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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete)

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Age : 31
Posts : 95

Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySat 09 Oct 2010, 2:58 pm

Basic Information:

Yuketsu, Jikkensha
Secondary Title:
"Mad Scientist"
Physical Appearance:
NOW:Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) 4f1328d49f_44841344_o2
Standing 154cm and 110pounds Yuketsu is revealed to have blue hair and honey gold eyes. Notice the scars and one missing ear. This is because of his many experiments he has dawned upon himself to achieve the greater edge of his opponents. A lot of these scars and such were failed experiments due to Yuketsu's inexperience in research and development. Though a little inexperienced don't let the scar fool you because along with the failed experiments Yuketsu also had many that were success. Yuketsu has a perfect V- shaped jawline and along it's edge contains a slight peach-fuzz. Yuketsu is tall quite tall for a child his age and he seem to keep a pretty slender/athletic build. Yuketsu wears a loose fitted top and bottom that split down the middle to show off this powerful abs.
Despite his current villainous status and position of authority, Yuketsu is a surprisingly polite, soft-spoken intellectual, often addressing his subordinates by their given names. He rarely shows any sign of alarm or distress and often has entire situations planned out well in advance. Whenever confronted, Yuketsu is casual and uncaring, attempting to draw out a conversation and make small talk, which often infuriates the one he is talking to. Yuketsu initially appeared to be a very kind, well-respected and was looked up to by many. However, this was just a mask to disguise his manipulative and very dangerous nature. In truth, he cares very little for his underlings (both past and present), and is willing to use almost everyone around him as pawns in his twisted game of chess. n his own words, Yuketsu claims to be unaffected by any form of morals or ethics as he views them as mere restrictions on his potential. He is, therefore, willing to stop at nothing to further his selfish ambitions, including manipulating or killing anyone if he deems it to be necessary. He is fond of long, complicated, and somewhat convoluted plots, and frequently appears to toy with his underlings for amusement. Unlike most of the other genin who appear to have some kind of honor and kindness, including some Kiri nin, Yuketsu lacks genuine compassion and honor.

A mas scientist and researcher is what Yuketsu thinks of himself though it is very stereotypical. He sees everyone as an object to be researched and not as a living beings, including himself. He has little respect or regard for most others, and is even to turn on his own subordinates in order to obtain his greater lust for power. Yuketsu's favorite food is pike fish ramen, and he loves onion. One of his free-time activities is reading and writing. He himself published a journal, titled "Effective Modifications for the Body", which apparently contains detailed instructions on preparation of modifications and their application. In battle, Yuketsu likes to play with his opponent, torturing them little by little until they can hardly stand. He uses every fight as an experiment to test himself and his opponent little by little. Incase his opponents gets away from a fight, Yuketsu plants little microbes on them in order to track them down. Before engaging, though, he will make extensive research on his possible opponents to tilt the chance of winning in his favor.

Catch Phrase:
"Even with all of your ninja abilities you can never defeat the laws of science."
"Science alone provides my power."
"Science will prove my win worth the while."
"If it wasn't for science I wouldn't be here."
"It's a scientific fact that you don't stand a chance against me."
"Science is the ultimate create and barrier."

Rank Information:

Village Affiliation:

Special Information:

Character Specialty:
Main: Medical
Sub: Weaponry
Main: Exotic
Sub: Swords
Elemental Affinity:
Main: N/A
Sub: N/A
Special Characteristics:
Genius Intellect:
Yuketsu has potential to be the most intelligent scientific and inventive mind in Kiri. He is also the most cruel and sadistic. His research and inventive skill is entirely without ethics or morality and he commonly makes test subjects of his own allies if it furthers his goals. His mind is full of scientific curiosity which he puts toward all situations and pursuits he comes across

As a member of Kiri Research Institute, Yuketsu is a talented inventor and scientist, having created a number of devices or techniques to aid him in battle or otherwise. As Yuketsu is the mad scientist archetype embodied, he has no morals or empathy in everyday life and apparently his work is devoid of it as well. He is willing to go to any lengths he feels are necessary to achieve his goals, and apparently cares very little for morals or the value of Human life. He often takes no interest in the issues of the village and prefers to engage in his research when such issues arise, unless personally ordered to do otherwise by the kage. By being held for such high regards Yuketsu has become adept to inventing chemicals, body modifications, and items to serve his purpose as a shinobi.

Yuketsu has a talent for being well prepared. He takes various precautions before engaging in personal combat with an adversary, usually studying them through his various methods in order to gain a clear advantage. He seems to always have a contingency plan if something doesn't work out the way he expects.

Chemist: Being a current member of the Research an Development Institute, Yuketsu has otherwise been shown to be an adept chemist. Through his many years of life Yuketsu has become an average chemist among the R@D Institute but far among people of his age. With this knowledge Yuketsu has gained the knowledge to create and research chemicals that normally a genin wouldn't

Mischievous: This character is almost unpredictable and intentions cannot be read by most. Usually works alone but uses others when the time is needed. [Kabuto]

Elemental Defect: Because Yuketsu has tried to many body modification upon himself he has damaged his body in a great way. Yuketsu has a accidentally taken away his ability to perform elemental techniques.

Extended Tongue: Yuketsu has an extremely long tongue. This is due to a body modification the he cast upon himself Yuketsu can extend and shrink his tongue at his own will. This tongue is about the same length as his own body. This tongue can be use for various things like holding something or attacking. The max strength of this tongue is strong enough to life slightly above Yuketsu's body weight.

