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Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin]

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Age : 28
Posts : 266

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptyThu 03 Jan 2013, 12:35 am

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Dystz



Name: Suzuki, Junichi. (鈴木淳)
Nickname: Bastard, Obake (lit. demon), Jun, Rokubi Jinchuuriki.
Age: Eleven.
Gender: Male.
A slender, rather small body frame often causes many people to assume that Junichi is still an Academy Student rather than a full Genin, especially not the host of the Rokubi. He’s rather small to be eleven and is lithe, providing a very narrow body. While skinny, his body is toned, so his appearance should not be used as an indicator of strength. Many mistake him to be younger than what he is, which he often uses to his advantage to get what he needs. Standing at a measly height of five feet, he is towered by his peers – male and female – which often frustrates him. With a quick metabolism combined with rigorous training, Junichi is a featherweight as he barely weighs one hundred pounds. He, being so young, hasn't developed a plethora of muscle mass, meaning his biceps and triceps won’t be extremely large, but they are toned and strengthened from simply being a shinobi.

Junichi has been blessed with a porcelain complexion, milky white skin that he inherited from his father as the rest of the men in his family are relatively tan. His skin is free of blemishes, sans for the occasional scratch he’ll end up getting from being as clumsy as he is. He has a round face which further showcases his youth, as he hasn’t developed a masculine, squared jaw structure, still at the beginning stages of puberty. His tresses are a dark, mahogany brown – again, another trait from his father. However, as he grew older, his grandfather would reprimand him for growing his hair out long. As such, Jun now keeps his hair at a rather short length. Often, it is tied up into a spiky, short ponytail with deep brown tresses sticking up frayed. His fringe messily covers his forehead in thick, choppy sections, which slightly obscure the emblem on his forehead protector that he owns. His hair grows at a fast length, so it’s important that he cuts it often. Should he remove his air from the ponytail, his hair will simply fall down to his neck.

His most appealing and shocking features would be his bright blue eyes, which causes him to stand out even more to his annoyance. The intense, cerulean hue clashes with the dark brown color of his hair, which forces his eyes to stand out even more. His eyes are round and have a quasi-innocent look to them, which may or may not be misleading. Given the fact that Junichi is terribly nearsighted, he almost always has his glasses on. His glasses are round with a clear frame and often, his glasses appear to be quite too big for his face.

Coming from an affluent family, Junichi owns a plethora of outfits, although he typically only has one that he wears for his shinobi duties. Generally, he opts for a long-sleeved obsidian shirt that has a Konohagakure symbol on the bottom right side of the shirt in a white stitching. Underneath the shirt, Jun wears a black fishnet undershirt that has a thin mesh underneath the fishnet to prevent it from being see through and drafty. Over top of his shirt, he puts on a seafoam blue jacket that has long sleeves and is trimmed in a pale cream color up and down the sleeves of the jacket. On the back of the jacket is the Suzuki official emblem, showcasing his pride for his own family. He prefers to wear shorts as he finds them looser and more comfortable for him to move about in – his shorts are in an identical color as his jacket, with his shorts falling down to his knees. Only in extreme cold weather during the late fall and winter will he choose for longer pants to protect his legs from the temperatures.

Junichi prefers a pair of navy blue, orthodox shinobi sandals as footwear. Wrapped around his left leg would be his black, kunai holster and strapped onto his hip would be a tan, small hip pouch which he uses to store any accessories or items. Occasionally, he can be seen sporting a pair of black goggles on his forehead. Simply being a pair of goggles he owned as an Academy Student, they aren't unique nor do they provide any form of protection. No matter the situation, Jun never appears slovenly, always having a tidy or neat appearance. With slim digits that aid in his dexterity, his fingernails are always cut to a medium length.

For when he is not doing anything shinobi related, such as being at home or going into the village, Junichi opts for a dark green haori with the Suzuki emblem on it, being trimmed in a cream color along the edges along with a simple shirt and a pair of pants. Rarely does he have to go to a formal occasion, but when he does, Jun will wear what’s appropriate; whether a kimono or a yukata of a certain print depending on the situation. Being young, he doesn't have any piercings or a plethora of accessories, but when it is windy or cold outside, he will wear a black scarf to tie around his neck. The only other accessory he owns would be a small metal locket that he keeps in his pocket for good luck. Inside would be a picture of his biological father before he passed.

