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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin]

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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptySun 22 Apr 2012, 9:23 pm




Name: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Despite being an Uchiha, Izanagi looks absolutely nothing like one. Not even one trait from his clan is passed on him. For example, his hair, instead of being black and rather spiky like most members of the Uchiha clan have, Izanagis hair is a mixture of purple and dark blue. The hair isn't really long, it's actually a normal length for a boy, but it is rather abundant and feels really smooth. As for the eyes, it's the same. Nothing like a normal black eyed Uchiha. His eyes are rather long and quiet big with the colour of light blue, who strangely emit a faint shine in them giving him a quiet dazzling and deep look.

As for the physical appearance, Izanagi looks just like any other noble kid who actually cares about his look. He isn't all that tall, and neither too short standing on the average height of 146 cm tall and weighting around 50 kg and he isn't overly muscled since he isn't specialized in close quarter combat. There are no particular physical attributes such as small scars, which many kids would have from falling off a tree for example, mostly because he is a noble and as such he was looked over by either his parents, bodyguards, but mostly, his butler, also he is not a kid who will do thing recklessly, even in fights.

His attire however, is anything but regular and for a reason too. Just one piece of it is worth almost as a common house. And rightfully so, his shirt is made by the finest silk in the whole world, sewed on hand by the best tailors. Same goes for the rest he wears. The purple suit coat is not nearly as thick as other coats and it's actually quite flexible making it rather comfortable for fighting. For decoration the suit coat has few golden stripes and some more complex decoration on the chest. The pants are also thin and purple, comfortable and flexible enough for easy movement through the battle.

Now onto the accessories. The first useless accessory are six really thin silver bars, made from, of course, pure silver, attached on the hair. Next is the cloak. Not as useless as the bars, the cloak is quiet long and obviously, purple. The thing that attaches the cloak from one side to another is the most expensive accessory in Izanagis whole possession. It's the emblem of his fathers family, the swan, made by pure silver and decorated with the most expensive stones. Surely it's a dangerous thing to wear but Izanagi is confident enough that he won't get it stolen. Still he does have more of them stored in his house and he can easily get more if needed. The last accessory are a pair of belts made by the fines animal skin.
Forehead Protector: The forehead protector is wrapped on one of the many belts Izanagi wears.

Due to the tragic loss of his parents, Izanagi was left with a tremendous mental scar. The event left such a big impact to him that if he went to a psychiatrist, he would be called insane.

The death of his parents left a tremendous scar in his head. Almost every night he has nightmares of how his parents were killed right in front of his eyes. Most of the time he doesn't sleep at all just so he would not experience that dreadful day again and when he does occasionally fall asleep, it doesn't last long. But sadly even not going to sleep doesn't help because the wound is still too fresh that sometimes he even experiences flashbacks of that day. It haunts him and it will never let go. Regularly you can hear things being thrown to the walls, smashed into pieces and cries of a kid if you pass near Izanagis house. Luckily Izanagi has his butler, Geboku, to calm him down, a shoulder to cry and grieve on. From PTSD Izanagi also developed a case of hyper-vigilance as he is constantly trying to detect threats or anything that doesn't look "normal" to his eyes.

Another psychological illness he developed from PTSD is anger management issues. But not in a way that he just gets completely mad at tiniest bits. Sure he does get angry from time to time, but he is able to control that anger. The anger management issue he has is that he controls people through fear. Well not innocent people, but criminals, or whomever he is interrogating. It goes to a such extent that he is actually willing to hurt and torture the criminal until he gets what he wants, and in his case, information. Also as mentioned earlier, Izanagi tends to break stuff around his house while he is experiencing PTSD, occasionally he would even raise his hand at his butler not knowing what he is doing. Luckily he never hit him but when he came back to his senses, Izamagi felt so guilty that sometimes he was to ashamed to look Geboku right in the eyes.

It was obvious that Izanagi would have a serious case of depression. He now finds no pleasure in anything he does, even once his favourite food, he does not find it delicious as he used to before the death of his parents. He also lacks any kind of feelings. Well almost. It's not that he doesn't have feelings, it's that he is just unable to express them. For example, he loves and respects Geboku since he does see him as a father figure, and even though he does not really show that, Geboku still knows what Izanagi feels about him. Sometimes he will do some acts of kindness to Geboku. As for other people, highly unlikely. Also another indicator that he suffers from depression is his affection to dark places. Because of it you will almost never see his bedroom windows open. His depression would be more sever if he didn't take anti-depressives.

