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Taru Clan (Ready)

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Age : 31
Posts : 1836

Taru Clan (Ready) Vide
PostSubject: Taru Clan (Ready) Taru Clan (Ready) EmptySat 27 Feb 2010, 8:29 pm

Clan Name: Taru (Tar)

Clan Location: Anywhere

Clan Traits:
Earth Affinity:
All Taru have an affinity towards the Earth element.

Body of Tar:
When a Taru is born, the baby is taken to the clan elders who then perform a series of rituals and operations on the child for a total time of 3 days to turn the infant's body from a normal human's to a body composed of a tar-like substance (much like Suigetsu’s water body). This is shaped and hardened to mimic the human body and its anatomy. Despite being made of tar, Taru can still bleed like a normal human, the only difference being that their blood is black rather than red (i.e they have black haemoglobin rather than red). A passive ability that is as simple as breathing for this clan, this trait grants them several abilities:

- Defense: Since they are made of tar, they cannot be killed/hurt by attacks like Taijutsu, Kenjutsu etc, since the attack will simply sink through them and break them or turn them into a pile of tar. Taru CAN be killed/hurt by Ninjutsu or Genjutsu of any kind, they cannot be killed by attacks that focus on hurting the body with blows (Taijutsu, Kenjutsu etc).

- Regeneration: Since they have formed their body from tar, they can regenerate their body parts with ease. Therefore, if their body is severed in two or hit so hard that they turn into a pile of tar, they can easily grow back into their former appearance. The time taken to regenerate is based on the rank of the attack, with attacks of the same rank as the user being fixed in half a post, while attacks 1 rank above the user’s rank taking 1 post, 2 ranks above take 2 posts etc. If an S-Rank Taru is hit by a S-Rank attack of Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, etc. it will still take 1 post to regenerate. An important note is that the body part can only be regenerated if the tar is within a 20ft radius. Any tar beyond that point cannot be used to regenerate body parts. As they can regenerate lost body parts, the tar from their body can also be used to attack or defend, but the user might be in danger of using up all their body tar and killing themselves. Since this is not a passive technique and is a jutsu, it costs chakra to perform.

- Body Manipulation: Using their ability to control and shape tar into different forms, Taru are capable of changing the appearance of their body. They can change a limb into a sword, or grow wings, even manipulate their body mass. Taru of a high rank such as A/S-Rank can change their entire appearance to appear as another creature.

Kekkei Genkai:
Tar Element

The Tar element is an advanced form of the Earth element that creates a black, ooze-like substance that has a sticky nature to it, similar to slime or glue. The following list details the elemental superiority or inferiority of the Tar element as opposed to the five basic elements:
- Tar is strong against Water.
- Tar is weak against Lightning.
- Tar is neutral against Earth, Wind and Fire (attacks of the same rank will cancel each other out).

As they can harden the tar to different extents, their attacks can be lethal. They can control any tar around them, even tar from their own body, though this will have to be grown back with more tar. The tar is controlled using various hand gestures, and relies completely on the clan member’s use of his or her hands; if the clan member’s hands are unusable, then they cannot control the tar. The tar can be made to grab something, create stairs or buildings, and many other things. Taru who are skilled enough may even alter their body mass by changing the amount of tar their body is composed.

The Tar element is known to be quite sticky, capable of restricting movement to a great level. The tar can be cut with sharp objects; however the rank of the object must be equivalent to the rank of the clan member for it to work. Blunt objects rarely have any affect on the tar.

Secret Clan Jutsu:
Quote :
Name: Tar Creation
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: A Taru will cause tar to seep out of the ground around him. The technique can create up to 15ft of tar per post, and requires a D-Rank amount of chakra per post. One of the most basic and most fundamental clan jutsu, this technique is used as a source of tar for the clan member’s attacks.

Name: Tar Mastery
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This skill allows Taru clan members to manipulate tar. The tar can be made to attack or defend in any way. Using various hand gestures, the Taru can control the tar. They can even lift the tar into the air to use it more effectively. The Taru can control any tar within his controlling area. The area varies based on rank, with C-Rank having a 10 meter radius, B-Rank having a 20 meter radius, A-Rank having a 30 meter radius, and S-Rank having a 50 meter radius.