Skill Information:

Jutsu Template:
Non-Elemental Jutsu:

Weapon Template:

Quote :
Name: Rapier
Quantity: 1
Rank: D
Appearance: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Rapier_taza1
Special Abilities/Characteristics: N/A
Origin: When Yuketsu first entered the academy he was thought to be a great kid, But when the students tried to approach him they where turned away by his impassive eyes. All the other students shunned him and they feared him. To this Yuketsu showed no interest. He was given his mission, to learn all he could and to be the best the other kids did not matter to him and he would not fool them into thinking other wise except if it helped in becoming stronger than them. During practice the teacher had to spar and train with him seeing as all the other students refused and also because he was to aggressive to the students he did spar with and when they would finish the student would have Many wounds to show for it. Yuketsu was almost kicked from the Academy because of this. Not because his strength would be later needed by the village. The teachers did not want to be the ones to tell him and his Father he could not attend the classes. When he graduated he was First in his class in Taijutsu and Medical arts. But he was second in the arts of kenjutsu and Scholar academics. When he was given the tittle genin his father presented him with his Rapier which all of his clan is given when he they graduate from the academy.

Quote :
Name: Hidden Kusarigama
Quantity: 1
Rank: D
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Within his left ear Yuketsu hides a has a ligament and modifies into a Kusarigama upon will as he pull it from within his head. This is a small simple scythe but it is as sharp as any other blade. This Kusarigama is attached to a long expendable rope-like ligament. This Kusarigama is a body modification that appears when Yuketsu pulls out the ligament the tip becomes sharp. When the ligament is with Yuketsu's ear their is no Kusarigama to be found. This is a body modification.
(This isn't a Kusarigama while within the ear) Yuketsu seem to be rather skilled while using it.
Origin: This was a body modification created by Yuketsu himself just to be more well prepared for battle.

Quote :
Name: Proximity Mines
Quantity: 10
Rank: C
Appearance: http://www.exchange3d.com/images/uploads/aff1441/TEMP2/landmine1.jpg
Special Abilities/Characteristics: After researching and development Yuketsu creates a landmine he designed which is meant to be effective against anything within it's 2m destruction range. Once its sensors anyone near, it detonates violently damaging anyone within a 2m Diameter.
Origin: Mine created by Yuketsu himself just to be more well prepared.

Quote :
Name: Chakra Disruption grenades
Quantity: 10
Rank: C
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Through a long process of research Yuketsu created bombs that were suppressors to chakra. These in every way look just like a normal grenades and even so much as as the same. The only difference between these and grenades is that this bomb doesn't explode with a loud bang and damage all that is around. In fact this grenade doesn't make a loud explosion at all, it make a low sounding exposing that doesn't physically damage anything. Instead this bomb is infused with a chakra suppression serum that expands in an invisible/senseless gas. The effects of this jutsu causes the opponent or whoever is within a 3m meter Diameter to have great difficulty controlling their chakra. Meaning that ever time the someone uses a jutsu the chakra cost will double the original amount for the duration of 2 post.
Appearance: http://www.clker.com/cliparts/a/9/a/0/11949854771356015513kallisti-grenade_1_nurbl_01.svg.med.png

Item Template:
Quote :

Name: Healing Serum
Rank: C
Type: Medicine
Natural Abilities: This is a low leveled healing serum in which Yuketsu made himself. This serum takes on the healing genin itself and speed up the process slightly. Thus healing the user in an adequate amount of time.
*This serum can heal all ranks injury's. The more deadly the wound the longer the serum takes.
S-Ranked injury = 8 post to heal: If not Dead
A-Ranked injury = 6 post heal: If not Dead:
B-Ranked injury = 4 post heal: If not Dead:
C-Ranked injury = 2 post heal: If not Dead:

Name: Pulse Decreasing Serum
Rank: C
Type: Other
Natural Abilities: This is a serum created my Yuketsu that lowers whoever is injected pulse rate so low that it's nearly impossibly to be detected except by medical best medical ninja. This serum will last 2 post and the person injected doesn't have the ability to do anything. It's as if the injected person were a dead body.

Name: Venom/Poison Serum
Rank: C
Type: Other
Natural Abilities: A beauty created by Yuketsu himself. This isn't by any means a serum that makes Yuketsu immune to any poison. This serum only has the ability to delay the effects of poison/venom that runes through his veins.
C-Ranked poison/venoms will have a 3 post delay before taking effect.
B-Ranked poison/venoms will have a 2 post delay before taking effect.
A-Ranked poison/venoms will have a 1 post delay before taking effect.

Name: Millennium Eye
Rank: C
Type: Enhancer
Natural Abilities: One of Yuketsu many great inventions. With the Millennium Eye, the use of this item is granted the ability to sense genjutsu detecting it when the user is trapped. It detects genjutsu by constantly monitoring the chakra waves through he brain and directly sending a sharp never signal to the brain causing the user to see a sudden flashing light 3-5second(1/2 post) after being caught. This item doesn't cast the user out of the genjutsu it just alarms that the user is caught. However is the item is over used, (3x use max) the nerve system of the user is directly damaged keeping the brain from send it's signals and the body from functioning correctly. From monitoring the chakra constantly this causes a E-Ranked chakra deduction per post.

Name: Tiano
Rank: C
Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Full-Giant-Iguana
Contract Type: Blood Donation
Species: Reptile
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Raiton
Special Abilities/Characteristics:
Spiked Spine: Taino has a row of spikes that runs down the spine of it's back. These spike are about 3 inches long and are razor sharp.

Third Eye: Tiano has a third eye in the middle of it's forehead. This Eyes has the ability to pick up the pace of fast moving objects. It makes things seem as if they are moving 10% slower.

Scaled Skin: Scales that cover all of Taino's backside. These scales are meant to provide Tiano with a better defense give it a 25% defensive boost.

