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Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin]

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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyThu 21 Jan 2010, 12:43 am

Basic Information:

    Kakuhan Shokobutsukon (Whip Plant Soul)
    Secondary Title:
    Makai Kakuhan (Hell's Whip)
    Hellsing Operative:
    Green Blade
    Physical Appearance:
    Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] RagnarokOnline_Professor_by_Forbidd

    Kaku is of average height, and slender build. He prefers to keep his hair shorter in the front so that he is able to keep track of combat without fiddling with his hair, and it its relatively short in the back as well. The hair does little to reveal its true nature, which is a feature he appreciates greatly. He keeps a fox fur wrapped around his neck, obtained from his first hunt as a child, and wears a sleeveless striped shirt.

    His dark blue hair and even darker blue eyes seem to match the land he inhabits, being frequently compared to the ocean and the mist though Kakuhan is a foreigner to the village. His hair and eye color are actually unusual for his clan since they are usually more earthen tones, the same with his skin which is more fair than is the norm. This is most likely because he lacked the same training other young Shokobutsukon members received, substituting his own type of training.

    Kaku is appreciative of jewelry and uses it to adorn his clothing, mostly in the form of small crystal plates inside of the adornments on his belt and sleeve-cuffs. Similar to other puppeteers, he uses fingerless gloves to allow him easy access to chakra strings without having materials in his way. His clothing also serves to house some of his puppets and equipment in the form of disguised scrolls.


    Kakuhan is a reserved type, holding in most of his comments and only speaking aloud when he finds the situation would benefit from it. He is much more talkative with plant life however, conversing with them regularly and even doing so when he should otherwise be paying attention to the task at hand, such as during meetings. In Kirinogakure, since he is a fairly recent immigrant, he avoids direct conflict with the villagers who are already apprehensive about having someone from a cursed village like Iwagakure, despite the fact that he actually hails from Konoha.

    Kaku spends most of his time tending to his herb gardens and playing with his puppets, this being his quiet time where he even shuns out plant communication in order to focus. He usually thinks about his father during these times, what happened to Hellsing, and other thoughts he wouldn't dare think about in the dare lest his face betray a sign of weakness at such thoughts.

    In combat, Kakuhan adopts a different philosophy, hating the 'tainted ninja' and also hating anyone who attempts to make themselves seem better than him. Egos enrage him, and Kaku has no mercy for an opponent who manages to earn his contempt through bragging and nonsense. Those without skill are also worthless to him, though he is known to test out different puppets and jutsu with weaker opponents because he rarely favors a quick kill unless he has no other options.

    Catch Phrase:
    "In The Name of God Impure Souls Of The Living Dead Will Be Banished Into Eternal Damnation. Amen."
    "Change or Die."
    "Impurity Will Be Punished"

Clan Information:

Plant Element: The Shoko clan is the sole user of the Plant element, originally based on the Mokuton element which later branched off due to a clan war. The Shoko element is similar to the Mokuton element, but due to the centuries provided for the two clans to grow apart, so have the elements, so that while Mokuton requires a combination of elements, Shoko element has become an advanced form of the Doton style, though Suiton is still recommended for better use of the Shoko element. When Shoko element is mentioned in jutsu, it is referred to as Nature, a habit of the Shoko clan who prefer to not think of their jutsu in such 'limited terms'.

Shoko element, like other clan-based elements, does not take up one of the two elements that a character is allowed to use. Shoko clan members are physically incapable of using the Katon element, and it would be unwise for them to do so even if they could due to the flammability of the Shoko element. The strengths and weaknesses of the Shoko element are below, please be aware that the differing styles have different resistances and strengths, also provided below. These are LOGICAL weaknesses, and do not play into direct benefits or detriments.


Plant Telepathy: Shoko clan members are innately able to converse, telepathically, with all organic plant life, including those created by jutsu. This ability gave the Shoko clan the edge when it conflicted with the Senju, enabling them to confuse their own Mokuton jutsu to the point that they were unable to accept commands with chakra. The strength of the ability has diluted over time, however, and no longer allows the same level of mental control.

Natural plants are very dull, barely able to remember recent events and without any form of logic or numerical system, making it very difficult to converse with them. Chakra infused plants, typically those created with jutsu, are more intelligent but have a slavish obedience to their creators, they can be distracted or confused by cannot be brought to perform in direct disobedience. Resistant plants take one rank more chakra to utilize, which is noticeable by the user and educated ninja are usually aware at this point that the opponent is a Shoko clan member.

Thorn Scalp
Vine: Vine Style Shoko clan members have unusually coarse hair which is broken off into thick strands. These are actually organic thorns growing out of the scalp of the Shoko clan member, which can be used for appropriate Vine Style jutsu and also can attack with mental commands. The vines regrow if cut or damaged by 5ft per post, and the ninja may have up to 15 vines, but may only have 25ft of vine in total, divided among as many vines as they please. This decision is permanent, vines regrow according to their initial pattern, and fill up the longest vine first (Ex. A ninja has four 4ft vines and a 9ft vine. If all the vines were destroyed, the 5ft regeneration would go to the largest vine, the 9ft, regaining 5ft of it.) if there is no longest, the user may decide how to divide up the regrowth.

The vines are as hard and powerful as a weapon two ranks below the user's rank. They are chakra infused, therefore they are difficult to break, but are still flammable. Ignited vines never burn the scalp, instead breaking off when set on fire and dropping to the ground.

Chakra Synthesis: An ability of the Shoko clan, clan members are able to convert sun energy into pure chakra through a unique ability of their cells, a make-up for the Senju clan's cellular ability to manipulate Biiju and change their flesh into Mokuton. The clan member relaxes their body, though they may remain standing and armed with using this ability, and halve their reaction speed while doing so. They become vulnerable with this loss of reaction speed, but often create some defense before doing this. The clan member must have access to sunlight, artifical light will not do, and must have access for the whole post they wish to benefit from. Only a certain rank of jutsu can be used or maintained, including weapons (such as puppets) while this effect is active.

Outside of combat, this ability allows the regeneration of minor wounds, such as cuts and scrapes so that the body is considered to have 'accelerated healing' when in fact it does not and the bodily chakra is simply repairing the body it is housed within. Shoko cannot hold this ability for more than three posts in a row, nor may they use this to gain more chakra than they have.

The chakra gain is worked out into a chart below:

Shoko RankChakra Gain (Per Post)Max Rank

Itonamimetsuki (Life Eyes)
Unlike some other clans, the Shoko clan does not focus on its unique Doujutsu abilities, and thus lack advanced levels of its eye techniques. The Itonamimetsuki is relatively simple and has no differing appearance when it is active. It is constantly active and cannot be repressed, serving as a passive ability.

The Itonamimetsuki enables the vision of chakra within all plant life, and does not include human beings or animals in its abilities like the Hyuuga clan. Along with the ability to see the chakra, the Itonamimetsuki enables the Shoko to also hinder a plant's chakra system or aid it. These are explained in individual jutsu that clan members use, and the effects of the eye, beyond the passive ability to see plant chakra, are used through jutsu.

Through the use of the Itonamimetsuki a Shoko clan member can alter and manipulate plant chakra, resulting an increased variety of attacks. As with the supressing and increasing of chakra flow, however, this also must be done in individual jutsu. Itonamimetsuki is used in botany frequently, since some plants are very difficult to extract herbs or poisons from without incredible precision and direct manipulation.

Rank Information:

    Village Affiliation:

Special Information:

    Character Speciality:
    Main: Puppetry (Kugutsu)
    Sub: Medical Ninjutsu (Eijutsu)

    Elemental Affinity:
    Main: Earth (Doton)
    Sub: Water (Suiton)

    Shoko Styles:
    Title: Kiana
    Main: Vine
    Sub: Floral

    Special Characteristics:

    Thorn Scalp: Kakuhan has five 5ft vines that grow out of his scalp that are repressed through Medical Ninjutsu until they are willfully released with an E Rank amount of chakra. They resemble his standard blue hair, but with what look like red highlights, though upon closer inspection these highlights are sharp thorns.

    Vine Style: Adaptive Nature: See Jutsu E-D, by default Kaku has this set to Raiton.

    String Chakra: An unusual personal trait of Kaku's. Kaku's chakra, in its natural form, takes a strand like form rather than a flow and this naturally allows him a fine control over his chakra. This is not apparent in his internal system, and it is impossible to detect without being informed by Kaku himself. This chakra has no differing effects beyond its shape, and is used and affected as normal chakra. This allows Kaku incredibly fine control over his vines and puppets.

    This was an inborn trait, and the medical community has no ability to determine why his chakra developed as it has, nor does Kakuhan have any idea or theory on the matter, it is just accepted as it is. Some studies have gone into it and as far as can be discerned, it is a unique feature of his genetic code, but that only raises further questions.

    Nature Scholar: Kaku, as many of his Shoko clan members, is well versed in the habits and appearances of the natural world. Kaku is not easily fooled by Genjutsu that alters his environment and is passively aware of any changes in the world around him when fauna is involved in it. Even among the Shoko clan he is considered wise, knowing many things about many kinds of plant. He even spent time with the Nara clan in Konoha to learn about their herbs, under strict watch by the Hokage, and increased the clan's production by nearly threefold.

    Enhanced Reflexes: Most ninja have a very high reaction speed compared to a normal human being. Kaku has a high reaction speed compared to even other Shinobi, able to respond quickly to attacks and able to manipulate his puppets at a speed other puppeteers have immense difficulty keeping up with. His body speed is not altered, though his dexterity is included in his reflexive enhancements.

    This is caused by not only his battle experience with Hellsing, but also due to the inherent 'flaw' of Kugutsu. Kakuhan devoted many hours of training just to cover up the apparent 'flaw' that a Kugutsu user's body is a weak point that can be easily targeted. With the addition of his symbiotic plant, which is able to lend its own perceptive abilities to his own, Kakuhan can interpret threats relatively easily, and respond to them with fluency and speed.

    Hand-Sign Mastery: Kaku is highly skilled at utilizing hand signs for his jutsu and techniques, able to make hand signs at high speed aiding him in keeping focus on his puppets while in combat. He can also perform one handed hand signs, albeit at a slower rate, at which point his hands began watchable and move at a slow rate, restricting him to a single jutsu per post if he does not use both hands.