Name: Regeneration
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Since they have formed their body from tar, they can regenerate their body parts with ease. Therefore, if their body is severed in two or hit so hard that they turn into a pile of tar, they can easily grow back into their former appearance. The time taken to regenerate is based on the rank of the attack, with attacks of the same rank as the user being fixed in half a post, while attacks 1 rank above the user’s rank taking 1 post, 2 ranks above take 2 posts etc. If an S-Rank Taru is hit by a S-Rank attack of Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, etc. it will still take 1 post to regenerate. An important note is that the body part can only be regenerated if the tar is within a 20ft radius. Any tar beyond that point cannot be used to regenerate body parts. As they can regenerate lost body parts, the tar from their body can also be used to attack or defend, but the user might be in danger of using up all their body tar and killing themselves. Since this is not a passive technique and is a jutsu, it costs chakra to perform.

Name: Tar Hardening
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu allows a Taru to harden the tar he uses. Taru of different ranks can harden the tar to different extents. C-Rank can harden it to the strength of iron, B-Rank can harden it to the strength of concrete, A-Rank can make it strong enough to withstand even the toughest of Kaguya attacks, and S-Rank can make it as hard as diamond. Whatever the rank of the Taru, the jutsu is still a C-Rank one.

Name: Tar Tendrils
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: A Taru will gather extra tar to his back, which he will convert into four 10ft long tentacles that can be controlled like extra appendages. The tentacles are no harder than normal tar, however the same defense rules apply here as well. Due to the stickiness of the tentacles, a Taru can bind his opponent with these tentacles and hold them in place.

Name: Tar Spew
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: The Taru will gather Tar Chakra to his mouth, and will then squirt out a stream of sticky tar at a high pressure aimed at the target. The tar stream will be at such high pressure that it will be capable of breaking through wood. The maximum range of this jutsu is 5 meters, and if the stream of tar hits the target, it will cover them entirely and will restrict their movement because of its stickiness.

Name: Tar Finger Bullets
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: The Taru will fire a barrage of finger-sized bullets made of hardened tar at the target using the tar from his fingers. The Tar Bullets will be launched at a high speed and will be capable of travelling a foot into a thick tree.

Name: Tar Balls
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: A Taru will gather some of the tar around him and form a few baseball-sized spheres of tar that will float in the air around him. With a flick of his hand, the Taru can send either one or all of the Tar Balls flying towards the target. If the Tar Ball hits the target, it will pop and cover them in sticky tar which will restrict their movement. Any attack higher than C-Rank will enable the target to escape the sticky coating. Any Lightning attack will have the same effect. Jutsu requiring movement to break free such as the Hyuuga clan’s Rotation cannot be used when covered in the coating.

Name: Tar Sculpting
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: A technique which allows a Taru to shape tar into any object he wishes, whether it is a weapon or simple furniture. The object created will be as hard as the clan member can make it and will function just as well as its real version. Whenever the clan member wishes it, he may turn the object back into tar. Because of the versatility of this technique, it is often considered a clan favorite.

Name: Tar Clone
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: This technique allows a Taru to shape tar into tangible clone of himself composed of tar. The Tar Clone can interact more with the environment since it is tangible and is capable of performing a limited number of jutsu (2 C-Ranks, 3 D-Ranks, and 4 E-Ranks). When the Tar Clone is hit, it will burst into a shower of tar and cover everything within 5ft of it in sticky, black tar which will restrict movement.

Name: Tar Barrier of Protection
Rank: C-A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: Using the tar around them, a Taru will form a dome-like barrier of hardened tar around them, which will block incoming attacks. The size of the dome varies from rank to rank, with C-Rank being able to create a dome 5ft in diameter, B-Rank being able to create a dome 8ft in diameter, and A-Rank being able to create a dome 12ft in diameter. The Tar Barrier will only block attacks of its rank and lower, with the exception of Lightning attacks, which can only be blocked when they are two ranks beneath the rank of the Tar Barrier (A can block C, S can block B). The Taru can either for a full dome of tar to block attacks from all directions, or a half dome to block attacks from a particular direction.

Name: Advanced Tar Clone
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Ooze
Description: An advanced form of the original Tar Clone, the advanced version also creates a tangible clone composed of tar. However, this clone cannot perform any jutsu and is restricted to simple non-chakra-based attacks. Due to its malleability, when a physical attack such as a Taijutsu or Weaponry attack lands on the Advanced Tar Clone the blow will sink through the clone rather than harm it. The Tar Clone will last until it is struck by a chakra-based attack of any type other than the ones it is immune to (i.e Taijutsu, Weaponry, etc.).

