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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed

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Age : 39
Posts : 122

Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptyTue 03 Jul 2012, 7:38 am

Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Aftermath___Hyuuga_Neji_by_linnyxit

Hyuuga, Zenki.


Name:Hyuuga, Zenki
Appearance:Zenki is extremely fit, this coming from living off the land giving him a very lean look despite his size. He stands 6’0” with shoulder length black hair that hangs unevenly around his face and his eyes are that of the Hyuuga clan, with the slightest hint of silver and blue. At approx. 234 lbs, he ripples with the muscles of a honed predator, with powerful shoulders, thick powerful arms, solid midsection, and tree trunks for thighs, literally a boy in a mans body due to the hard manual labor he has done just so he could eat. Due to his poverty stricken lifestyle, he only has one outfit, which he hand washes daily after his shower, it consist of black pants, which only come down to the tops of his ankles and a form fitting gray shirt that he is on the verge of out growing. He has large hands that have been made callus and rough from hard work, and his skin has a deep olive tan color, much unlike his kinsmen milky skin, due to him being outside all the time, and its only scar is that of a seal upon his forehead. Despite his size and stature Zenki has an ability to not stand out among the crowd, fading into the background. He usually keeps his eyes adverted towards the ground, and always shows a slight hesitation when showing others his eyes entirely, this is both due to his lack of confidence, and his social awkwardness.

Forehead Protector: Worn on forehead to cover up the seal along his forehead.

Personality: Zenki is extremely sensitive, especially when insulted about his impoverishment, but as a subect of ridicule for most of his life he has learned to keep a cool exterior though he maybe close to tears inside. Most of these feelings get funneled into his guitar playing and music writing since he does not have anyone else to talk to. Even though he maybe standing in the mist of people, he always chooses to speak very little and none at all if he can help it. If one were to get him to speak, they would find a surprisingly insightful, and well read teenager, with wisdom that only comes from living a hard life.

There are few things that Zenki can't live without, and he knows this because he has gone without for most of his life, his guitar, that was gifted to him by a merchant that was farm from home. The merchant's daughter would have been trampled to death by a horse had Zenki not pulled her aside in time. The other thing he cannot live without is a book that he has had since he can remember, even before his days at the orphanage. It was an rather dingy looking book, with a well worn spine, and across its cover "Aesop's Fables" is written in plain bold text.

Not "unfriendly" per-say, but Zenki doesn't approach anyone, and tries his best to go unnoticed because it may cause an insult to be reigned down, or even worse an insult that grew into fighting.However despite his quietness he longs to connect to people and perhaps make a few genuine friends. Fighting always leaves Zenki feeling exhilarated and alive, his entire body crackling with life and power, which makes him concerned about what type of personality he has, but also pushed him to join the academy so he could perhaps harness these feelings and put them to good use.

His living situation, or lack there of has left little time or possibility for him to explore things he "likes" outside of his imagination and reading. But when shop owners ask him to play his music or other musicians ask him to play or sing, he has a very, very nice feeling that he has come to know as pride and self worth.

Nindō:My feelings only count for something in music, this is business, I show up, I do my job, I leave.


Origin:Land Of Fire
Rank:C (Genin)
Specialties:Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinities:Raiton, Suiton
Combat Style: Aggressive, relentless, and overwhelming, Zenki is a full throttle type of fighter, going from 0-60 in a matter of seconds, and enjoys being in close range where his speed and instinct has a greater advantage. He does not have many mid range or long range attacks, but because of his excellent vision and speed he can manage to avoid being tagged. His two glaring weakness are that he can't take a great deal of punishment, and he can be overwhelmed mentally. Though he is extremely aggressive, he rarely attacks first, His ability to shift from ninjutsu to taijustu quickly is also one of the strengths he possess.

Special Characteristics:



Born to a Hyuuga woman in Konoha named Himori, Zenki is the product of a one time indiscretion that she had with a man whom was not her husband. Himori's husband tried to raise the boy as one of his own, until his 7th birthday, when he was first able to unlock his doujutsu, and thus received the seal that protected the Byakugan from being tampered with or more importantly stolen. He began training with his father tirelessly, and it appeared that he was doing well, grasping the movements and concepts with relative ease.

One year had gone by and Zenki had advanced in his stature,and upon his birthday he celebrated not only his birth, but his acceptance into the Ninja Academy. He was excited and enjoyed the festivities, but rushed to sleep so that he could rise early to be fully prepared for his training and classes the next day. Zenki awoke, his mother sat by his bed crying with the book that she always read from when he was going to sleep and a small dufflebag. Puzzled by this young Zenki attempted to comfort and console his mother the entire carriage ride to Kumogakure.

It wasn't until he was inside the orphanage and his mother kissed him on his forehead that Zenki began to grasp an idea of what was happening. He shed ceaseless tears in the folowing days, until he was finally forced to interact with the other children within the walls of his new home. It was here that he would discover his first taste of injustice at the hands of his peers. He was constantly bullied and called names due to his strange eye, one of the crueler children stated that eyes were the window to the soul and Zenki, didin't have any eye color because he didn't have a soul. This soon became the accepted reason why his parents no longer wished him to live with them. Time passed by in the orphanage much like this for 3 years, he was constantly isolated, becoming his own best friend, and finding most of his peace and serenity in books and music when it was available to him, deciding it was only making him better than his peers. Along with the habit of doing one hundred pushups and one hundred sit ups is a bed time ritual he still practices to this day.