    This trait was obtained through, quite simply, the need to be able to function as a ninja even while using a puppet. In Hellsing, and in his own personal life, a ninja was not to have any weaknesses present, so Kakuhan devoted time into working with his reflexes and his handsigns. He started with making one handed signs work, and with this came the natural ability to do it more easily with two.

    Perfect Plant Assimilation: Through a childhood illness, Kaku was assumed to be a worthless human being, his body was brittle and he had no hope of becoming a ninja. Through the efforts of his father, however, he was gifted with a more fitting body through the addition of a symbiotic organism that lives within him, extending its vines all over his body so that his blood comes out in dual colors, red and green. The plant is perfectly combined with his body, and may have lead to his unique chakra shape. The plant keeps his heart beating by continually squeezing it, makes up most of his muscles, and even fuses with his bones in some places to make them more firm.

    He was, and still is, considered a marvel in the medical field, a perfect plant and human creature, and many speculate that this may only work due to his clan abilities. Kaku would normally have to share a mind with the plant, since it is remarkably intelligent, but with his clan traits has assimilated its mind into his own. It has lead to strange traits, which are detailed in his personality.

    Herbology: Kakuhan is able to create potions, elixirs, tonics, etc. out of plants with relative ease due to his natural affinity with plants, his personal knowledge, his blood line abilities, and his medical training. With this ability, Kakuhan can create a liquid that causes effects dependent on what is used to create it. These are classified as items, and are not limited in rank as weapons are without access to the Weaponry specialization.

    Creating a potion requires a word count equal to the training word count for a weapon at the same rank, and creates five doses. By adding an additional half of that word count the user may create an additional five doses (ex. 100 words would create five D Rank doses, 150 would create 10.) These may be given away or used as desired, so long as the quantity remains in line with the quantity in existence.

    Ingesting a potion causes its effects to occur immediately, unless the item description states otherwise and then the description is to be followed over any of the rules provided here. A ninja may ingest a potion higher than their own rank, but doing so takes a toll on the body and after the effect ends, the user is knocked unconscious due to their bodily inability to handle the liquid they drank.

    A ninja may not ingest more than three potions in a topic, nor may they ingest more than one potion of their own rank without suffering ill effects as if they were a lower rank than the potion.

Last edited by Hage on Sat 27 Feb 2010, 4:29 am; edited 16 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyThu 21 Jan 2010, 4:29 am

Skill Information:



E-D Rank:

C Rank:

B Rank:

A Rank:

Kugutsu Jutsu:


Last edited by Y on Wed 21 Apr 2010, 11:10 pm; edited 29 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyThu 21 Jan 2010, 4:31 am

The Final Forty, Kakuhan's Puppet Army:

Puppet Poisons:

Suiheki (Acid Tear)

Shinkuheki (Crimson Tear)

Shippouheki (Silver Tear)

Utilizing his clan traits, along with his skill in puppetry, Kakuhan is able to create puppets out of organic vines, thorns, and plant pieces. Unlike most other puppeteers, however, Kaku does not house his puppets in a case or scroll, and he also has many more puppets than the average ninja does due to his form of carrying. Kaku regressively ages his plants so that they can be housed as seeds and keeps them in a crystal sphere with numerous small holes and a complex mechanism to move between the spheres five layers.

Each layer contains a rank of puppet, in seed form, and each layer has numerous small holes that hold the seed for an individual puppet within them. It takes a few seconds to work the sphere and get the desired seed out, so Kaku usually takes out a handful he believes will be useful early on in a battle so he doesn't have to spend time gathering more seeds from the sphere.


This ability has two associated jutsu, Plant Regression and Plant Acceleration which regresses his plants to seed form and summons them...


Kakuhan has various classifications of puppet, based on their color, and many of his puppets are constructed to not appear as plant-like upon initial view, done through hundreds of layers and hours of work to give them a more animal-like appearance. The classifications are as follows:

(Note: All of the puppets below are considered Thorn Style jutsu for the purpose of using them as the targets, origins, or base for other Thorn Style jutsu or potentially other puppets. They are all made of vine and thorn, and thus, flammable unless otherwise stated or logically they would not be (ex. Armor plating is not flammable, a chilling unit would reduce the flammability, etc.))

Black Vine Puppets

Black Thorn Child (#1)


Black Vine Choker (#2)

Black Vine Demon (#3)

Black Vine Humanoid (#4)

Black Vine Spider (#5)

Black Vine Stalker (#6)

Black Vine Wisp (#7)

Last edited by Hage on Tue 23 Feb 2010, 4:27 am; edited 16 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyFri 22 Jan 2010, 12:07 am

White Vine Puppets

White Gallows Vine [#8]

White Thorn Hound (#9)

White Thorn Beast (#10)

White Vine Child (#11)

White Vine Choker (#12)

White Vine Hunter (#13)

White Vine Howler (#14)

Last edited by Kakuhan on Mon 25 Jan 2010, 1:44 am; edited 13 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptySat 23 Jan 2010, 12:53 am

Red Vines:

Red Flower Hail (#15)

Red Vine Choker (#16)

Red Vine Crusher (#17)

Red Vine Hunter [#18]

Red Vine Pillar (#19)

Red Vine Humanoid (#20)

Red Vine Sphere (#21)

Last edited by Kakuhan on Thu 28 Jan 2010, 12:07 am; edited 10 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptySat 23 Jan 2010, 12:53 am

Blue Vines:

Blue Vine Devourer (#22)

Blue Vine Terror (#23)

Blue Vine Sphere (#24)

Blue Vine Spider (#25)

Blue Vine Strangler (#26)

Blue Vine Thrasher (#27)

Last edited by Kakuhan on Fri 05 Feb 2010, 4:16 am; edited 10 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptySat 23 Jan 2010, 1:02 am

Green Vines:

Green Vine Archer (#28)

Green Vine Choker (#29)

Green Vine Hunter (#30)

Green Vine Humanoid (#31)

Green Vine Soldier (#32)

Green Vine Tiger (#33)

Green Vine Walker (#34)

Last edited by Kakuhan on Tue 09 Feb 2010, 4:35 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptySat 23 Jan 2010, 1:04 am

The Sacred Six of The Final Forty:

S-Rank Puppets, Locked

(Note: Their is nothing below but blank templates and pictures. I intended to complete them, but felt it would be more appropriate to leave them as S Rank puppets which I cannot currently access. The puppets are assembled, but they are not in use, so they do not need checking over. The only reason this post is even here is because it keeps the app flow going and I need it to keep my rhythm. So even reading this is probably a waste of time. Seriously, you could tottally be going over more important things, but instead you're reading my babble about why I have this pointless post in my application. But you know what, thats cool, you probably want to know if I'm going to finish this anytime soon, which I will. You wanna catch a movie later or something?)

Hunger Vine (#35)

Rainbow Vine Monster (#36)

Vine Dragon (#37)

Vine Spider, Swarm (#38)

Vine Spider, Large (#39)

Blood Vines (#40)

Last edited by Kakuhan on Fri 05 Feb 2010, 10:44 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptySat 23 Jan 2010, 1:04 am


Medicinal Potions

Supplemental Potions

Miscellaneous Potions


Name: Puppet Silk Scrolls
Quantity: (x2)
Rank: D
Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] RagnarokOnline_Professor_by_Forb-3

Special Abilities/Characteristics: The scrolls on Kakuhan's arms house the following puppets:
- Black Vine Demon
- Black Vine Stalker
- Red Vine Crusher
- Red Vine Hunter
- Blue Vine Devourer
- Blue Vine Strangler
- Blue Vine Thrasher

And the following body parts:

- Eyes
- Skulls
- Scrap Skin
- Muscular Tissues
- Hand Bones

Origin: A scroll designed and created to house puppets that could not be regressed into seed form due to non-organic parts existing in their composition. The scrolls also house body parts, since the puppets smelling of death is already fairly natural.

Name: Potion Scrolls
Quantity: (x2)
Rank: D
Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] RagnarokOnline_Professor_by_Forb-2

Special Abilities/Characteristics: Two thin scrolls that are used as belts. Each scroll can house five potions, which must be stated in the first post of the topic. The assigned potions may not be changed once assigned until the user exits the topic or enters a new one.
Origin: Designed to house Kakuhan's potions in a conveniently accessible location.

Name: Demon Nails
Quantity: (x10)
Rank: C

Special Abilities/Characteristics: A set of ten three-part rings that are housed around Kakuhan's finger bones inside of his body, making it difficult to break his hand without anticipating the metal resistance but serving another purpose as well. These can be expelled from the skin, with great pain to Kakuhan, and then used as melee weapons. The claws can deflect projectiles and since the claw only covers the upper hand, handsigns may be made uninterrupted. The claws are silver and thus restrict the regenerative powers of 'demonic' or 'dark' ninja who try to reconstruct their wounds. Designed by Hellsing.
Origin: Melee weapons designed to slay demonic creatures that seek to harm Kakuhan or whom he feels the need to remove. Mostly every single one of them due to his Hellsing affiliation and heritage with little, if any, exceptions.

Name: Anti-Flame Pellets
Quantity: (x25)
Rank: E

Special Abilities/Characteristics: A bag full of pellets that contain concentrated chemicals designed to smother and choke off flames, stored at a low temperature. The pellets are able to negate lingering flames by bursting into a 5ft mist that immediately chokes the flames out. This effect only holds after the jutsu is done, since chakra can halt the mist from dousing the flames. This is used to prevent Kakuhan's puppets from complete incinerating if lit on fire.
Origin: Melee weapons designed to slay demonic creatures that seek to harm Kakuhan or whom he feels the need to remove. Mostly every single one of them due to his Hellsing affiliation and heritage with little, if any, exceptions.

