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The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P]

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Age : 31
Posts : 2547

The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] Vide
PostSubject: The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] EmptyFri 03 Sep 2010, 9:32 pm

The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] Thethrillofthekillmissionpic2
Post One; Burned
Word Count; 1013

"Mmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrphhhhhh." Tensei moaned into his pillow, inaudibly to the Chuunin that had just barged into his bedroom because he wouldn't answer the door. "Did you hear me, Tensei-sensei?" she asked, and momentarily giggled at how ridiculous Tensei-sensei sounded. "You were specifically requested." She said, a little aggressively. She was going to get Tensei there no matter what she had to do. It really wasn't fair though. Tensei had been out on missions for weeks straight, and he had just gotten back for a break. What made Tensei especially frustrated was the fact that domestic investigations we're not part of his job. The only reason he was likely chosen was because a body was found, and Tensei was quickly coming Kumo's top Medical-nin. Tensei stood up, and began walking over to the doorway where the Chuunin stood. "Kira-chan.." he said, as he walked. Kira's heart began to beat, as she had developed quite the crush on Tensei. "Hmm?" was all she could say once he finally reached the doorway and stood right infront of her. Tensei then slowly stuck out his hand, and Kira's heart was now pounding. "Go away." Tensei said, and proceeded to flick Kira on the nose. Kira just paused and stood there a moment, as the rage sunk into her.

After a few moments, she abruptly swung and connected her fist to Tensei's chin, sending him flying back onto his bed across the room. Tensei just laid there, making small twitches due to the pain. Kira walked over to the bed, rolling up her sleeves. She then grabbed onto Tensei's shirt and pulled his motionless body up. "Now, are you going to go down there, or does this have to get ugly?!" she yelled furiously. "Alright.. alright." Tensei muttered and then was instantly dropped back onto the bed. He stood up, and once again stuck his hand out to Kira, this time motioning for her to leave. "I'll be out in a minute." he said, and then walked over to his dresser to gather his clothes. He took out a black shirt, and black pants. He wasn't going to wear his normal Jounin uniform for something like this. It took him a few minutes to shower, get dressed, and get everything he needed gathered. He then walked out of his home to see Kira standing against a wall with her arms crossed, clearly angry that she had to wait. Tensei grinned and twirled his Jitte around his black-glove covered fingers.

They walked a fast pace to the scene of the crime. Luckily they were already in the housing district, so it wouldn't be far. They didn't talk the whole way over, though Tensei wasn't surprised by this. Kira was never really the talkative type, at least with Tensei she wasn't. It wasn't long before they reached the building. It was shocking just how destroyed it really was. There was no beauty to it's architecture anymore, simply black walls and ashes. There was a crowd gathered across the street, and they all glanced at Tensei and Kira as they walked to the entrance, whispering about something; Tensei tried to hear, but couldn't. Two men were waiting for them, likely other Chuunin or possibly some kind of special investigators. "Over here, senpai." One of the men said to Tensei, motioning for him to follow, and they all went into the building and went but a few feet to see the body. Tensei walked over to it slowly, and kneeled over it. It was completely burned, likely why no one was able to identify it. He analysed it, gathering whatever information he could. "Victim is a Female, age 10-12." Tensei said, and was immediately disgusted but managed to hold in any comments. "The head wound is indication that she was killed before the fire. I'd say with a rather large and brutal weapon, like an ice-pick." He said, and mentally cringed. A large smash was then heard, Kira had hit the wall with all her might in anger. "Don't do that, dumb-ass! The entire building could fall on our heads!" Tensei yelled out in frustration. "Sorry." Kira said. She was much too distracted to give anything but a hollow apology.

