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Tsuku Clan

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Posts : 23

Tsuku Clan Vide
PostSubject: Tsuku Clan Tsuku Clan EmptySun 30 Oct 2011, 1:54 pm

Clan Name: Tsuku

Location: Outskirts of the Water Country

Signature Traits: No current signature traits like hair color or anything. This bloodline exists in only two people and one who is aging old.

Kekkei Genkai: Kagamisui Sousei

Kagamisui Sousei is a special ability unique to each user of the clan. They are able to secret a special type of water from their bodies as if they were sweating or what have you or fabricate it with chakra like any other elemental jutsu. The specific type of water can only be controlled by the user and no other user capable of manipulating water. This is due to the fact that the water produced is in a sense "genetic" and custom to the point where it would only be useful in terms of manipulation to the owner. A bottle of secreted water cannot be manipulated as a clan member can with another person. It should be noted that this water can be produced by simple actions like sweating, spitting, etc and is a bodily function of the user. The bloodline allows the creation and manipulation of this strange liquid that is different from normal body water.

Kagamisui Sousei is just like normal water but can be adapted for combat use through manipulating chakra. The water can expand, contract and be used in many ways. It can not be manipulated into ice nor can it be manipulated into an invisible gas. The most that can be obtained is a mist or normal water while being able to become a slight solid through condensing. The temperature of the water cannot be manipulated and it's normally whatever the implied temperature is based on surroundings.

What makes Kagamisui Sousei interesting is its properties. It does not have the normal look and feel of water and is reflective at all angels. The property of its reflection is very real, if you were standing in front of window it could appear as glass normally. Or if you could stand atop a tower of it, it could appear as if you are standing on air. The purpose of the reflectiveness is that the water cannot be used offensively in the sense of normal Suiton jutsu. The time it lasts in the atmosphere is considerably low even with large amounts, similar to expiration of Toad Oil. A lake of pure Kagamisui can be thrown into the air and dissipate into nothingness before it comes halfway to the ground. Due to this, the clan uses the water for illusions.

They also posses free control of the water using chakra. Using chakra allows them to extend the shape of the liquid and things of the sort, including how long the liquid can last. A small jutsu can be used to make the water appear as a kunai in the hand. Since the water has no real offensive properties even if stabbed not a lot of damage would normally be done unless the chakra manipulating it is strong.

One of the other cons of Kagamisui is chakra in conjunction with the water. Too much raw chakra can cause the water to lose its reflective properties and its genjutsu effectiveness. To circumvent these issues one will normally carry a collection of water in a gourd or something. The properties of the water can be used for genjutsu triggers as well, warped and or manipulated images, flashes of light and things of the sort can be used. It can also be used to trick enemies like in the example above. They can appear to wear different color shirts, or pants or appear to have a kunai in their hand. Even though this all has a count down time on it, no specific timer exists for each and every rank as it depends on the illusion used. Therefore, in creating any jutsu, the length of the jutsu will reflect the length of the water and the amount. It would be impossible to gauge all possible shapes and sizes of what Kagamisui could be so it will have to be applied in the jutsu.

*Mods Note* It should be noted that this is just like suiton in its basic application, except that the water can't be rinsed and reused and is simply more reflective like clear water and looks like water from the sink or a bottle rather than a suiton which looks like something from the ocean. It does not have that trademark "blue" color in its own right.

Kagamisui was a creation of the first clan member. Since the bloodline is new to the world, not a lot of researched jutsu and information exist for it. Therefore, the history of the Tsuku clan and this water is very weak. At first, the Tsuku clan was nothing but a clan of people. They had no type of bloodline and were a family that lived in the outskirts of the Water Country. They would occasionally migrate to and from the Water Country depending on things like trade and the politics with the Shinobi. During horrible times in the Water Country, the clan would separate their selves from the village and move out to one of the many islands littering the Water Country.

