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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin]

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Age : 34
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyFri 24 Jun 2011, 11:06 pm

Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] African_Ninja_Girl_by_anthonyasael

Nara, Henrietta.


Name: Henrietta Nara
Nickname: The Falling Leaf
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Henrietta’s form is best described as petite. She is roughly 5’6” tall and weighs a scant 120lbs. Her body is one built for speed and running rather than fighting, with a bone structure that shows a lack of true durability for physical activities such as Taijutsu or weight lifting. Fingers are long and nimble, with a grace about them that shows a possible future as a surgeon. Brown eyes, high cheek bones, Henrietta is far from hideous but nor is she so exceedingly pretty that her face would stick out in a crowd. What does stick out about her, if one actually sees it, is the color of her face and body: Which is a burnt caramel color.

She wears her headband hanging from her belt at her hip of her first layer of clothes hidden from view by her normal flowing cloak and robes. The first layer, in its entirety, consists of a body stocking of fishnet with lightweight armor plates to cover vital organs with minimal protection and a belt around the hips made of a simple red sash. Overtop of this layer consists of separated shirt and pants, both tactical in nature and containing various pockets for shinobi gear such as the senbon and Kunai that Henrietta carries. There is also a short vest left unzipped and open over her tactical skin tight shirt to provide additional pockets for items such as flash bombs and exploding tags. The ensemble is finished with flowing robes with a separate cowl to hide her face and the size of her form from her enemies until she chooses to discard it or have it accidently removed in combat.

She prefers to stay anonymous and at times will even hide her headband in one of her pouches she also carries shinobi gear in. Such shinobi accessories include fingerless black gloves, standard sandals, a pouch on each hip with wire and senbon stored in there, pouches on each thigh with kunai tucked safely away, and tags and other items stored in the pockets of her tactical vest.

Detached is the wrong word to use despite her complete disregard for human life. Killing is killing, working is working, and missions are missions to Henrietta. She lacks the Nara boredom and laziness but the intelligence that flows in their bloodline is not lost on her.

In day to day life she seeks out the luxuries in life to sooth her nerves and allow her peace from the constant struggles of her life. Bath houses, fine foods, wine tastings, walks in nature; these are things she seeks out first when returning from combat or a mission. She has a distaste for authority figures and prefers to be left to her own devices rather than lectured. This can lead her to constantly but heads with higher ranked shinobi giving her orders.

Henrietta can be polite and quite the charmer and uses this to her advantage when she wishes to disappear in a city. With ease she can converse and travel similar to the civilians around her and soon she simply becomes another face in the crowd so long as her robes are on and covering her skin. She thinks of herself in the terms of an assassin. Hired to kill, ordered to do so, and quick and clean about it. If anything in her life becomes messy, it is because something is not going right. The same applies for her style of combat.

Clan: Nara
Nindō: “Ferocity breeds fear, and fear breeds safety.”


Origin: Konoha Born
Affiliation: Konoha
Rank: B, Chuunin
Specialties: Ninjutsu [Primary], Medical [Secondary]
Elemental Affinities: Water, Fire
Combat Style:

In combat she is a fox, manipulative and tricky with a knack for planning. She is unhesitant to kill, and in fact prefers missions that involve killing high value targets or missing ninja, but can take targets in alive if the orders demand it. She does her best to hide her nature as a Nara and prefers to kill those whom she is forced to expose it to simply to keep her anonymity and clan techniques a secret from those she might pursue in the future.

Special Characteristics:


A Girl and Her Shadow
Henrietta was born into the Nara like many other children with the exception of parents being somewhat unique to the clan. Most children in the Nara clan had been born with jet black hair and cream colored skin due to years of genetic selection amongst the clan and it quickly became apparent when Henrietta played with other children how different she was. Though she shared the jet black hair, their general height, their incredible intelligence level, and even their games and traditions there was something odd about her that made her stick out in even the densest of Nara children crowds. Her skin was the color of burnt caramel.

Years earlier her mother, a struggling shinobi from a village where there was maybe six in the entire population, had been rescued by the Nara. The village itself was more a mobile caravan of gypsies and wanderers who had nowhere to call home but enjoyed the art and lifestyle of constant roaming and travel from nation to nation. With very few children ever taught the art of combat, the tribe (as they called it) were often considered entirely peaceful with very few threats. A fact which allowed them to travel quite freely amongst the shinobi powered nations.

Her Mother, Marie, was one of the people in charge of protecting the tribe and lived her entire life with the Tribe as a vigilant protector. Her skills with the spear and shield were not only foreign but quite potent in defending her charges and her skill with Ninjutsu was not to be disregarded by any means. A skilled warrior with the hidden potential to become a great shinobi spent the prime of her life defending those whom she considered her family and who could not even begin to defend themselves from bandits, ronin, and missing ninja.

Marie was found in her late thirties, pregnant and severely wounded from an ambush on her Tribe, amongst the bodies of her friends and families. Left for dead, the unit who found her had been scouting the area around Konoha and only discovered the bodies early in the morning due to an Inuzuka who had smelled the blood in the air. Taken back to the village for medical treatment, it was the orders of squad captain Ryuk Nara that saved her life.

