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Necromite Clan

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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyFri 12 Feb 2010, 12:36 am

Clan Name:



Clan Traits:

Necrotic Chakra:
All Necromites have a highly increased amount of chakra, nearly double the quantity a normal ninja would possess for their age or rank due to the advanced age of most Necromites and their ventures into death and life. Necromites, however, cannot use their chakra internally and thus cannot perform many jutsu, especially those of the Medical category.

Some jutsu can be replicated with external chakra, but they must have a solid form. Thus Necromites are unable to utilize the vast majority of Fuuton justu, and usually steer clear of using the element. The majority of Necromite utilize Katon, in contrast, because all of its jutsu have a physical form. Necromite chakra also is highly visible, unlike normal chakra, since the external form is a notably large blaze.

Death Sense:
Necromites are innately able to determine whether or not something has life within it, and are thus not fooled by clones, substitutions, etc. Only real creatures, not jutsu created creatures or clones, have 'life' within them which radiates like a white fiery aura around them. This aura cannot be hidden or repressed, unless by another Necromite, and all Necromites give off a gray aura rather than a white one since they have only limited 'life' in them.

A dead thing is very easily noted by a Necromite and thus they cannot be fooled by 'playing dead'. A dead object, animal, person, etc. gives off a bright flash of white, which blinds Necromites for a post if they are able to directly see it, and then has no aura. This flash is at the moment of death, some so called 'instanteous deaths' have been reported by Necromites to actually have lasted a few seconds, which were unbearably horrible to the afflicted person.

This sense is not sight, hearing, taste, etc. and they can simply 'sense' it visually, even if they are otherwise blinded or unable to see through some other method. The sense is only hampered when blinded by a flash of light from a dying ninja, this blindness affects ever a Necromite's Death Sense.

Undead Stamina:
Necromites have an increased level of stamina, which is used in place of chakra consumption for most of their techniques, which is further explained in the jutsu section of this application. Necromites have a 25% increase in stamina over normal ninja due to their increased life time and thus more time to perfectly hone their bodies to act according to their wishes.

Second Chance:
All Necromite clan members were former ninja of other villages, clans, ranks, etc. that were formerly deceased. Necromites do not retain any of their former clan abilities, though they do retain a memory and thus are often much wiser than younger ninja. They have often lived through events that no other ninja has even heard of, and some predate the ninja era completely, being raised as civilians and training as ninja are their resurrection.

Their is a healthy dose of mystery involved in how this process is done, and the Necromites have yet, in their thousands of years of existence, to reveal the secret or allow anyone who knows it to educate others. No Necromite, even those who raise others, has memory of the ritual after leaving the clan's ziggurat. Thus, the secret is maintained and only breaking into the building would be able to yield the answer, though it is heavily guarded with at least fifty clan members at the front gates alone, each highly capable shinobi.

Those that make attempts to break in are caught, killed, and resurrected as Necromites. They then pull the information of the attack out of the newly born Necromite, and seek revenge on the ninja's employer. More than one suspicious Kage had died from this, so few are likely to repeat the results since these deaths are very widely spread in order to ensure the safety of the clan's secrets.

The raising takes the form of a ritual in which deceased ninja are thrown into a deep pit which seems to have no end, or one the clan members have ever reached, and the pit is filled with a mysterious green fog which is known as the god of the Necromite clan, Rawush. Rawush invigorates worthy corpses and brings the life back into them by filling them with portions of himself, if he deems them worthy. Raised corpses claw into the sides of the pit and climb back up, if they make it they are welcomed as Necromites, if they do not they plummet into the unknown.

The validity of Rawush is questionable, and some Necromites in the temple believe that he may be an intelligent jutsu designed by their ancestors. These thoughts fade when they leave the temple grounds, on hourly cycles to decrease the odds of obtaining the information, and the instructions are given to each Necromite that enters by a voice in their head, believed to be Rawush. The secret of the clan is thus excessively protected.

(Note: Though ninja are raised, they may not die in RP and enter into this clan. The clan is like every other clan in that a character must be created from it, no character in RP may die and enter into this clan, be aware of this fact. Slain clan members cannot be re-raised.)

Kekkei Genkai:

Skeleton Eyes (Gaikotsuame)

Necromites are an ancient group that is composed of a variety of other ninja groups or clans who in life possessed powerful abilities, and some with Doujutsu, but in death they have been forced to revert to a lower level of skill with new abilities, including the fearsome Gaikotsuame, or Necrotic Eyes.

The Gaikotsuame takes the form of a normal eye until it is activated, through the will of the user. Once activated, however, the eye rapidly takes on an appearance like glass until it becomes completely clear and reveals two symbols carved into the back of the Necromite's eyes. The symbols are the kanji for 'Death' and for 'Life'.

Once active the eyes release a seal on the users body and the kanji illuminate with black fire as the bodies chakra is forced to take an external form. The chakra comes out as a black blaze that comes out from every point in the body and causes the user to retake their appearance on the date of their resurrection as a Necromite. Older Necromites have their skin melted away to reveal pure bone with the younger simply develop taunt white flesh and some exposed bones or muscle.

