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Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild

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I am Legion
I am Legion

Age : 33
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Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySat 23 Apr 2011, 9:25 am

Clan Name: Kyohoninu

Location: Location varies based upon branch. (Gureimori; Konohagakure, Shirokiba; Kusagakure, Takasora, Kumogakure)

Signature Traits:Based on the individual branches this varies from scent tracking to sharp vision or a thick leather skin.

Kekkei Genkai:Kyohoninu is a kekkei genkai (KKG) that uses a birthmark and a chakra source to enable the user to shift between three forms much like a curse seal. The three forms are Neutral (Human), Balanced (Anthropomorphic) and Full (Feral). These are accomplished with an alternate chakra source within the body. From birth the user of the Kyohoninu bloodline limit has two chakra sources. One of these is a minor chakra source know as the animal's chakra and the other is the user's chakra.

These chakra sources are in balance with each other because they are both present when the user is still within the mother. The smaller, minor chakra is unusable in regular ninjutsu as it does not connect directly to the chakra circulatory system. Instead this chakra feeds directly into the chakra pool the user normally uses which causes the body to change as well. When the mixture between the two sources is a half and half mix the user enters the anthropomorphic or balanced stage of the KKG. When the Animal chakra passes this half and half mixture the user enters the feral stage.

In the feral stage the user looses all ability to use ninjutsu due to not having hands and an imbalance in chakra sources. When the user cuts the flow of the animal chakra again they begin to revert back in the same manner that the KKG advanced.

Depending on the user's ability with the KKG the user can create long range elemental (limited to user's elements but capable with any element) waves by swinging their hand in a human or anthropic stage. They vary with the birthmark as the birthmark depicts the animal. Any and all differentiated techniques will be registered on the user's personal jutsu list.

Each branch has a different animal branch to them, they are; Takasora; avians, Shirokiba; serpents, and Gureimori; canines, vulpines and lupines. First I'll explain the Gureimori clan.

Gureimori is the branch family that descended from the clan founder's son exposed to canine chakra. This means that they have the birthmarks for foxes, wolves and common dogs. The specialty of this clan branch is tracking by scent. (Minor tracking that will need to be trained out in character.) Outside of this the descriptions of the transformations are as follows. Anthropomorphic is the user's legs resetting into a digitigrade formation, (see picture provided.) the second is that the user grows fur and claws as well as a tail. In this stage the user can train to be able to use its animal's scent tracking ability and training for this will carry over into feral form.


Feral form is much like it says. The user's body resets and compacts down into the form of a dog, fox or wolf. The fur pattern carries through and the user loses the ability to use ninjutsu for a passive stealth. The user's chakra becomes suppressed and undetectable outside of Byakugan and Sharingan or other chakra observant Doujutsu.

Under the Shirokiba clan the effects are a bit different. The first is that the user has very serpentine features, their eyes take a serpentine look and their skin tends to be a bit thicker, this cuts down on bleed effects but decreases chakra flow through the body making the user unable to focus chakra to certain parts of their body, (feet etc) without extensive training.

The first of the steps in changing between forms is that a large, thick tail will form at the base of the spine, just above the waistline of the user's pants. The user's skin will also thicken further, beginning to form into scales.

In the second stage the user's newly formed tail fuses with their legs and their arms fuse with their body before the body becomes similar to a full python roughly 15 feet long and as thick as a basket ball. This form is mainly used for infiltration or stealth missions as the users chakra becomes suppressed to the amount of a usual animal and they become capable of only transforming back to one of the other forms

Takasora will be done if anyone wishes to join it. It is an avian based version of these clans.

History:This clan was founded by a women, unlike most clans it seems. During the gestation periods of all three of her pregnancies she was constantly absorbing the chakra of a specific animal that was kept as a pet. The three were a wolf, a hawk and a python. The effects of absorbing this chakra was that it was passed on to her children in the form of a synchronous chakra inside of the body alongside a normal signature. When a clan member synchronized their chakras they took on the features of the animal that resembled the chakra signature.

Over the years the clan's children inherited their parents birthmarks and chakras, gradually honing the bloodline limit until a variety of animals had been exhibited. Foxes and wolves in Gureimori, hawks eagles and crows in the Takasora branch and anything from cobras to pythons in the Shirokiba branch.

Each clan holds its own traditions and characteristics but among them one tends to find its way into all branches. During each pregnancy the mother will more often than not keep an animal matching their clan's transformation close to them.

Clan Jutsu:

Name: Seishou Sendan ~ Lit. “Energy Shear”
Rank: D-C
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: 10-15 yards
Element: User's dominant. Non-combinational
Description: User focuses chakra into their hand in either the Anthropomorphic stage of the Kyouhoninu bloodline transformation or outside of transformation then swings their hand in an arch. This arc discharges the energy in a crescent cutter shape that flies in one direction for up to 25 meters before becoming harmless.

The user uses a (D-C)-rank ninjutsu's worth of chakra to make this technique. While it can be launched quickly this attack is generally used for sudden distractions, often being followed through by another, more powerful techinque.

