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Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin]

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Age : 31
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Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] EmptyTue 14 Aug 2012, 6:48 am


Nara, Azoth


Name:Azoth Nara

Nickname: Azo

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: Azoth is a rather slender Shinobi, measuring in at a average 5'2 and weighing no more than a healthy 125 pounds. He has the jet black hair corresponding with his clan, roughly tied up in a pony tail which reaches back behind his head, and looms several inches over the top part of his skull. He also has two bangs running down the length of his cheeks, stopping only slightly above his chin. His face is very symmetrical with blue eyes, and usually wears a rather apathetic expression, but this isn't to say that Azoth is uncaring, it's just the way he carries himself in public.

Azoth has two different sets of clothing depending on whether he is out on a mission or at the village relaxing. Starting right at his neck, Azoth wears a fishnet mesh undershirt which spreads all along his torso, stopping only slightly above his elbows on both arms. It is mostly visible around his collar, and also slightly peeking under his right sleeve, which is about an inch shorter than his left. He has another piece of fishnet's on his right hand which covers most of his forearm. On his other hand he wears a regular glove which also extends to most his forearm, all painted in the same jet black color. Overlaying the fishnet's is a v neck olive green shirt, which is only covered once more by a black vest with a popped collar and torn sleeves.

His lower body is covered by a basic set up of black pants, which end above his ankles and is (like the rest of his attire) fitted perfectly for his body. There was only one sign which distinguished the right calf from the left, which was a kunai pouch tied with both its straps and bandaging. His ankles themselves were covered by fishnets which reach up till right above of Azoths knees. He also wore a matching pair of black Shinobi shoe's which revealed his toe's but covered the rest of his foot, as well as his ankle. This outfit was what Azoth usually rocks on missions, something he believes is both professional and comfortable.

When Azoth is at home though he'll usually just wear the olive green v neck, without the gloves and different pieces fishnet. he always keeps his kunai holster and headband on him though, for sometimes the worst foe could come right from home.

Forehead Protector: Azoth usually wears his Kumogakure headband protector high up on his left arm, tied firmly around the bicep. During a mission though, Azo makes more of an attempt at professionalism and wears it around his forehead.

Personality: Azoth's personality is greatly dependent upon his mood, he strives to maintain a care free attitude despite the sorrow he was forced to live with as a child. He makes friends easily enough as well, having quite the knack for sensing the emotions in others through deductive reasoning and analytical prowess. This gift often landed him the role of leader amongst his peers, even if he might have never asked for it, people just seemed to depend on him. But this isn't to say Azoth can't be serious, or even cruel if he must, he just prefers to keep such emotions to himself until the situation truly calls for it. Unlike other Shinobi from Kumogakure, Azoth learned the ways of hatred but did not learn to hate.

As goal orientated as Azoth is though, there is always a time he finds himself just shooting the breeze, in more ways than just one. He enjoys the simpler things in life, like time at a hot spring or reading philosophical novels which stimulate his mind. Often times Azo has had his taste compared to that of an older man, being very mature for his age. He also enjoys traveling, meeting new people, and hunting wildlife with his reliable bow for sustenance. But as bountiful as the critters around Kumogakure are, there isn't anything Azoth enjoys eating more than yellowtail, a fish he is only able to enjoy in one of the four seasons.

In the same way that coins have both a heads and a tails, so does Azoth have things he can't stand being around. For one, being a proper student of knowledge and all its forms, Azoth absolutely despises ignorance. Growing up with fellow delinquents at the Academy, he never had any prejudiced feelings or urges, he just saw the others as comrades all in the same boat. The only other thing Azoth despises would be hard work, though he is known to compromise in extreme or important situations.

In battle he always attempts to keep up a facade for his foe's, while constantly orchestrating plans in which to ensnare them. He'll even go as far as to completely slander a enemy Shinobi, if it means distracting them long enough to pull off his plan. The same goes for his comrades, often filling them with a hope even he might consider false, just so they keep going. At time's this detachment to the emotions of others might seem inhumane, but Azoth prefers to think of it as tough love. To him, the ends always justify the means, sacrifice is just another chapter in the life of an average Shinobi.