The chakra outside of the body takes a visible form and can be used for Necromite clan jutsu, as internal chakra is of little use to clan members. This flame burns brightly and according to rank reachs out a certain distance from the user, though it does not burn or cause any harmful effects beyond an eerie chill than effects even those ninja from snowy regions with a horrible feeling of cold.

With each post the chakra is sent out, it increases in size like a creeping plague that devours the nearby surroundings and turns them into solid black as the flames consume them. The larger the range the more power and options the Necromite has in their attacks.

Necromite RankChakra SizeExpansion Rate

Phantom Eyes (Konpakuame)

Some Necromites are able to advance beyond their initial level of Doujutsu by taking the eyes of another ninja and devouring them whole. This consumption is rarely tolerated by a Necromite's allies so its often done in secret so as to not arouse prejudice or suspicions that the user may be some kind of evil. After the eyes are ingested, the Necromite's bodily chakra is immediately forced out and forms a solid black coccoon around the Necromite.

This pupa form of a Necromite puts the affected ninja into a coma like slumber. Those with the ability to sense chakra can sense that the cocoon is heavily laden with a dark chakra and is thus not a wise thing to attack. If attacked, the cocoon uses a technique similar to Shushin and moves away from the attacker. If attacks are repeated, the cocoon will fire out tendrils of itself that pierce the ninja's body with incredible speed. This attack is not designed to be lethal, but it will knock an opponent out with ease.

The cocoon resembles a caterpillar pupa and simply lays on the ground where the eyes were ingested unless moved. The strands of the cocoon are very popular for making dark-aligned ninja weapons since they house great amounts of chakra per strand. Necromites usually hide themselves away for the duration of their metamorphosis. The cocoon lasts for three days and three nights and when the time is up, the strands unzip themselves to reveal an awakened Necromite.

After emerging from the cocoon the Necromite has the Kanji for 'Soul' written in both of their irises in the opposite color of their normal iris color so it stands out. These new eyes enable expulsion of body chakra in amounts rather than in the whole. This means a clan member can expel only a few feet from their arms, or from their heads, or make shapes out of it. Growth can also be halted at will, though growth by default continues in the same quantity regardless of how much is pushed out of the body.

If the eyes are taken from the Necromite, they revert to their initial stage. If implanted in another ninja, they speak to the ninja in a rasping voice that edges them on every time they see someone to tear out their eyes and eat them. If this is done, the Phantom Eyes are regained.

At this level, the user's base amount of chakra is increased by 10 feet when released externally, expansion rate stays the same.

Soul Eyes (Kontaname)

The highest level of a Necromite's Doujutsu, the Kontaname is a level attainable only through an action that few Necromites would consider, they have to die again. This death, however, has to be a planned death utilizing a special dagger given to all Necromites who achieve the Konpakuame. The dagger must be thrust through the heart and then thrust through the heart of another ninja while the blood is still fresh.

Once this is done, both ninja instantly collapse, dead, to the ground and find themselves in a dark place devoid of any features beyond an endless expanse. In this place, the Necromite's bodily chakra comes out white rather than black, and the necessity to escape this plane is sent to both persons almost instantly to their brains. Kill the other, and have their power, and their freedom...

Needless to say, some jutsu are not usable in this plane, such as many Doton techniques since the plane lacks any earth. There are no terrain features to use, no allies, just pure combat in an infinite realm between the two persons. When one of the two ninja trapped in this dimension is slain, they are asked a question by the same voice that stated the instructions, 'Will you take your prize?'

If answered with a yes, then the user is thrust back into their body, their opponent remaining dead to find the battle didn't even take a second to complete. Once they fully come to they awake to find their eyes to have changed into pure black and if the Necromite lost, the new recipient of the Kontaname gains all the Doujutsu abilities of the Necromite. These are in addition to whatever Doujutsu ability the clan member may themselves already have. If only one eye has an ability, it occupies that eye, if both do, then it occupies one at the obtainer's OOC choice. The eye may not be refused.

After the battle, the Kontaname has the ability to force out an opponents chakra in a manner similar to the Necromite's own with a look, the chakra being slowly forced out of the body over a three post period, taking 33%~ of the opponent's chakra per post. The technique requires maintained eye contact, though not neccessarily 'sight' (invisibility will not stop this) and the jutsu will continue so long as the user can regain contact with an opponent in a few seconds (a post.) If halted prematurely, the technique is considered 'finished' and incurs all the penalties, though only the chakra extracted is extracted out of the body.

When this is done, the opposing ninja is able to see their visible chakra expelled from their body, granting them all the weaknesses of the chakra without the benefits from being a Necromite (the time, natural expertise, stamina, etc.). The chakra has a similar size and expansion rate as a Necromite of the same rank, but other ninja lack the training and are rarely able to use the chakra since it is a completely foreign concept to them. The target's chakra remains externalized so long as they remain conscious, the body restoring balance during the resting period caused by sleep, unconsciousness, or death.