Last edited by Hage on Fri 19 Feb 2010, 9:23 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyThu 28 Jan 2010, 12:30 pm

Background Information

Medicine Man, Medicine Man
Tell Me Your Master Plan
With Soft Resolve, We Turn Away
A Child, Born A Man Today


    Medicine Man, Medicine Man:

    Kakuhan Shokobutsukon, born of Sorrido and Rikkido Shokobutsukon during the era of the Senju and Shoko clan's loose binding was afflicted with an illness at his birth, one which left his muscles underdeveloped and his bones brittle. His mother died in child labor, much to his fathers sorrow. It appeared, from the very beginning, that he would be of no use to the Shoko clan in their current plans and was shunned by his peers due to his worthlessness. There was little to be done, and Kaku spent his days indoors, playing with his toys and imagining what it would be like to be a Shinobi like the others were being trained to be.

    His father, frustrated at his inability to provide the clan with another warrior in the upcoming battle, spend day and night researching a way to cure his sons ailment. Sorrido was a prominent Medical Ninja in the Leaf Village and his sons affliction was well known through the village and regarded as an ironic tragedy that the medic would give life to an ailment he couldn't cure. Many came to comfort him, but he would have none of it, and was pushed on all the more to develop a cure. He would travel with his son visiting from household to household, where Kaku would be left to play with the younger children and Sorrido would ask the elders of the household what they knew about medical procedures.

    It was these early arrangements that gave him access to the various medical records his father kept, and by the time he was six years old he was able to accompany his father and help him gather information, learning every bit as much as Sorrido did. It was on a trip to Sunagakure that he learned about the art of Kugutsu, which he observed when a street performer displayed the fantastic show of a humanoid puppet dancing and spouting out fireworks from its lips. Kaku was fascinated, and his father was amused to see something that brought a light to his otherwise hardened eyes.

    Sorrido, however, was not convinced that his son was worthless as a shinobi and so instead of buying an assembled puppet he went out, leaving Kaku in a hotel room, and came back with a large red scroll. Sorrido carried the scroll into the room and set it against the bed as he walked over to his son who was playing with some wooden men in the corner on the windowsill and watching the Sunagakure Genin train their jutsu under the eye of an instructor. His distant eyes were all it took for Sorrido to be reassured that his son had potential, a spark that was being kindled by his spirit, but his body wouldn't let it flow out like other young Shinobi.

    He placed a hand on Kaku's shoulder, grabbing his attention and gesturing to the scroll behind them and informing him that he'd gone out and purchased the best toys money could afford. Kaku was confused and Sorrido told him that it was easy, he brought him the pieces, all he had to do was assemble them like a puzzle. Kaku's eyes lit up and Sorrido smiled as he walked over, unfurled the scroll and hundreds of lined up puppet parts were present, each organized and categorized.

    Kaku let his jaw drop and Sorrido smiled, telling him that he couldn't hope to assemble this amazing toy unless he learned about chakra. And thus began his training, Sorrido educated his son in the ways of the Shinobi, skipping over the physical bits because he knew Kaku was incapable of them, and he was an avid learner. It was at this time that Sorrido became aware of his sons unique chakra structure, and was sure that this was a sign that this discovery was not pure chance, that their was a reason Kakuhan was born like he was and brought here were he was now.

    Tell Me Your Master Plan:

    Kakuhan was a quick learner, though he was aware that his father was not teaching him everything, being the insightful young creature he was. It was around the age of ten that Sorrido was alerted to the discovery of a unique species of plant that was known to create symbiotic relationships with human beings, though this usually killed the individual and all attempts thus far had been failures. Sorrido saw this chance, the light was flaring in Kirinogakure and he couldn't afford to take his son with him when the rumors about the place were far from pleasant.

    In order to correct this problem, Sorrido told his son that he was going away on some research and that while he was gone, he would leave him with a teacher. When he got back, he expected to see a fully functional toy that Kaku had created, and Kakuhan promised his father that he would create one by the time he got back. As Sorrido was walking out of the door a man meet him, they exchanged glances and he continued out, leaving the stranger to introduce himself as Ikazuchi. Kakuhan stated his name, Kakuhan Shokobutsokon, and Ikazuchi wasted no time in correcting the falsehoods Sorrido had taught him.

    First off, he grabbed the scroll of puppet parts, unfurled it, and announced that the things before Kaku were not toys, they were Shinobi weapons. Kakuhan's attention was grabbed, and Ikazuchi commented aloud about the stupidity of not telling Kaku what they were in the first place because a ten year old has no need for toys. After this momentary distraction he grabbed one end of the scroll, flipped it, sent the parts flying to every corner of the room and told Kakuhan in a firm voice to locate every piece and to place them back where they belonged.

    Ikazuchi stated that he didn't know why Sorrido allowed his son such leniency as organized parts and commented about how Hellsing would never allow such a thing, they'd put every part one mile apart and in the jaws of a giant serpent, but since he couldn't arrange for that to be done without getting his throat slit by Sorrido he'd have to settle for this bit. While Ikazuchi was raving, Kakuhan sat on the floor and closed his eyes. Ikazuchi growled at the arrogance being displayed and demanded to know why he wasn't doing what he asked, only to be answered by the scattered parts being pulled into Kakuhan's reach in a pile.

    Ikazu was dumbstruck and asked how he did that. Kaku responded that he just put out his chakra and grabbed the peices, treating it as something relatively simple. Ikazu spent a few seconds thinking over what he was just told and pulled a kunai out of his belt, throwing it into the ceiling above him and putting out a hand to Kaku's forehead. A seal was made visible and after this was in place, he asked that Kaku pull the kunai down from the ceiling. Kakuhan didn't see the point, but he did as instructed, though with the installed seal his chakra was made visible and Ikazu could see his string of chakra go out, loop through the hole, and pull the kunai down to the ground.

    After this incident, Ikazu was aware of Kakuhan's unique chakra and strove to use it, training him how to thicken his strings, how to thin them down, and how to make the best use of them. He was not as lenient with the physical training however, and even though Kaku would often collapse, or fall to his knees, blood bubbling at his lips, Ikazu would simply comment that as the son of a medic, he could fix those problems and keep going. Thus Kaku's medical talents were trained along with his chakra control.

    After three months of this training, Sorrido still away, Ikazuchi brought out the pile of peices and instructed Kaku to arrange them as he had three months ago. By now, his education of Kugutsu was on par was even those born in the village and trained from day one, and it took him a solid hour to arrange the hundreds of parts. Ikazu then instructed him to assemble them, a command to which Kaku said no. Ikazu growled and let out a torrent of curses and insults, all while Kakuhan brought out a small vine ball he'd brought from home and unfurled the ball, directing it into the form of a small humanoid and then breaking the vines off the ball.

    The ball was tucked back away and Kakuhan, still ignoring the howls of his instructor, put his chakra strings into his vine puppet and directed it to stand up and place its hand over Ikazu's mouth. Normally, Ikazu would've given Kaku an awakening slap to the face for such an action, but this display of pure talent and skill made him ecstatic and he completely forgot his rage in that moment.

    After this incident, Kakuhan's naturally and Kugutsu talents were combined, leading to the assembly of over twenty puppets before he was even a registered ninja. This greatly pleased Ikazu who told Kaku to present him with the puppets, which he sealed into a scroll and upon the return of Sorrido, weary and beaten, the scroll was presented to him. However, he would have little chance to appreciate the gift, as he collapsed to the floor upon opening the room door and Ikazu rushed to his side.

    He inquired what Sorrido had been up to. He replied, with little breath left in his body, that he had succedded in taming the infamous plant from Kirinogakure, though he realized too late that only a younger host would be able to fully merge with the plant, and that now it had rejected him, and was slowly, but surely, killing him. He'd noticed the plants revolt upon entering the building but made his way, ignoring the pain, in order to at least ensure that Kakuhan would be able to benefit from his research.

    Sorrido opened up his hand, which had been clenched into a fist, and out rolled a small scroll as Sorrido passed from the current world and his corpse lay motionless. Kakuhan, hardly able to comprehend the current situation fell to his knees and brought his twitching fingers to the scroll, memory becoming a thing muddled with the past and present and future, all becoming a formless blob of incoherent nonsense.

    What mattered? The scroll, nothing else, and without a single tear shed, body shaking, he grapsed the scroll in his hand and lifted it up. His twitching stopped almost immediately, a solid hatred for his own weaknesses coming over him, he silently repeated to himself "Father..." and then let out a roar of a command, ordering Ikazu to open the scroll and reveal its contents.

    At this moment, Ikazu recoiled, hed spent so long training with him, where did he grow the courage to speak so boldly? He liked it, and as battle hardened ninja, member of the Hellsing family, he stood firm and felt nothing, only grabbing the scroll and unsealing it. Laid bare, it contained twenty four bottles of a black liquid, and a small seed in the very center of the scroll. Kakuhan needed no time to grasp what was to be done, and he tore his shirt off of him, throwing it off through the open window and rising, baring his chest.

    "That's mine, it was meant for me. I will succeed where he failed, give it to me." With that being said the seed was handed to him, Ikazu's eyes widened with interest as Kakuhan gave only a glance at it before chakra began to envelop his palms, and he thrust the seed into his own heart, immediately falling to his knees, blood being spat out seconds later. Ikazu moved in to help him, but found a bloody palm against his forehead, and Kakuhan's words in his ears, "Give me a bottle..." Ikazu, engrossed in what was occurring, hastily handed him over to Kaku who drank from the bottle, ingesting every inch of the fluid, before throwing the bottle against a wall and roaring out in disgust and pain.

    Kakuhan fell now, his strength failing him, his blood pouring out, his knees losing their stability. The world swam belong him, it shook violently like a quake, but the hands to his face, the scream from his throat, did nothing to stop it. He fell, down like a doll being thrown into a lake, going down to take a swim in his own mind, to change or to die, as nature would have it. Change or die. Change or die. Change. Or die.

    With Soft Resolve, We Turn Away:

    Upon returning to consciousness, Ikazu stood their in his newly awakened sight. In his hands, he held a common houseplant, which confused Kakuhan until he felt a voice inside of his mind, reaching out of his lips, inquiring where the plant was from and what lead him to his current captivity. Ikazu smiled, "Thought as much, you'll need to get that thing under control before we got to Hellsing."

