Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Ultimate Shinobi - A Naruto RPG
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Age : 31
Posts : 11

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Maigo Maigo EmptyWed 28 Apr 2010, 1:35 pm

Clan Name: Maigo (Lost Child)
Clan Location: Kumogakure
Clan Traits: The clan members all possess a natural need to be isolated. Although some may resist the urge they will not be completely sucessful in this task and sometimes will feel left out and distanced. Most of the members share the same basic appearence. They almost all don Black hair, Soft blue colored eyes, and a tall and thin build. They also have an increased speed, power, and stamina becuase of ther natural born taijutsu skill...

Kekkei Genkai:
Doujutsu: Since some people dont understand what people are trying to tell them this power will be left blank atm and will be filled in later on with a jutsu app...

Fuuinjutsu-- (Darkness Release) All Maigo have a seal on there hand that is in the shape of two triangles. The bottem drags in chakra from an attack and seals it. The other releases the chakra and uses the attack that was originally set against them. Darkness release has great strength because it in itself is not an element but the lack of an element. It has no opposite but also has no strength that is better based on opposing chakra.The skill is also based on the users ability to surpress the chakra of the attack and thus its power is directly proportional to the skill and strength of the user. Chakra must be used to combat the chakra coming in so the amount that can be absorbed is the amount that the user can spare already. In this sense the user must be capable of using a jutsu of equal potency based on how much chakra is being absorbed. Only one element type can be used in a battle. The first element that was absorbed is the only element that can be re-used freely in the current battle.

The downtime is the downtime for the jutsu overall not just the chooces...
Also either way the user has access to the jutsu that was rebound or rebound at the cost of 150% of the chakra needed for the jutsu and its only for the rest of the battle...
Jutsu Drawbacks...
The user takes 30% damage...
Gains 60% of the jutsu as chakra...
8 Post downtime...

The user takes 10% Damage...
Loses 40% of the jutsu cost...
5 Post Downtime...

Secret Clan Jutsu: N/A

Maigo Dream_Kanji_by_slashIT

In the start of the shinobi era there was a man that went by the tiltle of the Sage of Six Paths. Believed to be the father of modern jutsu he was a very strong and willfull man. He was known to create many things taht would later help all ninja throughout the world. In the next age many jutsu users began to discover the power of elemental jutsu and use its strength to better themselves and promote there strength. There were few though that were not happy with the progress that was being made and began to isolate themselves. Soon though they would by chance discover a great power that would soon be called the Dark Release. The dark release is an affinity of chakra that has no elemental drawbacks because it is in esscence the lack of an element.

The founder of the clan was named Hiruko and after him his son was named Akushumi... Akushumi further bettered the clan and discovered a new power that was a Fuuinjutsu. The Fuuinjutsu manifested itself in ones hand and was used to further help the doujutsu by gathering the chakra from an attack and passing it through the user body. This jutsu sealed some of the chakra away and then redirected the rest back at an enemy. With this in mind the user could use a jutsu that was previously aimed at them without hand signs. Also though they could store the jutsu into there memory (For the rest of the battle.) for later use.

Akushumi fathered one son and 2 daughters. The son was named after his grandfather. Hiruko Jr. was a man of little talent and was not an adept ninja. He could not use the doujutsu his father had developed and he was not very good with taijutsu. Because of these faults he was an angry and desolate man. After many years in the village he left and began to experiment on many other ninja to steal there jutsu and power...

It is believed that he died and that he never had the chance to secure a child of his own, but the truth is that he had a single heir, Maigo Shiimi. He snuck Shiimi into the village and left him there with the only friend he ever had and then soon left the village again to finish what he started...

Many years went without incident but then when his son caught word of his deeds he sought him out. He did not however explain the situation to his son and just told the boy that he was a man who wanted his teamates and that he would give him great power at the cost of one of his eyes. After a brief meeting he fled his home once again and never returned...

Clan Details: Open

Last edited by Shiimi on Sat 01 May 2010, 10:06 pm; edited 11 times in total
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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo EmptyWed 28 Apr 2010, 7:03 pm

Maigo Eye -- This is, as you know, an ability already used by the sharingan, and thus I cannot allow you to have it as well.

Dark Release -- Dark release insists that this is infact an advance element of some sort. I personally have never seen a situation where a Kekkei Genkai came without its polar elements, thus if you want a Dark release, then you will have to make it an advanced element of two other elements. This may be difficult seeing as though I know you are trying to replicate the "Dark Release" from the third naruto movie. Goooood Luck.
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Age : 31
Posts : 11

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo EmptyThu 29 Apr 2010, 4:31 am

Edited Mr.Man
I know you think its like the sharingan but that is not and was not my intention.