Name: Mass Alteration Jutsu
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar/None
Description: This jutsu enables a Taru to alter his body mass using tar. The Taru can decrease their body mass by removing some of the tar from which they are made, thus reducing their body mass and granting them more speed, but decreasing their over-all strength (stat percentage increase and decrease is proportional to the percentage decrease of the body’s mass). Similarly, the Taru can fuse more tar into their body to increase their body mass and therefore gain an increase in their strength but a decrease in their speed (stat percentage increase and decrease is proportional to the percentage increase of the body’s mass). An example would be is if a Taru adds 10% to his body mass he gains a 10% strength increase but a 10% speed decrease.

Name: Tar Sinkhole
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: The Taru will first use the Tar Manufacturing Jutsu to create tar beneath the target, which will be as soft as quicksand and will therefore cause the target to sink into the ground. The target will sink so deep into the ground that the pressure of being trapped so deep within the earth and the stickiness of the tar will leave them incapable from freeing themselves. This jutsu can only be used after the Tar Manufacturing Jutsu has been used, and since such a large amount of tar has to be created, this jutsu takes some time to set up (2 posts).

Name: Tar Cocoon
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: The Taru will cause tar from the ground to rise up and cover the target’s feet, stopping them in their tracks. The tar will them rise up and cover their entire body, preventing them from moving at all. The Tar Cocoon will be very thick, so it will be difficult to break it. Lightning Jutsu of any rank may break through this Cocoon, while Taijutsu attacks of A-Rank and above can break through this Cocoon. This jutsu is used to set up the use of Tar Constriction.

Name: Tar Constriction
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: After performing Tar Cocoon or the Tar Sinkhole Jutsu, the Taru will perform a clenching motion with his hand which will cause the tar around the target to constrict so tightly that it breaks the target’s bones and internal organs, ultimately killing them. This jutsu cannot be used in the same post as Tar Cocoon or Tar Sinkhole.

Name: Shape-Shifting
Rank: A-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar/None
Description: This jutsu allows the clan member to change the appearance of his body either by shifting the arrangement of the tar on their body or by using tar from a source around them. Using this jutsu, the clan member can do a variety of things with his body, such as changing the appearance of a limb or even the entire body’s appearance. Some common changes to their body are listed below:

- Wings: By using all the tar from their arms, a Taru will form large wings of a wingspan of 10ft, whether bat-like or bird-like is the Taru’s choice. The wings can be used to deliver large gusts of air or to blow back weapon attacks. They can also be used to increase the Taru’s jumping height by 50%, and can also be used to slow down a fall. When used in conjunction with the Mass Alteration Jutsu a Taru can make himself light enough to fly using the wings, though this will result in the Taru losing 60% of his body mass and strength. Does not require an alternative source of tar.

- Weapon Arms: This allows the Taru to change one or both of his arms into different weapons, such as a axe head or a sword’s blade. Weapons such as weapon launchers can also be made. These will not launch real weapons like kunai or shuriken, rather hardened tar versions of them. Does not require an alternative source of tar.

- Beast Limbs: A Taru can change his hands or feet into animal appendages, such as claws or talons. They will function just like the real versions of them, though they are made of tar. Does not require an alternative source of tar.

- Enhanced Limbs: Using a source of tar, a Taru will gather tar to his limbs until they are much stronger. When the limbs are at their strongest, they are capable of kicking/punching through a 3ft thick steel door.

- Demon Form: This allows a Taru to change his over-all appearance to match a demon with some or all of the above body improvements (wings, claws, stronger limbs etc.). To do this, a Taru must use a nearby source of tar to alter his appearance. This is the part of the jutsu that is S-Rank. An important note is that the Taru must choose how he wants his appearance to look like e.g whether he wants wings with high speed, or enhanced limbs with great strength and so on. This form can only be maintained for 5 posts; after that, the Taru will be low on chakra and will be in danger of dying or fainting from chakra over-use.

The Taru clan began with four brothers, all four of whom, had the ability to create a tar-like substance. These four brothers, known at that time as “The Four Tar Pits”, were well-renowned as great and powerful shinobi. They were neutral to all countries, and their strengths were often requested by other villages. One particular request was given by small village to rid their village of a tyrannical leader. The four brothers were reluctant to agree to this request, but after seeing the state of the village and the treatment it received from its ruler, they agreed to fight against the tyrant and free the village from his rule.