Personal Information: Two generations ago, Yuketsu's grandfather Confuscious Jikkesha was traveling through the wilderness when he stumbled upon an iguana, almost killing it if he had fell on the small animal. However, he didn't, as the iguana moved away just before the young Confuscious would have squashed him. The lizard than spoke to Confuscious, asking the boy if he was lost. Confuscious replied that he was lost....but he was also learning a lot about where he was lost. Although this was confusing to many who would have heard it, the iguana saw great wisdom in this boy. So, the iguana decided to help Confuscious get un-lost. Then, shortly after returning to civilization, Confuscious found himself pitted against very skilled foes, and he needed help. The iguana then decided at that time, to lend the boy a special power, to summon lizards from the spirit realm to help him in his battles. But first, the iguana himself would have to help Confuscious fight these enemies, and so he did, proving to Confuscious he was not only a mysterious wise lizard, but he knew the arts of ninjutsu, and could spit flames just as well as any Jikkesha could. Confuscious would go on to summon all of the lizards under the iguana's command, over time.

When Confuscious was dying, he told his iguana friend that he was glad he had known him, and then for awhile, the lizards had no master, so the iguana hid the scroll away inside his belly and he lived around the leaf village, searching out the Kin of Confuscious who would be worthy of weilding the Lizard Contract. The iguana found the worthy successors of Confuscious, in Confuscious's nephews Zataku and Hiko Jikkensha. Then, when Master Zataku died, Hiko asked the son of the first iguana to be with his nephew, Yuketsu. The new successor iguana, privy to much knowledge of his father, and of the Jikkensha Clan, the Mist Village, and many other things he picked up, agreed that Yuketsu would be good to know the summoning art. Tiano would then go to find Yuketsu, and since then, he would stay with her, loyaly, as a pet would. It would be through Yoshimura's held scroll, that Yuketsu would come to own the contract in this new generation

Summons Jutsu:
Quote :
Name: Houden no Jutsu (Electrical Discharge Technique)
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: By focusing their chakra, the user is able to convert it into electricity and control it, emitting a strong burst of electricity in a 10 foot dome that deals a heavy shock to all of those caught within the area. If used on water, the area and damage from shock is twice that of a normal use as long as the water covers the total area.

Quote :
Name: Seiteki Shigamitsuku (Static Cling)
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Katon
Description: Sends a weak wave of electricity across the ground. If hit, the object (shoes, feet, arms, legs, kunai, etc), will be seemingly glued to the ground. Water can dissipate the electricity, however, freeing the object. The cling can also be broken by someone with strong physical strength or an equal amount of chakra to oppose it with.

Quote :
Name: Manako no Same (Shark's Eye)
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: While not truly related to sharks or an eye, this ninjutsu is a method of perception that mimics a shark's ability to sense electric fields. Because air is a much poorer medium to conduct electricity, the effectiveness is greatly less than a shark's natural sensory abilities. The practitioner is able to pinpoint organisms that produce bio-electricity (essentially any animal) within a twenty foot radius. The technique does not yield any descriptive information about the organism, simply its location. Strong electric fields, such as other electric ninjutsu, are capable of rendering this technique temporarily useless. Additionally, the user must channel chakra to maintain this sensory enhancement. Unless their chakra control is precise, it is best used deliberately as opposed to a constant passive activation.

Quote :
Name: Rairou no jutsu (Lightning Prison skill)
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: Variant of Suiton Suirou no jutsu, The user traps the victim in a cubic square of lightning. Willingly the user can shock the trapped victim with a continuous amount of weak electric currents. If anyone else touches the outside of the prison will be shocked (Note: Like Suirou no Jutsu.)

Background Information

When Yuketsu was born into the house of the clan leader ( his father, Yuketsu Sr. a jounin ) he was expected to be the best shinobi of the clan because he was thought to take the lead of the clan when his father had passed. When he was 4 ears old his father put a Kunai in his hand, he then called forth his cousin who was 2 years his senior (6) and told him battle him. He also said that he would not call the battle until one has wounded the other so they can not continue or one has been killed. Yuketsu had never fought anyone before and when his cousin attack him he tried to run, but all the doors in the room had been locked. Yuketsu had no choice to but to defend himself. the battle only lasted 3 minutes and as Yuketsu removed the kunai from his cousin he mind and heart was broken as all of the clan members were. From that moment onward his whole life was about the training of the Shinobi arts. His father taught him of observing the enemy, following their movements and copying their techniques, as well as focusing his chakra to extraordinary heights in the heats of battle. He also learned to use taijutsu at exceptional heights for someone of hs age. He was also put in rooms for long periods of time with only scrolls of shinobi knowledge and a fighting dummy. He was then told he could only leave when he could be tested on the scrolls and get every question right and if the dummy was so damaged from over use it could not be repaired. When he was 8 years old he was put into the Ninja Academy and told that he must be the best of all the students.

Academy Student Arc:
When Yuketsu first entered the academy he was thought to be a great kid, But when the students tried to approach him they where turned away by his impassive eyes. All the other students shunned him and they feared him. To this Yuketsu showed no interest. He was given his mission, to learn all he could and to be the best the other kids did not matter to him and he would not fool them into thinking other wise except if it helped in becoming stronger than them. During practice the teacher had to spar and train with him seeing as all the other students refused and also because he was to aggressive to the students he did spar with and when they would finish the student would have Many wounds to show for it. Yuketsu was almost kicked from the Academy because of this. Not because his strength would be later needed by the village. The teachers did not want to be the ones to tell him and his Father he could not attend the classes. When he graduated he was First in his class in Taijutsu and Medical arts. But he was second in the arts of kenjutsu and Scholar academics. When he was given the tittle genin his father presented him with his Rapier which all of his clan is given when he they graduate from the academy.

Genin Arc:
As a genin Yuketsu was under the great training of his fellow clan members as well as his own personal training he had three times a week. Although he had much to learn to reach his father's expectation of him and to be the clan leader, he shrived towards becoming stronger still and to not let anyone tell him any diffrent. He would not end his desire to become the best. This sort of though lead him into becoming a key member of the Jikkensha clan, beyond being just the Jikkensha heir. Yuketsu, even though being thirteen, showed he had an unnatural knack for interrogation, mainly through the means of torture. He seemed to know exactly what hurt the most, and how to make the pain feel like it will never... ever... end.