Clan: Nara

Nindō:"Every path but your own is the path of fate. Keep on your own track, then"


Origin: The Land of Fire

Affiliation: Kumogakure

Rank: C Rank

Specialties: Ninjutsu, Weaponry (Primary: Long Range, Secondary: Close Range)

Elemental Affinities: Primary:Raiton, Secondary: Fuuton

Combat Style:When it comes down to it, Azoth is the type of fighter who relies on his cunning above all else, usually seeking to send a foe's Jutsu right back at him, or finish off a enemy with the environment. Being born from the Nara clan, Azo lacked a fearsome Kekki Genkai, so he learned to make the most of every asset available to him. He usually likes to begin an encounter using his bow and a string of various elemental Ninjutsu to keep his opponent off balance. Once the confusion sets in, Azo goes for the kill with his shadow possession, binding his foe's and usually ending the encounter. If he is forced into close quarters, Azoth switches up his game plan resorting to his twin pair of tomahawks and a different set of Ninjutsu. So as you can see, Azoth's comfort zone is best placed at mid to short range, where one way or the other you'll meet his bow and shadows, or his Ninjutsu and axes.

If there ever were a quote which could demonstrate Azoth's attitude toward battle it would have to be that "Any battle can be won before it's started". Every foe is different and one must assess them so that they can prepare accordingly, lay proper traps and form working formations with comrades. This logic makes Azoth suitable for the role of a leader, which he usually never takes as seriously as he should. His Signature Jutsu would have to be his Shadow Neck Bind, a Jutsu which strangles his foe's once they have been ensnared in his shadows. His weaknesses residing mostly in his low fortitude and lack of a formidable bloodline, making Azoth a glass cannon so to speak.

Special Characteristics:
Pin-Point Accuracy

Sixth Sense

Improved Speed


Impending Doom

Azoth Nara was born long into the dead of night during fall, when all the leaves from the nearby tree's had already descended from their high perch. born to Yuudai Nara, his father of thirty-five years old and Minako Nara of age thirty-three. it all started aboard a bandwagon headed towards Kumogakure, you see, Azoth's parents were deserters. they fled their home in Konohagakure, where they lived the life of simple peasants, to go to Kumo. a land where they hoped to be more than just that. Azoth had been born about a year or so right before the trip, and since then his parents hadn't stopped in their thankful prayers to the gods.

Seeing their sons natural aptitude for chakra, they knew he'd be made into a Shinobi, something neither of them were ever able to do. But now, with Azoth around they would never need to worry about going hungry again, no, they would make sure they wouldn't ever go hungry again. At the time of Azoth's birth he was assessed with a affinity for lightning style chakra, a type not normally found in the Land of Fire. Seeing their sons dilemma, they quickly resolved to go someplace that could truly help Azoth reach the peak of his potential, the land of Lightning, Kumogakure. There he could be trained by others like him who could maximize the same potential his parents saw in him, (and with the current regime favoring a more totalitarian rule) forcing peers to bend knee at to his strength. They would be set for life they thought, as the avarice loomed in the wagon like a thick haze.

The only other person along with them was Kouta, a middle aged man (slightly older then Yuudai)leading the wagon and its escort. They moved quickly, being a small troupe, this was their last day on the road and soon they would reach the apex of the mountains, wherein laid Kumogakure. Word had it though, that rebels were attacking the travel routes more and more frequently, in groups who mercilessly butchered anyone they found. None of it mattered though, not when the status of their whole lives rode in the balance, to be king for a day, that's all Azoth's parents truly wanted.

They were making small talk with the driver, and that's when the Mercs were upon them, adorned with makeshift armor from various different battles they had won. Their weapons were in no better shape, some almost completely dull even, not that it matter though. The bandwagon was surrounded, each man was mounted on a faithful steed, 4 in total surrounding the vehicle on each side. To Azoth's parents it was a blur of loud noises mixed with panicked movement, they braced themselves, as they shouted their concerns towards Kouta. "I knew we should have went with the trading caravan, you told us this road would be safe!" said Yuudai, angry and panicked like a mutt in a cage. "Hold on, il try and shake them!.....die, scum!".

Kouta snapped the reigns which gave the two horses pulling the cart quite the incentive, as he swayed from side to side in an attempt to knock off some of the enemy pursuers. Though it was futile, the two horsemen on the sides were armed with spears, they weren't just any rag tag band of miscreants, this was all planned. They jabbed their spears towards the center of the wagon, piercing through the wood from both sides, missing any flesh though. Azoth's family was now in a state of full on dread, as if the weight of losing their lives just hit them. "Pull the fucking thing over Kouta, give them all we have! I'm not gonna die, not now!" Yuudai spoke with each word more menacing then that last, funny seeing as he was trembling in place next to his wife. "Fuck, why me? you Konoha shrimp and your worthless son are a bad omen!" before the rebels on the side could launch another assault, Kouta reeled in the horses spewing his heart for the riders who had their lives balled in their fists.