Forehead Protector: Like traditional shinobi in Konohagakure, Junichi prefers to keep his hitai-ate wrapped around his forehead.

Junichi is widely known - but not for being a Jinchuuriki. His family's name is a symbol of affluence and status in Konohagakure and also in various other shinobi villages. Most would think that being from a wealthy and proud family along with being the so-called "savior" of Konohagakure would make someone rather cocky. It doesn't. Junichi is the opposite of cocky and often self-deprecating, as he sees himself as no one special. Unknown to even most of his own family, Junichi is the bastard child of his family. As his mother ran off with another man than that she was chosen for and had Junichi, the stigma that she lived with is also what Jun lives with; which completely affects his personality and turns him into a timid, unsure introvert. After having his own family treat him with contempt from his infancy and into his budding adolescence, he has this belief that he has to prove himself not only to his family, but everyone. This causes him to be a perfectionist to the most severe degree, as he is filled with utter disgust at himself if he feels that he has failed at something. Normally, most people would not let their family drive them - but Junichi's family means the most to him and he won't stop until he feels he has made his family proud.

Socially, Junichi is passive and polite - an example of how he was raised. As the social status of the Suzuki meant everything to them, being rude and loud was seen as socially unacceptable and was disapproved of - as such, Junichi soon learned that "silence is golden" and refrained from speaking unless its extremely important. Respectful and polite, he uses the proper honorifics when speaking to people - typically "-san" for his peers and strangers, "-sensei" for teachers and mentors, "-senpai" for those he respects, and "-sama" which is reserved for people who he understands have a great deal of power, whether physically and/or socially. He has a rather meek, genteel, and modest personality. Junichi is rather oblivious to the fact that he holds a great deal of untapped potential and power as the Rokubi's host. From growing up where it was difficult for him to satisfy his grandfather's expectations and being overshadowed by his other family members, Junichi began to have a lowered self confidence and associates himself with being weak. Still, he believes that he can never give up, as someday he wants to achieve many of his goals and bring legacy to his family name.

Being rather passive, he has a very reserved and pacifistic personality. Like the Rokubi, Junichi is very playful and calm, unknown of the sheer amount of talent that it has. Rarely will something upset Jun, perhaps from the sheer amount of negativity he experienced within his own family that negative comments from strangers bounce off of him. His level headed personality make it easier for him to focus and think, so he almost never breaks his concentration, whether in battle or not. However, although he doesn't show his reaction on the outside, internally it does cause him a great deal of worry. He feels that his self-worth is placed in the value of others and thus believes that he has to work hard in order for other people to be envious of him or at least, admire him. Junichi wants to be recognized, but he abhors being in the limelight; he just wants people to realize he isn't invisible, not necessarily idolize him.

Junichi's pacifistic nature is derived from the lifestyle that the Suzuki men take. As the Suzuki men often become ninja monks, they are raised with the belief that all life is valuable and that they only need to attack if they are attacked first or if they need to defend themselves or their village. With that being said, he doesn't provoke others and will only attack someone else if he feels that he's in danger. Finding all life precious, he was raised as both a Taoist and a vegetarian, with also a soft spot for nature. His connection to nature means a lot to him, especially being a Konohagakure citizen as he's surrounded by trees. He finds it best for him to concentrate when he's alone and in nature.

Jun is indecisive and has a poor self esteem, but he remains rather optimistic and jovial about everything he does. Motivated by his belief that its a shinobi's duty to protect their village at all cost, he will go to any length to protect Konohagakure, even if that means sacrificing his life. His personality is also blended with the Rokubi, as he and the Rokubi both share their calming, compassionate nature towards everything. A good listener, Junichi is also very sympathetic to others, which tends to be his downfall - he's easily manipulated and taken advantage of. Being so young, he wants to believe that there is good in everyone, even if other people think otherwise. Because of this, he often has his generous and kind nature taken advantage.