"Hey, you." Tensei said, pointing at one of the men that had shown them in. The man then pointed at himself confused. "Yeah.. go talk to some of those people out there, see if anyone knows or saw anything." Tensei said, and the man simply nodded, and stood there. "Now please." Tensei said, and looked at him with anger. It amazed Ten how incompetent some people were. "Yes, Senpai!" The man said and ran out of the building. Tensei went back to studying the body. "She must have parents somewhere." Tensei said, glancing over at the other man. "Check if any 10-12 girl has been reported missing within the past 24 hours." Tensei said, and the man gave no reply, he simply walked out to do his job. Tensei then began looking around. There wasn't really much that lasted through the fire. "The victim was killed at another location, her corpse was brought here and then set on fire, probably to dispose of it." Tensei asked looking over to Kira. Before they could continue the conversation one of the men returned from interviewing witnesses. "They all say the same thing, they're walking by and all the sudden the building goes boom, and they watched it burn, no one went in or out." he said, and shrugged. "Wait wait, so they watch as the fire burned the building down but they saw no one come out?" Tensei asked with confusion. "Yeah, why?" the man asked in reply. Both Tensei and Kira then looked at each other, shook their heads, and walked out. Tensei was going to have to take care of every part of the investigation himself if the job was going to get done right. He pondered the kind of monster that could commit such a crime. In any case, it was a monster he would crush.
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Age : 31
Posts : 2547

The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] EmptyMon 06 Sep 2010, 7:33 pm

Post Two; No Rhyme or Reason
Word Count; 890

Tensei sighed, and then took a very deep breathe as he leaned back in his chair. He wasn't used to doing this sort of thing being that Kumo rarely ever had a domestic murderer. He sat in his small office at his home, looking over blueprints of the building. He had people out still talking to witnesses and chasing down leads that would possibly go no where, and there was a good chance if they didn't find their suspect soon they wouldn't find him at all. Tensei looked to the door after hearing three quick taps. "Come on in." He said, and then positioned his chair back to normal. Kira opened the door and entered the room, her face of a blank expression. "We got a positive id on the victim. Her name was Mikomi Tanaka, eleven years old...." she said and paused, "and Tensei.." she said and paused yet again, trying to put her thoughts into words. "This girl was the niece of the Daimyō." she finished and stared. This meant the case was going to be very high profile, and there was going to be a lot of pressure to catch the person that did it that could compromise the investigation. "Damn..." Tensei muttered as he put his palm to his face. After a few moments he looked back up at Kira. "Any word getting a Kasui to take a look at the body? Might save us a lot of time." Tensei said. He had always admired the ability of that clan. To be able to know what a person or thing has been through in life by simply touching them is a powerful, and beneficial gift. "The answer they gave me was possibly tomorrow but maybe not." Kira said, and then began to giggle. It was hard to believe that there was something that could actually make her laugh after what she saw at the crime scene.

Two Chuunin working on the case rushed into the room, their feet slamming on the marble floor with each step. "We talked to many witnesses, Tensei-senpai. Apparently Mikomi was walking home late last night after having dinner at a friend's. That's likely when she was grabbed. We talked dozens and dozens of people that were in the area where she might've been walking but we haven't had any luck with that yet." One of the Chuunin said, and then stopped. Tensei didn't say anything, because he was thinking. The likelihood that they would find this person was getting worse and worse, as they had no evidence and apparently no helpful witnesses. "Well we're probably looking for someone with a grudge against the Daimyō.." Kira said, speculating. "Mmm, I don't know." Tensei said in disagreement. "What, the one murder we get in years and it just happens to be the Daimyō's niece by coincidence?" Kira said, and scoffed. She had a tendency to get a little hot-headed with her superiors. "Nothing was found. If this was some kind of revenge, you'd think he'd try to contact the Daimyō in some way. Also, the Daimyō has several children of his own. Why choose the niece to get back at him?" He asked rhetorically, looking up at the ceiling in thought. "So what're you saying?" Kira asked. "Wrong place, wrong time." Tensei said, and swung his Jitte into the table infront of him. "Tensei?" A woman interrupted, standing at the doorway and peeking in. "Another building only a few blocks from the last one has been burned down. The MO fits." she said, and they all froze besides Tensei. "Son of a bitch!" he yelled, and this time used his own fist to slam the table, breaking it into even more pieces.