Gathering a few followers and several allies, the four brothers began their assault on the tyrant’s fortress. They rebellion easily defeated the guards and first wave of defense, but they received a grim surprise in the form of the second wave of defense. The tyrant was revealed to have made dealings with demons and other form of dark creatures, and he sent them out to rid him of the rebellion. A great battle ensued between the tyrant’s demonic forces and the rebellion led by the four brothers. After severe losses on their side, the rebellion managed to come on top of the battle, though they just barely managed to do so. The cowardly tyrant committed suicide before his attackers even reached him, and from then on the village was free from such tyrannical rule. The four brothers, due to unanimous request, took up the role of the village’s leaders and protectors.

Many years passed, and by then the four brothers had married and left behind children, all of whom possessed their ability to create tar. These children further spread the ability through their offspring, and soon an entire clan of tar-users was living in the village. This increase caused the newly-named Taru clan to migrate from the village to other parts of the world. To this day, the Taru clan resides in all four of the Four Great Ninja Countries, as well as in a few Smaller Countries as well.

Clan Details: OPEN

Last edited by Ulkira on Mon 01 Mar 2010, 5:46 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Posts : 2032

Taru Clan (Ready) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Taru Clan (Ready) Taru Clan (Ready) EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 5:05 am

Quote :
Body of Tar:
All Taru are born with bodies composed of a tar-like substance (much like Suigetsu’s water body) that has been shaped and hardened to mimic the human body and its anatomy. A passive ability that is as simple as breathing for this clan, this trait grants them several abilities:
How is this possible? you would need to explain how they are made up of this, is their body different from others? like their circulartory system or genetically different? etc.

Quote :
Regeneration: Since they have formed their body from tar, they can regenerate their body parts with ease. Therefore, if their body is severed in two or hit so hard that they turn into a pile of tar, they can easily grow back into their former appearance. The time taken to regenerate is based on the rank of the attack, with attacks of the same rank as the user being fixed in half a post, while attacks 1 rank above the user’s rank taking 1 post, 2 ranks above take 2 posts etc. If an S-Rank Taru is hit by a S-Rank attack of Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, etc. it will still take 1 post to regenerate. An important note is that the body part can only be regenerated if the tar is within a 20ft radius. Any tar beyond that point cannot be used to regenerate body parts. As they can regenerate lost body parts, the tar from their body can also be used to attack or defend, but the user might be in danger of using up all their body tar and killing themselves.
There would need to be a limit on how many times this can be used during a single thread, as you could just regenerate yourself an inifinate amount of times if the conditions were right. Also there should be a drawback to this.

Quote :
the Tar element is strong against Water since it is denser as compared to it and weak against Lightning.
Seeing as it is quite a unique element, I would like a table or chart of the different strengths and weaknesses to all the five main elements to get a better indication of its level.

Quote :
Name: Tar Tendrils
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: A Taru will gather extra tar to his back, which he will convert into four 10ft long tentacles that can be controlled like extra appendages. The tentacles are hardened to the maximum hardness that the Taru can do at his rank. This makes the tentacles tougher than normal tar, and allows the Taru to bind the target tightly with the tentacles.
If they are hardened to the maximum that the user is able to, then wouldn't the tenticles loose their flexibility? you would need to state how they can still freely move even when hardened, naming the flexibility and range of them.

Quote :
Name: Tar Barrier of Protection
Rank: C-A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: Using the tar around them, a Taru will form a dome-like barrier of hardened tar around them, which will block incoming attacks. The Tar Barrier will only block attacks of its rank and lower, with the exception of Lightning attacks, which can only be blocked when they are two ranks beneath the rank of the Tar Barrier (A can block C, S can block B). The Taru can either for a full dome of tar to block attacks from all directions, or a half dome to block attacks from a particular direction.
The range and size of the dome? can it only fit you inside, or can it protect multiple people?

Quote :
Name: Mass Alteration Jutsu
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar/None
Description: This jutsu enables a Taru to alter his body mass using tar. The Taru can decrease their body mass by removing some of the tar from which they are made, thus reducing their body mass and granting them more speed, but decreasing their over-all strength (stat percentage increase and decrease is proportional to the percentage decrease of the body’s mass). Similarly, the Taru can fuse more tar into their body to increase their body mass and therefore gain an increase in their strength but a decrease in their speed (stat percentage increase and decrease is proportional to the percentage increase of the body’s mass).
Actual percentage increases/decrease would be needed for the speed and strength.

Quote :
Name: Tar Constriction
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: After performing Tar Cocoon or the Tar Sinkhole Jutsu, the Taru will perform a clenching motion with his hand which will cause the tar around the target to constrict so tightly that it breaks the target’s bones and internal organs, ultimately killing them. This jutsu cannot be used in the same post as Tar Cocoon or Tar Sinkhole.
Change to A-rank.