Still, Junichi isn't full of positives. He can become very envious of other people if he feels that they are better than him - and although it motivates him to work even harder, jealousy never tends to end well. A typical Capricorn, he is very goal-orientated, which makes him extremely competitive and almost cutthroat when it comes down to getting what he wants. His over zealous nature of being a perfectionist causes him to experience extreme dissatisfaction when he feels that he hasn't done something perfectly, which can bring him down into a pessimistic slump. He dislikes change, making it difficult for him to adjust to changes, especially ones that he dislikes. Junichi dislikes the fact that he's well known - often, it makes it hard for him to do things because he's immediately recognized for his family name or being a Jinchuuriki, which is a reason why he doesn't like to direct attention to himself. His goals include making his family and village proud and with being known as an individual, and not as his family or the fact that he's the Rokubi's host. He likes being alone, training, being in nature, cooking, and learning new things. Mostly, Junichi doesn't dislike things but he does dislike being known for his family name, rather than being known as himself and he hopes to have that change in the near future.

Clan: None.
Nindō: “I’ll go to any lengths to make my family proud, even if it means dying.”


Origin: Konohagakure.
Affiliation: Konohagakure.
Rank: C.
  • First: Ninjutsu
  • Second: Taijutsu

Elemental Affinities:
  • Primary: Suiton
  • Secondary: Fuuton
  • Additional: Shabomdona

Combat Style: Junichi prefers not to directly fight someone and dislikes combat that seems unnecessary to him. Most men in his family are raised into becoming Ninja Monks for Konohagakure and the pacifistic nature of monks are taught to all family members, Junichi included. Therefore, he has developed the mentality that all life is precious and the concept of hurting someone to the point where they die frightens him to the point of being frozen if he was confronted with the duty of killing someone. He prefers to find ways to dodge and avoid, using his (and the Rokubi’s) stamina to last longer while the enemy loses chakra and stamina from constantly attacking while Junichi flees. Although to many his battle tactics may present him as a coward, he doesn't let that label bother him, because he has no problem with being courageous and standing up for a fight if he feels that he’s truly in danger or if people he cares about in harm’s way.
Thankfully due to his relaxed nature, he never has to worry about losing his temper in battle. However, his innocence and plain naivety get the best of him as he often underestimates the power of his opponents. Junichi prefers to work in teams as he can take a more passive role and focus on defense or helping a teammate who takes the lead, as he doesn't enjoy the stress and the taxing role of being the main offense. While intelligent, his naivety is a deterrent as it causes him to believe everyone has good intentions - which is far from true.

Special Characteristics:
Quote :
Name: Slug Slime
Rank: E-S (Passive)
Type: Physical
Requirements: Rokubi
Description: Those who possess the Rokubi inherit the creatures production of slime. The user of this characteristic is able to produce small pebbles of white mucus from their pores which makes them very slippery. They are able to wiggle out of physical bindings such as ropes or cages with relative ease. In addition, the slime that they generate which comes from the Rokubi retains its foul nauseating stench. Those who come near the user while producing slime will be drawn back by the foul odor and will become nauseated.

Name: Navigator
Rank: C
Type: Mental Based
Physical Requirements: N/A
Training Requirements: A 600 word training post is required to gain this special characteristic.
Description: The ninja gains a unique skill which allows them to have a natural sense of direction and placement. They always know what time it is, what direction they're facing, and even the temperature. With this skill they are exceptionally good at geography, being capable of identifying landscapes while others would be at a loss. They can essentially survive in any environment and always find routes to their destination.

Name: One-Handed Seals
Rank: C
Type: Physical
Physical Requirements: N/A
Training Requirements: A 600 word training post is required to gain this special characteristic.
Description: the ninja discovers a unique talent which allows them to mix chakra by performing seals with only one hand. With an ability such as this the ninja can fight while also performing jutsu, delivering surprise attacks to their enemies. Since those who can perform one-handed seals are naturally good at what their talents, they are even capable of performing hand seals behind themselves, leaving the enemy oblivious to the ninja's next attack.



° The Suzuki °

Before the tale of Junichi starts, it's important to analyze those that came before him - his family. The Suzuki are a large clan, although they have no hidden techniques nor kekkei genkai. Rather, they are prominent because of their large amount of affluence and their history as well as significance to the vitality of Konohagakure no Sato after its birth. Founded by a man named Raidou Suzuki, his entrepreneurship granted him immediate status and a legendary role model. Believing that becoming a shinobi would be non-fitting for a man like himself, he retired as a ninja monk, enforcing the belief that all life was vital and virtuous. He would die leaving behind his wealth for his many children, as well as beginning the tradition of many Suzuki men becoming dedicated ninja monks to Konohagakure. Like the Uchiha was recognized for their protection of Konohagakure and their police department, the Suzuki are affiliated with their protection of Konoha by becoming ninja monks as well as their finances. However, Raidou's belief that his family would use their family legacy to bring honor to their name was soon short lived.