While still in it's early stages, the illness is there and it cannot be ignored. Izanagi suffers from substance dependence to anti-depressives. He almost addicted to them as he can barely go with the day if he didn't take a least one pill. If for some reason he does not take his medication, he will get really nervous and he will get angry at anything that moves. Also, if he doesn't take the pill he will fall even more into depression and ultimately, he might even have suicidal thoughts. So sadly he cannot go without them, but than again, nothing good will come out of it if he starts to drink more and more pills as the time goes. It pains Geboku to see Izanagi at this state but he is powerless to do anything about it. Izanagi needs this pills because no matter how many psychiatrist visited him privately, none of them succeeded to at least reduce his depression.

The list of mental illnesses goes on and on. Izanagi also suffers from OCD. He has few traits that many people, who suffer from OCD have, such as attention to detail. Nothing escapes his eye, everything must be at it's place, and if there is any anomaly, he will notice it. Although it might be a problem in leading a normal life, he did develop good tracking skills from constantly noticing anomalies in the surroundings. Next is careful planning. Everything he plans, he plans it to the extreme. He never leaves any holes in his plan as everything has to be perfect. Luckily for him he can think fast, even when he is under pressure and thus he makes for a great strategist. The last trait he picked up from OCD is exaggerated sense of responsibility. This one is probably the reason he wants to become a shinobi, because he feels the need to capture all the criminals, and he is the only one that can achieve that. Obviously that is not true as there are other shinobis, and even more powerful than him, but still he has this need to capture criminals that he goes out at night, every night to stop small time criminals for the time being.

Even though it is a disorder, it's probably the only thing that keeps him going. What he did is he sublimated or diverted his grief into something that would be helpful for everybody. And that is crime fighting. While it is a good thing that he redirected his grieving into something useful, it's a bad thing because he will never actually be relieve of this grief because he will be constantly fighting the crime and and that will constantly remind him why is he doing that, further worsen his grief. Another way you could look at it is that instead of venting his anger and sadness on somebody innocent, he will vent on criminals as much as he can. Indeed it is a dark thing for a kid to feel this kind of probably sadistic emotion, but as it says, he sublimated that feeling which was unacceptable to something that could seem acceptable since he is fighting criminals.

Now you will think "Wait! How can he be self-centred if he wants to help people?". And you would be right to think that, but the way his egomania works is a bit different. What he believes is that he is the only one who can cleanse the world from criminals which automatically makes him an egomaniac because of his believes that he is the only one that he can do that all on his own, and nobody else can accomplish what he intends to do. And he is right, nobody can do it, not even himself, but he is blind to that truth, he believes he can as soon as he becomes more powerful that he will achieve his goal, but he can't, not alone at least.

Another disorder that started to develop recently. The way it came to fruition is every time he was in a larger group of people, mostly when he is invited to some kind of royal parties, he would start to act more like a noble person, and not this mentally ill person. And so not to ruin the name of his family, the Hakuchou family, he created a new persona. The Hakuchou Izanagi. At this state Izanagi is an outgoing person and well versed in etiquette. Like a real noble person. Although he is still a kid, he is a ladies man, always charming and a gentlemen. Even though the women he hits on are only girls his age, he is still quiet popular, even amongst grown ups. Not to mention that he is rather handsome for a kid his age. Also, when he is acting as the Hakuchou, Izanagi won't show if he became annoyed or angered, he will act as everything is under control or he might throw a sarcastic comment if he was really angry. But he will never openly show his anger and other problems he has. And as soon as he leaves the group of people he reverts back to his real self, the Uchiha.

Clan: Uchiha
Nindō: Heathens shall not know peace as long as I, the knight of the night, remain alive.