They left in a hurry, and it wasn't long before they reached the second burned building. He stood across the street watching as two Flash Force members arrived at the scene. The only thing that the Special Forces investigation unit was going to do was sully the crime scene before Tensei even had a look at it. The more this case went on, the more angry Tensei was becoming. He didn't waste any time entering the building, and he walked straight for the scene at equal pace. He walked to where the Flash Force members, and some Chuunin stood, with Kira behind him. They circled around another burned body, however, the main and obvious difference from this new victim and the last one was that this one's head had been severed. "Victim is a male, age 15-20. As you can see, he was decapitated, but there are several entrance wounds in the ribcage, which was probably the cause of death." Tensei said, touching the face of the burnt corpse through a white cotton glove. "So you're telling us that whoever did this stabbed the guy to death, cut off his head, and then set both his head and body on fire?" One of the Flash Force members asked in disbelief. Not even he had dealt with such a horrendously malicious act before. "That's what I'm telling you." Tensei said in reply, with little effort. "Hey Tensei, you better take a look at this." Kira said loudly, and Tensei immediately went over to her. There was a message on the wall, written in blood and still completely readable.

Like still waters, they run deep.

Last edited by John on Thu 09 Sep 2010, 12:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 31
Posts : 2547

The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] Vide
PostSubject: Re: The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] The Thrill of the Kill [Mission - P] EmptyThu 09 Sep 2010, 12:35 am

Post Three; Pure Evil
Word Count; 670

Tensei stared at the wall, his face full of disgust. "What... what does that mean?" Kira asked hesitantly and gulped silently as she ran her hand down the writing. She looked back at Tensei for an answer but he simply continued to stare, his face now filling with more anger than anything. He clenched his fist for a moment, fighting the urge to punch a wall and risk killing everyone inside the building as Kira had done earlier. After a few moments, he calmed down. "The only thing I can think of is to take it's meaning literal. He's telling us the pattern of his victims. Still waters run deep is an idiom used to describe someone who's more interesting on the inside then they care to show others." He said, and everyone paused for a moment to gather their thoughts. "So he's targeting shy people... we've still got nothing." Kira said and sighed heavily. "Not necessarily, this gives us an idea of what's driving the suspect psychologically. Crimes likes these are often driven post-traumatically, due to either childhood abuse or neglect. Both of the victims were young, I'm guessing they were picked for their innocence...purity. The bodies are so severely burned that there's no way to tell if this was a sex crime, though that would be my assumption." Tensei finished, and glanced around the room. One of the Flash Force members began gagging, and it wasn't long before he threw up all over himself. He then proceeded to fall over face first, and his partner ran over, helped him up, and they both walked out together. They figured Tensei could handle it, as neither of them had the stomach for such a thing. Tensei didn't even notice them leave, he was too distracted.

"I just don't understand how someone could do this to a child..." Kira said, standing over the body, her hand gently stroking the burnt remains which was once the victim's face. Tensei stood there, looking down with a blank expression. "Evil." Tensei said quietly. "What?" Kira asked, glancing over to him. "I believe that there's a little evil in us all. That deep inside, everyone has a darkness that could cause them to do horrible things, but we don't because our good outweighs it. Imagine the look on this kid's face the moment he stared straight into death. To see that kind of terror in someone's eyes, and take pleasure in it, that's pure evil." Tensei said, his face still blank. He wasn't going to get worked up about it anymore, because he knew that it would effect his investigation. He had to think clearly if they were going to catch this guy.

He taped his chin over and over as he scoped out the crime scene, time after time. The fire would've burned out any physical evidence they could collect, and that's why they were having such a difficult time. They had absolutely nothing to go on, and since Tensei wasn't normally in the business of investigations of this kind of sort, he wasn't even really sure how to react. If he should be panicking, or maybe something would fall right into their laps because that was the only chance he had at catching this person. "Well, there's nothing here. We're wasting our time." Tensei said already halfway out the door. Kira followed behind matching his pace, her facial expression of deep disappointment. As they both exited, they were approached by the two Flash Force members. "We got him!!" One of them yelled out in between gasps for air. "We got a witness that says she saw a guy run out of the building right after it caught fire, and we found someone matching that description only two blocks over." The other said with a look of relief. "Where is he?" Tensei asked, his tone clearly indicating his rage. "The interrogation room at the Administration building." and with that Tensei and Kira were both running, heading over there. This felt right. They got the guy.
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