After years of deceit, treachery, and greed, the Suzuki would turn into a family ran by the main patriarch of the family - Ao Suzuki. A man who craved the attention and status that came with being a model family in Konoha, he would go to any means to make sure his family maintained their status as being dedicated shinobi to Konohagakure - as such, through his tyrannical control over the entire family, he made sure that every family member would become prodigies in their craft, even if they weren't shinobi. Obsessed with their social status and maintaining their wealth, he attempted to find ways to accumulate as much as possible - to the point where he set up an arranged marriage for his then Chunin daughter at the age of sixteen. Her fiance was the heir to another rich family in Konohagakure, who Ao sought out for their wealth in an attempt to claim it as well. Once they were married in a ceremony, they were prepared to sign documents to share rights over her husband's wealth should he die. However, in a panic, Ao's daughter - Suzume - would flee from her home into the very outskirts of Hi no Kuni, where she fell in love with Junichi's father.

Ao was very omnipresent in the shinobi world, however, and once he found out he hired bounty hunters to kill Suzume's lover and to bring her back to her home. Little did he know that his daughter would return near the end of her pregnancy and give birth to her bastard son. Ashamed of what her daughter had done and the reputation that was associated with her, he forced her to stay in her home and would take his anger out on her son, whom she named Junichi.

° The Sealing °

Being the illegitimate child (although his mother soon got a divorce) of the Suzuki family, he was treated with contempt and often excluded from many family activities, as he wasn't seen as a family member. This was rather obvious given the fact that he barely resembled his other family, taking mostly after his now-deceased father. It wasn't until Junichi became age one that his life would change forever by one decision. As the Suzuki family was often consulted by village secretaries and helpers, that came to Ao with an issue - they needed a host. The village needed a host immediately for the Rokubi - a bijuu. Bijuu were mostly unspoken of, as they were seen as dangerous and powerful creatures that hosted a lot of negative energy, but sheer power. Ao realized that this was an opportunity for him to erase the scandal that his daughter caused, as surely if he were to sacrifice his child to the greater good of the village, he would regain his prominence in Konohagakure.

His second daughter, Ayumi, had a son of her own and due to the fact that Junichi was illegitimate, he would not become heir and it would fall to Ayumi's son. Ayumi's son was incapable of utilizing chakra, making it impossible for them to seal a bijuu into someone who was not a shinobi, as the process would kill them. His only option was to coax his first daughter, Suzume, into doing it. To no surprise, she was adamant against it, swearing that even if Junichi would survive, that being the Rokubi's host would kill him in the end. Never one to take no for an answer, Ao gave her an option: either she allows Junichi to become a host and keep her child or he will force her sister to raise him (as she has no son who could become a shinobi) and send Suzume away from the family. Like any good mother, she chose the former option, and did not attend the sealing ceremony as she was sure that her son would die.

Once the Rokubi had been captured, it was sealed within an infant Junichi by the most experienced fuuinjutsu specialist in the village. Once the ceremony had been finished, it was a surprise to many that the infant had survived the sealing. News spread like wildfire and once again, the Suzuki family had been thrust into the limelight once more.

° The Beginning °

Growing up as a jinchuuriki was an awkward life for Junichi to comprehend. By the age of three, he was told of exactly what he was and its significance. At that point, Junichi was never simply Junichi. He was always the bastard son, the monster, the Rokubi's host. Although his survival is what allowed his family to maintain their signifigance, his grandfather was not particularly grateful and still found ways to torment Junichi, especially as he grew older. Although he was never particularly violent, Junichi was unaware of the amount of power he had due to the Rokubi's power. In fear, his grandfather found every way to make sure Junichi would never grow up and rebel against him, as any possible rebellion could have killed him.

Despite his mother living within the same compound as Junichi, he never saw much of her. Marked as the black sheep of her family, she often stayed within her room and only on occasion she would come out and play with Junichi - but if her father noticed her, she would shrink back within the confines of her room. He was taken care of by many other females in his family such as his aunts and cousins. As most female Suzuki members were iryo-nin, Junichi never had a true reason to leave his compound as he was always taken care of within his own home. His grandfather did not want Junichi to be exposed to the public often and therefore, many people never saw Junichi after his sealing until he was seven years old, where he entered the Academy.