The sharingan can see chakra flow... Check
Maigo can see chakra flow... X

Sharingan can access chakra... Check
Maigo can access chakra... X

Sharingan can see the flow of chakra and use that information to better understand the implications of a jutsu's own distinct chakra flow based on the movements and makeup of the jutsu... X

Maigo can see the flow of chakra and use that information to better understand the implications of a jutsu's own distinct chakra flow based on the movements and makeup of the jutsu... Check

You say that it's like the sharingan but in truth it is not. The aim of the maigo is to understand the jutsu so that they can better get passed it seeing that they are solely taijutsu based when it comes to using there own skill. The sharingan however is a counter based doujutsu that is aimed to copy a jutsu based on handsigns, a users movements, and a persons own chakra flow.
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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo EmptyThu 29 Apr 2010, 7:01 am

Unfortunately it is you who is false. Hatake Kakashi has used the ability as well as his broad range of elements (all but fire) in order to copy techniques on the spot with the sharingan, but it is the fact that once can analyse the chakra flow of a technique to understand it that makes the sharingan so powerful. One can thus get passed techniques with the sharingan because they know how they work before they are even used by watching the hand signs, chakra flow, etc., The sharingan can just do this with physical AND spiritual action which is what makes it so awesome of a Kekkei Genkai. If anything your doujutsu is a watered down version that I wouldn't allow.


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Age : 31
Posts : 11

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 7:12 am

Doujutsu removed and the history edited accordingly...
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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo EmptySat 01 May 2010, 9:20 pm

Okay, I'm down with the concept, but there are some confusing things that I would like to be organized... Now, I'm curious, is this absorbing chakra and giving it to you? Or is it in the seal?

If it is a fuuinjutsu, then the character with the KKG must have fuuinjutsu as a skill.

Quote :
The skill is also based on the users ability to surpress the chakra of the attack and thus its power is directly proportional to the skill and strength of the user.

Sooo the rank of the tech is equal to the rank of the user, right?

Quote :
Chakra must be used to combat the chakra coming in so the amount that can be absorbed is the amount that the user can spare already

This part confuses me alittle. I get it up to the part that it says "the amount that can be absorbed is the amount that the user can spare already". What does this mean? Does it vary from person to person?

Quote :
In this sense the user must be capable of using a jutsu of equal potency based on how much chakra is being absorbed.

Okay, so you must be able to use a tech with rank equal to the tech being absorbed... gotcha.

Quote :
Also either way the user has access to the jutsu that was rebound or rebound at the cost of 150% of the chakra needed for the jutsu and its only for the rest of the battle...

So you can continue using the jutsu absorbed multiple times?

As for the "cool downs"; you have to wait eight posts to absorb another techniques?

And what does "Re-Used" mean? It says something about losing 40% of jutsu cost but earlier says that the re-use of a technique is at the cost of 150%... it's just confusing.

Make sure to make all edits "up there" and explain them down here as well so I know what has been changed. Makes things faster for the both of us.
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Age : 31
Posts : 11

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo EmptySat 01 May 2010, 9:33 pm

Quote :
Sooo the rank of the tech is equal to the rank of the user, right?
Imsaying tht there is no way that you can absorb or use a jutsu above your rank ...

Quote :
In this sense the user must be capable of using a jutsu of equal potency based on how much chakra is being absorbed.
Exactly it means that a user cant absorb or redirect a jutsu that they would not be able to match normally...

Quote :
Okay, so you must be able to use a tech with rank equal to the tech being absorbed... gotcha.
Same thing as the above to. You must be capable of using that level of jutsu...

Quote :
So you can continue using the jutsu absorbed multiple times?
If you absorb it it grants you the ability to use that jutsu for the rest of the fight at the cost of 150% chakra it normally would...

Quote :
As for the "cool downs"; you have to wait eight posts to absorb another techniques?
You must wait 8 posts to use the jutsu at all if thats what technique you used...

Quote :
And what does "Re-Used" mean? It says something about losing 40% of jutsu cost but earlier says that the re-use of a technique is at the cost of 150%... it's just confusing.
The re-use below refers to redirecting the attack and immediately shooting it back and the 150% part means to use the jutsu later on...

Changes Made
Re-Use changed to rebound...
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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo EmptySat 01 May 2010, 9:49 pm

OoOooookay. I can dig it. It was just the fact that there were like, the same thing said a few different ways that threw me off but I think I get it.

I personally am okay with the idea, and even how you plan to execute it, but see the problem is that you gain access to an odd assortment of elements temporarily. I'd think that another mod should take a look at it, because it's not my place to approve something that deviates from site rules.
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Age : 31
Posts : 11

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo EmptySat 01 May 2010, 10:03 pm

Well if you think about it should be justified seeing as...
1) Only for one battle...
2)Skill will only be used for one battle...
3)Most likely only used to get like 2 jutsu in a battle without running out of chakra...

Edit Made
Only one element can be aused per battle... if a user absorbs chackra from more then one element only one element can be reused...
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Age : 33
Posts : 308

Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo EmptySat 01 May 2010, 10:12 pm

Erm... okay I'll approve it as is, but if any problems pop up we will be right back here.

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Maigo Vide
PostSubject: Re: Maigo Maigo Empty

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