of braches. Azien leaned across and broke some off. He was careful not to make any noise. He was also sure the Kinu wasn't in the area.
At his best guess, Kinu was somewhere near the top of the trees.
After stripping the branch of all it's leaves he placed it carefully against the trunck of the tree behind him.
He then collected all of the leaves into into one pile and focesed his chakra into them. There was a small poof of smoke and in his hand there were about twenty-two Explosive Tags.
He took in a deep breath, letting the scent of Kinu fill his lungs. He placed the transformed leaves into one of his empty pouches, Azien clapped his hands together and began let his chakra flow around him. When it pooled at his feet he did a swift jumping movement and was sent upwards. Azien always loved the feeling as the G-force ripped through him.
If all went as planned he would ether come up right behind Kinu, or some distance away. Just before he reached the top he left a clone on a branch. This clone was down-wind so Kinu shouldn't be able to smell him. At the same time there were at least four more clones getting into postion. If this was pulled off right Azien would be able to capture Kinu quickly.
As he burst through the top of the trees he knew he had gone off target again, but was closer that he thought, he could smell Kinu around here. He had been lead off target by the scent of honey. Well time to stop making mistakes, he reached into his pocket and threw the pesudo Exploding-Tags at Kinu. "Catch" he called to him at the same moment.
He wondered if Kinu would know that the tags were fake, he couldn't and he had made sure that all scent of leaves had been taken off them. Now they only smelt like him.
Since he hadn't used his Skeleton Eyes his chakra had remained inside him.
He took another deep breath and sent a blunted Shuriken towards Kinu. He doubted it would hit. He hadn't thrown it at full strength and he had sent it off to one side. Unless Kinu was really stupid he wouldn't get hit by it. If he did, the worst that would happen was that he would be knocked-out.
"Time for the grand finish"He activated his Skeleton Eye. As the black flames spread out he formed his handsigns. As he finished the jutsu he began to flicker and vanished. To Kinu it would look like a advanced teloportation jutsu. While in reality Azien had used Zombie Style: Slide had vanished while deactivting his Skeleton Eyes.
Azien also wondered if Kinu could have seen what happened to him when he activted his Eyes. He had only seen his reflection a few times when he used his Eyes. If Azien could be called a male-knock out without the Eyes activated, when they were on most women would have trouble keeping their eyes off him. All the imperfections that were in his face usally, were removed. This made him look, for lack of better words-almost godly. His skin grew paler which incresed it's glow. His face grew more cat like and angelic.
This apperence clashed with his actual stauts. A prince of darkness, that is what Azien truly was.
Azien thought all this as he sat 5ft away, upside down on a branch.
The plan was that Kinu would start running, it would look like Azien was tracking Kinu because his clones(all scentless) would jump out towards Kinu, then dissperse. It would look like he was flickering. He wondered if Kinu would fall for this trap.
Jutsu used:
Name: Zombie Style: Slide
Type: None
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A Necromite, with their chakra externalized, makes the surface of their chakra below them flat, requiring little chakra and being so basic Academy level Necromites can perform it. This enables them to rapidly skate, at a Shushin like speed, to another area in their chakra, though they cannot move more than 5ft within one post.
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
Posts : 1118

Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptySat 18 Sep 2010, 2:50 am

It didn't take long before Azien made himself known to Kinu at the heavens of the trees. The still dangling Kinu could only watch in excitement as Azien leaped up from a patch of branches and flung himself midair. He was directly eye-length to Kinu even though he was probably meters away. Kinu just stood there as calm as could be, preparing for whatever Azien had inshore like a feline in the wild. Azien then swiftly went into his pockets and threw and withdrew a string of exploding tags which his intentions where unknown. Would he possibly go that far? Kinu couldn't calculate the degree in which Azien took the seriousness of the game. Quickly securing the bell that hung from his tail Kinu lurched himself upward and stood in all fours. His black fur stood on end, and its once crisp mid-night glisten turned dull with worry and fear. Before even noticing it, Azien already threw the explosive string in his direction, the speed of which the weapon came was swift. A few feet away, Kinu could only manage to jump onto another branch a little higher then where his original spot was. He couldn't move as fast, and the explosive tags already landed in the tree. Adrenaline pumping threw his veins, he stood there petrified at what was about to happen. Nothing, Kinu removed his hands from his ears and stared back at the tree crown that had been stricken by the exploding tags. "Fakes?" Kinu said easing up. Immediately after realizing the fake tags the screeching sound of a shuriken attracted Kinu's attention. He looked at the revolving weapon in mid-air and caught it with his two fingers alone.