Origin: Kaminari no Kuni - The Lightning Country
Affiliation: Kumogakure - Village Hidden in the Clouds
Rank: Genin
Specialties: Genjutsu / Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinities:
Katon [Fire]
Raiton [Lightning]
Combat Style:
Brain over brawn, and in his situation it's his genjutsu. He doesn't like to get too close and prefers to use genjutsu, mostly his creation, the Illusive Reality, to fool opponents and disable them because so far nobody has ever seen Izanagi use his new technique. If he is not using genjutsu to fool opponents than he is using his ninjutsu to pin them down or tire them with Fire and Lightning based attacks. Even though those two elements are considered to be more deadly than the other elements, he never goes for the killing blow because it's his code and he will never break that code no matter what the situation is and only fights the opponent until the opponent cannot fight any more. However that doesn't mean he won't hurt a criminal badly. As they say, a human can survive many things.
Special Characteristics:

Yin Release

Increased Chakra Capacity

Advanced Stealth



Before academy:

Izanagis story is a tragic one but it did not start as such. He was born in a wealthy family with parents that tried their best to help people. Their profession was obvious, medical ninjas. And even though both of his parents were excellent, if not one of the best medics in the village, the wealth they had came from his father who was the oldest son of the Hakuchou family. The Hakuchou is one of the richest families in the entire shinobi nation and is held in high regard. Their business? Medicine. And the best there is. Barely anybody can reach their quality and the amount they produce that they basically hold the monopoly in the medical business. And to keep it that way Izanagis father, Daisuke, decided to be a medical ninja to understand more how medicine works, to make it better. That's how he met Izanagis mother, Haruka. She was still a shinobi under training in medical ninjutsu while Daisuke was a bit more advanced. However Haruka had talent, even more than Daisuke himself, and she was an Uchiha too. And because of it she caught up with him pretty fast. They were put in a team together and slowly but steadily, they fell in love. After few years they had a kid, and that kid was Izanagi.

At the beginning, everything was completely perfect. The parents never fought as they matched perfectly, they had enough money to live and spend as much as they can for ten lives, even though Izanagis parents did have a lot of work, they still found a lot of time to spend it with him. They were living a fairytale. But than life threw Izanagi a sudden curve ball. Izanagis parents got few weeks free of work and so they decided to go on a trip around the country. For few days everything was fine, until they were attacked by a group of psychotic and very dangerous thugs. At first Izanagis parents believed the thugs wanted to rob them and to make this incident go as least painful as it can, they offered them money, an enormous amount of money. But little did they know that the thugs weren't interested in money at all. All they wanted was to kill somebody, a cheap thrill, adrenaline pumping through their veins as they mutilate their victims. They struck Daisuke first, killed on the spot. They immediately turned to Izanagi. And than from fear Izanagi activated his Sharingan, but since he was just a mere child, only 7 years old, there was nothing he could do. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. In an instant his mother took him and started to run. But as much as she wanted, she could not outrun a group of highly dangerous thugs with a child in her hands. And so, for the sake of Izanagis safety, she hid him in a bush while jumping in the forest so that the thugs wouldn't see where she hid him. While the thugs were closing in she told Izanagi to be quiet and not to move from here. She kissed him on his forehead and left. After a a minute he heard a scream of a women. Izanagi curled up in the bush and didn't leave from it for days.

After four days a group of Kumogakure shinobi passed by the road where Izanagis family has been murdered. When they saw Izanagis dead father and recognized who he was, they immediately started to search for his wife and son. After just a couple of minutes they found Izanagi, still cuddled up and shaking. He didn't eat, drink or sleep for all those four days. When they gave him food and water, he didn't want to open his mouth at all as if he didn't want to live anymore at all. Not knowing what to do they took him back to Kumogakure in the hospital. His buttler, Geboku, came immediately. When Izanagi saw him he just hugged him and wanted to cry all over again, but he had no more tears to shed. After few hours of silence Izanagi calmed down a bit and Geboku fed him. After few days of care they released Izanagi from the hospital. Few days later the funeral of his parents took place. All of Kumogakure attended to it. Every villager offered condolences to Izanagi, but each and every word they said fell on deaf ears as all Izanagi could hear was the screaming of his parents.

A year has passed since the tragic death of his parents and the pain is still there, still fresh and painful as if the incident happened only yesterday. He didn't know how to cope with such pain and he didn't know what to do with himself. Too often would he go mad and scream only to be calmed down by Geboku over and over again. Once did Geboku ask him what could he do to relieve him of this pain. He screamed only one word. Revenge! A sudden thunder broke that brief silence and the rain started to fall. Geboku has said "As much as I want to help you my young master, that is a wish I sadly cannot fulfil...". Few days later Izanagi has noticed that the academy for shinobis has opened his doors for newcomers. At that instant he finally saw the possibility of getting his revenge that he so craves for. He decided to join the academy and become a powerful shinobi so that one day he can catch the killers.