The rebels on the sides boasted their spears up high, as they rode in a circle around the wagon, cutting off any hope of escape if there were to have been any in the first place. The other two made their way to the front, and demanded they come out with their hands held high. Out of the two you could clearly tell who was in charge now, the man at the helm was armed in mismatched, but solid armor with a brimming scimitar at his hip, while the other had only a helmet (probably a fledgling sent out at the head of the cart to prove themselves to their seniors). All four of them (including Azoth) lined up in front of the leader, Minako holding the babe up in the sky as she did.

"Now that we have you here let me say hello properly, I'm Takeshi and I'm one of the chairmen for your local rebel militia, can we expect any donations from the people who surely value freedom as much as we do?". They were too afraid to break eye contact with Takeshi, so Kouta was the first to speak "Look Chairmen Takeshi, do what you will with the others, but know that as long as you let me live il forever help your cause, whether it be smuggling supplies or scamming more of these suckers from Konoha" this put a sour look on Yuudai and Minako's faces. Before they had any time to plead a case of their own , Takeshi was unsheathing his blade in a swipe through Kouta's neck. The smooth curve of the blade made it cut through with ease, and just like that only three remained.

Azoth sobbed hysterically as Minako's arms started trembling, barely able to hold up her baby boy, Takeshi now moved his gaze to Yuudai. "So, what'll it be peasant? Are you here to talk about your interests or ours?" Yuudai took a deep breath before he spoke. "Look, theres money in the cart from the man you just killed and our own as well, my wife has a family heirloom in her right pocket and I have some more money we intended to pay the man upon arrival, you can have it all". Takeshi smirked as he motioned for his lackey to check the wagon, and he took it upon himself to rob Yuudai and Minako personally. "Good man, your contributions shall aid the Rebellion to free our land from the grip of the power hungry Raikage, and for your support we grant you your life and a favor amongst us. So decide who you want to take with you, your wife or your son."

Yuudai's face changed, right when he was beginning to think he had a shot too "What are you gonna do with whomever I don't pick?" he asked in a shaken tone. "Well, if it's your darling wife we will take her back to camp to aid with the men's moral, fighting a rebellion isn't easy you know. Your son will probably be made into a fledgling like this one here. Either way they will serve our glorious cause". The deck was stacked against him, it seemed Yuudai was out of options, but he wasn't about to give up though. "Leave me the boy...." was all he said as he turned to face his wife, holding his hands out with his head to the floor. Her face flushed in pure horror, she was about to make a run for it and toss Azoth aside but was stopped by Takeshi who slammed his knee into her back. Azoth fell into his father's arms, as Minako fell into Takeshi's, in one moment the deal had been made.

No more words were shared between the men as they rode off with Minako into the sunrise, the whole affair had lasted quite a bit. Yuudai held his son in his arms as tears flooded his eyes, and dripped down his cheek. He walked away from the sun, casting a huge shadow in his path "I swear, that I will turn you into a sword, my sword. You shall be my saving grace Azoth, it was fate that this all transpired the way it did. Fate knew I had to be unbound so I could reach my full potential. You will make me the most renown man in Kumogakure, respected more than the Raikage or the rebels. You'll see Azoth, in due time".

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

From the day Yuudai and Azoth made it to Kumogakure after their gruesome venture, they were always on the move. Yuudai had to go through a series of different jobs and living arrangements throughout most of Azoths life, and he never told him exactly how his mother died. A roadside accident is what he called it. Even being homeless for a year or two, though through the adversity, they were like water and oil. Yuudai grew to resent Azoth for the loss of his wife, and took a new woman to bed every night to numb the pain. And if that didn't work, he always kept a bottle of cold sake close by. Though as you can imagine, this did nothing to help his relationship with Azoth who often felt distant from his family, his father wouldn't even mention his mother without a profane quip at Azoth's expense.