Being in the Academy was an extreme shock to Jun. Having lived his entire life at this point with his family, he was unsure of how to act around strangers. He didn't grow up with friends that weren't his family and as such, was unused to having to be with his peers. Junichi, at the age of seven, was extremely goal-orientated. Believing that making his grandfather proud would please him, he promised to himself that he would go to any means necessary in order to do that. He was extreme studious and talented, as his training was started earlier by his grandfather by exclusive tutors. To his dismay, he became popular not due to his personality, but because of his family name and the fact that he was the Rokubi's host, which was open knowledge to many villagers. However, he was not mistreated by the fact that he was a Jinchuuriki and instead, revered, which frustrated him more. He disliked being idolized, but soon became used to the treatment.

Despite the immediate culture shock that came to him, Junichi began to enjoy his time in the Academy. It was the only place where he felt that he was welcome, because back at his own home, he wasn't even called by his own name. Still, Junichi remained loyal to his family and its status, doing whatever he could to bring success to it. Motivated by that only, Junichi worked hard and through his perseverance, became one of the top students within his class. Despite this, Junichi never felt quite satisfied with anything he had done as he was only praised by his peers, rather than by his family (his grandfather), as he wanted to be. He believed that he would just have to work harder, not understanding that this would eventually lead to his downfall.

At the age of eleven, Junichi was eligible to graduate from the Academy earlier than most, as the typical age for graduation was twelve years old. With his family attending his graduation ceremony, Junichi was promoted with the rank of a Rookie Genin and like most, was ecstatic. Now that he is a Genin, he has more opportunities to succeed and his life as a shinobi has just begun.

° A Jinchuuriki °

No longer an immature Academy Student, Junichi had to deal with the responsibilities that came with being a Jinchuuriki, whether he wanted to or not. From a young age, he often pushed away the reality that he really was the Rokubi's host. Knowing the attention that came with it - whether positive or negative - he found it easier to subconsciously deny the fact that he really was different from his peers. All his life, he wanted to be accepted and to feel normal; it's obvious that he wouldn't want to accept his fate. But he had to, as it was a mental block that was preventing him from tapping into his main achievement and goals. By accepting his fate as a Jinchuuriki and the responsibility that came with it, he began training, slowly beginning to unravel the mystery that was the Rokubi.

He learned his knowledge on the Rokubi through his mental link with it and of course, researching what it was through speaking with the old woman who had sealed it inside of him. From birth, he had a natural affinity for water, and soon it began to make more sense with him. Through working with a tutor that had been hired by his grandfather, Junichi was slowly able to tap into the special abilities of the Rokubi - the usage of Shabondama, or bubble release. Focusing only on training and understanding more about his bijuu, he began to become isolated from others, no longer in contact with his former Academy friends. Three months later, Junichi returned from his training to focus on a future promotion to Chunin.

Roleplay Sample:

"Look at your ojiisan when he talks to you, boy,” spoke a gruff, but stern voice. Junichi's breath was labored and quick; perhaps he had been running? He was far afraid of his grandfather to dare disobey him and he would therefore comply, lifting his small face up to catch the gaze of his grandfather. His grandfather's face showcased a complex strewn of emotions, too difficult for Junichi to attempt to decipher. Adjusting his round glasses further up the bridge of his nose, he locked his gaze with his grandfather’s dark almond. Once the pregnant pause had passed, his grandfather would speak again. “Is your mother feeling better?” he asked Junichi. Junichi would give a curt nod and idly mumble a soft “Yes, ojiisan.”, nibbling on the flesh of his bottom lip gently. He didn’t want to think about what had happened to his mother – he wanted to push those thoughts out. Yet, the images of his mother lying in bed flooded his mind. She had been isolated in her room for days and was eventually taken to the hospital for supposed hysteria. They weren’t sure what why, but the head iryo-nin concluded that she had been dealing with copious amounts of stress. Somehow, Junichi felt responsible.