What started as salvation quickly became tragedy as Marie lost her child in the very surgeries that saved her life. While recovering in the hospital afloat in a sea of sadness was when Marie and Ryuk began speaking at long lengths of the tragedy and her history, a history that Ryuk found very interesting. She was a wild woman who had lived via travels and off the land hunting and gathering. She was a tribal princess to him and too unique to simply ignore or let fade into a fond memory. His interest started a fire of passion that blossomed into their eventual love and marriage. Despite many of his clan who did not believe the self trained warrior belonged in a ninja clan, Ryuk took Marie as his wife and less than two years later a child was born.

”Who is that and why is she weird?”
Though she was accepted in her early years by the Nara clan, her obvious physical differences were quickly spotted by the young generation and made fun of. It never helped to have the eyes of the Clan leaders to be constantly on you as if you did not have their blood flowing through your veins. Everything about Henrietta stood out, from her name to her skin tone and everything in between.

Whispers begun to quickly spread as she not only entered the academy but did quite well with her combined intelligence and drive to succeed. The plague of laziness that overtook some Nara shinobi did not apply to her in the least with her mother’s wild blood in her body driving her to not only to succeed but surpass. Exam scores were superb, her ninjutsu skills were trained constantly to achieve perfection before her classmates. For the longest time however it seemed as if she would never be more than a Ninjutsu user due to her lacking skills with the other areas of shinobi training.

Genjutsu was beyond her grasp when it came to trapping opponents in it, and despite her mother’s history her body was not built for the fast paced and hard hitting Taijutsu. With such a lithe and petite form it was simply too weak for such actions. Sealing required mastering a written language she had never had an interest in and puppetry involved gadgets that seemed more clunky and slow compared to the jutsu she could use with her shadows.

It was only months before she graduated that she became infatuated with the human body via anatomy. She found it terribly interesting how complex and simple the systems of the body were and it was not long before her teachers had her taking a peek at the Medical side of the ninja arts as graduation fast approached. Henrietta would go on to graduate second in her class, outdone by some child prodigy in an event that would lead to her ire that she became famous for later in life.

Taking the Exams by Storm
The years spent as a Konoha Genin were rough on Henrietta, her own team disliking her brutal finality she fought with in combat and her overly hostile manner. Mild bitterness from her academy days seemed to spill over when engaging with enemies and often drew her name out in reports for being overly hostile despite her calm and collected nature.

A critical thinker, her superiors seemed extremely reluctant to put her in a place of leadership. It was barely six months after receiving her genin rank before she and her superiors were at odds with each other. A wild nature was hard to tame, and her inherited intelligence from her father’s side of her bloodline left her not only wild and sometimes even barbaric but utterly cruel with a devastating knack for planning and staying out of official trouble with the superiors.

Unfortunately the trouble did not end with time, the war of words and tactics becoming quite heated and the division between Henrietta and her superiors became greater as time goes on. While her methods were effective it was simply not in the interest of Konoha to allow such brutality from their shinobi. Soon Henrietta was assigned to work in a pair and sometimes even solo, possibly in hopes that she would die on assignment and end the headaches of the upper echelons. Instead, she thrived.

Satisfaction of All Parties
These days Henrietta spends most of her time alone and remains only loosely associated with the Konoha Military. Recent months has seen her not only promoted to chuunin to allow her even more autonomy away from the other units. She took on the path of the hermit, preferring to keep to her own company and nature rather than dealing with people who see her as a burdening weapon.

Though she stays near Konoha, she is very rarely in the village proper and much more likely to be found in the forests and caves around the area. Her independence from the standard military might of the village hidden in the leaves comes with both perks and downfalls that make her jobs easier or harder depending on the task. Despite the risks, her refusal to give up all control to her superiors.

Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by Wanizame on Tue 12 Jul 2011, 7:40 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Age : 34
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyMon 11 Jul 2011, 5:32 am









Last edited by Wanizame on Tue 12 Jul 2011, 9:54 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Elder Sage
Elder Sage

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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyMon 11 Jul 2011, 7:55 pm

This application has my approval for Chunin.
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Big Sean
Kumo Nin
Big Sean

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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyMon 11 Jul 2011, 9:16 pm

Note: I'm extremely limited in time right now so I wasnt able to check more than the clan jutsu, katon, suiton and parts of the 1st post.

You can only start out with C rank Special Characteristics, you have to train in order to raise their ranks.

Quote :
Name: Gama Daira Kage Ayatsuri no Jutsu - Toad Flat Shadow Control Technique
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close (0m - 5m)
Element: N/A
Description: Gama Daira Kage Ayatsuri no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that allows the user to merge into the shadow of subdued foe. The user can then fully control the victim from within their shadow, allowing him or her to more easily infiltrate foreign territories. If he or she has to use other jutsu, he or she must emerge from the shadow. Once the user fully emerges, the hold over his or her victim is broken and they regain control of their body.
Chakra Cost: 15

As far as I know, this jutsu was used by Jiraiya so wouldn't that make it a jutsu anyone could use?
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Age : 34
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyMon 11 Jul 2011, 9:18 pm

It had shadow in the name so I just put it in there. I'll move it I guess. It's in the free to use section....