This caused Azoth to turn into quite the delinquent during his days at the academy, often getting in trouble with the professors who shared a similar philosophy as that of the regime they worked under. Which only further stressed the frail bond he maintained with his father, it wasn't that Azoth wasn't a good Shinobi, tests and the like came easy for someone of his IQ. It's just he had no drive, he'd prefer to be scheming up a dark adventure with his friends then be shut in a room having to listen to someone preach for hours on end. Whenever he did put his mind on something, you know it would soon become nothing short of perfection. It was in his nature, he was a perfectionist true and true.

Azoth did most of his growing up alongside fellow delinquents, all of them trying their best to become proud Shinobi. Life in Kumogakure was tough, especially for Azoth who barely had enough money to support a basic standard of living. All the pent up resentment helped though, it drove Azoth to much more humble perspective on life. It also lead Azoth into a life of crime, whether it be vandalizing nearby shrines with his friends, or stealing various tomes all on his own. Azoth thought it suited him, a life free of responsibilities to anyone but one's self.

The Brighter I Shine, The Darker My Shadows Become

At the age of thirteen Azoth graduated from the academy, becoming a fully fledged Genin ready to complete missions all in the sake of his village. Thirteen wasn't anything special for a Genin though, his father would never allow him to forget that. On the day of his graduation his father was more occupied with finding out about his pay for missions as opposed to celebrating. And here Azoth thought things might actually change when he became a Shinobi.

But things wouldn't change, Azoth could always use improvement in Yuudai's eyes, there was always something he wasn't doing right. One night after Azoth had returned exhausted from completing his latest assignment, he came home to find that his front door was locked, with a note tapped precariously on to it. It read " Azoth, I left you some blankets around back. Sleep there till the morning, I have company over I'm trying to impress". Azoth couldn't believe it, but there wasn't much he could do anyways, he might as well take one for the team. He always did anyways. He woke up several hours later in pain from sleeping on the hard floor only to witness that his important "House guests" were only more women his father used.

The sight blew off all of the exhaustion he had saved up from the night before, and in its place stood only anger. He walked up to his father, casting the blankets aside and pulling him in close with both his hands squeezed into fists. "Now you wanna tell me whats so important about impressing women like that over taking care of your own son?" Azoth spoke angrily in a rough tone, he could smell the alcohol from his father's breath. Seems like he stayed up the whole night drinking from the looks of it, the inside of the house was in shambles and he could barely keep his eyes open to see Azoth.

"Look here you no good, Worthless Shinobi . Those women bring me peace of mind and stability, and what do you do? Bring problems, bring a mouth to feed, nothing good do you ever bring!". Azoth's demeanor began to falter, he was use to his father's trash talking, but he was never so direct as he was now. "You know what? You should be thanking me that your even alive! I lost my wife so you could live, and this is what I get? I wish I would have let the Rebels have you. Then maybe you might have grown into a actual Shinobi!". At that moment Azoth struck his father with a quick and precise jab to the face, this threw off his balance and sent Yuudai spiraling to the ground.

"Look here dad, if you gave up mom to have a ninja then you got just what you bargained for. But I miss her.....and I....I would trade the world to have her here right now. Because no matter what I may end up doing, il have no one to share it with". Azoth's face was drenched now, he barely kept it together till the end of the sentence. His father was unmoved though, he just shook the blow off and walked back to his room angry and broken. "yeah? Well then get out of here and "share" your crap with someone else". From that day on, Azoth never again made contact with his father, it was for the best though, at least that what Yuudai told himself when he made it to his room, his face just as drenched as Azoth's was.

The Pilgrims Journey
After leaving his father's house, Azoth spent his first few months as a Genin out on the streets, homeless and constantly wandering from day to day. He always managed to clean himself up before a mission, maintaining a concrete facade throughout the whole ordeal. This opened his eye's more to the struggle of life under a totalitarian order that enforces its will upon the people. This new found knowledge didn't however make the scenario any easier to cope with, but he found refuge inside his work as a Shinobi. He wanted nothing short of perfection, to be respected as a Made Man of the village. At that very moment the thought of his father popped amongst his thoughts, he cast it aside immediately but it left a sour feeling in his system.

The months would pass though, and he soon approached his 6th as a Genin and the thoughts of his father only increased, despite what he believed. His only option he thought was to obtain closure, if he was truly going to make it anywhere as a Shinobi he would have to settle things at home, releasing the primal burdens of life and freeing the mind to devotion. So with a heavy heart, Azoth stopped by his father's home on his next day off, he didn't know what to expect but he kept an open mind. He needed to focus on solving the problem, but it was difficult to be unbiased when he had every reason to not be, he shook the feeling though and knocked twice on the door.

