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Meeting Before Tea

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Posts : 2032

Meeting Before Tea Vide
PostSubject: Meeting Before Tea Meeting Before Tea EmptyMon 16 Aug 2010, 8:31 am

Riku woke-up to the sound of pouring rain on her windowsill. It was early, earlier than most would even attempt to wake up at. Though this was actually a blessin for the beautiful young Raikage as she was lucky to get any sleep on any given day. But today was special it was going to be busy, so Riku made sure that she had time to get some sleep and go to be at a somewhat reasonable hour. Riku slowly sat up from her large stone bed rubbing her eyes softly. If the weather was any indication of how her day would be she would regret getting out of bed at all. Riku dragged herself out of the bed and slowly like a zombie made her way to the en-suite bathroom at the end of her room. She ran the water in the shower until it flowed hot, she liked it when it was at the maximum temperature. Like buddist monk underneath a waterfall Riku stay under the showers flow of water with her eyes firmly shut. Falling in and out of bursts of sleep the young lady was finding hard to leave the cocoon of warth that was surroudning her. When she finally mustered the courage she stepped out grabbed the crimson coloured towel that hung seemlessly on the rail. She wrapped it around herself going into the main room to get dressed, while releasing a loud yawn.

Riku was to get into her formal Kage robe something that had been required in a long time. This brought back memories to the time when she was first ordained as the Raikage of Kumogakure. Underneath she wore her normal short legged red dress with a thick yellow sash, but over the top she neatly put on her kage robe which had been laid out on her bed, finely pressed by one of her assistants the night before. She walked over a table where her formal hat sat neatly. She put it on and looked at herself in the mirror. She applied a small amount of foundation and make-up constantly checking that it was done to the highest quality, she wasn't going to turn up to an event as important as this looking 'natural'. After being in a daze she looked at a clock. With no hesitation she turned away to look back in the mirror. But something clicked in her mind and she realised that she was already late. "Shit shit shit!" she yelled from her room as she stumbled to the door. She quickly gathered all the things she needed and ran down the steps passing one of her assistants. "Ma'am have you got everything?" the young girl yelled. "Of course I do, now could you please go clean-up the room I am already late." "Have you got the Silver Kunai invitation?". Riku stopped in her tracks and turned around. The young lady was standing there holding the kunai on her hand. She handed it to Riku giggling. "What would I do without you, thanks." Riku said with a smile. She then quickly sprinted down the steps using her blistering speed.

Within mere seconds she was at the gate of Kumogakure. The large stone pillars sending a message to the world of the villages glory. As she arrived she saw her two escorts already at the gate talking with two other chuunin guards who were stationed at the gate. Riku stopped with a sudden hault clawing up dust from around her feet. Within an instant the two chuunin guards straightened up and saluted yelling "Ma'am Raikage!". Riku then ushered there release and they then walked back to their posts. She was left with her two escorts Tensei Hougaku and Miku Tetsumi. "Sorry I am late guys, we really need to get a move on if we want to make it to the Tea Country in respectable time. Although it doesn't harm to be fashionably late now does it?" she winked to her two constituants. "Now now, come on. Lets see if you guys can keep up!" she yelled as she waved goodbye to the two chuunin guards. They would need to travel at speed for most of the distance, she knew that these two ninja could keep up, they were two very elite and talented Kumo shinobi which meant they were world-class.

Reply to this post (with a single post of your own). After you have posted we will then move to this topic HERE the travelling topic on the way to the Tea Country. I will wait for you guys to reply before I post there, I will just make the topic for reference for now. Smile

Last edited by Todd on Wed 18 Aug 2010, 9:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 31
Posts : 2547

Meeting Before Tea Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Before Tea Meeting Before Tea EmptyMon 16 Aug 2010, 10:05 am

Tensei was already up, and ready to head out, by dawn. It didn't matter whether how early they'd have to leave, because he always woke up early. He felt that to sleep in would be to waste the day, to waste new opportunities, and experiences. He sat at the small window-sill in his bedroom, staring directly out in ponder. He never liked how it always rained there. The gloom always seemed to remind him of the bad memories, despite how little there were. He had his own little name for Kumo, and it was 'The Village That Forever Cries', this of course coming from the more cynical side of his poetry. All he could really think about, no matter where he would stare, was the upcoming Kage summit. To be in the same room with the most powerful ninja in all the world was quite the honor. The unfortunate part being that he wouldn't really be there to speak, rather just keep an eye on things, and his older sister. Since the Summit was also going to be in Tea Country, he'd probably get to try some of the finest tea in the world, so parts of him wanted to be giddy with happiness.

Tensei was wearing his normal Flash Force attire, as this was probably a meeting called with diplomatic intentions, it was mandatorily formal. He twirled his Jitte around his fingertips, waiting anxiously until it would be time to leave. He was going to head out early, so that he would be the first one there. He got up from his chair by the window slowly, and made his way into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for himself. Looking in the fridge, there wasn't much to choose from, but some left-over Ramen, and rotten milk. Tensei ate out a lot, because growing up he never learned how to cook, being that he grew up in royalty he always had someone there to cook meals for him. With nothing to eat, he did what he often unheathfully did, he skipped breakfast. Looking at the time, it was still about thirty minutes too early, but the anticipation was killing him. Knowing Riku's speed, she might already be there, so he left home and headed straight for the gate.