This ability lead him into becoming the last force in the Jikkensha's trials to get information from those they wanted. Yuketsu wasn't the person that anyone wanted to see a man go too, the teenage shinobi had a mind that blocked out anything he did during his sessions with his victims, something that meant he had no remorse, no guilt, not any shred of a conscious at all. He was simply a beast with a thirst for pain and screams. Yuketsu's victims usually ended up dead, torn to pieces and hacked a part bit by bit in his locked cell. The clean up crew eventually refused to enter the chamber, the blood just stained the walls to a point where it seemed even painting over would do anything for it.

This sadistic type of ability in the career of science meant the other interrogators began to be frightened of the shinobi, despite being a genin, Yuketsu was a blood demon in his torture chamber. This eventually gave the genin a small name among the people he worked with. The "Mad Scientist", this named slowly leaked out into the populace, and the stories along with it caused many nightmares.

Yuketsu seemed to keep his superior attitude for some time until - for awhile at least - it changed. Yuketsu met a fellow shinobi out in the village. Yuketsu, who caused a stir of things he had never truly felt before. The genin started to feel the need to impress someone other then his father. Felt a want of attention by someone besides himself. This changed Yuketsu in a way that he at the time did not first understand, but he would later on.

Upon the chuunin exams, Yuketsu did much worse then he expected he would have. The first round stopped as his time ran out, a rather unfortunate happening, though he somehow scraped by with some luck on his own part. This was the end of his lucky streak it seemed, as things would get much harder from then on out. The battle rounds sent hardships Yuketsu's way, as he fought a Konoha-nin that didn't seem to want to stay down. Kaito almost caused the end of Yuketsu, though the battle took its end as his opponent couldn't seem to hold on with all his blood drained from his body.

Yuketsu took a plunge in the next battle though, his wounds from his match against Kaito meant his downfall, and the genin took his defeat. Though, Yuketsu showed control and ability that it seemed the proctors did not find in anyone else. Yuketsu managed to scrap by in the exams, and took the title of Chuunin by mere spunk. Yuketsu didn't really like he way he got promoted therefor the turned the promotion down, promising to be better prepared for the next exams.

Role-Play Sample: Most Recent

Last edited by RyuKage on Wed 03 Nov 2010, 11:43 am; edited 84 times in total
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Age : 31
Posts : 95

Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyTue 12 Oct 2010, 2:27 pm

Lark isn't the only one need checkin
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Age : 34
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyTue 12 Oct 2010, 8:39 pm

First, remove the clan template if it wont be used.

Quote :
Genius Intellect:
Yuketsu is the most intelligent scientific and inventive mind in Kiri. He is also the most cruel and sadistic. His research and inventive skill is entirely without ethics or morality and he commonly makes test subjects of his own allies if it furthers his goals. His mind is full of scientific curiosity which he puts toward all situations and pursuits he comes across

As a member of Kiri Research Institute, Yuketsu is a talented inventor and scientist, having created a number of devices or techniques to aid him in battle or otherwise. As Yuketsu is the mad scientist archetype embodied, he has no morals or empathy in everyday life and apparently his work is devoid of it as well. He is willing to go to any lengths he feels are necessary to achieve his goals, and apparently cares very little for morals or the value of Human life. He often takes no interest in the issues of the village and prefers to engage in his research when such issues arise, unless personally ordered to do otherwise by the kage.

Yuketsu has a talent for being well prepared. He takes various precautions before engaging in personal combat with an adversary, usually studying them through his various methods in order to gain a clear advantage. He seems to always have a contingency plan if something doesn't work out the way he expects.

Chemist: Being the current head of the Research an Development Institute, Yuketsu has otherwise been shown to be an adept chemist

Body Modification Expert:
Yuketsu has done extensive research on modifying bodies, and he has upgraded a variety of his own body parts to function as weapons or otherwise provide him with useful abilities.

Tracking Expert: Yuketsu merely needs a strand of a person's hair to find them. By using a simple chemical process he can discern the location of the person in question using their DNA as a reference.

Ok, now, this right here? No. Youre character is a Genin, and only 16. Yeah sure, there are geniuses and what not, but to be able to do all that and have all those characteristics? Nada, given the characteristics are things learned over time. A 16 year old Genin the head of the Kiri research department? A Genin being able to track a person by utilizing their DNA? Sorry, those things are normally seen at Jounin level if CHuunin MAYBE.

Im not going to look at the items and jutsus yet, I will leave that review up to yourself to make it seem more Genin like. (ie. a D-Rank cloak that hides chakra forever? a C-Rank serum that blocks tenketsu points for 3 posts? Revamp)
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Age : 31
Posts : 95

Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyWed 13 Oct 2010, 6:29 am

My whole character is about being a young talented genius. I didn't want to make him 11, 12, or 13 because then thing would really seem outta hand. Everything I have plan for him is based off body modifications and chemical work. .....I erased tracking expert and reworded Chemist. I also talked to Dan about this character before, during , and after I created it. He seems very fond about it.

The characteristics such as Genius intellect, Scientist/inventor, Strategist. Well, I see nothing wrong with these. In order for my character to be in the research institute these will be some of his characteristic wouldn't they? Also without those I wouldn't be able to have body mods or chemical work I don't think.