The Kontaname's effect is maintained for 3 posts before the user's eyes revert to their normal color and have a 5 post resting period before they can be used again. The first post of the resting period, the user is blind as the eyes readjust and the internal chakra reserve will be inaccessible as the eyes readjust to their passive state, using this chakra to stabilize themselves. If a non-Necromite achieves this level of Doujutsu, using this causes their chakra to come out as well as their opponents, and individual training with external chakra is needed to make any use of the ability.

At this level, the base amount of chakra of the user when using it externally increases by 10ft and the expansion rate increases by 2ft.

Last edited by Hage on Wed 03 Mar 2010, 2:16 am; edited 3 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyFri 12 Feb 2010, 12:37 am

Secret Clan Jutsu:

Note: Due to the external nature of the chakra system, jutsu do not consume 'chakra' in a sense since they are a direct manipulation of chakra. Instead, they consume an equivalent amount of bodily stamina, giving them the same limits as a ninja's chakra system, though not in the same sense. In addition, since the body needs some chakra to survive, an amount of chakra is left in the body and is measured in points according to the user's rank. Necromite jutsu that use this internal chakra reserve state how many points they take out of the reserve. If the reserve is reduced to 0, the Necromite dies.

Rank of NecromiteChakra Reserve

At anytime a Necromite may release his/her internal reserve and put it into external chakra, though this is rarely done and if done only in emergencies, adding 2ft of length per 5 points expelled from the body into external chakra. This internal reserve can be damaged like a normal chakra system, though this does not inhibit a Necromite like it would a normal ninja.

Also, please note the term 'consume', 'use', etc. is used for the use of chakra in jutsu. The chakra is not actually 'consumed', it doesn't go anywhere or fade from existance, it simply serves to say that X amount of chakra is used in this jutsu. If the chakra stays within the range of the Necromite's external chakra, it flows back into the chakra when its done being used. If it exits, then it fades away into nothing and that chakra is lost.

Name: Skeleton Style: Chakra Hardening
Type: None
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A Necromite uses their external chakra and causes a portion of it to harden to a physical density similar to a kunai's material and enabling it to be used to both defend and attack. Chakra may be added to this jutsu equivalent to the rank of jutsu the defensive strength is to be considered, but by default it is E Rank.

Name: Skeleton Style: Solid Formation
Type: None
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A Necromite jutsu used almost solely for social purposes. The user's chakra takes the form of a simple object, such as a hammock, chair, pillow, etc. and retains that shape for as long as the Necromite's chakra is out. The created object cannot be a weapon, and any created object is as hard as paper when attacked though it adopts the properties of the object it resembles otherwise (Ex. a chakra bed would be as soft as a normal bed.)

Name: Zombie Style: Slide
Type: None
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A Necromite, with their chakra externalized, makes the surface of their chakra below them flat, requiring little chakra and being so basic Academy level Necromites can perform it. This enables them to rapidly skate, at a Shushin like speed, to another area in their chakra, though they cannot move more than 5ft within one post.

Name: Zombie Style: Grave Claws
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their external chakra to form into a claw, or multiple claws, using the chakra's current radius for claw reach. This number may be divided among multiple claws or put into a single claw, either way not all of the chakra must be used in this jutsu and expansion still occurs, just not with the chakra in the claw so the reach stays the same until more chakra is put into a claw with another use of this jutsu.

Name: Zombie Style: Needle Hail
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to rise up in a wave that reaches up to a number of feet in height as desired, and as wide as desired, though this amount cannot exceed the clan member's total amount of chakra. The chakra forms into needles and fires off five arrows per foot of space that attack opponents within the chakra's shape with dense chakra arrows.

Name: Zombie Style: Rising Wall
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user slams their palms on the ground and causes all currently active external chakra to halt its current motion or jutsu and return to the user in the shape of a wall that reaches half the total length of chakra in height to protect the user from attacks. It is considered D Rank for defensive purposes, but more chakra can be put into the jutsu equal to the rank desired to defend against to increase its rank to the same letter.

Name: Zombie Style: Choke Punch
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user gathers 2 feet of chakra and wraps it around their hand before delivering a punching motion to an opponent. If the opponent dodges the attack, the chakra unwinds and grabs the opponent if they remain within 2ft of the punch, and if it collides the chakra reaches up to the opponents neck, if its long enough, and starts to choke them. The hand chokes with the same strength as the user, thus weaker clan members rarely use the technique, and can be torn off the body by a greater strength than itself fairly easily, coming off like tape if pulled.

Name: Zombie Style: Dark Cloud
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to rise up in a mist, rather than its normal solid form. This mist covers a 3ft area per foot of external chakra used to create it, though this chakra cannot be used for jutsu without re-condensing the chakra into a solid form which requires another use of this jutsu and takes a few seconds to occur, allowing the opponent some reaction time. In its cloud form, vision is inhibited, even for the user (though with their ability to sense 'life' they are still able to keep track of an opponent) and is thick enough to inhibit all vision beyond the cloudy chakra without special traits or jutsu.