Hos soft brown eyes were finally at ease, and he directed his attention to Azien. Kinu placed the shuriken that was thrown at him and placed it on his wrist like a bracelet. He was probably going to use that later with the plan he was developing, and he also thought it looked cool. Gotta keep a good fashion sense I guess. Before realizing it Azien was gone, with only a spectacle of a dark light in his replacement. Kinu thought he was imagining things and thought Azien just utilized a regular flicker. Flickers were quite pesky sometimes, and Kinu wasn't quite fond for combating it. Although his whereabouts where unknown Kinu still thought that Azien was a regular Genin, so he couldn't have flickered anywhere near him at that range. He was too far away, but his anonymity was still suspicious to say the least. Closing his eyes, Kinu sat on the hard branch and focused his chakra to his ears. "1...2...3.. ouch!" Kinu mentally yelped as the stung of a bee pierced his arm.

Opening his eyes from the rude awakening, Kinu rubbed his arm where he had been stung and looked around him. He then realizing that the beehive he was avoding was right next to him, a few inches from his tail. He then realized that his little frightful leap away from the explosive tags had mistakenly sent him to where the beehive was. He would have smacked himself in the forehead if his hand weren't cradling his arm from the still tingling sting. The bees scattered around Kinu in moments, more and more spawning from the orange hive. Their buzzing became louder and louder, their sounds becoming a deathly harmony to Kinu's ears. He didn't know what to do then, Kinu was trapped. "Azien Help!" Kinu shouted in hopes that his dear friend would come and save him.
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Age : 27
Posts : 209

Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptySat 18 Sep 2010, 7:07 am

Azien fidgeted in his seat between the tree branches. He wondered if the Explosive Tags had done their job and had sent Kinu running down the tree. He couldn’t hear or small him. Azien was actually getting used to having the blindfold on. It let him concentrate on his other senses.
A scream jerked Azien from his light slumber, it had sounded like Kinu, and it had also come from the top of the tree which meant that Kinu had seen through the Tags or had been hit by the Shuriken.
Worry for his friend coursed though him as he leapt for the upper most branches again. In side his head he was mentally berating himself, why had in so short a time had he gotten to care for the boy or monkey, whatever the case was.
He landed at the top and with a brief sniff .of his nose, took the situation in.
Kinu was standing next to the beehive. A second sniff told him that the bees had surrounded him. The most likely explanation was that he was under attack.
Cursing his slowness Azien ran for all he was worth at the tree, even though his emotions were in turmoil, his face and heart were deadly calm. He activated his Death-Sense, allowing him to see the situation in far more clear detail then any of his other senses allowed him.
He glanced downwards, he was about five meters above Kinu and the bees. The jump had only taken a couple of seconds and during that time Azien had come up with the best way to exterminate the bees. Activating his Skeleton Eyes he felt his chakra rush outwards and formed its usual shape: A flaming black aura.
Reaching towards his feet with his mind he forced the chakra to take shape into a hard metallic material. He touched his feet to it for a second then leapt off towards Kinu. As soon as his feet left the metal it disspersed.
Using the same jutsu as he had before he created the same amount of Senbon as there were bees, the moment he touched the ground was the same second where all the bees were killed.
Standing over Kinu he spoke in a whisper that was barely could only be hared if one had chakra enhanced hearing. Azien was more talking to himself then anyone that was present. “We…of the Necromite clan, we protect our friends.” This was one of the first lessons that his two teaches had shown him.
He turned his attention to the hive that was now sending its entire swarm at him.
As he stepped closer he raised both his hands, each both made three strokes.
In response to his movements six walls were made. Directing all of them with his movements they formed a cube around both the incoming swarm and the hive.
Azien separated his hands from each other and moved them both two feet from each other, the same distance that the top and bottom walls were from each other that formed the cube.
He wondered if Kinu would know what was about to happen.
Azien slammed his hands together. At the same time the top and bottom walls both slammed down. Crushing the hive and the bees.
Azien turned and looked down at where Kinu was. Inside his mind he knew that Kinu might tell everyone about him. That would draw unnecessary attention to him and that wouldn’t do him any good. Azien looked down at Kinu with the face of perfection, the closest thing there was to perfect beauty.