As time passed, no one could suspect a move to Konoha. After a recent upset in the Water Country shinobi politics, the clan decided that it was time to move from the Water Country and move into the Fire Country. More traffic passed through the Fire Country which allowed the clan to grow. More food, currency and information was available as well. Since the Tsuku clan never sold anything and only offered civilian protection, the clan members could now get closer to Konoha and learn more about chakra and grow stronger.

Selling their business allowed them to grow into a profitable clan which didn't grow too large in number but very much so in funds. They were able to establish a small village in the outskirts of the Fire Country. Run by balanced politics and fair-trade, the village saw a lot of positive attiude and even a profitable gain in money. For decades the Tsuku clan did well for a group of people that were untouched by shinobi. Most things did not change for them for a long time until one of the clan members decided to learn more about ninjutsu.

Understanding chakra is not a task for any type of grown civilian. These are usually tasks reserved for children who will grow to be shinboi the rest of their lives or shinobi their selves. Konoha, at least then did not have a strict foreign policy on learning ninjutsu, but as every country had a problem with an outsider coming in and leaving with secrets of the country. What happened next is a story too long to tell. Essentially a clan member escaped with no knoweldge, but iwth the intent of remaining stealthy and unnoticed to the ninja in Konoha. With is sure failure, the wrath of Konoha was smite down on the Tsuku clan and their village, along with the clan members head. Their village was destroyed and left to a few members and the dead clansmen son to lead. After a while of learning some of the secrets of his father and learning from rogue shinobi over the hears, the Kagamisui was born through rigorous training with a female ninja adept in the art of illusions. Producing the genetic defect for the Kagamisui Sousei had already been done, but noticing it and furthering it had took a ot of time. Now in their older years the clan member has passed the secrets down to his daughter which is where the story begins.

Clan Jutsu:

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Age : 28
Posts : 3145

Tsuku Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Tsuku Clan Tsuku Clan EmptySun 30 Oct 2011, 2:10 pm

Ok, big clan to start my day off with.

First of all, I'm not too keen on the idea that this Clan will be exclusive to just you and your character's children, though this would happen so far into the future, that I doubt either me or you will still be roleplaying (as we don't have a set aging system, meaning your character could be, say, 15 forever). At the same time I feel that your history that ultimately results in your exclusiveness, is very poor and unrealistic. Konoha is simply not the kind of place to go down and burn a whole village to the ground, just because of a single person. Although our Konoha isn't the cannon one, it's attitude remains very similar - only use violence when necessary, kind of a la pacifist approach. So it's a faulty story that a single clan member escaping the village led to the destruction of the whole clan.

Leading on, the tangibility of your 'sweat' substance is very questionable. In fact I'm tempted to say and I can see, that if you ever use it in a fight, people will simply capitalize on the fact that it doesn't stay in the atmosphere for too long, to avoid any of your attacks. Plus what bothers me also, is that you can manipulate it's state, which is a no no - we already have a clan (Yuki) for Ice users. Sweaty Ice will not be a clan I'm willing to approve.

I also don't quite understand how you would use your sweaty water with genjutsu. Then again, I'm just generally confused, as you constantly contradict yourself.
Quote :
Kagamisui Sousei is just like normal water
is what you say at first, and yet you go on to say
Quote :
It does not have the normal look and feel of water

It just seems quite rushed at times and I would actually like you to narrow the whole of your Kekkei Genkai down to two very clear paragraphs. The more you try to explain it, the more confusing it gets, and you start to repeat or contradict yourself, which is never good.

SO to start off, please change your History (only the last bit) alongside your exclusiveness. I would like this clan to be available to at least a bunch of members - they will have to PM you, if they want to join it.
And also make the description of the Kekkei Genkai more clear and simple, please.
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Posts : 23

Tsuku Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Tsuku Clan Tsuku Clan EmptySun 30 Oct 2011, 2:44 pm

In the history it's strongly implied that the Tsuku clan member wanted to steal ninjutsu secrets. Konoha is not foreign to the aspect of killing as defined by three principal people. Even though there was nothing stolen or anything happening.