Genius Intellect: Changed wording

Chakra Blocker Serum: changed to 2 post

Chakrs Suppression Cloak: Changed wording

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Age : 37
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyWed 13 Oct 2010, 2:37 pm

Quote :
Name: Chakra Disruption grenades
Quantity: 3
Rank: C
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Through a long precoss of research Yuketsu created bombs that were supressors to chakra. These in every way look just like a normal grenades and even so much as as the same. The only difference between these and grenades is that this bomb doesn't explode with a loud bang and damage all that is around. Infact this grenade doesn't make a loud explosion at all, it make a low sounding explosing that doesn't physically damage anything. Instead this bomb is infused with a chakra suppression serum that expands in an invisible/senseless gas. The effects of this jutsu causes the opponent or whoever is within a 2m meter radius to have great difficulty controlling their chakra. Meaning that evertime the someone uses a jutsu the chakra cost will dould the origonal amount for the duration of two post.
Appearence: http://www.clker.com/cliparts/a/9/a/0/11949854771356015513kallisti-grenade_1_nurbl_01.svg.med.png

Might want to check your spelling toward the end. I am guessing you mean 'double' but not entirely sure

Quote :
Name: Chakra Supperssion Cloak
Quantity: 1
Rank: C
Appearance: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100402024727/kingdomhearts/images/5/56/Cloak.jpg
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Yuketsu has created himself a cloak that hides his chakra presents. This cloak is worn at all time and hides his chakra for a short time being.(2-3post) This is meant for the use of spying and sneaking up on people.

Fine but remember b rank detection techs will pierce it

Quote :
Name: Liquefaction Serum
Rank: C-S
Type: Supplement
Natural Abilities: When Yuketsu's injects himself with his serum, it has the ability to transform Yuketsu into a liquid form. Doing so doesn't kill him, as it is a last resort item, but instead simply leaves him unable to attack or be attacked, making it an effective escape tool. He commonly can move around in this form and speak as well.
C-Ranked: He reforms after a few hours (3 post) but without any of his previous body modifications. This ability is a result of the extensive level experimentations he has done on himself.
B-Ranked: He reforms after a few hours (2 post) but with half of his previous body modifications. This ability is a result of the extensive level experimentations he has done on himself.
A-Ranked: He reforms after a few minutes (1 post) but with all of his previous body modifications. This ability is a result of the extensive level experimentations he has done on himself.
S-Ranked: He reforms instantly and with all of his previous body modifications. This ability is a result of the extensive level experimentations he has done on himself.

Is the post count the time it takes for transformation back to take (since 3 posts =/ a few hours). S rank is way too powerful for a tech that cost no chakra please ammend or remove. I am also not sure how you cant be attacked, people could step on your puddled form after all but I imagine damaging would be difficult. Replace immunity to attack with a damage resistance

Quote :
Name: Steroids Serum
Rank: C
Type: Supplement
Natural Abilities: These are supplement pills that Yuketsu carry around. These pill further enhance the users body giving it the ability to perform at a greater level than a normal shinobi. This pill slightly increase the speed, strength and durability tof the user.
*This steroid has to be taken ahead of time and only works for the duration of 4 post. If beaten either before or after the 4 post requirement these effects will not take place.
Speed increase: 1.5x
Strength increase: 1.5x
Durability: This pill grants the user one last breath. With this one last breath Yuketsu makes his final move before he dies or faints.

Not sure what you trying to say in the bolded part, please rewrite. The serum needs a significant negative side effect too

Quote :
Name: Data-gathering Bacteria
Rank: C
Type: Other
Natural Abilities: Another unique experiment created by Yuketsu. This is a Data-gathering bacteria gas that Yuketsu keeps handy to better prepaid himself for a good fight. He implants opponents during battle and one that escape from battle with data-gathering bacteria so as to monitor them afterwards. This gas contains a bacteria that is harmless to the body. It's soul purpose is to attached to the opponent and research their DNA. After a 2 post delay the opponent's DNA is fully researched. The bacterica within the gas then slides off the body in a liquid form blending with the opponents sweat. Afterword Yuketsu will drink the bacteria and fully know of his opponent with just a drop.
*Can be wash away with simple water.

Beyond the abilities of c rank. Please remove
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Age : 37
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyWed 13 Oct 2010, 2:51 pm

Quote :
Poison Name: Superhuman Drug
Rank: C-S
C-B Ranked:Poison Description: Yuketsu has manufactured a "superhuman drug" that can slow down a person's perception of time. The drug is kept in a bottle by him, but also inside Yuketsu's body, which is blue in appearance upon release. It is able to make one second seem like 100 seconds for the unfortunate victim to whom it is administered. An undiluted dose of the drug causes the senses to speed up trillions of times while the relatively "slow" body fails to keep up, resulting in paralysis; on the other hand, it is implied that a diluted dose of the drug can greatly enhance the user's reaction speed.
Gaseous State:
C-Ranked: Makes 1 second seem like 10sec I quarter of your post ur in illousion.
B-Ranked: Make 1 second seem like 100sec 1/2 ofyour post your in illousion.

Description is confusing since it implies that it both slows and speeds up reactions. Please rewrite it and clearly clarify what it can do

Quote :
Name: Millenium Eye
Rank: C
Type: Enhancer
Natural Abilities: One of Yuketsu many great inventions. With the Millenium Eye, the use of this item is granted the ability to sense genjutsu detecting it when the user is trapped. It detects genjutsu by directly sending a sharp never signal to the brain causing the user to see a sudden flashing light 3-5second(1/2 post) after being caught. However is the item is over used, (3x use max) the nerve system of the user is directly damaged keeping the brain from send it's signals and the body from functioning correctly.

Increase to detection speed to a post since its actually quite difficult to detect gen without directly monitoring the flow of the chakra network which in turn is largely beyond medical and more the area of seals

Quote :
Name: Chakra Blocker Serum
Rank: C
Type: Enhancer
Natural Abilities: One of Yuketsu many great inventions. This is a serum created to block off the chakra points within Yuketsu body. He made this due to his knowledge of the Hyuuga and Uchiha. This serum covers the chakra point so they cannot be damaged or seen by the Hyuuga or the Uchiha. Only the user chakra can't be seen by their doujutsu The only downfall to this serum is that when used Yuketsu himself can't use any chakra based jutsu as well.*This serum has a 2 post duration.