I'll also fix my SC's
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Hollow Allegory
Hollow Allegory

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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyTue 12 Jul 2011, 3:08 am

You need at least a paragraph of detail on the Combat Style.
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Age : 34
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyTue 12 Jul 2011, 3:56 am

I put that in my personality?
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Posts : 2032

Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyTue 12 Jul 2011, 5:03 am

- You are allowed one more SC if you would like it?

- Synapse Snap: State how long the technique lasts and the actual effects it has while active, the level of muscle spasm etc.

- Only people in the craftsmen profession can use the weapons template to create special weapons/items. Please edit them to the generalized template.

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Age : 34
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyTue 12 Jul 2011, 5:20 am

Removed my amulet, bitterly.
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Big Sean
Kumo Nin
Big Sean

Age : 31
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyTue 12 Jul 2011, 7:45 pm

Quote :
Poison Name: Truth Serum
Rank: C
Poison Description: This truth serum is a mix of chemicals and anesthetic inducing plants to loosen the lips of a shinobi and provide mild physical hampering to help ease the interrogation of the infected. With the physical effects not hidden behind any other sensation, the infected quickly can realize they are poisoned and need help before their mouth finds the question too tempting to not answer.
Solid State: The solid state of Henrietta’s truth serum resembles sticky coffee grounds and requires water to be poured through them at high temperatures to create a useable dose of the poison. In this form the poison is harmless and has no real effects.
Liquid State: The azure liquid is almost syrup like in nature which allows it to easily be coated on the edge of kunai or senbon that Henrietta carries on her person. Once injected, the effects of the poison quickly begin to take effect.
Gaseous State: Aerosolized, the liquid is blue and entirely useless. Though pretty, intimidating, and seeming quite scary to those who would want to avoid poison, the truth serum will not work if inhaled.
Poison Effect(s):
[ Post 0 / Turn of Infection/Injection]
[ Post 1 / Dizziness begins to set in and time appears to slow down mildly with auditory faculties altered to create a very echo heavy environment for the victim. At this post most genin become unable to lie, though their responses are sluggish and slurred slightly.]
[ Post 2 / The exact same effects as above occur but now those of higher rank start loosening their lips. Chuunin slowly find their tongues wagging about basic secrets while able to still keep their true secrets silent.]
[ Post 3 / The same physical hamperings occur as above, but now the chuunin ranked victims find themselves entirely unable to resist any questions asked of them with total honesty.]
[ Post 4 / The same physical hamperings occur as above, but the poison now begins to affect the Jounin level shinobi who would start to spill the truth accidentily but would be able to hide their real secrets with some difficulty.]
[ Post 5 / The same physical hamperings occur as above, but even jounin cannot keep themselves quiet as they willingly answer any questions honestly without hesitation but plenty of regrets to be had later.]
[ Post 6 / The same as above, but the poison can progress no farther into the ranks of shinobi. Though S ranks will be hampered by the physical effects, all but those of weak wills can resist the poison if they S rank.]
[ Post 7 / The same as Post 6]
[Post 8-10/ The same as post 6, with the poison abruptly filtering out of a body system at the end of the tenth post.]

Though it doesn't do any physical damage, I see this being at the very, very least, a B rank poison due to its purpose & somewhat effects
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Age : 34
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyTue 12 Jul 2011, 9:54 pm

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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyTue 12 Jul 2011, 11:05 pm

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Age : 36
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyWed 13 Jul 2011, 2:20 pm

Quote :
Name: Custom Chuunin Kit
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Quantity: 1
Contents: 10 Kunai, 5 Shuriken, 5 Exploding Notes, 3 Exploding Pouch, Five Meters of wire/string, File, 10 Makibishi, 2 Windmill Shuriken, 4 blank small scrolls.

Name: Intermediate Medical Kit
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Quantity: 1
Contents: 10 Bandages, 2 Antiseptic Vials, 2 Corpse Scroll, 5 Gauze Pads, 3 Splints, 1.5m Sling Material, 2 Syringe, 2 Pairs of Gloves, 3 food Pills, 3 Blood Pills, 1 Basic Poison Antidote (C-Rank),1 Intermediate Poison Antidote (B-Rank), 1 Scalpel.
According to this it says that B-Rank are only allowed 1 B-Rank weapon...However this is a kit so actually idk how this works with the rules that we have. I would just say erase one of these until further notice.
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Age : 34
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyWed 13 Jul 2011, 3:06 pm

I contest and refuse to move either. Both kits hold items that are for the most part D rank. In fact, the only difference in kits seems to be how many of the items there are.
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The Boss

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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyWed 13 Jul 2011, 3:20 pm

Kits are fine.
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Age : 28
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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptyWed 13 Jul 2011, 6:32 pm

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The Boss

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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] EmptySun 25 Sep 2011, 8:39 am

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Nara, Henrietta [Konoha Chuunin] Vide
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