Name: Banshee Style: Crushing Jaw
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user purposely moves his/her own chakra out of the way of an attack by causing a hole to form that allows the attack to pass through for a split second before the hole grows razor edges and slams shut. This technique can destroy C Rank projectiles and it can also cut off limbs caught in it. The size of the hole depends on how large the attack is and must be large enough to fit around the attack or attacker.

Name: Banshee Style: Guillotine Slice
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user makes a solid sheet of chakra fly towards an opponent, typically one mid-attack so that they're reaction time is incredibly slowed, and slashes through their body like a guillotine. The attack is halted by other jutsu or weapons at a higher rank and takes a few seconds to break through equally ranked defensive measures. If unhalted, however, it can easily cut through bone and an opponent's body. The attack reaches as many feet as are used for this jutsu but always requires at least 1ft to compensate for the depth of a human body, Akimichi or other large ninja take 2ft.

Name: Banshee Style: Flash Wall
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu, one of the few that adds chakra rather than using the already created chakra. The user holds out their palm and creates a small flat circle, about 2in in diameter, that is made of the same black flame chakra as the rest of the Necromite's chakra. This is created out of a small reserve in the body and consumes 2 points of chakra reserve.

Name: Banshee Style: Field of Flowers
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to reach out into spikes and become a barbed defense and offense. Ninja currently within range of the user's chakra and pierced by the spikes, especially if they're feet are in contact with it. Opponents in such a condition have their soles stuck to the ground by the sudden burst of spikes, which holds them in place unless they take the time to remove the chakra spike or if they break their own leg to escape. Those who are not in contact with the ground are still harmed by the spikes, just not with any particularly strange effects beyond piercing damage. This jutsu consumes 3ft of the chakra to cover the whole of the user's chakra with spikes, and this justu remains until dismissed.

Name: Banshee Style: Sloshing Wave
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. Similar to Skeleton Style: Slide, the user causes their chakra to become flat and slick. This causes running opponents to slip and fall, and increases the total length by 3ft when in use since it compacts the chakra's shape. Other Necromite jutsu cannot be used while the chakra is forced into this behavior.

Name: Banshee Style: Vision of the Night
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user forms a solid sphere of chakra consuming a half a foot of external chakra. This sphere resembles an eye and maintains a solid shape. The user is able to see out of this eye as though it were one of his own so long as one of his own eyes remains closed, so that his total vision never increases due to an increase of eye quantity.

Name: Banshee Style: Hundred Needle Burst
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to rise up and form into needles which fire off an opponent. Each needle is an inch long and consumes that much chakra to fire off. A number of needles may be fired off as chakra is used, and each fires off at high speed, comparable to an average senbon.

Name: Demon Style: Falling Fangs
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes 4ft of their chakra to rise up over an opponent, first knocking them to the ground if they are standing on the used chakra due to the sudden jerk, and then forming a half-sphere around them that encloses them in the Necromite's chakra. The jutsu then causes hundreds of small fangs to develop on the interior and collapse around an opponent, crushing their body and inflicting heavy damage before reverting to its normal state and revealing the often mangled corpse of the jutsu target.

Name: Demon Style: Shattering Chill
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to grow in its already abnormal chill, increasing the cold to a level that immediately shatters the concentration of the opponent, breaking jutsu that are being formed and halting focus for continuous jutsu. This chill lasts only a few seconds and then disappears, but these few seconds are all it takes to break even the most complex jutsu while the ninja is forming it. Ninja used to incredibly low temperatures, such as those who use the Hyouton element, can ignore the effects on this jutsu, most ninja cannot.

This jutsu uses some of the Necromite chakra reserve and consumes 5 points of it.

Name: Demon Style: Serpent Bite
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user gathers 1ft of their chakra around a hand that takes the shape of a skeletal gauntlet. Any organic thing that hand touches, usually the limbs of an opponent, is infected as the chakra moves onto that thing and rapidly condensing to crush it. This is frequently used against Taijutsu users to crush limbs.

Name: Demon Style: Tearing Lance
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user gathers 5ft of external chakra and creates a large lance, about 3ft in length, that is able to be used by the creator. The land is covered in small razor edges which cause it to resemble an elongated mace with a point. The lance is designed to shred and deal heavy damage, but is not as useful for piercing or slashing due to the razor edges inhibiting this and getting easily stuck in human flesh. When the lance becomes lodged in an opponent, the user may cause the chakra to disperse and swarm around the body, binding the hands and feet of the target with a split second delay after impact.

Name: Demon Style: Tendrils of Madness
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their external chakra to become various tendrils of pure, solid, chakra. The tendrils have a minimum of 1ft of length, as many tendrils may be created as desired (assuming enough chakra is present) and the size of each tendril depends on the decision of the user upon creation. In tendril moves at high speed and comes out of a thin blanket of black chakra on the ground. They are able to tangle opponent if they are 3ft or longer, binding their arms or legs.

Name: Demon Style: Thousand Needle Burst
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user creates a number of needles out of their external chakra to fire off at bullet-comparable speed at an opponent. Each needle consumes a half inch of chakra and as many may be created as chakra is consumed to use this jutsu.