Please explain how this works and is applied in more detail
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Age : 31
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyWed 13 Oct 2010, 3:02 pm

All done
Quote :

Name: Millenium Eye
Rank: C
Type: Enhancer
Natural Abilities: One of Yuketsu many great inventions. With the Millenium Eye, the use of this item is granted the ability to sense genjutsu detecting it when the user is trapped. It detects genjutsu by directly sending a sharp never signal to the brain causing the user to see a sudden flashing light 3-5second(1/2 post) after being caught. However is the item is over used, (3x use max) the nerve system of the user is directly damaged keeping the brain from send it's signals and the body from functioning correctly.
I don't know what you mean
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Age : 29
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyThu 14 Oct 2010, 1:52 am

Note: Your weaponry spec needs to be fixed.

Scientist/Inventor: This special characteristic is really un-needed since it doesn't really state anything but a title (which should go in history or under secondary title).

Chemist: See above. It doesn't tell much more, unless you'd like to elaborate.

Body Modifications Expert: Here is where I draw the line at genin level abilities solely because modifying bodies or knowing everything about bodies isn't a genin level thing. If you'd like me to further explain why I am denying this part of your app please ask.

Mischevious: "cannot be read by anyone" is a very large assumption. Just because your person keeps things to himself doesn't make him impossible to read/predict.

Environment Melding Technique: Not an academy jutsu. Also, how does this work exactly?

Note: I would like another mod to take Kenjutsu. I have an affinity for weapons, but not the jutsu they are used with.

Hidden Kusarigama: What? Inside your ear? That doesn't even make sense, please fix. "be more well prepared" grammatical errorr.

Anti Chakra Mines: Chakra sensitive weaponry is beyond the scope of a genin, remove.

Chakra Suppression Cloak : See the above chakra sensitivity comment.

Chakra Disruption Grenade: The chakra use in weapons also applies to poisons/medicine.

Liquefaction Serum: Denied. Just impossible (With known science and common sense)

Note: Genin can only have 2 poisons/medicines. Once you've decided which one I'll check those.
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Age : 34
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyThu 14 Oct 2010, 1:58 am

RyuKage wrote:
All done
Quote :

Name: Millenium Eye
Rank: C
Type: Enhancer
Natural Abilities: One of Yuketsu many great inventions. With the Millenium Eye, the use of this item is granted the ability to sense genjutsu detecting it when the user is trapped. It detects genjutsu by directly sending a sharp never signal to the brain causing the user to see a sudden flashing light 3-5second(1/2 post) after being caught. However is the item is over used, (3x use max) the nerve system of the user is directly damaged keeping the brain from send it's signals and the body from functioning correctly.
I don't know what you mean

How does this detect the Genjutsu? Thats the big thing. You just say it detects it, but how can an item detect something that effects the brainwaves and electric signals being sent through the brain without constantly monitoring it, which in turn would require a decrease in chakra per turn it was active.
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Age : 31
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyThu 14 Oct 2010, 3:25 pm

changed app

I also edited some of the characteristics
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Age : 34
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyThu 14 Oct 2010, 3:50 pm

Quote :
Gaseous State:
C-Ranked: Makes 1 second seem like 10sec I quarter of your post your in illousion.
B-Ranked: Make 1 second seem like 100sec 1/2 ofyour post your in illousion.

*Reserved for Higher Rank:

B-S Ranked:Liquid State: An liquified dose of the drug causes the senses to speed up trillions of times while the relatively "slow" body fails to keep up, resulting in paralysis; on the other hand, it is implied that a diluted dose of the drug can greatly enhance the user's reaction speed. A single droplet would have to be diluted 250,000 times to be suitable for use.
Liquid State:
A-Ranked: Makes 1 second seem like 10 minutes and 1 post paralysis Illusion for a full post.
S-Ranked: Makes 1 second seem like 100 minutes and 2 post paralysis Illusion for 2 full post.

Time differences are WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too much. 1 second seeming like 100 minutes? So, to your character when he reaches S-Rank, one second feels like almost 2 straight hours, and the only downside is you have a 2 post paralysis.

The increase in processing speed required to utilize all this information would make your brain explode, literally. Point in case: there was a chess player who thought ahead I believe it was 100 moves in a chess game every move, and his brain exploded at the match causing him to die.

Secondly, you never specified how long this reaction speed boost would last. Given that, you could make it last an entire fight.

This is unapproved until revamped drastically. Id even go as far as saying you need to remove it.

Millenium eye STILL hasnt been updated or edited.

Quote :
It detects genjutsu by directly sending a sharp never signal to the brain causing the user to see a sudden flashing light 3-5second(1/2 post) after being caught.

That isnt detection, thats dispellment.

How is the the weapon hidden in your ear? Given the average size of that weapon, you would need a really big ear or a really small weapon, which would be rendered nearly ineffective.

Anti-Chakra mine radius is to large to be C-Rank. When it explodes, there is a 4 meter diameter crater. approximately 13 feet from end to end. The fact it detects chakra is C-Rank in itself, and the explosion is C-B rank as far as Im concerned. It has been brought up to staff for review.

Quote :
Name: Steroids Serum
Rank: C
Type: Supplement
Natural Abilities: These are supplement pills that Yuketsu carry around. These pill further enhance the users body giving it the ability to perform at a greater level than a normal shinobi. This pill slightly increase the speed, strength and durability to the user for the duration of 4 post. With the enhances the user will lose strength, speed a durability after the 4 post duration.
All lost are 2x for the duration of of 2 post.
*This steroid has to be taken ahead of being attacked by a jutsu and only works for the duration of 4 post. If beaten either before or after the 4 post requirement these effects will not take place

Explain that last line: "If beaten either before or after the 4 post requirement these effects will not take place" That makes no sense
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Age : 31
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyFri 15 Oct 2010, 4:31 am

wham bam thank you man
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Posts : 1084

Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyFri 15 Oct 2010, 1:00 pm

RyuKage wrote:

Catch Phrase:
Does your character have any catch phrases? Optional.