All in all, a very unique and very cool clan. I love it Ulkira! Is your kumo nin going to be in this clan??? ^^
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Age : 31
Posts : 1836

Taru Clan (Ready) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Taru Clan (Ready) Taru Clan (Ready) EmptySun 28 Feb 2010, 4:37 pm

Todd wrote:
Quote :
Body of Tar:
All Taru are born with bodies composed of a tar-like substance (much like Suigetsu’s water body) that has been shaped and hardened to mimic the human body and its anatomy. A passive ability that is as simple as breathing for this clan, this trait grants them several abilities:

How is this possible? you would need to explain how they are made up of this, is their body different from others? like their circulartory system or genetically different? etc.
Edited, hope it's good enough.

Todd wrote:
Quote :
Regeneration: Since they have formed their body from tar, they can regenerate their body parts with ease. Therefore, if their body is severed in two or hit so hard that they turn into a pile of tar, they can easily grow back into their former appearance. The time taken to regenerate is based on the rank of the attack, with attacks of the same rank as the user being fixed in half a post, while attacks 1 rank above the user’s rank taking 1 post, 2 ranks above take 2 posts etc. If an S-Rank Taru is hit by a S-Rank attack of Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, etc. it will still take 1 post to regenerate. An important note is that the body part can only be regenerated if the tar is within a 20ft radius. Any tar beyond that point cannot be used to regenerate body parts. As they can regenerate lost body parts, the tar from their body can also be used to attack or defend, but the user might be in danger of using up all their body tar and killing themselves.
There would need to be a limit on how many times this can be used during a single thread, as you could just regenerate yourself an inifinate amount of times if the conditions were right. Also there should be a drawback to this.
I turned it into a jutsu, that way there's a limit to how many times it can be used per rank and it costs chakra at the same time. ^^

Todd wrote:
Quote :
the Tar element is strong against Water since it is denser as compared to it and weak against Lightning.

Seeing as it is quite a unique element, I would like a table or chart of the different strengths and weaknesses to all the five main elements to get a better indication of its level.
List made and added.

Todd wrote:
Quote :
Name: Tar Tendrils
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: A Taru will gather extra tar to his back, which he will convert into four 10ft long tentacles that can be controlled like extra appendages. The tentacles are hardened to the maximum hardness that the Taru can do at his rank. This makes the tentacles tougher than normal tar, and allows the Taru to bind the target tightly with the tentacles.

If they are hardened to the maximum that the user is able to, then wouldn't the tenticles loose their flexibility? you would need to state how they can still freely move even when hardened, naming the flexibility and range of them

Quote :
Quote :
Name: Tar Barrier of Protection
Rank: C-A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: Using the tar around them, a Taru will form a dome-like barrier of hardened tar around them, which will block incoming attacks. The Tar Barrier will only block attacks of its rank and lower, with the exception of Lightning attacks, which can only be blocked when they are two ranks beneath the rank of the Tar Barrier (A can block C, S can block B). The Taru can either for a full dome of tar to block attacks from all directions, or a half dome to block attacks from a particular direction.

The range and size of the dome? can it only fit you inside, or can it protect multiple people?
Edited, can't believe I forgot such a thing.

Todd wrote:
Quote :
Name: Mass Alteration Jutsu
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar/None
Description: This jutsu enables a Taru to alter his body mass using tar. The Taru can decrease their body mass by removing some of the tar from which they are made, thus reducing their body mass and granting them more speed, but decreasing their over-all strength (stat percentage increase and decrease is proportional to the percentage decrease of the body’s mass). Similarly, the Taru can fuse more tar into their body to increase their body mass and therefore gain an increase in their strength but a decrease in their speed (stat percentage increase and decrease is proportional to the percentage increase of the body’s mass).

Actual percentage increases/decrease would be needed for the speed and strength
I don't understand what you're asking here. It's explained in the description that the change in stats is the same as the change in mass, that is if a Taru adds 10% to his body mass he gains a 10% strength increase and a 10% speed decrease. The same with losing body mass, except the increase and decrease is switched between the two stats.

Todd wrote:
Quote :
Name: Tar Constriction
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Tar
Description: After performing Tar Cocoon or the Tar Sinkhole Jutsu, the Taru will perform a clenching motion with his hand which will cause the tar around the target to constrict so tightly that it breaks the target’s bones and internal organs, ultimately killing them. This jutsu cannot be used in the same post as Tar Cocoon or Tar Sinkhole.

Change to A-rank.