Name: Demon Style: Black Suit
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes all of their current external chakra to gather around their body and form into a suit of solid chakra that resembles black armor. The armor is an inch think per 5ft used in this jutsu and each inch is considered a C Rank defense, with a one letter increase per inch of thickness, thus 3in thick armor would be considered A Rank. If this would cause the armor to be considered higher than S Rank, a new level of armor is simply added starting at D Rank this time. External layers must be broken first to reach internal layers of the armor.

Name: Lich Style: Aid From Hel
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user creates a battle companion which resembles a vague humanoid that is made of pure chakra. This jutsu consumes 10ft of external chakra and creates a effective clone that is treated as A Rank for attack and defense. The clone is able to manipulate its body at will and does not resemble the user beyond vague details. Thus the creation is a formidable threat, able to manipulate its body to dodge or increase the effectiveness of attacks, and a great nuisance.

Name: Lich Style: Black Cross
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to rise up around an opponent, who must be within the user's external chakra, and bind them at incredible speeds faster than the majority of ninja's reaction time. The chakra binds them and forms into a large cross that then lifts them up off the ground, at this point consuming 5ft of external chakra, and forms spikes in the hands and feet of the bound opponent. The spikes then spread out to cover the hands and feet, holding them firmly to the cross and preventing escape or movement.

Name: Lich Style: Speed Penalty
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. This jutsu is usable only while an opponent is utilizing Shushin or Substution. The user rapidly attaches 3ft of their chakra to the body of the opponent before they complete their movement, and thus when the arrive in their intended location, they find themselves covered in the chakra. Necromite jutsu can then be used with this chakra, serving as a heavy penalty for those who try to outpace a Necromite.

Name: Lich Style: Chakra Explosives
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to become more lethal by creating very small chakra balls in their current external chakra which are able to detonate into a small explosion. This jutsu does not reveal any changes, even with the ability to sense chakra since the chakra hasn't changed enough to note. If the chakra contacts an opponent, every foot of chakra can be used to create a 3ft diameter explosion and thus greatly increases the lethality of Necromite jutsu.

Name: Lich Style: Million Needle Burst
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user creates a hail of needles from their chakra similar to the others in the Needle Burst chain of jutsu. This consumes a half inch per needle created, but unlike the others in this chain, the used chakra strikes and then leaks back to the user, taking a post to move back to the main body of chakra, thus regaining any chakra used for the technique a post later. Each needle is at bullet speed.

Name: Damned Style: Infinite Needle Burst
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Element: None
Description: A high level forbidden Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to rise up into the air and rain down needles. The number of needles, unlike others in the Needle Burst chain of jutsu, has no definite amount and is instead based on a range. The chakra sent into the air rains down an uncountable number of needles over the area it covers, so 5ft of chakra covers a 5ft diameter area and rains down needles on that area, each at bullet comparable speed, making this a difficult (if possible) justu to dodge.

Name: Vision of Intent
Type: None
Rank: E-S
Element: None
Description: An unusual Necromite jutsu that lacks the normal classification of jutsu. This jutsu does not take external chakra, and instead consumes internal chakra. The Necromite must match eyes with an opponent and then sends an image to the opponent's mind, which has a variety of effects according to rank:

E Rank: A vision of minor pain, such as a stab with a kunai, may be sent to an opponent. (1pt)
D Rank: A vision of moderate pain, such as loss of a limb, or a spear through a vital organ ay be sent to an opponent. Afflicted limbs and organs in the vision feel numb for a post after the vision occurs. This does little to inhibit an opponent. (3pt)
C Rank: A vision of great pain, such as the loss of multiple limbs or heavy damage by a jutsu or attack. The body parts affected in the vision feel a tinge of pain and this pain can break the focus of an opponent. (5pt)
B Rank: A vision of great pain involving complete bodily destruction is sent to an opponent and stuns them for 1 post as the fear and mental shock of watching their own death keeps them immobile. (7pt)
A Rank: A vision of incredible pain involving repeated bodily destruction lasting an entire post rather than the normal instant occurs that breaks an opponents will, making their defense weaker against illusionary jutsu, reducing their ability to Kai by a letter rank, and also stunning them for the post. (10pt)
S Rank: A vision of horrible and hardly imaginable pain is sent to an opponent as they watch hundreds of ways they could die, each inflicted by the Necromite, in an instant. This commonly shatters the opponents will to fight, and leaves them immobile with pain and fear for two posts. Those affected by the jutsu are brought to the ground and reduced to babbling while the pain consumes them over the two posts. (15pt)

This jutsu only functions if the target is within the Necromites external chakra and is not classified as any particular form of jutsu, though many defenses against Genjutsu will aid in defending against this jutsu, particularly those that protect the eyes from being targeted.