Academy years:

While Geboku was against it, he understood why Izanagi wants to become a shinobi, and so he let him join the academy. Just few days later and the classes have started. The first day of school. Everyone was getting acquainted with each other, professors presented themselves but Izanagi cared nothing about that. All he wanted, all he needed was the knowledge on how to become a powerful shinobi. In the end he learned nothing on his first day, except the names of the professors and the names of his classmates. Few tried to approach him but he quickly turned his back at them. He did feel a little guilty later but he is too much invested on his goal to make friends. From the next day the real class will begin and Izanagi will only study and train, everything else is irrelevant. And just in few weeks Izanagi has become the best student in the class. He was the role model, what every kid wanted to be if he wanted to become a successful shinobi. Some were of course jealous of him as he had it all. The money, the smarts, the looks and well the girls. Even though he was usually quiet, girls seemed to like him. He didn't know why though. And that's when he started to create this another persona. A more outgoing kid. He created it so that he would not ruin the reputation of his family. He started to hang out more with other kids and he even made some friends. But as soon as he left their presence he would shift back to the real him.

After a couple of years the exams for becoming a genin had finally begun. Every student was a bit nervous because they were scared that they would fail, except one. And that one was Izanagi. He wasn't scared to fail because he could not afford himself to fail. And of course he passed every test with 100% score. He was perfect which isn't surprising since he has spent all day, every day, in training and studying. And so he has finally received his headband. The next day Geboku planed a small party. However Izanagi wasn't really interested in it. All he wanted to do was to train and study even more. But little did he know that Geboku has invited every student from his class. While Izanagi was reading Geboku called him for dinner. When he entered the dinning room and was surprised to see all his classmates and their parents with them. At first he was a bit angry at Geboku but what has been done cannot be undone. And so he shifted to the outgoing kid and spent the rest of the day hanging out with the kids and actually having fun. After the party was over Izanagi helped Geboku clean the mess. He mumbled "Thanks.". Geboku just smiled.

Genin years:

Since he only became a genin Izanagi didn't get a chance to do any mission as he wasn't assigned to a team either. But that will soon change.

Roleplay Sample:


Academy techniques


Uchiha techniques


Katon techniques


Raiton techniques


Genjutsu techniques


Illusive Reality


Name: Genin Kit
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Quantity: 1
Contents: 10 Kunai, 8 Shuriken, 5 Senbon, 2 Exploding Notes, 1 Exploding Pouch, Five Metres of wire/string, File, 10 Makibishi, 1 Windmill Shuriken, 2 blank small scrolls.


Character Claim: Ikanus, The Sixth son
Source: Deviant Art

Last edited by RockBoy on Mon 14 May 2012, 11:57 pm; edited 39 times in total
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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptySun 22 Apr 2012, 11:17 pm

For now I'll say lengthen history and break each section apart into multiple paragraphs. Doing this creates a mindset for RP'ing in the style that you've demonstrated in the RP sample.

Outside that if any of your jutsus are custom please say so now. I noticed a few grammatical and spelling errors in a few of the Illusive Reality Jutsus. I'd like to know if they are your own mistakes or mistakes made by the staff.
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptySun 22 Apr 2012, 11:47 pm

Illusive reality is custom, aka mine. I'll check again for those grammatical errors. As for history, that was me being lazy and hoping it will pass. Well since it didn't I'll lengthen it tomorrow since it's almost midnight here.
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptyTue 08 May 2012, 5:23 pm

Done! Also if you find any grammatical errors (Which I'm almost sure you will) please quote it or something so that I don't have to search for it.

The only custom technique I have is the Illusive reality. All the other jutsus are taken from the encyclopedia just so you know.
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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptyThu 10 May 2012, 8:52 pm

Apologies for the wait, I'll review this app properly once I go through it with Dari. For now though; please update all of your jutsu, including Academy, Elemental Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and even custom Genjutsu to follow the new encyclopedia jutsu and the new Genjutsu Jutsu Template. Clan techniques may have been updated as well, just so you know. Here are some links to save you some time:

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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptyFri 11 May 2012, 4:18 am

Alright, I'll begin my evaluation now. Nothing seems wrong with the character in general, although I do have some issues with your custom Genjutsu (Don't forget to update them to the new template!)

