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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin]

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Posts : 15

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyWed 17 Nov 2010, 7:46 am

Basic Information:
Name: Shinobu, Kanon
- Behind the name1: Kanon (花音, From Japanese 花 (ka) "flower" and 音 (non) "sound".)
- Behind the name2: Shinobu (忍, Means "endurance" in Japanese.)
Secondary Title: -
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance:
Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Kanonb

Kanon stands at five feet and seven inches, quite good for a girl her age. She is skinny, though she does have curves in some places. Her built is sort of athletic, though with a touch of elegance. Her skin is pale, though shows a bit of a slight tan in some areas.

Her head shape is oval, though her chin is pointy. Her features are unsurprisingly soft, with a beautiful pear of faded blue eyes. Her nose is small and her lips are sweet holding in a nice shape. They come out pink most of the time and make up rarely touches her face. Her eyebrows have a good shape to them and her lashes are really nice long and curled.

Kanon's posture is also very good though. She stands straight and tall with elegance. Though her bones are built quite smaller than they should be, her strength in structure shows that that doesn't matter with her. She takes her body well and shows it off good with the clothing she wears.

One thing you can clearly see in Kanon is that she is a very organized person. She is the type who backs up her backup plans. She definitely adores creating different lists and sorts things out well. Because of this she is sort of a perfectionist and hates seeing things out of order. She will correct jobs done wrong.

Kanon is open and will tell you anything about herself that you need to know as long as you are a trusted person. She doesn't have anything that she needs to hide and will show you that she is real. She is friendly and a nice person. She is not too trusting though, but once you are trusted it proves that you are a good person or just a good liar.

Kanon makes decisions when she needs to. If something is wrong she will put that as her main priority. The village always comes first to her and can't stand anyone who takes anything lightly about it.

Kanon is social. She does roam the village on a daily basis and takes time to know everybody she can. She treats everyone the same unless it's an enemy or a really close friend. She also doesn't like seeing two people in the same village fight over something stupid. As noticed, Kanon isn't the war type. She prefers solving things with friendship rather than war. This does not mean that she will not fight though. As the village is her priority if a war calls, she will go all out and even risk her life for it.

Kanon is not the type to beat around the bush. She is actually quite blunt and will tell you what you need to know. She gets straight to the point and does not void topics or try to void topics. She can express things easily. She also won't stretch the truth or do anything like that.

Catch Phrase: “Yoku Kudasai.”

Clan Information:
The Shinobu Clan:

Rank Information:
Rank: Genin
Village Affiliation: Kirigakure no Sato

Special Information:
Skill Speciality: Ninjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Suiton, Raiton
Special Characteristics:
Time Sense:
Able Bodied:

Skill Information:
Jutsu List

Birth Arc:
Childhood Arc:
Academy Arc:

Genin Arc:

Role-Play Sample:

Last edited by Kanon on Mon 22 Nov 2010, 6:46 am; edited 6 times in total
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyWed 17 Nov 2010, 1:53 pm

I'm sorry, but all Jounin positions are occupied or reserved. It's become quite compulsory for members to begin as Genin and build up through the ranks. We suggest you do the same. Smile
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Age : 34
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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyWed 17 Nov 2010, 5:58 pm

Actually, Adam, Kirigakure has open Jounin positions. They are not reserved or taken beyond Dan because you refuse to give out those ranks. Bradd, at the moment is currently inactive opening that position.

Therefore you have Dan as a Jounin, with Gabe as a prospective, opening up two Jounin slots for Kirigakure that have not been reserved for anyone, looking at the applications in completed and uncompleted sections.

If you are that concerned about ranks, you might want to go clean out your approved section, and then look at the availability list, and adjust them accordingly.Then you'll see what is actually open and what isnt.
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Posts : 15

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyWed 17 Nov 2010, 7:14 pm

Creamy Goodness wrote:
I'm sorry, but all Jounin positions are occupied or reserved. It's become quite compulsory for members to begin as Genin and build up through the ranks. We suggest you do the same. Smile
I apologize. Please update the following so others do not get their hopes up as well.

Ultimate Shinobi 2.0 wrote:

Genin: 7/12 ~ Open
Chuunin: 3/3 ~ Closed
Jounin: 3/5 ~ Open Adam's Permission Required.
Special Forces: 0/0 ~ Closed
Mizukage: 1/1 ~ Closed

I will work on updating this. Sad
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Age : 34
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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyWed 17 Nov 2010, 7:40 pm

Again Kanon, refer to my post. Kiri actually has less Jounin than on the update. And less Chuunin
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Posts : 15

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyWed 17 Nov 2010, 7:51 pm

I suppose I will hold off on updating until Adam responds. Seeing as he is, ultimately, the gate keeper to whether or not I will be able to become a Jounin. Either way, I will have to accept the decision of the Mizukage, despite my opinion.
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Age : 34
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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyWed 17 Nov 2010, 7:53 pm

Yeah, Im working on it in staff since his entire statement is false. Give us until tomorrow.
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Posts : 15

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyWed 17 Nov 2010, 8:00 pm

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Posts : 15

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyFri 19 Nov 2010, 6:21 am


Should I just scale it down to Genin? Neutral
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptySat 20 Nov 2010, 1:06 am

Sorry, the topic continued on but the verdict was made. Unfortunately for you, my decision is the one that counts when it comes to Jounin in Kirigakure, Caranore was incorrect with the points that he made and I apologize for the wait. I'd appreciate it if you scaled it down to Genin, if it's done immediately and approved quickly, we could throw you in the Chuunin Exams as a gift for being screwed around a bit.
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Posts : 15

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptySat 20 Nov 2010, 1:52 am

It is okay, no hard feelings.

It should be downgraded now. The clan still needs to be approved, at least that's what I believe.
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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptySat 20 Nov 2010, 10:38 am

For now take off the medical Ninjutsu section in your app.
Lower yourself to Genin Rank
Also Can you describe in a bit greater detail your Special Characteristics. Thanks
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Posts : 15

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptySat 20 Nov 2010, 7:15 pm

Blaize wrote:
For now take off the medical Ninjutsu section in your app.
I see no issue with leaving Medical Ninjutsu in my app, seeing as it is my sub skill specialty.

Blaize wrote:
Lower yourself to Genin Rank
I already have.

Blaize wrote:
Also Can you describe in a bit greater detail your Special Characteristics. Thanks
All of my special characteristics are bluntly said. What is it you are missing about them? They are all really straight forward and in turn, I don't think I can dumb it down.
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Kumo Nin

Posts : 830

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptySun 21 Nov 2010, 1:34 am

!) Misread your sub specialty I apologies for that.
2) You didn't when I checked. Thanks for fixing.
3) I think your second and third one could be a bit more in detail. But if not then I guess its fine the way it is.

For now just wait for the clan
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Posts : 15

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptySun 21 Nov 2010, 6:27 am

Alright, thank you.
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyMon 22 Nov 2010, 6:35 am

Edit the clan on this app to the 'updated' clan that was recently approved and you're set.
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Posts : 15

Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyMon 22 Nov 2010, 6:46 am

Edited and Finished.
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyMon 22 Nov 2010, 8:49 am

I guess I can grant this approval if Elder Sage is fine with the edits.
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The Boss

Age : 30
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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] EmptyMon 29 Nov 2010, 8:46 am

Due to plagiarism, this application has been archived.
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Shinobu, Kanon [Kirigakure Genin] Vide
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