Todd wrote:
All in all, a very unique and very cool clan. I love it Ulkira! Is your kumo nin going to be in this clan??? ^^
Yep. I finally managed to get off my over-worked and lazy bum to post this. Smile
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Posts : 2032

Taru Clan (Ready) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Taru Clan (Ready) Taru Clan (Ready) EmptyMon 01 Mar 2010, 7:30 am

Quote :
Tar > Water (Only Water attacks 2 ranks higher and above can defeat Tar)
- Tar > Wind (Only Wind attacks 1 rank higher and above can defeat Tar)
- Tar < Lightning (Only Tar attacks 2 ranks higher and above can defeat Tar)
- Tar < Fire (Only Tar attacks 1 rank higher and above can defeat Fire)
- Tar being an advanced form of the Earth element, the two elements have no effect on each other.
So basically, tar is strong against every element? This is a little OP as every element has a disadvantage against the element, which will not be allowed. I was thinking more along the lines of having an advantage over one element (water?), a major disadvantage against another (lightning?), then varied/neutral effects on the others, not all advantages to you. xD

Quote :
I turned it into a jutsu, that way there's a limit to how many times it can be used per rank and it costs chakra at the same time. ^^
This is better. But just to clarify, everytime you use the technique does it drain a C-rank amount of chakra? regardless of the rank?

Quote :
I don't understand what you're asking here. It's explained in the description that the change in stats is the same as the change in mass, that is if a Taru adds 10% to his body mass he gains a 10% strength increase and a 10% speed decrease. The same with losing body mass, except the increase and decrease is switched between the two stats.
Ahh...I see, sorry I read the thing wrong. But the bolded sentence would be good to add into the description as an example in brackets.

Quote :
Yep. I finally managed to get off my over-worked and lazy bum to post this.
Lol. Over-worked, lazy bum?? thats a bit of a contradiction! xD
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Age : 31
Posts : 1836

Taru Clan (Ready) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Taru Clan (Ready) Taru Clan (Ready) EmptyMon 01 Mar 2010, 5:58 pm

Todd wrote:
Quote :
Tar > Water (Only Water attacks 2 ranks higher and above can defeat Tar)
- Tar > Wind (Only Wind attacks 1 rank higher and above can defeat Tar)
- Tar < Lightning (Only Tar attacks 2 ranks higher and above can defeat Tar)
- Tar < Fire (Only Tar attacks 1 rank higher and above can defeat Fire)
- Tar being an advanced form of the Earth element, the two elements have no effect on each other.
So basically, tar is strong against every element? This is a little OP as every element has a disadvantage against the element, which will not be allowed. I was thinking more along the lines of having an advantage over one element (water?), a major disadvantage against another (lightning?), then varied/neutral effects on the others, not all advantages to you. xD
I think you misunderstood what I was saying there, either that or I didn't explain it properly. What I meant to say was that Tar would be strong against Water like Earth is, and weak against Lightning like Earth. Regarding Wind, if a Tar attack and a Wind attack of the same rank collide, Tar wins. If the Wind attack is a rank higher, than Tar loses. In other words, Tar is slightly stronger than Wind. If a Tar attack collides with a Fire attack of the same rank, Fire wins, In the same way, if the Tar attack is a rank higher, Fire will lose. So, Fire is slightly stronger than Tar. I added examples to clarify it, if you still don't think it works then I'll edit to something else.

Todd wrote:
Quote :
I turned it into a jutsu, that way there's a limit to how many times it can be used per rank and it costs chakra at the same time. ^^
This is better. But just to clarify, everytime you use the technique does it drain a C-rank amount of chakra? regardless of the rank?
Yeah, pretty much.

Todd wrote:
Quote :
I don't understand what you're asking here. It's explained in the description that the change in stats is the same as the change in mass, that is if a Taru adds 10% to his body mass he gains a 10% strength increase and a 10% speed decrease. The same with losing body mass, except the increase and decrease is switched between the two stats.
Ahh...I see, sorry I read the thing wrong. But the bolded sentence would be good to add into the description as an example in brackets.

Todd wrote:
Quote :
Yep. I finally managed to get off my over-worked and lazy bum to post this.
Lol. Over-worked, lazy bum?? thats a bit of a contradiction! xD
Hmm, good point. Heh, I guess my brain's even more tired than I thought it was.
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Taru Clan (Ready) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Taru Clan (Ready) Taru Clan (Ready) EmptyTue 02 Mar 2010, 12:38 am

Much better. Very smexy clan Ulkira.

Approved. ^^
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