Weakness: Opposing chakra types. This technique is a forced elemental attack meaning it will always be -an- element. With multiple element users the user can pick the element with training
Chakra Cost: 7 CP

Name:Pakku no Muki ~ Aspect of the Pack (C)
Rank: C
Type: Genjutsu
Range: 30 yards in any direction from user.
Element: N/A
Description: Aspect of the pack enables the user to create multiple (up to 5 at C rank) illusions of the user in whatever form the user is in other than feral. These illusions act independently either surrounding a target or spreading out. If one is contacted it disperses. At C rank the illusions may disperse at random.

Weakness: If touched the clone disperses. Genjutsu breaking techniques work on this easily but is usually disregarded as they appear to be clones. Sharingan and Byakugan as well as natural illusion breaking eye sights can see through this technique. At C rank the illusions may disperse at random.
Chakra Cost: 8 CP

Name:Pakku no Muki ~ Aspect of the Pack (B)
Rank: B
Type: Genjutsu
Range: 40 yards in any direction from user.
Element: N/A
Description: Aspect of the pack enables the user to create multiple (up to 10 at C rank) illusions of the user in whatever form the user is in other than feral. These illusions act independently either surrounding a target or spreading out. If one is contacted it disperses.

Weakness: If touched the clone disperses. Genjutsu breaking techniques work on this easily but is usually disregarded as they appear to be clones. Sharingan and Byakugan as well as natural illusion breaking eye sights can see through this technique. At C rank the illusions may disperse at random.
Chakra Cost: 10 CP

Name: Ninpou ~ Yajuu no Muki Lit. “Ninja Art ~ Aspect of the Beast”
Rank: C
Type: Ninjpou
Range: User
Element: N/A
Description: Aspect of the beast is the passive technique used by the Kyohoninu clan. This technique synchronizes the user's chakras with their animal chakra enabling the transformation between the forms their clan takes.
Chakra Cost: 6 CP per stage

Last edited by Legion on Sun 24 Apr 2011, 3:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 30
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Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 3:30 am

Name: Seishou Sendan ~ Lit. “Energy Shear”
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: 10-15 yards
Element: User's dominant. Non-combinational
Description: User focuses chakra into their hand in either the Anthropomorphic stage of the Kyouhoninu bloodline transformation or outside of transformation then swings their hand in an arch. This arc discharges the energy in a crescent cutter shape that flies in one direction for up to 25 meters before becoming harmless.

The user uses a (E-C)-rank ninjutsu's worth of chakra to make this technique. While it can be launched quickly this attack is generally used for sudden distractions, often being followed through by another, more powerful techinque.

Weakness: Opposing chakra types. This technique is a forced elemental attack meaning it will always be -an- element. With multiple element users the user can pick the element with training
Chakra Cost: (7-9)

There are no E rank elemental jutsus, so this should only be D-C Also, for rank, put D-C

For all of your jutsu, post what you think the chakra cost should be (not a range) and I'll correct it if need be.
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Age : 30
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Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 6:23 am

1/2 approved
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Posts : 2032

Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 6:44 am

Shimotsuki Clan

I am sorry but it is too similar to this 'canon' kusa clan that has been created for the forum. Replica/similar KKG abilities are not warranted here due to the fact that we don't want 4 ice clans etc. Your idea is very similar to this clan's which has already been created. But, it is a open clan so you can join it freely. ^^
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I am Legion
I am Legion

Age : 33
Posts : 32

Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 7:36 am

I'm sorry but I have to disagree here. My clan is similar I will give you that but it is rather unique in the way that the transformations work and the limits to the animal species themselves as well as the characteristics inherent in the species themselves. The only real similarities are that the clansmen has a birthmark and an animal transformation that comes in an anthro and feral stage. I mean even the transformation's facilitating factor differs from that one. To top it off this clan has its own techniques where as the other appears to not have any at the moment.

I would like another opinion on this if possible because my character has already been formed around this clan's abilities and characteristics.
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Age : 30
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Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 7:39 am

Hmm, unfortunately, I think that Todd is right. I hadn't noticed it, but it's far too similar.
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I am Legion
I am Legion

Age : 33
Posts : 32

Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 7:42 am


six hours of my life I won't get back
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Posts : 2032

Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 8:23 am

Quote :
but it is rather unique in the way that the transformations work and the limits to the animal species themselves as well as the characteristics inherent in the species themselves.
Shimotsuki clan allows for more versatility in this area. It allows for adaption for any animal species one wants to take. The clan doesn't outline specific guidelines as every animal is different so it would be incredibly difficult to find common ground.

Quote :
I mean even the transformation's facilitating factor differs from that one. To top it off this clan has its own techniques where as the other appears to not have any at the moment.
There are no jutsu because, like I said above, this clan is versatile. Depending on which animal the user wants they will have different characteristics and abilities so there is no need for common ground jutsu. Individual jutsu will be made by individual users. That was the idea around it, to not confine the creativity.

- I am sorry about the work you put into it, there are aspects you can definitely use for your own character. You can use the snake species and go from there. It is a blank canvas for you.
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I am Legion
I am Legion

Age : 33
Posts : 32

Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 8:26 am

So basically I'm being shut down because your site decided to make one inbred clan that could turn into everything so you're not swamped with clan requests. If I wasn't so impressed that I hadn't thought of it for other sites first I'd be way more PO'd
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Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild Kyohoninu ~ Dog Running Wild  EmptySat 04 Jun 2011, 11:34 am

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