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Makaze [WiP] (Of course)

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The Ultimate Friend
The Ultimate Friend

Age : 33
Posts : 44

Makaze [WiP] (Of course) Vide
PostSubject: Makaze [WiP] (Of course) Makaze [WiP] (Of course) EmptyFri 21 Jan 2011, 1:34 am

Clan Name: Makaze
Clan Location: N/A
Clan Traits:
There are few physical features that distinguishes Makaze clan members from common folk. First and the most distinctive is the grey skin. Nobody knows why they have it, not even the clan members themselves, but they adapted to it and they never really bothered about it. The second trait are the black eyes with light blue iris making their looks rather menacing making the people want to stay away from anybody from the Makaze clan. The third is completely white hair. Nothing special but every member of the clan has white hair unless he colored the hair himself. There is one more trait they have, though only the chosen ones have it. Those who are chosen to be the inheritors of the clan have a tattoo drawn on their face.

Kekkei Genkai:
The Makaze clans bloodline is the affinity of the Storm element, a combination of lightning and water element which makes them one of the strongest clans in the shinobi world. When mastered the ability to use the storm element it was said that they could call up a storm so strong that they could tear down a whole village. However there is one technique that the clan was most known for. It was a technique where a member could transform his body into pure lightning while still maintaining their original look in an instant. In that state they are completely immune to any physical attack and lightning based attacks.

Secret Clan Jutsu:

Name: Haran Shunshin no Jutsu [Stormy Body Flicker Technique]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Storm
This is a more advanced and faster type of the normal body flicker technique. As soon the user uses this technique he will emit a strong light hat will blind the enemy only for that instant and everybody that is near the battle which the Stormy Body Flicker is used they will hear a strong sound of a thunder hitting the ground. This technique is also faster than the normal body flicker for 30%

Name: Keiza Arashi [Lord of the Storm] (L.O.T.S. in short)
Rank: E-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Storm
This jutsu grants the user to transform his whole body into lightning while still maintaining his normal look. In this state the user is completely immune to any physical attack and any lightning based attack unless the lightning attack is a greater rank of this technique. In that case the user of Lord of the Storm will feel the attack but not as strong as it should be.

Name: Ikkatsu [Thundering Cry]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Storm
This technique can be only used when using the L.O.T.S. technique. The technique begins with the user solidifying his body while keeping all the lightning around him making it in a way a rather powerful defense for a short time so if anybody gets too close it will shock them instantly and knock the out. When the user is done with getting his body back to normal the user will shout really loud releasing all the lightning from him making a huge electric blast that covers around 100 meters around him. Everybody that gets caught in this technique will suffer small but painful burns caused by the electricity and will fell quiet numb for one post.

Name: Haran Kyojin [Stormy Giant]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Storm
This technique can be only used when using the L.O.T.S. technique. After forming few hand seals the user will start to grow, and as he grows he will turn into a giant made of lightning. In this form the user is 5 times larger than his normal size however this technique doesn't just make the user larger, it also powers up every lightning and storm based technique he uses for 40% while the chakra usage is lessened by 10%. To maintain this form the user wastes E rank worth of chakra every post.

Name: Arashi Shoukan [Storm Summoner]
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Storm
A technique that summons a storm above the user which covers around 200 meters around the user. When this technique is used the user must use chakra to maintain the storm but the amount of chakra needed to maintain it is rather small to make much difference in a fight. Once the technique is used the storm will form almost immediately with strong wind and few lightning strikes around the area. After the storm has formed the user has complete control over it.

Storm summoner must be activated to use these techniques:
Quote :
Name: Banraino [Thundery Field]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Storm
This jutsu can be used only when the Storm Summoner jutsu has been used. The user will form few hand seals and in a split second multiple (40) lightnings will fall on the ground attacking everything that stands in it's way. However it doesn't stop there. After the lightning falls it will stay there to be used by the user as he wishes. The lightning is solid and it could be used as a weapon or whatever the user wants.

Name: Tenshute [God Hand]
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Storm
This technique can be used only when the Thundery Field jutsu has been used. The user will form few hand seals and every lightning that was on the ground will sink in the ground. The user will than control the lightning to form anywhere he wants, mostly under the target and release a devastating upward attack completely shocking the enemy and knocking him out, and in most cases stopping the heart of the target which will result in death if a medical ninja doesn't aid the target.

Name: Denkou Hitoya [Lightning Prison]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Storm
This technique can be used only when the Thundery Field jutsu has been used. The user will form few hand seals and every lightning will start to connect to each other and eventually making a prison around the target, even from below so nobody can escape by digging his way out. While trapped in this prison the target inside will get shocked every post until somebody breaks the prison or the user cancels it. But there is one more use for this technique. And that is as soon the user makes the prison he will start shrinking it until it reaches the target and shocks causing the target to get knocked out.

[The history of your Clan. Were did they originate? How did they come to be? This part should be very descriptive and at least two paragraphs. Also include a Clan Symbol in space provided if your clan has one.]
Clan Details: [State whether your clan is open to the site, or is closed for your use only. A simple 'Open' or 'Closed' will do.]
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