If you don't have a catch phrase, you can just remove that bit. Put "N/A" or "No catch phrase" or something along the likes.

RyuKage wrote:

Character Speciality:
You may pick 2 skills: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Weaponry, Medical, Puppetry, Fuuinjutsu
Main: Medical
Sub: Weaponry [Kenjutsu]
Main: Swords
Sub: Exotic
Elemental Affinity:
What element(s) your character possesses, no more than two
Main: N/A
Sub: N/A

Please remove the stroked out bit. Also, Weaponry isn't the same as Kenjutsu. Kenjutsu would be swords. So, you can remove "[Kenjutsu]" since you have clearly stated thats the main weaponry specialty of your's.

RyuKage wrote:
Note: You can find the other templates in the other Creation Areas if your character needs them.

You can remove this bit.

RyuKage wrote:
Jutsu Template:
Non-Elemental Jutsu:
Should I erase these as well?

You don't have to erase those. Those are academy jutsu, meaning EVERYONE had to have learned them to pass the Academy, so they're fine.

RyuKage wrote:
Name: Wameku Chijou Satsu No Jutsu (Translation: Screaming Ground slicer Technique)
Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: This attack is done by releasing 1/3 of the chakra reserves in the chakra that has either been pushed through strikes, by the wielder of the blade. Using a high arch rising crescent strike where the tip of the blade starts on the ground and then rises up rapidly following a crescent arch. While rising from the ground bui himself releases Chakra. This causes a screaming almost wailing sound from the air being cut and being moved through by the rapid moving speed of the attack. This will cause a gash in the ground to appear easily giving away the direction of travel of this attack. Because this attack relies on speed to hit its opponent it often times can be dodged. However if one is unlucky and is actually hit by this attack a large gash will appear where the attack landed. The range of this attack is about eight meters away, but some have been known to stretch it ten meters with adding a bit of their own chakra. At Chuunin, and Jounin ranks this attack gains substantial speed, becoming harder to dodge even if you can perceive its path.

Seeing as this puts chakra into the weapon, the weapon would have to be B-Ranked, which you cannot have because you are a genin, so please remove.

RyuKage wrote:
Name: Sanjou Rasen Kiritsukeru no Jutsu
Rank: C
Jutsu Type: KenJutsu
Elemental Affinity:N/A
Description:The user of this technique does three slashes in tight pattern that will cover about 3 inches squared in a perfect triangle, while doing these strikes they release small amounts of chakra from the tip of the blade causing chakra burns. This attack does minimal damage, but is the base of quite a few techniques in the future. (There isn’t a need for superior chakra control to do this due to the fact that chakra release is control through Bui himself, all one has to do is mold a small amount of chakra to the blade and it will release it.)

Seeing as this puts chakra into the weapon, the weapon would have to be B-Ranked, which you cannot have because you are a genin, so please remove.

RyuKage wrote:
Name: Phantom Step
Rank: C
Type: Kenjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This is an assassination technique in which the user will use chakra as a buffer upon their feet to walk though making noise nor vibrations upon the ground/surfaces or anything that is on the ground. In this way, one can move about with a sword and attack without their feet making any noise.

The point of this jutsu is silencing your feet with chakra so you may attack without making any sound with said feet. While this may seem as a kenjutsu technique seeing as your using it with kenjutsu to attack silently, it is actually more of a supplementary/ninjutsu type technique.

RyuKage wrote:
Name: Rokushiki: Geppou - Moon Step
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: By forcing chakra into the legs and then pressing it out of the feet, one can gain a secondary jump off of the air itself allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. The user can use this technique to cross great distances without ever touching the ground, or set themselves up for swift, aerial attacks. Can be used repeatedly, but at the cost of further chakra expense. This technique can be performed without the need for handsigns.

I do believe this is a taijutsu technique, not a kenjutsu technique. I also believe that another member here; Todd; created this as just one out of many techniques that was all under a certain taijutsu style that his Raikage uses. Regardless, this still needs to be removed for it is a taijutsu/supplementary move.

RyuKage wrote:
Name: Hidden Kusarigama
Quantity: 1
Rank: D
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Hidden deep within his left ear Yuketsu hides a Kusarigama. This is a small simple sycthe but it is as sharp as any other blade. This Kusarigama is attached to a long extendable rope-like ligament. This Kusarigama isn't/////////Yuketsu seem to be rather skilled while using it.
Origin: This was a body modification created by Yuketsu himself just to be more well prepaired for battle.

As said by some of the mods checking your application; how is this weapon hidden in your ear? Oh, and the italicized bit needs to be explained. It appears as if you cut off your sentence.
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Age : 31
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySat 23 Oct 2010, 2:44 pm

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Age : 29
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySat 23 Oct 2010, 6:13 pm

It makes it easier for mods to check apps if you list what you've changed or removed from the application.
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Age : 31
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySun 24 Oct 2010, 5:41 am

Catch Phrase:
Making a few

Character Speciality:
You may pick 2 skills: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Weaponry, Medical, Puppetry, Fuuinjutsu
Main: Medical
Sub: Weaponry [Kenjutsu]
Main: Swords
Sub: Exotic
Elemental Affinity:
What element(s) your character possesses, no more than two
Main: N/A
Sub: N/A

Quote :
Please remove the stroked out bit. Also, Weaponry isn't the same as Kenjutsu. Kenjutsu would be swords. So, you can remove "[Kenjutsu]" since you have clearly stated thats the main weaponry specialty of your's.
According to this Weaponry and Kenjutsu falls under the same catagory

RyuKage wrote:
Note: You can find the other templates in the other Creation Areas if your character needs them.