Last edited by Hage on Wed 03 Mar 2010, 2:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyFri 12 Feb 2010, 12:42 am


Necromite Clan Skull_prev

The Necromite clan has little to no history of its own, since it is the formation of various other clans and lacks the tight-knit form of many clans. They do not see one another as family members, rather similarly lucky souls who were granted a second chance. Thus they know very little about one another and cannot be called a clan in the usual sense.

Rawush, and his original Necromites, are believed to come into being after the First Great Shinobi War where soldiers who meet their ends in the field found themselves in the comfort of Rawush, brought back to life through his intercession and given another chance. Most scattered, a few remained and formed the more clan worthy main location.

The true home of the Necromite clan lies deep within Iron Country, beneath the miles of earth, though dozens of other locations have the essence of Rawush with them and are thus able to create clan members. The main location is even more well defended than the other locations and the secondary location (the one mentioned in most of the application since it is readily accessable and pretends to be the true home base.)

Rawush has no apparent 'agenda' and seems interested only in reanimating worthy souls, though he has found considerable resistance by Hellsing. Some speculate that Rawush spends his time plotting how to remove the annoying organization, but the being itself remains silent on the issue and fails to care about what is thought of it.

Clan Details: Open With Permission From 'Z'
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

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Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyThu 18 Feb 2010, 3:47 am

Esh completed, no?
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

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Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyTue 02 Mar 2010, 11:15 pm

Bump for...13 days?
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Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyWed 03 Mar 2010, 1:33 am

Quote :
The raising takes the form of a ritual in which deceased ninja are thrown into a deep pit which seems to have no end
Where is this pit located. Within the Clan compound?

- How many times can one from the clan be raised? Is it only a 'second chance' or can they be revived after dying more than once.

Quote :
Necrotic Chakra:
All Necromites have a highly increased amount of chakra, nearly double the quantity a normal ninja would possess for their age or rank due to the advanced age of most Necromites and their ventures into death and life. Necromites, however, cannot use their chakra internally and thus cannot perform many jutsu, especially those of the Medical category.

Some jutsu can be replicated with external chakra, but they must have a solid form. Thus Necromites are unable to utilize the vast majority of Fuuton justu, and usually steer clear of using the element. The majority of Necromite utilize Katon, in contrast, because all of its jutsu have a physical form. Necromite chakra also is highly visible, unlike normal chakra, since the external form is a notably large blaze.
I would like you to further limit the use of external chakra. Due to the nature of the clan, the ability to manipulate their chakra should be a larger drawback not just another way for it to be used. Make it so users cannot use fuuton chakra at all, and must have fire as their main element (in connection with the doujutsu). Trying to manipulate their chakra externally should be more difficult/should have a larger drawback. Greater explaination on this would be good. Like what jutsu can they not use. Genjutsu? general ninjtusu? etc.

Soul Eyes (Kontaname)- So reverting you and the opponent into a foreign plane? it that kind of like the tsukuyomi in a way? Also there should be greater explaination on the forcing of their chakra externally. How is it done, via touch? do you have to be in the plane for it to work? (sorry if this has already been stated by you, a lot to read). Seeing as this is the final stage of the doujutsu and the range of your chakra manipulation is increasing etc. There should be more of a drawback then just a post cooldown.

Quote :
Name: Skeleton Style: Slide
Type: None
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A Necromite, with their chakra externalized, makes the surface of their chakra below them flat, requiring little chakra and being so basic Academy level Necromites can perform it. This enables them to rapidly skate, at a Shushin like speed, to another area in their chakra, though they cannot move more than 5ft within one post.
Change to D-rank.

Quote :
Name: Zombie Style: Choke Punch
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user gathers 2 feet of chakra and wraps it around their hand before delivering a punching motion to an opponent. If the opponent dodges the attack, the chakra unwinds and grabs the opponent if they remain within 2ft of the punch, and if it collides the chakra reaches up to the opponents neck, if its long enough, and starts to choke them.
How difficult is it to get out of the choking, in relation to the rank? what can be done about releasing the chakra.

Quote :
Name: Banshee Style: Field of Flowers
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to reach out into spikes and become a barbed defense and offense. Ninja currently within range of the user's chakra and pierced by the spikes, especially if they're feet are in contact with it. Opponents in such a condition have their soles stuck to the ground by the sudden burst of spikes, which holds them in place unless they take the time to remove the chakra spike or if they break their own leg to escape. Those who are not in contact with the ground are still harmed by the spikes, just not with any particularly strange effects beyond piercing damage. This jutsu consumes 3ft of the chakra to cover the whole of the user's chakra with spikes, and this justu remains until dismissed.
Could a def range be added to where the spikes are produced on the battlefield.

Quote :
Name: Demon Style: Black Suit
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes all of their current external chakra to gather around their body and form into a suit of solid chakra that resembles black armor. The armor is an inch think per 5ft used in this jutsu and each inch is considered a C Rank defense, with a one letter increase per inch of thickness, thus 3in thick armor would be considered A Rank. If this would cause the armor to be considered higher than S Rank, a new level of armor is simply added starting at D Rank this time. External layers must be broken first to reach internal layers of the armor.
Increase the level of chakra output per rank level increase. Due to the defensive nature of the technique, I would presume that it would take up a lot of your 'pt'.