    "What makes you think I'm going to Hellsing?"
    "You don't have a choice in the matter, you have no money, no way to support yourself, and you're the son of the Green Blade, you have a place there, a bed, food, and money to spend at your leisure, let alone on your expenses. Hellsing only asks that you do the duty of all men before us, to kill the creatures of the night."
    "You mean undead? zombies? vampires? The boogie man?"
    "No, we mean the things worse than them, the ninja who are born with powers too similar to those granted by the dark, or those who actively wield them. There exists no worse crime against humanity than to use a demon's blessings in order to combat a human. We kill them, we slay them, we eradicate them, and we do it with pleasure."

    Kakuhan could feel his body pulsing and pounding, and he lifted his arm. It was different, something was up, he felt stronger, and he grabbed a cup set by his bed, grasping it and accidentally crushing to shards. Ikazu informed him that he'd been unconscious for a week and the seed had made itself comfortable, Sorrido was correct, a young host was needed to adapt to the plant. Each of the bottles represented a day, for the first month, the plant would have to be habitually killed with poison. It would then regrow, and thus he would be a master of the will broken plant by the twenty fourth day.

    However, since he was unconscious, he was unable to drink and now the poison would have no effect, so it was his own problem to deal with the invader. Kakuhan listened to this and heard the voice inside his mind speaking to him, introducing itself as Shushi. Kaku smiled, and rose from his bed, stretching his new body and tearing off the bandages around his chest, revealing that his wounds had already healed. He smiled, "Change or die."

    With that said, they traveled away to Sunagakure, the location of the Hellsing headquarters. As they travelled, they heard footsteps in the trees and soon a trio of Missing Ninja appeared, bodies pulsing with a visible black chakra. They demanded payment for their lives, or else they'd take it out in blood, claiming descent from a clan Kakuhan knew nothing about. Ikazu casually pointed out that they were of demonic descent, and that they needed to be killed anyhow.

    "Change or die...." Kakuhan said to them as he pulled the scroll off his back. They laughed, drawing their weapons and taunting him, which was meet by the unsealing of the scroll and the attack of a single small, black, puppet. It flew at the middle ninja, they were arranged in a sort of triangular position, and it tore at his flesh. The other two reached to help him, only to find vines around them and a second puppet reeling them into a jaw made of rows of rotating spikes.

    Kaku smiled, there was a cause, something that even caused the persistent voice of Shushi to be silent, watching a human being, formerly alive, be torn to bits or ground into pulp. Even Ikazu found this surprising, and watched with a broad smile as Kakuhan had his first state of blood. As the battle ended, Kaku stood, revealing the fact that he'd only used on hand to manipulate both puppets, revealing to Ikazu the true extent of his talents.

    He wasn't even registered, but he could easily match any Genin, probably some Chunnin, and the face that he wore was one of pure malice, inheriting his father's black blood lust. Ikazu smiled, he was perfect, a great son of the Green Blade, the Green Thread. With this incident out of the way, they continued on, uninterrupted to the Hellsing base, Kakuhan smiling the whole way there and enjoying the silence of Shushi, who was still shocked at the brutality of a human being to their own species.

    A Child, Born A Man Today:

    Without any further incidents, the two travelers arrived at their destination, a small building in the center of a busy town full of shops, travelling ninja, and the various wandering civilians. Ikazu, apparently comfortable and familiar with the location turned his head, gesturing to a fruit stand and walking over to it, Kakuhan following. Ikazu approached the vendor, grabbing an apple and presenting it to the man, asking, "3.89 for the apple then?"

    The man, cloaked in grey robes, only his mustached face showing out smiled and spoke in a deep voice. "Ikazu, come back with a new recruit?" Kakuhan was confused, until he gave it some thought and found Shushi impatiently answering his questions, telling him that due to his request acquisition of this mind he was able to think things through pretty quickly, insulting Kaku's intelligence. The plant informed him that the price of the apple was obviously a code that not only informed the vendor who he was, but what he had brought with him.

    With this minor incident, Kakuhan was brought into the folds of Hellsing. The base was an impressive underground arrangement including hundreds of rooms, each decorated with natural gemstones and lights that made the place seem like a paradise on earth. That was until you saw the laboratories, the training halls, and every other place that was caked in blood and scattered with weapons. In this environment, Kakuhan thrived for years, working with another Hellsing operative, Kakougan.

    The two took on missions frequently and Kakuhan lived up to his name, Green Blade, becoming a ruthless killer of all things tainted and working well with Kakougan, excluding their religious conflicts. The two would often come back from missions more battered by each other than by the target. It was during this time that Kakuhan assembled his infamous puppet arsenal, the Final Forty.

    Unfortunately, he assembled some puppets that even he couldn't utilize at his current strength, they consumed far too much chakra and were far too complex for him. Thus, the Final Five came to exist within the Final Forty, many speculating that these five were on par with the assembly of masters of the Kugutsu art. Kakuhan became very well known in the villages and Hellsing, thus earning himself, and his unique symbiotic relationship, a name in the world wide history.

    When Iwa managed to succesfully destroy themselves, both Kakougan and Kakuhan were off on a mission. Upon their return, there was little left but a crater. They thought about sticking together, but their differences were too great and so they departed. Kakougan departed for the distant sands, Kakuhan to distant oceans. He quickly situated himself in Kirinogakure, being taken in as a survivor from Iwa and promptly restarting his personal research into further symbiotes like himself.

    Only other Hellsing members can recognize Kakuhan as a member of Hellsing, by a simple 'aura' that seems to follow all those in the business. Fortunately, no other Hellsing operatives seem to exist within the village so Kakuhan has remained undiscovered, and his violent past is hidden deep within his eyes and his soul. Kakuhan has curbed his violent tendencies, but still finds the presence of 'tainted ninja' unbearable and avoids them.

    Role-Play Sample:

Last edited by Kakuhan on Thu 04 Feb 2010, 3:28 am; edited 3 times in total
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyTue 09 Feb 2010, 4:36 pm

- Place Holder -

Last edited by Hage on Sat 20 Feb 2010, 8:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 30
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Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyWed 10 Feb 2010, 6:03 am

Lmao- Herculean Elixir = Felix Felices.

I'll take a look later.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyWed 10 Feb 2010, 6:15 am

The Alchemist wrote:
Lmao- Herculean Elixir = Felix Felices.

Uhhh...I have no clue what that is, sounds like it came from Harry Potter or Artemis Fowl...
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Posts : 27

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptySun 14 Feb 2010, 5:43 pm

Quote :
Name: Vine Style: Adaptive Nature
Rank: -
Type: Ninjutsu (Passive)
Element: Nature
Description: Vine Style Shoko clan members, whose Main is in Vine style, are able to increase the effectiveness of their hair vines by granting them a natural resistance to a single element or damage type. Any of the base elements (excluding Katon), along with any other elements the Shoko clan member knows about, can be chosen. Any of the damage types (peircing, bludgeoning, or slashing) can be chosen as well. All Vine Style jutsu used by the Shoko clan member are treated as one rank higher against the chosen element or damage type.

This is set on the character profile of the clan member, but may be changed afterwards, but at the cost of a 500 word training topic and a logical reason to change the vines resistances.

~ Sorry but I can't let that one pass Hage, it allows you to become completely immune to something which is not permitted on US. =/

Quote :
Name: Symbiotic Healing
Rank: -
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: Due to Kakuhan's symbiotic plant, he is able to heal minor wounds relatively easily by the vines knitting closed the wounds, and even heavier wounds can be healed by the plants interference. Lost body parts are healed through the plant replacing them with vine-created counterparts, though it cannot replace internal organs or the head. While healing, however, the body's chakra is devoted solely to the plant, regardless of Kakuhan's will in the matter and this breaks puppetry strings currently active or active jutsu until the plant is finished healing, which rarely takes longer than a post unless limb loss is involved, then it takes two posts to complete.

~ Not going to say no but it should take more than two posts to heal a limb.

Quote :
Name: Change Blindness
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: A very simple medical jutsu that relies on the human brains inability to recognize changes if even momentarily distracted from an object, even largely noticeable changes such as shape, color, or size. This jutsu creates a spark of green light that envelops the user and creates a flash to the side of the user, then allows the use of Henge, or Kawarmi, and abuses the body's inability to notice the difference. Opponents act as they would before this occurred, not noticing the difference until a post later. The change must be roughly humanoid, otherwise the effects are negated due to the extremeness of the change.

~ Ninja will notice the difference, so that Jutsu doesn't really work.

~ Everything else looks fine for the moment so please get back to me when you've taken care of these.

~ BTW! Nice Ragnarok picture.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptySun 14 Feb 2010, 6:02 pm

Blood wrote:
Quote :
Name: Vine Style: Adaptive Nature
Rank: -
Type: Ninjutsu (Passive)
Element: Nature
Description: Vine Style Shoko clan members, whose Main is in Vine style, are able to increase the effectiveness of their hair vines by granting them a natural resistance to a single element or damage type. Any of the base elements (excluding Katon), along with any other elements the Shoko clan member knows about, can be chosen. Any of the damage types (peircing, bludgeoning, or slashing) can be chosen as well. All Vine Style jutsu used by the Shoko clan member are treated as one rank higher against the chosen element or damage type.

This is set on the character profile of the clan member, but may be changed afterwards, but at the cost of a 500 word training topic and a logical reason to change the vines resistances.

~ Sorry but I can't let that one pass Hage, it allows you to become completely immune to something which is not permitted on US. =/

Explained in the Chatbox.

Blood wrote:
Quote :
Name: Symbiotic Healing
Rank: -
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: Due to Kakuhan's symbiotic plant, he is able to heal minor wounds relatively easily by the vines knitting closed the wounds, and even heavier wounds can be healed by the plants interference. Lost body parts are healed through the plant replacing them with vine-created counterparts, though it cannot replace internal organs or the head. While healing, however, the body's chakra is devoted solely to the plant, regardless of Kakuhan's will in the matter and this breaks puppetry strings currently active or active jutsu until the plant is finished healing, which rarely takes longer than a post unless limb loss is involved, then it takes two posts to complete.

~ Not going to say no but it should take more than two posts to heal a limb.