They said it was stress… the Iryo-Nin, that is.” Junichi continued to add onto his statement, as the pregnant pauses with his grandfather made him feel uncomfortably anxious. His grandfather rolled his eyes, offering a scoff. “Stress? She clearly didn’t care about how her mother felt finding out her sixteen-year-old daughter ran away from home, only for her to come back nine months later clutching a bastard and pleading for help.” He said, glaring at Jun. Junichi could only blanch, paling considerably at the comment. He wanted to speak and argue back, but his throat suddenly became dry and he opened his mouth twice to respond back angrily, but no words came out. He would shut his mouth as his tongue slithered out of the corner of his mouth, flicking at his cerise hued bottom lip. His porcelain teeth nibbled down on it again – a nervous habit – but this time he bit down, as if to contain himself as he knew the consequences of arguing with his grandfather.

His grandfather had rose up and quickly moved towards Junichi. Panicking, Junichi rose, backing up against the wall. Roughly, his grandfather tore at his shirt, lifting it up and revealing his seal that was wrapped around his navel. Pressing his hand onto it roughly, Jun groaned and winced, his glasses falling onto the floor. “How does it feel, boy? To know that you’re such a disgrace that your mother dares not to look at you?” He roared, letting go of Junichi, causing him to slide down the wall and onto the floor in a heap. Blindly, Junichi would fumble for his glasses, oblivious to the fact that he had caused his lip to bleed. Sanguine blood trickled down from his lip to his chin as he slipped his glasses back on, watching his grandfather pace back and forth, waiting on a response from Junichi. “I don’t know, ojisan.” Concluded Junichi, passively responding because he knew arguing was futile and would leave him with a broken rib again.

That’s right. You don’t know how it feels, because you don’t feel anything. You’re a beast.” He said, a smug look on his face. That was the snapping point. Junichi’s body began to move on his own as he had suddenly rose to his feet. “I am not a beast!” roared Junichi and as soon as he said it, he clasped a hand over his mouth, realizing the severity of what he said. His grandfather would reach for his nearby bokken that was next to a Buddha statue and moved before Junichi. Jun’s fight or flight instinct would kick in and the Rokubi seemed to urge him to flee. His body seemed to move on its own again and quickly, Junichi would flee out of the room, skidding against the wooden floors as he made his way out of the house, his bare feet hitting the chilly evening ground. He could hear his grandfather swear as he ran, running as far as he could, daring not to run back. Junichi wasn’t sure where he was running to, but he trusted his instincts as he ran.


Academy Jutsu:

Shabondoma Jutsu:

Suiton Ninjutsu:

Fuuton Ninjutsu:

Non-Elemental Ninjutsu:



Character Claim: Kudo Shinichi/Edogawa Conan
Source: Detective Conan
Image URL: Here

Last edited by MsMoney on Mon 07 Jan 2013, 7:04 pm; edited 15 times in total (Reason for editing : added summoning jutsu.)
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 1216

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptyThu 03 Jan 2013, 12:38 am

You have permission for a jinchuuriki spot I take it?
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Age : 28
Posts : 266

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptyThu 03 Jan 2013, 1:23 am

Yes, I do.
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Age : 37
Posts : 2201

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptySat 05 Jan 2013, 12:46 am

This application is looking excellent!

The only things that I want you to do, is making the template for the Shabondoma Jutsu bold and also checking your image link in the FC as it seems to not work.

Other than that, great job Smile
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Age : 28
Posts : 266

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptySat 05 Jan 2013, 1:54 am

Edited. I'm not sure why it didn't work, but I re-uploaded it. Thanks for the review, MsMoney. Smile
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Age : 37
Posts : 2201

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptySat 05 Jan 2013, 3:14 am

(1/2) approved.
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Age : 28
Posts : 266

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptySat 05 Jan 2013, 11:11 pm

As a note, I added my genin kit since I seemed to have forgotten it. ^^
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 1216

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptySat 05 Jan 2013, 11:15 pm

Just a nitpick. You mention innocence and naivety in your combat style yet you never mention him able to be easily fooled due to this innocent or naivety. Just a nit pick but mind adding that in there for me?
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Age : 28
Posts : 266

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptySun 06 Jan 2013, 12:15 am

Edited accordingly.
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Konoha Nin

Posts : 1216

Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptySun 06 Jan 2013, 2:59 am

Approved 2/2

Make an account here little nigga
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Age : 31
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Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
PostSubject: Re: Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] EmptyWed 20 Mar 2013, 10:13 am

Archived due to user leaving site.
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Suzuki, Junichi [Konoha Genin] Vide
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