Quote :
Name: Lich Style: Chakra Explosives
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to become more lethal by creating very small chakra balls in their current external chakra which are able to detonate into a small explosion. This jutsu does not reveal any changes, even with the ability to sense chakra since the chakra hasn't changed enough to note. If the chakra contacts an opponent, every foot of chakra can be used to create a 3ft diameter explosion and thus greatly increases the lethality of Necromite jutsu.
How large are the explosions? in relation to a explosive tag.

Quote :
Name: Damned Style: Ancient Voodoo
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Element: None
Description: A high level forbidden Necromite clan jutsu. The user consumes 3ft of chakra along with 15 points of internal chakra to create a small doll of an opponent. This jutsu requires the blood of the desired target, how it is obtained does not matter nor does the age of the blood involved. Once the doll is formed, a doll of the user appears in the opponent's hand, if they have no open hands it appears at their feet, if they are moving it appears at their starting location when the jutsu is used. Both dolls function as a typical voodoo doll, if a limb is destroyed in one doll, the limb of the person the doll represents is destroyed.

Using this doll is an unspeakable evil, and any ninja who is in contact with the doll can easily sense the evil power at work in the jutsu. They may choose to use the doll either way, and most do sense not using the doll could be a lethal decision, but using it taints the user's mind slowly. For every post the doll is held they shift closer to insanity, becoming fully insane if the doll is in their possession for more than three posts.

Only one action may be performed on the doll in a post. An action cannot cause instant death (you cannot cut off the doll's head, for example) and cannot effect more than one limb. An action could be severing a limb, but it could not sever two limbs, for example. The doll can be used on the post it is created, giving the Necromite user a slight advantage.
Denied. This in itself would be a seperate clan technique. This ability I don't warrant enough connection with your clans abilities, and is something that is powerful in itself.

Very interesting and confusing clan lol.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyWed 03 Mar 2010, 2:14 am

Todd wrote:
Quote :
The raising takes the form of a ritual in which deceased ninja are thrown into a deep pit which seems to have no end
Where is this pit located. Within the Clan compound?

Yes it is, the details of which are provided.

Todd wrote:

- How many times can one from the clan be raised? Is it only a 'second chance' or can they be revived after dying more than once.

It is only a single chance, they cannot be raised further after dying while raised.

Quote :
Necrotic Chakra:
All Necromites have a highly increased amount of chakra, nearly double the quantity a normal ninja would possess for their age or rank due to the advanced age of most Necromites and their ventures into death and life. Necromites, however, cannot use their chakra internally and thus cannot perform many jutsu, especially those of the Medical category.

Some jutsu can be replicated with external chakra, but they must have a solid form. Thus Necromites are unable to utilize the vast majority of Fuuton justu, and usually steer clear of using the element. The majority of Necromite utilize Katon, in contrast, because all of its jutsu have a physical form. Necromite chakra also is highly visible, unlike normal chakra, since the external form is a notably large blaze.

I would like you to further limit the use of external chakra. Due to the nature of the clan, the ability to manipulate their chakra should be a larger drawback not just another way for it to be used. Make it so users cannot use fuuton chakra at all, and must have fire as their main element (in connection with the doujutsu). Trying to manipulate their chakra externally should be more difficult/should have a larger drawback. Greater explaination on this would be good. Like what jutsu can they not use. Genjutsu? general ninjtusu? etc.[/quote]

They cannot use internal chakra, Fuuton is used an example because it relies heavily on internal chakra sources to be used, while Katon powers itself outside of the body in most cases (or could be powered outside of the body). They are merely examples, not stone set rulings. Some Fuuton use external, some Katon use internal. They cannot use chakra inside of their own bodies because of their chakra system, that is a fair enough limit which rules out almost all supplementary jutsu and most Eijutsu, along with things like every basic jutsu for instance.

Genjutsu could be utilized, assuming they used a medium, because their body cannot serve as such, so eye contact or direct transfer Genjutsu could not be used, object based Genjutsu (such as Tayuya's) can be used. The explanation seems fairly clear, if it uses the internal chakra system, it can't be utilized by a clan member.

Todd wrote:

Soul Eyes (Kontaname)- So reverting you and the opponent into a foreign plane? it that kind of like the tsukuyomi in a way? Also there should be greater explaination on the forcing of their chakra externally. How is it done, via touch? do you have to be in the plane for it to work? (sorry if this has already been stated by you, a lot to read). Seeing as this is the final stage of the doujutsu and the range of your chakra manipulation is increasing etc. There should be more of a drawback then just a post cooldown.

In some regards like Tsukuyomi, but it is a death, the souls are forcefully extracted and moved to another plane, leaving the body behind, however, so its not exactly like it. Since this is a Doujutsu technique the force is done via look, the ability is not tied to the plane, it is an ability gained through emerging from the previous planar battle victoriously. The technique has been modified.