Modified to three posts.

Blood wrote:
Quote :
Name: Change Blindness
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: A very simple medical jutsu that relies on the human brains inability to recognize changes if even momentarily distracted from an object, even largely noticeable changes such as shape, color, or size. This jutsu creates a spark of green light that envelops the user and creates a flash to the side of the user, then allows the use of Henge, or Kawarmi, and abuses the body's inability to notice the difference. Opponents act as they would before this occurred, not noticing the difference until a post later. The change must be roughly humanoid, otherwise the effects are negated due to the extremeness of the change.

~ Ninja will notice the difference, so that Jutsu doesn't really work.


Blood wrote:

~ Everything else looks fine for the moment so please get back to me when you've taken care of these.

~ BTW! Nice Ragnarok picture.

Mhm, I like it too Very Happy
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Age : 30
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Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 7:55 pm

Inhalant shift has to take a post or two (otherwise you could survive almost infinitely by switching between the two, and breathing in what exhale)

Just remember that with the sulfur technique, you have to have the correct ratio of water to sulfur, or else it won't explode.

Why does Facial Reconstruction change your chakra signature?

Why does nitrogen mist explode?

why does CO2 explode?

How do you insert your chakra for the Memory Suggestion jutsu?

Heart Squeezing Vine doesn't seem avoidable by any stretch of the imagination.

how long does it take for kugutsu confusion to work? if it's instant, it's OP.

Pulse stop is also a bit OP, just a tiny touch and they're dropped like a rock.

Proprioceptive Distortion is over powered, no way to dodge

what is the point of thin chakra strings? It seems like you get to escape perception from a certain group, at a lower chakra cost, for no downside.

Why does chakra vines give you an increase but costs no more chakra and has no downfall?

Your first poison is way too powerful for D rank.

Once again, your second poison is far too powerful for C rank

Same for your third.

I'll go over the rest later.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyMon 15 Feb 2010, 8:47 pm

ρατrìcκ wrote:
Inhalant shift has to take a post or two (otherwise you could survive almost infinitely by switching between the two, and breathing in what exhale)

Thats actually impossible, as I understand the human body the ratio of what you take in and what you put out are not the same, thus you wouldn't create enough Carbon Dioxide to breath it in and use it to replace the Oxygen. I've modified the technique to make a tad bit more sense and edited in a brief break between switches where the user's body adjusts.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

Just remember that with the sulfur technique, you have to have the correct ratio of water to sulfur, or else it won't explode.

Noted and added.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

Why does Facial Reconstruction change your chakra signature?

It doesn't change the chakra, I mean to say that theres no chakra flaw in it, as in the natural chakra system in the face remains the same as in a human body. A mask over the face wouldn't do that, for example. The jutsu makes the chakra flow match the new facial compositon.

There is no change to 'chakra signature', which you can't even sense from sight anyhow so there isn't much of a point in a visual jutsu being designed to do something like that though it does inspire to make some other jutsu now...

ρατrìcκ wrote:

Why does nitrogen mist explode?

It doesn't. Its not mentioned anywhere in the jutsu that it explodes.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

why does CO2 explode?

Same as Nitrogen, not mentioned in any manner. Though carbon is highly flammable and thus COULD be ignited, unlike Nitrogen, but the jutsu is not capable of causing ignition on its own in any way, shape, or form.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

How do you insert your chakra for the Memory Suggestion jutsu?

Thats been described in the technique, in the same manner as Genjustu enters the nervous system, through directed chakra. Thus it can be dispelled like a Genjutsu because it acts like one, though it is not illusionary in any part and thus not Genjutsu.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

Heart Squeezing Vine doesn't seem avoidable by any stretch of the imagination.

You could always press A and jump.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

how long does it take for kugutsu confusion to work? if it's instant, it's OP.

The contact form isn't OP, so its been left alone. Chaotic Mental Collision does a similar thing.

The non-contact has been edited to take effect over three posts on the opponent, but not on Kakuhan.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

Pulse stop is also a bit OP, just a tiny touch and they're dropped like a rock.

Contact with an opponent is highly unlikely, and the fact that it has to be the head/neck area makes it even less likely because thats the body part that reacts the quickest to threats. So the technique is a ways from OP because you effectively have to stop them from moving before you can drop them.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

Proprioceptive Distortion is over powered, no way to dodge

Thats why you can dispell it. You can't dodge Genjutsu either, and they aren't visible with a giant green film of chakra that screams 'Somethings amiss!'. Not OP.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

what is the point of thin chakra strings? It seems like you get to escape perception from a certain group, at a lower chakra cost, for no downside.

The point is that its less visible to chakra viewers because of its thinness, hence why that was mentioned in the jutsu. It doesn't cost less chakra, if it did I would've mentioned that in the technique, and it doesn't need a downside. Its the same thing as condensing chakra for anything else.

ρατrìcκ wrote:

Why does chakra vines give you an increase but costs no more chakra and has no downfall?

Theres quite a few downfalls:
- Its visible, unlike normal chakra strings
- It can be damaged, unlike normal chakra strings
- It can be blocked by the environment
- It cant fit in the same places due to substance and thickness
- Its incredibly obvious and reveals a plant affinity

ρατrìcκ wrote:

Your first poison is way too powerful for D rank.
ρατrìcκ wrote:

Once again, your second poison is far too powerful for C rank
ρατrìcκ wrote:

Same for your third.

Suggested ranks? I find them all rather fitting so you'll have to be more clear about what the problems are with them at their current ranks and what rank you believe they should be edited to. I have reasoning for their current ranks, which you may have missed while reviewing them:

The D Rank poison has no effect in combat that's not exceedingly obvious and it only deals lasting harm on the 3rd post, which is the same as a jutsu taking 3 posts to deal damage, which warrants a lower rank. The first two posts are taken to establish itself, so its a 2 post delay to attack a single limb assuming they even inhale it (its a grey mist, pretty easy to notice and dodge.) A C Rank jutsu or weapon that takes three posts to take out a limb is worthless, so why would it need a rank up?

The C Rank take out 25% of speed in 3 posts. Thats less than 10% per post, and I think you'd approve a C Rank jutsu that reduced speed by 10%, and you could simply use it once a post and achieve the same effect. The only difference is poisons don't consume my chakra, which is a perk of the specialty. I might be able to see it as B Rank, but its a bit of a stretch.

The B Rank poison can't take a gaseous form, which is why I don't believe it warrants a higher rank. It condenses when expelled from a puppet so it can't expand like other poisons and it doesn't have the benefit of lingering an area, its a one shot deal.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyThu 18 Feb 2010, 11:49 pm

I am now holding my own application hostage, for every day this remains unchecked I will add another puppet, or two, or three, really depends on my mood for the day. I have a current storage of ideas that could easily round out my collection at 70 puppets. Do not test me. I will not hesitate, I am a madman. And this is not Sparta.

*ish serious*
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Dameon Shikyo

Posts : 59

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyFri 19 Feb 2010, 8:45 am

Quote :
Name: Natural Blindness Affliction
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user directs medical chakra into an object, one they expect the opponent to look at, and the chakra then takes hold of the opponent, causing the effects of this jutsu to occur as the chakra invades the looker's body and attacks their eyes. When they look away from their object, their eyes lack saccadic masking effect that natural eyes have (read as, not making everything blur when you move your eyes.) Thus, this jutsu causes the constant rapid movements of the eyes to blur each time, causing effective blindness to the rapidity of eye movements.

I can see where this is mroe medical then Genjutsu but explain how an opponent simply looks at something and becomes enduced in this. You said through the extension of chakra into an opponent which is essentially genjutsu. Perhaps clarify on this?

Quote :
Name: Memory Suggestion
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user directs chakra from their body into an opponent, similar to the fashion in which Genjutsu enters the body, and then suggest a new memory for the body to replace an old one. This is usually something that effects combat, though not always, such as a memory that swords arent as effective as kunai in melee combat. The memory seems like the thinker's idea, and thus they are unlikely to suspect that it isn't, though outsiders usually notice. This can be dispelled only with outside aid, and then it is dispelled as D Rank Genjutsu.

This is definitely a Genjutsu and since you odnt have genjutsu please remove.

Quote :
Name: Heart Squeezing Vine
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: Doton
Description: Kakuhan slams his hand on the ground and causes two vines to emerge from the ground and pierce the soles of an opponent, compensating for their movement speed, if any. At this point, the vine then shoots up and snares the heart, grabbing it and applying pressure that brings the opponent to realize that their body has been infected. The vines travel at incredibly high speeds and due to the emergence from the ground, without an ability to watch or sense the earth, dodging the attack is unlikely.

Once the vine has taken hold, Kakuhan is able to control the vine with standard telepathy, addressing it to either attack other organs in the body, crush the heart, or any other number of possible effects desired. Movement is still possible, and unrestricted, as the vines break off from the ground once they enter through the heel, but it is rarely advisable since the opponent is in a disadvantageous position and may cause Kakuhan to simply kill them rather than deal with their antics.

Pat is right, you wrote this as if its unavoidable by any means. It doesnt have a range and essentially instantly shoots up into the opponent. Edit heavily or remove please.

Quote :
Name: Kugutsu Confusion
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user places their hand on an opponent, drawing on their bodily chakra and pulling it out like chakra strings. The opponent’s body loses control, and they collapse to the ground like a crumpled toy. At this point, the opponent becomes aware of a visible hand of their own chakra floating above them with chakra strings in its fingers leading to their body. Intelligent opponents realize that with precise control they can regain control over their body by using themselves like a puppet. Non-Kugutsu users are very poor at this, and are barely able to stand, let alone fight.

In a secondary form, the user may inflict the same condition on themselves, though Kakuhan, being a puppeteer, is much better able to control himself than an opponent can, and then deliver this attack with eye contact. Kakuhan can still manipulate his own puppets, though due to the high level of skill required to manipulate a ‘puppet’ to manipulate puppets, only one puppet B Rank or lower may be used. In this form the jutsu gradually occurs over the course of three posts, the first post the opponent loses control of their arms, the second their legs, and the third they lose total control. Kakuhan does not gain this three post buffer.