Jutsu used:
Name: Skeleton Style: Chakra Hardening
Type: None
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A Necromite uses their external chakra and causes a portion of it to harden to a physical density similar to a kunai's material and enabling it to be used to both defend and attack. Chakra may be added to this jutsu equivalent to the rank of jutsu the defensive strength is to be considered, but by default it is E Rank.

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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

Age : 31
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Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptyMon 20 Sep 2010, 2:21 am

Remaining calm isn't a easy task with a swarm of bees surrounding you, especially with Kinu. He sat at the base of the branch in a enclosed position. His arms where folded over his eyes and both his knees were bent to cover his torso area. He was preparing for the worst without a doubt, he never dreamed of being in such a awkward situation such as this. With every second that passed he started to notice how bizarrely uncomfortable the tree bark was then before. The short wooden splinters pricked his fur and skin quite often and more then necessary.This made moving rather uncomfortable and unwanted, not wanting to further damage himself from the upcoming pain he was about to receive. In those few moments Kinu started to worry if Azien heard his cry and would make it on time to lend him a hand. Kinu feared that transforming back to his former human self would make the bees further hostile and shorten their patience.

It was then, that Azien descended from the trees above Kinu and landed before him awesomely as ever. His red hair glistened with the ray of the sun and swayed across his face like a fiery mane. His slick black attire was also appealing which Kinu thought looked similar to the Special Forces uniform. It took him by shock when first witnessing Azien more up closely, and for the first time upon meeting him his suspicions seemed to be conformed. Azien was something 'more' then just a young boy, possibly more then human. Without noticing it Kinu's small fury arms slowly moved away from his face, revealing his wide amazed eyes. The bees moved away from Kinu as Azien landed, directing their attention to the mysterious red-head who came to save his friend. They hovered and moved in a pattern like formation, creating a small cloud in front of the two ninja. A dark fiery aura surrounded Azien, and with graceful movements Azien summoned dozens of senbon from the dark chakra that surrounded him. He then launched the senbon at the bees with pin-point accuracy, pinning them against the tree like darts.

Kinu didn't speak, he made no attempt to move his lips because he knew that nothing understandable would come out. How did Azien do that? Was it a kekkei genkai? Kinu thought while leaning up from against the tree. “We…of the Necromite clan, we protect our friends.” Azien said with a voice that Kinu could only say sounded like heavenly wind-chines. Kinu smiled at Azien and shook his tails. The ringing sound startled Kinu a little and he'd forgotten about the bell which was still attached to it. He gave a faint sigh when looking at the bell, and for a short time he re-played the entire game back in his head. Him jumping from tree to tree, climbing up branches and getting attacked by bees. It was a long and tiresome experience and he was grateful to share it with Azien, who more importantly now gained his trust. It was then that the sound of a powerful clapping noise brought the dazed Kinu back to reality and instantly he saw the now crushed bee-hive directly across from him. He figured that Azien must have did that too, with the mysterious 'dark chakra' which he had. Scary.

Kinu stood up finally, and the feel of being on his two feet again was enlightening. Azien looked at Kinu with a unreadable face, which irked Kinu in a way. He himself didn't know what to think either, but without a doubt Azien has demonstrated some powerful Jutsu in his arsenal. Where'd he learned such mysterious techniques boggled Kinu, never in his years of study had he read of such techniques. The sound of crickets and termites started to echo in the forest now, and the sun started to set behind the clouds. Time seemed to pass quickly throughout this altercation, but it was pleasant to know that the day was almost over. There were many questions in which Kinu wanted to ask, but sometimes discovering things for yourself was a better method of learning things. "LETS GO GET SOME ICECREAM! I'M STARVED!" Kinu shouted with random childish enthusiasm. His monkey fur standing on edge with cheer and glee. The game was finally over so to speak, or maybe the 'true' game had finally begun.

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Age : 27
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Ninja Tag [Septimus] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Ninja Tag [Septimus] Ninja Tag [Septimus] EmptyMon 20 Sep 2010, 3:27 am

(OOC: I thank you Kinu for showing me a great time. I hope we'll be able to play 'ninja tag' again. I would like to see if we could round up some people and had a bigger RP game. Once you have finished your mission with Tailbone....I'll see if I can find anyone I know.)
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