Todd wrote:

Quote :
Name: Skeleton Style: Slide
Type: None
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A Necromite, with their chakra externalized, makes the surface of their chakra below them flat, requiring little chakra and being so basic Academy level Necromites can perform it. This enables them to rapidly skate, at a Shushin like speed, to another area in their chakra, though they cannot move more than 5ft within one post.
Change to D-rank.


Todd wrote:

Quote :
Name: Zombie Style: Choke Punch
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user gathers 2 feet of chakra and wraps it around their hand before delivering a punching motion to an opponent. If the opponent dodges the attack, the chakra unwinds and grabs the opponent if they remain within 2ft of the punch, and if it collides the chakra reaches up to the opponents neck, if its long enough, and starts to choke them.
How difficult is it to get out of the choking, in relation to the rank? what can be done about releasing the chakra.


Todd wrote:

Quote :
Name: Banshee Style: Field of Flowers
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to reach out into spikes and become a barbed defense and offense. Ninja currently within range of the user's chakra and pierced by the spikes, especially if they're feet are in contact with it. Opponents in such a condition have their soles stuck to the ground by the sudden burst of spikes, which holds them in place unless they take the time to remove the chakra spike or if they break their own leg to escape. Those who are not in contact with the ground are still harmed by the spikes, just not with any particularly strange effects beyond piercing damage. This jutsu consumes 3ft of the chakra to cover the whole of the user's chakra with spikes, and this justu remains until dismissed.
Could a def range be added to where the spikes are produced on the battlefield.

However far the chakra extends, as the technique should state and imply.

Todd wrote:

Quote :
Name: Demon Style: Black Suit
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes all of their current external chakra to gather around their body and form into a suit of solid chakra that resembles black armor. The armor is an inch think per 5ft used in this jutsu and each inch is considered a C Rank defense, with a one letter increase per inch of thickness, thus 3in thick armor would be considered A Rank. If this would cause the armor to be considered higher than S Rank, a new level of armor is simply added starting at D Rank this time. External layers must be broken first to reach internal layers of the armor.
Increase the level of chakra output per rank level increase. Due to the defensive nature of the technique, I would presume that it would take up a lot of your 'pt'.

Points are for internal chakra, this is created through external chakra, thus it consumes none of it. The ranking is based on how much of the chakra is used, the cost is simply to move it all, so a variable rank cost isn't appropriate for this technique. The strength is based on how many feet of external chakra is applied, the more is present, the thicker it is.

Todd wrote:

Quote :
Name: Lich Style: Chakra Explosives
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: A Necromite clan jutsu. The user causes their chakra to become more lethal by creating very small chakra balls in their current external chakra which are able to detonate into a small explosion. This jutsu does not reveal any changes, even with the ability to sense chakra since the chakra hasn't changed enough to note. If the chakra contacts an opponent, every foot of chakra can be used to create a 3ft diameter explosion and thus greatly increases the lethality of Necromite jutsu.
How large are the explosions? in relation to a explosive tag.

The explosive radius is stated, three feet per foot of chakra given up to create the bubble of chakra.

Todd wrote:

Quote :
Name: Damned Style: Ancient Voodoo
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Element: None
Description: A high level forbidden Necromite clan jutsu. The user consumes 3ft of chakra along with 15 points of internal chakra to create a small doll of an opponent. This jutsu requires the blood of the desired target, how it is obtained does not matter nor does the age of the blood involved. Once the doll is formed, a doll of the user appears in the opponent's hand, if they have no open hands it appears at their feet, if they are moving it appears at their starting location when the jutsu is used. Both dolls function as a typical voodoo doll, if a limb is destroyed in one doll, the limb of the person the doll represents is destroyed.

Using this doll is an unspeakable evil, and any ninja who is in contact with the doll can easily sense the evil power at work in the jutsu. They may choose to use the doll either way, and most do sense not using the doll could be a lethal decision, but using it taints the user's mind slowly. For every post the doll is held they shift closer to insanity, becoming fully insane if the doll is in their possession for more than three posts.

Only one action may be performed on the doll in a post. An action cannot cause instant death (you cannot cut off the doll's head, for example) and cannot effect more than one limb. An action could be severing a limb, but it could not sever two limbs, for example. The doll can be used on the post it is created, giving the Necromite user a slight advantage.
Denied. This in itself would be a seperate clan technique. This ability I don't warrant enough connection with your clans abilities, and is something that is powerful in itself.

Fine with me, I was just trying to conjure up something worth the S Rank. I'm not heavily attached to it.

Todd wrote:

Very interesting and confusing clan lol.

Wouldn't be one of mine if it was simple after all Very Happy
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Posts : 2032

Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyWed 03 Mar 2010, 5:02 am

I am happy with the changes.

But I would think another mod or admin would have to also look due to the unorthodox nature of the clan.
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Age : 30
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Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyWed 03 Mar 2010, 5:05 am

Really a lot to take in... but from what I can gather. It is quite acceptable.
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Necromite Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Necromite Clan Necromite Clan EmptyWed 03 Mar 2010, 5:14 am

Double approval! rabbit

Good Work Hage, crazy as ever but deliciously good.
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