Sounds a lot like a genjutsu effect thats actually happening. In other words its WAAAAY to good to be true and happen. Making a person try to control themselves like a puppet and no medical reason as to why this happens means it would be a genjutsu tech and you couldnt simply bring out an opponents chakra.

Quote :
Name: Pulse Stop
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user causes either their own pulse to stop, making them appear dead and entering a state of conscious death in which they are able to receive sense-based information and may end the jutsu at any time. If used on an opponent, a touch to the neck or head is necessary, at which point the body shuts down and the opponent collapses to the ground, put into the same state as the user would be if they used it on themselves, but without the ability to end the jutsu at whim. The technique can be fought against, but the best that can be achieved in mumbling or body twitches.

Explain how this would be done without Raiton.

Quote :
Name: Proprioception Distortion
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user gestures at the opponent, causing an aura of green medical chakra to envelop them with no notable effects at first. When the opponent attempts to move or attack, they realize that their body has lost its ability to recognize the location of limbs and body parts, making complex movements all but impossible. In this state, even the distance and length of body parts becomes inaccurate, also reducing aim heavily, effectively making the opponent incapable of any kind of combat. The aura can be dispelled similar to an B Rank Genjutsu.

If it can be dispelled like a Genjutsu than it is a Genjutsu. Other than that whats its range? How is the effect actually done?

Quote :
Name: Kugutsu Regeneration
Rank: E-S
Type: Kugutsu
Element: Nature
Description: Kakuhan's puppets, being made almost solely of natural materials, can be regenerated if damaged and not completely destroyed by the attack damaging them. A puppet may be regenerated to repair minor damage at a rank cost two letters below the puppet, moderate or severe damage at one rank below, and complete puppet repair may be done at the same letter cost as the puppet. Minor repairs occur instantly, moderate take a post, and full repair takes three posts to complete, each post 1/3rd of the puppets weapons are accessible even though it is not fully repaired (round down.)

Give examples of what would be minor, moderate, or heavy.

Quote :
Name: Thick Chakra Strings
Rank: C
Type: Kugutsu
Element: None
Description: Kaku extends a number of abnormally thick chakra strings and uses them as melee weapons, rather than for manipulating puppets, and attacks with them like numerous whips. Due to the invisibility of chakra, the attacks are very difficult, if not outright impossible, for those without the ability to see chakra to anticipate the strings. The strings deal minimal damage and are incapable of lethal damage.

Make the strings visual in some manner. As far as im concerned thinstrings can be controlled to invisible levels but thick enough strings to do physical harm woud be visible.

I will actually look over the puppets once I have a few spare hours Razz
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyFri 19 Feb 2010, 2:27 pm

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Natural Blindness Affliction
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user directs medical chakra into an object, one they expect the opponent to look at, and the chakra then takes hold of the opponent, causing the effects of this jutsu to occur as the chakra invades the looker's body and attacks their eyes. When they look away from their object, their eyes lack saccadic masking effect that natural eyes have (read as, not making everything blur when you move your eyes.) Thus, this jutsu causes the constant rapid movements of the eyes to blur each time, causing effective blindness to the rapidity of eye movements.

I can see where this is mroe medical then Genjutsu but explain how an opponent simply looks at something and becomes enduced in this. You said through the extension of chakra into an opponent which is essentially genjutsu. Perhaps clarify on this?

The chakra is attached to the object and since this is an ocular jutsu vision seems like a logical requirement. The eyes, once they look at the object have their eyes 'infected' with the user's chakra so that the nervous system can be abused, more specifically the eyes. Thus is enters like a Genjutsu, through the body's nervous system, but since it does not cause illusions by tampering with the system it is not a Genjutsu.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Memory Suggestion
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user directs chakra from their body into an opponent, similar to the fashion in which Genjutsu enters the body, and then suggest a new memory for the body to replace an old one. This is usually something that effects combat, though not always, such as a memory that swords arent as effective as kunai in melee combat. The memory seems like the thinker's idea, and thus they are unlikely to suspect that it isn't, though outsiders usually notice. This can be dispelled only with outside aid, and then it is dispelled as D Rank Genjutsu.

This is definitely a Genjutsu and since you odnt have genjutsu please remove.

Genjutsu is illusionary, this is a direct jutsu that is completely real, thus it does not share any of the traits of a Genjutsu beyond how it is used which is something a Medic is capable of. Genjutsu goes into the nervous system, Medical ninja can use the nervous system, so the only thing making it remotely similar to a Genjutsu is because it uses the same entry method.

The brain is most especially a Medical thing if anything is, so telling me that a jutsu like this is Genjutsu is completely absurd. The reason it has an option to be dispelled is because eveyone would complain if it didn't have a way to remove it, so thats a nerf thing, if you want me to un-nerf I really don't care.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Heart Squeezing Vine
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: Doton
Description: Kakuhan slams his hand on the ground and causes two vines to emerge from the ground and pierce the soles of an opponent, compensating for their movement speed, if any. At this point, the vine then shoots up and snares the heart, grabbing it and applying pressure that brings the opponent to realize that their body has been infected. The vines travel at incredibly high speeds and due to the emergence from the ground, without an ability to watch or sense the earth, dodging the attack is unlikely.

Once the vine has taken hold, Kakuhan is able to control the vine with standard telepathy, addressing it to either attack other organs in the body, crush the heart, or any other number of possible effects desired. Movement is still possible, and unrestricted, as the vines break off from the ground once they enter through the heel, but it is rarely advisable since the opponent is in a disadvantageous position and may cause Kakuhan to simply kill them rather than deal with their antics.

Pat is right, you wrote this as if its unavoidable by any means. It doesnt have a range and essentially instantly shoots up into the opponent. Edit heavily or remove please.

Once again, you could jump, I don't see whats the difficult to grasp with the concept of jumping. It takes little time, little reactive preparation, and it moves you in any direction you please along with moving you out of the way of attacks, like this one. Press A. Seriously, you people make it seem like this is a completely new concept and no, I am not going to write that into the jutsu, if people aren't smart enough to figure it out than thats their fault.

Or, you could use one of the various chakra detecting or movement detecting jutsu people have conjured up, and they are very plentiful. There are ways to dodge this (Shushin, Kawarmi?) but you don't seem to be noticing them because you're focused on denying my jutsu. Look around, there are options, they are plentiful.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Pulse Stop
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user causes either their own pulse to stop, making them appear dead and entering a state of conscious death in which they are able to receive sense-based information and may end the jutsu at any time. If used on an opponent, a touch to the neck or head is necessary, at which point the body shuts down and the opponent collapses to the ground, put into the same state as the user would be if they used it on themselves, but without the ability to end the jutsu at whim. The technique can be fought against, but the best that can be achieved in mumbling or body twitches.

Explain how this would be done without Raiton.

Exactly how Kabuto does it. I would provide a link but I'm fairly certain you've seen the hospital scene with Kabuto, Sasuke, and Kakashi in which Kabuto gives a dead body a pulse and stops his own pulse in order to be completely hidden. Your pulse is a muscular thing, therefore any Medical Ninja is capable of using, abusing, and manipulating it. Raiton isn't needed to manipulate the human body.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Proprioception Distortion
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user gestures at the opponent, causing an aura of green medical chakra to envelop them with no notable effects at first. When the opponent attempts to move or attack, they realize that their body has lost its ability to recognize the location of limbs and body parts, making complex movements all but impossible. In this state, even the distance and length of body parts becomes inaccurate, also reducing aim heavily, effectively making the opponent incapable of any kind of combat. The aura can be dispelled similar to an B Rank Genjutsu.

If it can be dispelled like a Genjutsu than it is a Genjutsu. Other than that whats its range? How is the effect actually done?

Nein. It is dispelled like a Genjutsu because it establishes itself in the nervous and chakra system like a Genjutsu, but it causes wholly real effects and thus is not an illusion of any sort. As I keep saying, the only similarity is how it enters the human body which any Medic can do. Since its Genjutsu-akin territory I've even knocked down the dispel rank to B, plus its really obvious to notice like I said to Pat.

I explained how it worked, it damages the body's propriception ability, the ability that tells you were all of your limbs are on your body and tells you how long they are. Without that you've much less capable of moving, since you can' coordinate movement, thus the effects described above.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Kugutsu Regeneration
Rank: E-S
Type: Kugutsu
Element: Nature
Description: Kakuhan's puppets, being made almost solely of natural materials, can be regenerated if damaged and not completely destroyed by the attack damaging them. A puppet may be regenerated to repair minor damage at a rank cost two letters below the puppet, moderate or severe damage at one rank below, and complete puppet repair may be done at the same letter cost as the puppet. Minor repairs occur instantly, moderate take a post, and full repair takes three posts to complete, each post 1/3rd of the puppets weapons are accessible even though it is not fully repaired (round down.)

Give examples of what would be minor, moderate, or heavy.


Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Thick Chakra Strings
Rank: C
Type: Kugutsu
Element: None
Description: Kaku extends a number of abnormally thick chakra strings and uses them as melee weapons, rather than for manipulating puppets, and attacks with them like numerous whips. Due to the invisibility of chakra, the attacks are very difficult, if not outright impossible, for those without the ability to see chakra to anticipate the strings. The strings deal minimal damage and are incapable of lethal damage.

Make the strings visual in some manner. As far as im concerned thinstrings can be controlled to invisible levels but thick enough strings to do physical harm woud be visible.

Chakra strings aren't visible, thus this is an impossible request because its not an ability of chakra strings to be viewed. Chakra isn't visible, hence the Hyuuga and Uchiha clans have abilities that enable them to see it, and the only reason the Anime and Manga show it is to show the reader how the technique(s) work with chakra. So theres nothing to be done with my strings.
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Dameon Shikyo

Posts : 59

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyFri 19 Feb 2010, 4:17 pm

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Natural Blindness Affliction
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user directs medical chakra into an object, one they expect the opponent to look at, and the chakra then takes hold of the opponent, causing the effects of this jutsu to occur as the chakra invades the looker's body and attacks their eyes. When they look away from their object, their eyes lack saccadic masking effect that natural eyes have (read as, not making everything blur when you move your eyes.) Thus, this jutsu causes the constant rapid movements of the eyes to blur each time, causing effective blindness to the rapidity of eye movements.