They're ridiculously over powered for simple C-ranked techniques. As a general, unwritten rule of thumb, C-rank is allowed to manipulate upwards of 2 senses with minor skill; or 1 sense greatly. B-rank upwards of 3 senses, with 1 expertly or 2 with mediocre skill. A-rank upwards of 4-5 senses a bit, with a few expertly performed. S-ranks, are pretty much Genrape, and can manipulate all the senses to create a virtual reality. As such, your current Genjutsu provide incredible power for C-ranks. Even though they are illusions; you have to remember that C-rank is VERY basic. Such things as Haze clones (Which affect only sight), or the falling fireball (again, only sight) are both C-rank. Your Genjutsu affect all five senses, at minimal cost; not to mention the limits to your jutsu are greatly exaggerated. Please tone it down to affecting 1-2 senses for each of your C-ranks. You may add a third, but do remember that controlling 3 senses for a low rank is not only incredibly difficult, but also very ineffective in combat.
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptyFri 11 May 2012, 7:19 am

Ok so I added the senses it affects or should I say removed? Also I raised the chakra cost. And should't I be able to use genjutsu a little bit more effectively since I have Yin release?
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Kumo Nin

Age : 29
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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptySun 13 May 2012, 8:38 am

Though I am very skeptical about giving a Genin such a powerful technique, I cannot outright deny it. The basic premise is okay, though it is very powerful for a low-ranked technique. Oh, do note that the entire SC list is currently being revised due to inconstancy, errors, and overall usefulness. So though Yin Release may say it grants a variety of effects now; later on it may become something different.

In the meanwhile; I do have a few questions/proposed fixes, if you don't mind.

First off; your combat style should be greatly expanded.
Quote :
Illusive Reality
I'm assuming this is more of a 'Genjutsu Style', and not really a jutsu on its own. Just verifying.

Quote :
Illusive Reality: Avatar
Reduce it to only the base 2 elements. You may make it C/B ranked, in which case the B-ranked version can affect all 5.

Quote :
Illusive Reality: Ferocious Animals
Couple things. First of all, is the 'bush rattling' thing just a metaphor/exaggeration; or can the illusions actually do that? I hope not.. The other thing: the animal picked. Define approximately how big it must be. Also, what's the advantage of summoning a singular animal over a pack of them? If there is none, I'd advise you to make this C/B ranked as well, and simply have B-ranked allow for more animals; or larger singular animals.

Quote :
Illusive Reality: Weapon Master
'Any weapon he wants' makes it sound like you could create a railgun and fire it off at the user. Of course, it's all based on their creativity and imagination; but if someone were to be really inventive.. I see a nuke being very plausible. Although it is an illusion, it still takes a variety of skill to perform such mentally stressing attacks. Anyway, do be less broad than 'any weapon'.

The following are not your fault, and simply errors in the current encyclopedia.
Quote :
Kumo Bo - Cloud Tomb
Add this:
[b]Medium:[/b] Single-Target
in the appropriate place.
Quote :
Konkorudo no Hikō - Flight of the Concorde
Same as above.

That is all for now.
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Emperor of Rock
Konoha Nin
Emperor of Rock

Age : 32
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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptyMon 14 May 2012, 10:28 pm

-Combat style expanded, hopefully enough.

-Yes Illusive Reality is just a style.

-[Illusive Reality: Avatar]

-[Illusive Reality: Ferocious Animals]
The bush doesn't rattle, it just makes it look that the animal jumped out of the bushes but in reality nothing "rattles" since the genjutsu doesn't start until the opponent sees the animal, and actually I don't think I wrote anything about rattling bush. And ranked it from C to A.

-[Illusive Reality: Weapon Master]
I was thinking of cold weapons aka swords, blunt weapons, knives, whatever, not nukes and railguns.

And the encyclopedia jutsus were edited.
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Kumo Nin

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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptyWed 16 May 2012, 12:16 am

All seems good now.

[1/2] Approved!
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Cookie Monster

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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptySun 20 May 2012, 4:59 pm



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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] EmptyTue 05 Feb 2013, 9:46 pm

Due to character death.
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Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Hakuchou / Uchiha, Izanagi [Kumo Genin] Empty

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