It only took him a matter of seconds until he was about 20 meters from the gates. Looking on, he noticed that Riku wasn't there yet, but the other attendant was. Tensei had heard about Miku, but had never met her in person. For no apparent reason to him, his heart began to pound, faster and faster. He had never really felt that way before.. it almost felt like he was nervous, but he wasn't going to let it distract him out of making the best entrance ever. He had made a deal with one of the Chuunin, to announce him with enthusiasm once he got there. They made eye contact as he hid in the bushes, and gave each-other the thumbs up. He climbed up a near by tree, grabbing onto a vine and waiting to hear his name mentioned. Of course, through all of this, he was only hoping that Miku hadn't noticed him by now, and thought he was a complete nut. "And now... The amazzzzzzingggggg... Tennnnn-saaaannnnnn!" The chuunin yelled, and Tensei instantly swung from the tree to there direction. However, once he reached about halfway, the vine snapped, and he fell face first into dirt. "Are you okay, sir?" The chuunin asked with a concerned look. Tensei laid silently for a moment out of embarrassment, "You were supposed to say, The Great Warrior of Poetry, Hougaku Tensei, we rehearsed it like seventeen times.." He said, stood up, and brushed himself off. After the abrupt salute by the Chuunin, Tensei knew without seeing, that Riku had arrived. This left no time for conversing with Miku, but there was always time for that later. Before he knew it, the Raikage had already taken off at an intense speed. Tensei knew this was going to be another exciting opportunity to compete with Riku, and he took off in the same direction as fast as he could.
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Posts : 1084

Meeting Before Tea Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Before Tea Meeting Before Tea EmptyWed 18 Aug 2010, 8:57 am

There, Miku stood in the pouring rain by the large gates of Kumogakure no Sato. Honestly, she didn't mind all too much. It was very early in the morning and although the kunoichi admitted she enjoyed sleeping in, today was just too important to do so. After all, she had gotten a letter from the Raikage herself to be escorting her to some meeting along with another shinobi. It wasn't everyday that Miku got an opportunity to work with the Raikage so closely. She wanted to squeeze her hands together and squeal like the fangirls she saw in all those cartoons or whatever they were. Of course, she didn't because she was far to anxious to see the Raikage and Tensei, the other shinobi, arrive at the gate so they could go on to the Tea Country. She had only been to the Tea Country once in her life, that being for a mission, but she did remember how wonderful the tea was there. Tea was everywhere in that country. Well, of course it was, but that was besides the point. The point being, they had fantastic tea.

The kunoichi grinned to herself. "Kukukuku! This will be fun!" she told herself quietly, rubbing her hands together. Obviously she wasn't talking to herself as quietly as she thought she was because the two chuunin guards gave her a questioning glance as if to ask what she may have been referring to. She didn't pay attention to them.

Her anxious waiting and curious thoughts were abruptly put on hold when out of nowhere she heard enthusiastic yelling. 'The Amazing... Ten-san?' she repeated in her head, confused. She whipped her head around in various directions, wondering where this so called amazing person was. It was then that suddenly, a man swung from a tree, hanging onto a vine. Unfortunately his dramatic entrance was then demolished as the vine snapped, sending him crashing to the ground. Face first into the dirt, too. Miku shared the same concerned look that of the chuunin guard. The man was silent for just a moment before finally replying. Of course, having the type of humor that she had, the man's reply only made her begin to erupt into a series of giggles. "Kukukuku! Oh ho ho ho! I see, I see! So, you're Tensei..." the kunoichi said between her giggles, looking over the shinobi as he brushed himself off. Her right hand covered her mouth as she attempted to muffle some of her giggles, allowing them to fade away and become unheard. She couldn't really say anything else, the reason being that the Raikage had finally arrived.

Miku pulled back the hood of her black cloak she had been wearing and smiled widely at the two. This caused her vibrant colored hair to spill free and hang around her hips. Of course a hair barrette pinned back her long bangs, keeping them away from her face so she could clearly see her surroundings. Underneath her black cloak was a simple outfit consisting of a long sleeved half jacket, a long blue sleeveless chinese-styled blouse, and black pants. All being made of a comfortable material to move in. With her hip-pouch wrapped around her right hip and jounin vest held in place snuggly under her black cloak, she was ready to go.

The chuunin guards saluted their Raikage and she bowed her head, still smiling. Before she knew it, the Raikage was up and off at her magnificent speed. She then watched as Tensei chased after her, also rather speedy. Finally, she did the same, though not really intending on attempting to pass the Raikage nor Tensei. Miku looked between the two powerful siblings. They were both very attractive individuals, though different in their own ways. Despite sharing the same lovely shades of blonde hair, the Raikage had a nice shade of olive colored skin, while Tensei was more on the pale side. Raikage had pale pink eyes and Tensei had blue eyes. However, it was safe to say that to Miku, they gave off very powerful auras. She wondered if she ever did the same. As she thought of these thoughts, she continued to keep up the pace with the Raikage and Tensei. She would have loved to talk, but she wasn't exactly sure if that was the right idea, so she decided to just focus on the task at hand. 'Tea Country, here we come!'

Last edited by Çγαηide Çαηdγ ♥ on Tue 24 Aug 2010, 2:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 2032

Meeting Before Tea Vide
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Before Tea Meeting Before Tea EmptyWed 18 Aug 2010, 9:34 am

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