I can see where this is mroe medical then Genjutsu but explain how an opponent simply looks at something and becomes enduced in this. You said through the extension of chakra into an opponent which is essentially genjutsu. Perhaps clarify on this?

Quote :
The chakra is attached to the object and since this is an ocular jutsu vision seems like a logical requirement. The eyes, once they look at the object have their eyes 'infected' with the user's chakra so that the nervous system can be abused, more specifically the eyes. Thus is enters like a Genjutsu, through the body's nervous system, but since it does not cause illusions by tampering with the system it is not a Genjutsu.

Yeah but simply placing at will chakra anywhere you want and somplace you 'know' an opponent will look is absurd. For example you dont explain what kinds of objects or range and as such could easily place it on the inside of their eye lids or a ppart of their nose where everyone see's. Also you dont logically explain how the chakra moves from the point of interest to an opponents eyes.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Memory Suggestion
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user directs chakra from their body into an opponent, similar to the fashion in which Genjutsu enters the body, and then suggest a new memory for the body to replace an old one. This is usually something that effects combat, though not always, such as a memory that swords arent as effective as kunai in melee combat. The memory seems like the thinker's idea, and thus they are unlikely to suspect that it isn't, though outsiders usually notice. This can be dispelled only with outside aid, and then it is dispelled as D Rank Genjutsu.

This is definitely a Genjutsu and since you odnt have genjutsu please remove.

Quote :
Genjutsu is illusionary, this is a direct jutsu that is completely real, thus it does not share any of the traits of a Genjutsu beyond how it is used which is something a Medic is capable of. Genjutsu goes into the nervous system, Medical ninja can use the nervous system, so the only thing making it remotely similar to a Genjutsu is because it uses the same entry method.

The brain is most especially a Medical thing if anything is, so telling me that a jutsu like this is Genjutsu is completely absurd. The reason it has an option to be dispelled is because eveyone would complain if it didn't have a way to remove it, so thats a nerf thing, if you want me to un-nerf I really don't care.

A medical ninja could not logically make someong think a certain way using a jutsu. Genjutsu might make you think this for a second but what you suggesting is permanent until dispelled. Reeeeemooooooove. This could not be done even if a medical ninja did brain surgery.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Heart Squeezing Vine
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: Doton
Description: Kakuhan slams his hand on the ground and causes two vines to emerge from the ground and pierce the soles of an opponent, compensating for their movement speed, if any. At this point, the vine then shoots up and snares the heart, grabbing it and applying pressure that brings the opponent to realize that their body has been infected. The vines travel at incredibly high speeds and due to the emergence from the ground, without an ability to watch or sense the earth, dodging the attack is unlikely.

Once the vine has taken hold, Kakuhan is able to control the vine with standard telepathy, addressing it to either attack other organs in the body, crush the heart, or any other number of possible effects desired. Movement is still possible, and unrestricted, as the vines break off from the ground once they enter through the heel, but it is rarely advisable since the opponent is in a disadvantageous position and may cause Kakuhan to simply kill them rather than deal with their antics.

Pat is right, you wrote this as if its unavoidable by any means. It doesnt have a range and essentially instantly shoots up into the opponent. Edit heavily or remove please.

Quote :
Once again, you could jump, I don't see whats the difficult to grasp with the concept of jumping. It takes little time, little reactive preparation, and it moves you in any direction you please along with moving you out of the way of attacks, like this one. Press A. Seriously, you people make it seem like this is a completely new concept and no, I am not going to write that into the jutsu, if people aren't smart enough to figure it out than thats their fault.

Or, you could use one of the various chakra detecting or movement detecting jutsu people have conjured up, and they are very plentiful. There are ways to dodge this (Shushin, Kawarmi?) but you don't seem to be noticing them because you're focused on denying my jutsu. Look around, there are options, they are plentiful.

Im not focused on denying anyone jutsu. There are rediculous flaws with this. You dont have a range of attack and still havnt given me one and your saying the vines are invisible to the human eye unless you were underground and isntantly hit an opponent through their feet. It would make more sense if one you hit the ground one could actually see a crack in the earth coming towards them or ground kicking up slightly from the veins. Other than that you slam the ground it instantly hits them you squeeze their heart and they die.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Pulse Stop
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user causes either their own pulse to stop, making them appear dead and entering a state of conscious death in which they are able to receive sense-based information and may end the jutsu at any time. If used on an opponent, a touch to the neck or head is necessary, at which point the body shuts down and the opponent collapses to the ground, put into the same state as the user would be if they used it on themselves, but without the ability to end the jutsu at whim. The technique can be fought against, but the best that can be achieved in mumbling or body twitches.

Explain how this would be done without Raiton.

[quote]Exactly how Kabuto does it. I would provide a link but I'm fairly certain you've seen the hospital scene with Kabuto, Sasuke, and Kakashi in which Kabuto gives a dead body a pulse and stops his own pulse in order to be completely hidden. Your pulse is a muscular thing, therefore any Medical Ninja is capable of using, abusing, and manipulating it. Raiton isn't needed to manipulate the human body.[quote]

Alright just explain that in the jutsu.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Proprioception Distortion
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user gestures at the opponent, causing an aura of green medical chakra to envelop them with no notable effects at first. When the opponent attempts to move or attack, they realize that their body has lost its ability to recognize the location of limbs and body parts, making complex movements all but impossible. In this state, even the distance and length of body parts becomes inaccurate, also reducing aim heavily, effectively making the opponent incapable of any kind of combat. The aura can be dispelled similar to an B Rank Genjutsu.

If it can be dispelled like a Genjutsu than it is a Genjutsu. Other than that whats its range? How is the effect actually done?

Quote :
Nein. It is dispelled like a Genjutsu because it establishes itself in the nervous and chakra system like a Genjutsu, but it causes wholly real effects and thus is not an illusion of any sort. As I keep saying, the only similarity is how it enters the human body which any Medic can do. Since its Genjutsu-akin territory I've even knocked down the dispel rank to B, plus its really obvious to notice like I said to Pat.

I explained how it worked, it damages the body's propriception ability, the ability that tells you were all of your limbs are on your body and tells you how long they are. Without that you've much less capable of moving, since you can' coordinate movement, thus the effects described above.

The way this is performed makes no logical sense: "Hey" -waves- and they can no longer move. Saying gesture means nothing as far as far as how its actually done. Hell even Tsunade had to establish direct contact with an opponent to mess of their nerves. So if your going to want this to be approved than make it direct contact.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Thick Chakra Strings
Rank: C
Type: Kugutsu
Element: None
Description: Kaku extends a number of abnormally thick chakra strings and uses them as melee weapons, rather than for manipulating puppets, and attacks with them like numerous whips. Due to the invisibility of chakra, the attacks are very difficult, if not outright impossible, for those without the ability to see chakra to anticipate the strings. The strings deal minimal damage and are incapable of lethal damage.

Make the strings visual in some manner. As far as im concerned thinstrings can be controlled to invisible levels but thick enough strings to do physical harm woud be visible.

Quote :
Chakra strings aren't visible, thus this is an impossible request because its not an ability of chakra strings to be viewed. Chakra isn't visible, hence the Hyuuga and Uchiha clans have abilities that enable them to see it, and the only reason the Anime and Manga show it is to show the reader how the technique(s) work with chakra. So theres nothing to be done with my strings.

Right and wrong. This rpg is based off of what? The anime and manga because thats where the naruto logic comes from. Chakra strings are visible in the naruto world and are only invisible as proven by Chiyo when extreme chakra control is used to limit the maount of chakra going through making it invisible like she used with Sakura. I am only saying make these visible because your making the strings an attacking weapon with an obvious more chakra output than normal strings if they can actually do bodily harm to an opponent.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyFri 19 Feb 2010, 7:04 pm

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Natural Blindness Affliction
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user directs medical chakra into an object, one they expect the opponent to look at, and the chakra then takes hold of the opponent, causing the effects of this jutsu to occur as the chakra invades the looker's body and attacks their eyes. When they look away from their object, their eyes lack saccadic masking effect that natural eyes have (read as, not making everything blur when you move your eyes.) Thus, this jutsu causes the constant rapid movements of the eyes to blur each time, causing effective blindness to the rapidity of eye movements.

I can see where this is mroe medical then Genjutsu but explain how an opponent simply looks at something and becomes enduced in this. You said through the extension of chakra into an opponent which is essentially genjutsu. Perhaps clarify on this?

Quote :
The chakra is attached to the object and since this is an ocular jutsu vision seems like a logical requirement. The eyes, once they look at the object have their eyes 'infected' with the user's chakra so that the nervous system can be abused, more specifically the eyes. Thus is enters like a Genjutsu, through the body's nervous system, but since it does not cause illusions by tampering with the system it is not a Genjutsu.

Yeah but simply placing at will chakra anywhere you want and somplace you 'know' an opponent will look is absurd. For example you dont explain what kinds of objects or range and as such could easily place it on the inside of their eye lids or a ppart of their nose where everyone see's. Also you dont logically explain how the chakra moves from the point of interest to an opponents eyes.

Description edited.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Memory Suggestion
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user directs chakra from their body into an opponent, similar to the fashion in which Genjutsu enters the body, and then suggest a new memory for the body to replace an old one. This is usually something that effects combat, though not always, such as a memory that swords arent as effective as kunai in melee combat. The memory seems like the thinker's idea, and thus they are unlikely to suspect that it isn't, though outsiders usually notice. This can be dispelled only with outside aid, and then it is dispelled as D Rank Genjutsu.

This is definitely a Genjutsu and since you odnt have genjutsu please remove.

Quote :
Genjutsu is illusionary, this is a direct jutsu that is completely real, thus it does not share any of the traits of a Genjutsu beyond how it is used which is something a Medic is capable of. Genjutsu goes into the nervous system, Medical ninja can use the nervous system, so the only thing making it remotely similar to a Genjutsu is because it uses the same entry method.