Danzo still wanted all of the Uchiha dead despite them being completely innocent and framed by Tobi. Another example is his order to kill Sasuke.

The Hyuuga clan had an entire branch who were supposed to take bullets for main branch members. The branch clan was nothing but scapegoats.

The Sandaime Hokage condoned all of these actions above, not even fist-fighting over it.

Danzo's reference can be found here.


Hyuuga reference can be found here.


Not trying to argue, but what happened is similar to stealing ninjutsu and then something similar to the Hyuuga clan. Someone like Danzo, who is capable of orchestrating such a massacre would do it. After all I fully intend for it to be a crime, not something more akin to a misdemeanor.

Also, the sweat isn't the entire thing.... It's just bodily function, akin to drawing water from the body. The chakra allows the water to extend how long it can stay into the air. I also clearly said that I can't turn it into anything like ice.

Quote :
Kagamisui Sousei is just like normal water but can be adapted for combat use through manipulating chakra. The water can expand, contract and be used in many ways. It can not be manipulated into ice nor can it be manipulated into an invisible gas.

Kagamisui is like normal water in the sense that if you touch it, you'll get wet. However it does not have the normal look ad feel of water. For instance, normal Suiton jutsu, or any type of water in a large quantity be it real life or manga usually has a blue appearance. This is why I put it looks like "water from a bottle or in a sink" which is normally regarded as "clear." In large quantities it retains its clear description.

Reference the look of this

Versus the look of this

Kagamisui retains a look of clarity like that of a Koi Pond

I understand that it boils down to the volume of water, but what makes it special is its ability to remain clear despite volume. As for the feel of water, it evaporates faster than quicker giving it that different touch than normal. For instance, Kagamisui feels like a drizzle in large amounts compared to being dunked in a pool. The water doesn't have such a "heavy" feeling and is "lighter." The only reason I say it's just like water is the difference between Coke and Diet Coke. Still soda, but different in make up.

I don't mean to argue with you, I just need details that are important to be there, just in case a battle were to arrive some how and they were not there, it would hurt something as delicate as this. Also since I like bothering Konoha (Razz) I'll just change my history to something else or some other group if that's fine with you instead of revamping the entire theme of the idea. It can easily be replaced with something like "X group of shinobi". I'm just after the theme of stealing and the clan being punished.
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Age : 28
Posts : 3145

Tsuku Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Tsuku Clan Tsuku Clan EmptySun 30 Oct 2011, 2:59 pm

Sorry I must have misread you, which does really strengthen my point that the explanation of the Kekkei Genkai should just be quite easy, simple and clear. Something along the lines of
Quote :

'Kagamisui Sousei is an unusual form of a water-like fluid, unique only to the members of the Tsuku clan. Found in bodily fluids, the liquid is very flexible, being able to contract, expand and otherwise be used in many ways, in combat. It does not however have the normal look and feel of water, thus meaning that it can't be used for Suiton techniques, although due to being uniquely reflective at all angels, it can be used by clan members, alongside genjutsu.'

That kind of paragraphs covers almost everything you have told me, getting rid of all the examples that you have provided (that aren't exactly necessary) and giving me a quick to the point, description of the Kekkei Genkai. That's the kind of thign I would like to see.

And really, I just would like the clan to be more existent, than just two members Razz
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Posts : 23

Tsuku Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Tsuku Clan Tsuku Clan EmptyTue 01 Nov 2011, 1:04 am

Well, I admit it was done in a rush so I will re-work it so expect to mod it in a new light.

I had a situation with family so I will need some time. (Day or two)

Plus I am very conservative with my ideas, which is why I don't want to share it.
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Age : 29
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Tsuku Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Tsuku Clan Tsuku Clan EmptyMon 09 Jan 2012, 4:48 am


Due to inactivity.
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Tsuku Clan Vide
PostSubject: Re: Tsuku Clan Tsuku Clan Empty

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