His father opened not too long after, surprised and caught completely off guard, Yuudai put down a cup on a nearby table and immediately welcomed his son back. Now Azoth was the one rendered speechless, he returned the gesture and was soon invited inside were he saw his old home in a better state then he had ever seen it. "So Azo, how has life treated ya kiddo?" the words had a submission of genuine interest in them, completely uncharacteristic of Yuudai who hardly ever called him by his name, let alone a nick name. "Rather rough to be honest dad, but it's nothing I can't handle. I wanna be a better Shinobi now, and I have gotten stronger, strong enough to handle myself, and for my own sake I will keep getting stronger. The house looks nice Dad.". "Azoth, I'm sorry about the way I treated you. I got this new job over looking several acres of farmland, and it's really paying the bills. I was even thinking of moving, but if I do Azo id like for you to move in with me. I haven't taken any other woman to bed, and I swear the drinking will stop" The words shook Azoth to the core.

It seemed as if all his worries just went up in smoke, returning to the matter at hand he just needed to know one thing " Can I ask why?". Yuudai paced closer to the door of his former room and said "Because your my son. It's where you belong." And as the words left his mouth, he twisted the door knob. Azoth's room was just like he remembered it, every detail left untouched by any intruders, it was all uncanny really. Thats when Azoth realized his room was exactly the way he left it six months ago when he left, his father must have never come inside, yet the rest of the house was completely remodeled...

Roleplay Sample:
The night sky became alive with the roaring of thunder, rain descending from the heavens above came to land on the mountain ranges enveloping Kumogakure. The darkness would serve both as a blessing and a curse to Azoth, but he was prepared, the sky was cloudy all day and he knew it wouldn't let up by the start time of this assignment. He was wearing a casual black cloak over his usual garments, with the hood coming up over his head and concealing the upper half of his face. He walked along a wall which served as the perimeter for a hidden rebel encasement, his mission was to get in and out without detection and find out just what the enemy had up their sleeve. "This would take some careful planning and precise execution" said Azoth, speaking low and to himself.

Soon he approached what he deduced to be a guard outpost, you wouldn't know it at a glance seeing as the guards were dressed in civilian attire, but the M.O was the same. Two were armed with Katana's guarding the entrance while another was above it, in a outpost made of pure stone carved into the rock of the land. "He wasn't in the dossier" thought Azoth as a grimace took form across his face, he needed to improvise now (a skill Azoth was always proud of). With the rain against his back, Azoth slowly ran his right hand up to his collar where the cloak was buttoned. "Here goes" he thought as his walk now took him right in front of the entrance, he kept his eyes on the floor till the very last moment.

Suddenly, he unhooked the cloak, turning to face the doorway as he tossed it high above and onto the stone, covering him from the sight of the third sentry. His hands dropped instantly to his sides, gripping his tomahawks all the while maintaining eye contact with the faces of the two now panicking to unsheathe their swords furiously upon him. Though before they could pull it off, Azoth launched his axes in a straight path between his foe's eyes, he wasn't one to miss. Their bodies both slumped down to the earth slowly as blood painted the ground, good thing the rebels had picked a nice desolate area of town as their base of operations. His job wasn't done yet though, he still had to deal with the one on top, with that in mind he began loading an arrow onto his Short Bow. As soon as the cloak fell from its perch, Azoth launched his shot in between the crawlspace and straight through his foe's skull(who had his face right at the opening trying to see whats going on).

With the front door taken care of, Azoth quickly gathered his tomahawks from the bodies he slew and kept making his way inside of the complex. He checked his corners carefully and managed to make it into the building through a open window on the second floor. The insides were a wreck, a real piece of work, but what else would you expect from rebels low on funds and persecuted constantly. He crept as noiselessly as he could through the halls "where would they possibly keep it? Second floor? No no, too easy". He passed by a stairway as he ran, he quickly turned, but he stopped immediately when he saw shadows coming from the floor beneath him. Good, the lights inside may have just made everything a little bit easier for him.

He dropped to one knee halfway down the stairwell, with his foes insight his brain thought "Kagemane no Jutsu" and instantaneously, his shadow stretched into a thin line snaking its way towards the guard. Surely enough he was caught, Azoth made a hand seal quickly after that, this activated his "Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu" which turned the shadow binding the sentry into a hand which made its way up the man's body. That's when he began to panic, though by that time the hand had already found his throat and began constricting, cutting him off from any precious air. Azoth peaked his head around the corner as the life was slowly flowing out of his prey, time was working against him and he needed to find his objective.