The brain is most especially a Medical thing if anything is, so telling me that a jutsu like this is Genjutsu is completely absurd. The reason it has an option to be dispelled is because eveyone would complain if it didn't have a way to remove it, so thats a nerf thing, if you want me to un-nerf I really don't care.

A medical ninja could not logically make someong think a certain way using a jutsu. Genjutsu might make you think this for a second but what you suggesting is permanent until dispelled. Reeeeemooooooove. This could not be done even if a medical ninja did brain surgery.

Description edited, I wasn't attempting to imply a permanent change of any sort so thats been specified.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Heart Squeezing Vine
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: Doton
Description: Kakuhan slams his hand on the ground and causes two vines to emerge from the ground and pierce the soles of an opponent, compensating for their movement speed, if any. At this point, the vine then shoots up and snares the heart, grabbing it and applying pressure that brings the opponent to realize that their body has been infected. The vines travel at incredibly high speeds and due to the emergence from the ground, without an ability to watch or sense the earth, dodging the attack is unlikely.

Once the vine has taken hold, Kakuhan is able to control the vine with standard telepathy, addressing it to either attack other organs in the body, crush the heart, or any other number of possible effects desired. Movement is still possible, and unrestricted, as the vines break off from the ground once they enter through the heel, but it is rarely advisable since the opponent is in a disadvantageous position and may cause Kakuhan to simply kill them rather than deal with their antics.

Pat is right, you wrote this as if its unavoidable by any means. It doesnt have a range and essentially instantly shoots up into the opponent. Edit heavily or remove please.

Quote :
Once again, you could jump, I don't see whats the difficult to grasp with the concept of jumping. It takes little time, little reactive preparation, and it moves you in any direction you please along with moving you out of the way of attacks, like this one. Press A. Seriously, you people make it seem like this is a completely new concept and no, I am not going to write that into the jutsu, if people aren't smart enough to figure it out than thats their fault.

Or, you could use one of the various chakra detecting or movement detecting jutsu people have conjured up, and they are very plentiful. There are ways to dodge this (Shushin, Kawarmi?) but you don't seem to be noticing them because you're focused on denying my jutsu. Look around, there are options, they are plentiful.

Im not focused on denying anyone jutsu. There are rediculous flaws with this. You dont have a range of attack and still havnt given me one and your saying the vines are invisible to the human eye unless you were underground and isntantly hit an opponent through their feet. It would make more sense if one you hit the ground one could actually see a crack in the earth coming towards them or ground kicking up slightly from the veins. Other than that you slam the ground it instantly hits them you squeeze their heart and they die.

Description edited, I believe I've failed to represent the justu correctly. You put your palms down and the vines travel at high speed underground and then rise up to peirce the opponent. They are not shallow when they travel so they don't make cracks, but they're not invisble. They're underground, so thats why you don't see them. They move quickly because its an A Rank jutsu, they're supposed to be fast and useful. And no, the vines take time to travel from point A to point B so thats not how it works.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Pulse Stop
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user causes either their own pulse to stop, making them appear dead and entering a state of conscious death in which they are able to receive sense-based information and may end the jutsu at any time. If used on an opponent, a touch to the neck or head is necessary, at which point the body shuts down and the opponent collapses to the ground, put into the same state as the user would be if they used it on themselves, but without the ability to end the jutsu at whim. The technique can be fought against, but the best that can be achieved in mumbling or body twitches.

Explain how this would be done without Raiton.

Hage wrote:
Exactly how Kabuto does it. I would provide a link but I'm fairly certain you've seen the hospital scene with Kabuto, Sasuke, and Kakashi in which Kabuto gives a dead body a pulse and stops his own pulse in order to be completely hidden. Your pulse is a muscular thing, therefore any Medical Ninja is capable of using, abusing, and manipulating it. Raiton isn't needed to manipulate the human body.

Alright just explain that in the jutsu.

I already have? I edited in another paragraph of possible uses, though it doesn't change the initial text and only adds to it.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Proprioception Distortion
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)
Element: None
Description: The user gestures at the opponent, causing an aura of green medical chakra to envelop them with no notable effects at first. When the opponent attempts to move or attack, they realize that their body has lost its ability to recognize the location of limbs and body parts, making complex movements all but impossible. In this state, even the distance and length of body parts becomes inaccurate, also reducing aim heavily, effectively making the opponent incapable of any kind of combat. The aura can be dispelled similar to an B Rank Genjutsu.

If it can be dispelled like a Genjutsu than it is a Genjutsu. Other than that whats its range? How is the effect actually done?

Quote :
Nein. It is dispelled like a Genjutsu because it establishes itself in the nervous and chakra system like a Genjutsu, but it causes wholly real effects and thus is not an illusion of any sort. As I keep saying, the only similarity is how it enters the human body which any Medic can do. Since its Genjutsu-akin territory I've even knocked down the dispel rank to B, plus its really obvious to notice like I said to Pat.

I explained how it worked, it damages the body's propriception ability, the ability that tells you were all of your limbs are on your body and tells you how long they are. Without that you've much less capable of moving, since you can' coordinate movement, thus the effects described above.

The way this is performed makes no logical sense: "Hey" -waves- and they can no longer move. Saying gesture means nothing as far as far as how its actually done. Hell even Tsunade had to establish direct contact with an opponent to mess of their nerves. So if your going to want this to be approved than make it direct contact.

When was the last time anybody got hit with a touch-based attack? I've never seen it. And you're missing the obvious points, just because its easy to use doesn't mean they're royally fucked and can't move anymore because they have a giant green chakra glow. Oh, and they can dispell it. Hmm...put two and two together and you get at most a 1 post delay before they realize they cant move and figure out that somethings amiss and use Kai. Its even a lower rank if you want to Kai it.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Dameon Shikyo wrote:
Quote :
Name: Thick Chakra Strings
Rank: C
Type: Kugutsu
Element: None
Description: Kaku extends a number of abnormally thick chakra strings and uses them as melee weapons, rather than for manipulating puppets, and attacks with them like numerous whips. Due to the invisibility of chakra, the attacks are very difficult, if not outright impossible, for those without the ability to see chakra to anticipate the strings. The strings deal minimal damage and are incapable of lethal damage.

Make the strings visual in some manner. As far as im concerned thinstrings can be controlled to invisible levels but thick enough strings to do physical harm woud be visible.

Quote :
Chakra strings aren't visible, thus this is an impossible request because its not an ability of chakra strings to be viewed. Chakra isn't visible, hence the Hyuuga and Uchiha clans have abilities that enable them to see it, and the only reason the Anime and Manga show it is to show the reader how the technique(s) work with chakra. So theres nothing to be done with my strings.

Right and wrong. This rpg is based off of what? The anime and manga because thats where the naruto logic comes from. Chakra strings are visible in the naruto world and are only invisible as proven by Chiyo when extreme chakra control is used to limit the maount of chakra going through making it invisible like she used with Sakura. I am only saying make these visible because your making the strings an attacking weapon with an obvious more chakra output than normal strings if they can actually do bodily harm to an opponent.

No, chakra strings are invisible period because chakra is invisible. You have to put additional things into chakra to make it visible, the chakra displayed in the manga and anime is because without it things like they move themselves. If you are still in doubt, please watch the scene where the first use of Manipulate Advancing blades is seen, and you'll notice they appear to be invisibly floating because this is a Gaara flashback and he can't see chakra. When Chiyo uses it, we see the string and thus the technique is explained to be Kugutsu. We see the strings to emphasize that this is a puppetry battle, not because everybody can see them.

I will make the thick strings visible but under no circumstance are normal chakra strings visible, you have to be able to see chakra to see chakra, no matter what form it takes as a pure entity. Its visible when you use it for justu, but not when you use it raw, such as Kugutsu Strings. I just re-read the Manga to be sure and in no way has anybody even implied seeing Kugutsu Strings, in fact, if they could then why would Shino bother tracking down Kankuro with his insects? He wouldn't, he'd follow the strings. He sees that they've been broken by his insects being moved, and he doesn't see the string still attached to the puppets head. If they could be seen, he could've easily anticipated that string was remaining.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyFri 19 Feb 2010, 7:12 pm

Also, I've added due to my boredom bettween waiting periods:
- Eyes On The Back of My Head
- Bone Expulsion
- Corpse Bullet
- Stalk Eyes
- Kugutsu Freedom

A Kinjutsu has been added for my symbiotic plant, which I assume has no complaints because you haven't voiced any it is pretty well nerfed as it is. You don't have to read all of it, it just details the plant 'reproducing' in other bodies, bed ridden for a week and gives them the two rankless abilities of the plant 'Symbiotic Healing' and 'Vine Body Purge'.

Mother Vine has been edited to allow communication with its 'child' plants as well.

Take the puppets one color at a time, it'll save you time and energy. I'll be working on some new equipment while you do because I need some human corpses and body parts for a few of my justu now.
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Dameon Shikyo

Posts : 59

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyTue 23 Feb 2010, 4:18 am

1) Please make Suiheki B rank.
2) Please make Shinkuheki A rank.
3) Shippouheki is at least A rank.

Please keep in mind that poison unlike jutsus dont require anything at all to use and I for one am extremely against Poisons of this caliber as they are impossible to dodge under 90% of the circumstances you would use poison in. I hope you plan on limiting their uses heavily.

Black Puppets!

1) Spiral crushing maw. I dont see why jutsus would not work. Some jutsu's may work under certain conditions that effect it. I would remove or edit that part.
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Uchiha Osore
Uchiha Osore

Posts : 1044

Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] Shokobutsukon, Kakuhan [Kiri Jounin] EmptyTue 23 Feb 2010, 4:24 am

Well actually I've come to realize that the higher the rank, the harder they are to remove and thus there isn't a downfall to a higher ranking poison except that I can't use them at a longer rank, but since I'm A Rank its a nice bonus. So that's fine with me, harder poisons are a-okay.

As for Spiral Crushing Maw, that statement is against resisting being crushed and torn apart because by this point, the puppet is designed to crush and destroy so defensive jutsu, assuming you had time to use them, aren't going to stop hundreds of rotating teeth. Jutsu that work as armor are considered armor though, so that'll be added in.
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