One day while the children and the care taker were out shopping Zenki was standing outside of the shops waiting for his elder and the mischievous horde of cretins. His eyes caught glimpse of a young girl about to cross the path, but there was a carriage barreling in her direction at break neck speed. It wasn't a thought, or even an idea that Zenki had, but more of a reaction, before he even had time to process what was going on he had the young girl by the hand, pulling her out of the way just before the cart came streaking by. With tears in her eyes she explained to her father of the events as they had come to pass, telling her father that Zenki had saved her from being hit. Upon hearing this the man began to ask Zenki a barrage of questions, making the young boy shift uncomfortably as he did not no how to answer them, or if he should answer them. Seeing that it was getting him no where the gentleman made a statement that rather confused Zenki.

"You saved my daughters life, by right I have to give you whatever you desire, even if its half of my kingdom."

Zenki looked at the man strangely, not understanding completely what the man was intending to say, but grasping the gist of it he new exactly what it was that he wanted, he had been eyeing the shapely beauty for most of the conversation. It was simple really, wide flaring hips, and a smooth polished surface that seemed to take in the sun. Shiny knobs on top and six strings that ran most of its length, and a hole right in the bottom half of it. It captivated him, more than any book ever could. He pointed and simply said, "I want to play with that...", pointing to the guitar that was placed ever so carefully.

The man simply smiled and gave him the item, "Its called a guitar, and if you ever have any questions about it, you can come and ask me about it anytime.”
Here Zenki’s interest in music of all sorts became more in depth, constantly fed by the old merchant and the plethora of knowledge, theories and wisdom. And for a time he was happy.

When he was 14 the old man passed, leaving him a letter saying that over the years he had come to think of Zenki as a son, and that his greatest hope for the boy was for him to forget his past and do his best to live a rich, full life. This struck a chord with Zenki and that night he gathered his guitar and his book and left the orphanage, determined never to set foot in it ever again.
That first night it rained terribly, and the only place he could seek refuge was inside of a worn down barn with a rusty roof. He cried, and in this mist of his tears he penned his first song, and his most honest and best work to date. He began doing little odd jobs for enough money to eat, and every so often people would pass by while he was playing guitar and singing and give him a ryu or two. Every so often a shop owner would let him bathe and lend him some clothes so that he could play inside their shops to entertain their customers.
Finding that his means for food and other basic needs were becoming more meager by the day, Zenki saw the need to seek a real job and perhaps find a place to call his own. With his strength and size he automatically thought of becoming a bodyguard, after all protecting people was a natural response for him, and harming people seem to be as easy as playing guitar. So he signed up for the ninja academy and began his training a few days afterwards. Already bigger than the entire class, and somewhat versed in the art of hand to had combat, he exceled in taijutsu and showed patients and diligence in his ninjutsu skills putting him at #2 in his graduating class.

Last edited by Hoda on Sun 12 Aug 2012, 11:12 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Age : 39
Posts : 122

Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptyThu 09 Aug 2012, 1:43 am

Roleplay Sample:


Jutsu, Weaponry, Items etc.


Academy Jutsu:





Hyuuga Clan Jutsu




Name: Genin Kit
Rank: C
Quantity: 1
Contents: 6 Kunai [6], 10 Shuriken [5], 9 Senbon [3], 10 Makibishi [2], 4 Exploding Notes [4], 3 Exploding Pouches [1], 3 Smoke Pellets [1], 12m String [4], 1 Windmill Shuriken [5], 1 File & Scissor [1].


Character Claim:Neji
Image URL: https://2img.net/h/i142.photobucket.com/albums/r86/butchbrown99/Aftermath___Hyuuga_Neji_by_linnyxit.jpg

Last edited by Hoda on Fri 10 Aug 2012, 10:50 am; edited 3 times in total
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Konoha Nin

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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptyFri 10 Aug 2012, 3:16 am

You need a roleplay sample, you need to fill out the face claim section. You are over you 15 limit for jutsu not including the academy jutsu. And this is just a nit pick but your origin needs to be a country not a village.
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Age : 39
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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptyFri 10 Aug 2012, 10:51 am

Thank you very much for the review, all that you have requested has been taken care of.
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 1216

Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptyFri 10 Aug 2012, 11:05 am

Well this is just a nitpick considering your height in the equation. But for a 16 year old at 6'0, you are overweight. Not by 100 pounds but by a good 30 or so.

[b]Special Characteristics:[/b]

That belongs just under combat style and you are allowed to start off with one special characteristic at C-rank.
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Age : 39
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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptyFri 10 Aug 2012, 11:14 am

Fixed, and he is supposed to be overweight not especially fat, but just larger than most, its something that reflects on his social interaction and will change as he progresses.
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 1216

Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptySat 11 Aug 2012, 1:04 am

I like you Hoda. You're responsive and you're polite. I'm glad to give you my approval.

1/2 Approved
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Age : 39
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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptySat 11 Aug 2012, 3:34 am

Thank you very much, I do what I can.
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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptySun 12 Aug 2012, 7:42 pm

Very well done, but there are a few small nitpicks I'll have to go through just for the sake of fluidity. First; you're allowed a second element. Though it is not REQUIRED, it is recommended; as the only other way to get this second element is through a grueling training topic. You don't need to have jutsu for this element right now (although I recommend it), but it will make things a bit easier later on if you wish.

The only other error is a broken spoiler tag in your special characteristics, but once these small nitpicks are fixed, I can give you my second approval.
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Age : 39
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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptySun 12 Aug 2012, 11:13 pm

Thanks for the input, the corrections you asked for have been made.
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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptyMon 13 Aug 2012, 12:28 am

[2/2] Approved!

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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed EmptyTue 08 Jan 2013, 10:37 pm

Due to Inactivity.
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Hyuuga, Zenki (Kumo Genin) Completed Vide
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