"Tell me where the scroll with your bosses plan is right now, or my shadow won't let go. Come on buddy, don't be a hero, what's all this rebellion really for anyways?" Azoth spoke in a low tone, attempting to attract as little attention as possible. He loosened his shadows grip slightly enough for the man to spit something out " Room to my left all the way at the end of the hall. You won't make it though you brat, the boss always has someone watching that. He isn't that stupid you know." Azoth would have chuckled, but a Shinobi must never demonstrate emotion. "Yeah, you're doing splendidly huh?" and just like that, his shadow constricted once more, strangling the guard till he eventually passed out on the floor. He stood up only seconds after, and now slowly walked to the far side of the hallway, looks like this was the moment of truth for Azoth.

He was several feet away from the door when Azoth began making the required hand seals "Reppushou" he thought right before extending his palms out. The Jutsu sent a strong gust of wind out in front of him which easily knocked over the door and the guard waiting inside. Just what Azoth hoped for, once the scene cleared up he charged in with a tomahawk in each hand. The guard stood up quickly, he was more agile then the others he had came toe to toe with, but he couldn't let that stop him. The man and him clashed, he was wielding a quarterstaff which put some unneeded space in between him and Azoth. Steel constantly clashing against steel, the battle was pretty even throughout the first couple of minutes of their encounter.

Azoth couldn't afford for it to drag on though, so he decided to change his tactics, quickly tossing a tomahawk down at his foe's foot. The sentry managed to dodge it, though it was at a complete loss of his balance, and in the commotion Azoth was able to land a punch against his cheek. This tossed the man back against the wall on the far side of the room, providing Azoth just enough time to perform the hand seals needed for another " Kagemane no Jutsu" the shadow covered the gap between the fighters instantly. Once caught in Azoth's Jutsu, he forced the man up to stand, ending his life like a firing squad would (though Azoth used his lone tomahawk in place of the bullet).

The man's body dropped down onto the floor like all the rest, and would you look at that, right next to his cracked skull was a ornate box which was described as the exact location of his objective. He recovered his weapons and stashed the box underneath his armpit in no time, seems his little excursion was just about to be wrapped up. Just as he turned back to face the door he blew in earlier, he was suddenly surrounded, it seems the cover he had worked so hard to keep throughout the mission was finally blown. At that very moment, Azoth rose swinging jabs left and right, all of which completely missed any target they may have been intended for. It was all a dream, Azoth quickly realized......another passing fancy of a young ambitious Genin.


Ninja Kits
Nara Clan Secret Jutsu
Wind Ninjutsu
Lightning Ninjutsu
Weaponry Jutsu
Non-Elemental Ninjutsu


Character Claim:Nara Shikaru by Uchiha Umeko
Source: Google Images/ Deviant art
Image URL:http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/197/5/e/nara_shikaru_by_uchiha_umeko-d3x0cfm.jpg

Last edited by proof72 on Tue 14 Aug 2012, 8:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 1216

Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] EmptyTue 14 Aug 2012, 7:18 am

Okay so... A nitpick but~ Your origin is a country.

You are allowed one special characteristic that is C-rank at creation.

You also need to fill out the face claim. In the link it says the creator and the character.

Uchiha Umeko is the creator and Nara Shikaru is the face claim. Please fill this out accordingly.

Your app is nice and long, I enjoy looking at it and seeing the work you put in. But one more thing. You need to add a bit more to personality. Please do that.
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Age : 31
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Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] EmptyTue 14 Aug 2012, 8:58 am

Cool. I appreciate the feedback, i edited my app so hopefully everything will be in order now, awaiting your approval.
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 1216

Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] EmptyTue 14 Aug 2012, 9:15 am

Approval 1/2
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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] EmptyThu 16 Aug 2012, 10:02 am

Splendid application, sorry it took so long for me to look over it. I found no issues at all with it, just remember to go to the Accounts board and register an account.
[2/2] Approved!
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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] EmptySat 02 Feb 2013, 3:43 am

Due to character death.
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Cookie Monster

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Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] Nara, Azoth [Kumo Genin] EmptyTue 05 Feb 2013, 9:50 pm

Due to character death.
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