Quote :
RyuKage wrote:
Name: Wameku Chijou Satsu No Jutsu (Translation: Screaming Ground slicer Technique)
Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: This attack is done by releasing 1/3 of the chakra reserves in the chakra that has either been pushed through strikes, by the wielder of the blade. Using a high arch rising crescent strike where the tip of the blade starts on the ground and then rises up rapidly following a crescent arch. While rising from the ground bui himself releases Chakra. This causes a screaming almost wailing sound from the air being cut and being moved through by the rapid moving speed of the attack. This will cause a gash in the ground to appear easily giving away the direction of travel of this attack. Because this attack relies on speed to hit its opponent it often times can be dodged. However if one is unlucky and is actually hit by this attack a large gash will appear where the attack landed. The range of this attack is about eight meters away, but some have been known to stretch it ten meters with adding a bit of their own chakra. At Chuunin, and Jounin ranks this attack gains substantial speed, becoming harder to dodge even if you can perceive its path.


Quote :
RyuKage wrote:
Name: Sanjou Rasen Kiritsukeru no Jutsu
Rank: C
Jutsu Type: KenJutsu
Elemental Affinity:N/A
Description:The user of this technique does three slashes in tight pattern that will cover about 3 inches squared in a perfect triangle, while doing these strikes they release small amounts of chakra from the tip of the blade causing chakra burns. This attack does minimal damage, but is the base of quite a few techniques in the future. (There isn’t a need for superior chakra control to do this due to the fact that chakra release is control through Bui himself, all one has to do is mold a small amount of chakra to the blade and it will release it.)


Quote :
RyuKage wrote:
Name: Phantom Step
Rank: C
Type: Kenjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This is an assassination technique in which the user will use chakra as a buffer upon their feet to walk though making noise nor vibrations upon the ground/surfaces or anything that is on the ground. In this way, one can move about with a sword and attack without their feet making any noise.


Quote :
RyuKage wrote:
Name: Rokushiki: Geppou - Moon Step
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: By forcing chakra into the legs and then pressing it out of the feet, one can gain a secondary jump off of the air itself allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. The user can use this technique to cross great distances without ever touching the ground, or set themselves up for swift, aerial attacks. Can be used repeatedly, but at the cost of further chakra expense. This technique can be performed without the need for handsigns.


Quote :
RyuKage wrote:
Name: Hidden Kusarigama
Quantity: 1
Rank: D
Special Abilities/Characteristics: Hidden deep within his left ear Yuketsu hides a Kusarigama. This is a small simple sycthe but it is as sharp as any other blade. This Kusarigama is attached to a long extendable rope-like ligament. This Kusarigama isn't/////////Yuketsu seem to be rather skilled while using it.
Origin: This was a body modification created by Yuketsu himself just to be more well prepaired for battle.

Finished editing

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Age : 30
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySun 24 Oct 2010, 6:48 am

Looks fine to me. Approved.
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Age : 29
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySun 24 Oct 2010, 5:58 pm

Unapproved, please refer to my post. A lot of the things I pointed out are not fixed and I still have more things to say about this app.
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Age : 31
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySun 24 Oct 2010, 6:03 pm

things like wat
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Age : 29
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySun 24 Oct 2010, 6:05 pm

Z wrote:

Scientist/Inventor: This special characteristic is really un-needed since it doesn't really state anything but a title (which should go in history or under secondary title).

Body Modifications Expert: Here is where I draw the line at genin level abilities solely because modifying bodies or knowing everything about bodies isn't a genin level thing. If you'd like me to further explain why I am denying this part of your app please ask.

Hidden Kusarigama: What? Inside your ear? That doesn't even make sense, please fix. "be more well prepared" grammatical errorr.

Anti Chakra Mines: Chakra sensitive weaponry is beyond the scope of a genin, remove.

Chakra Suppression Cloak : See the above chakra sensitivity comment.

Chakra Disruption Grenade: The chakra use in weapons also applies to poisons/medicine.

Liquefaction Serum: Denied. Just impossible (With known science and common sense)

Note: Genin can only have 2 poisons/medicines. Once you've decided which one I'll check those.
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Age : 31
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySun 24 Oct 2010, 6:11 pm

Quote :
Scientist/Inventor: This special characteristic is really un-needed since it doesn't really state anything but a title (which should go in history or under secondary title).
Doesn't see why that is unneeded because that is what he is....a Scientist.

Quote :
Body Modifications Expert: Here is where I draw the line at genin level abilities solely because modifying bodies or knowing everything about bodies isn't a genin level thing. If you'd like me to further explain why I am denying this part of your app please ask

Anti Chakra Mines: Chakra sensitive weaponry is beyond the scope of a genin, remove.

Chakra Suppression Cloak : See the above chakra sensitivity comment.

Chakra Disruption Grenade: The chakra use in weapons also applies to poisons/medicine.

Liquefaction Serum: Denied. Just impossible (With known science and common sense)

Note: Genin can only have 2 poisons/medicines. Once you've decided which one I'll check those.
Me and you had agreed upon me not being able to perform ninjutsu that I would obtain these abilities
Rememeber the Wind's clan thingy

Quote :
Hidden Kusarigama: What? Inside your ear? That doesn't even make sense, please fix. "be more well prepared" grammatical errorr.
has been further explained

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Age : 29
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySun 24 Oct 2010, 7:56 pm

I didn't agree on anything, I said I'd check it. As it is, this is not comparable to Wind's clan thingy at all. Wind's clan not only denied her the ability anything but weaponry, it also took away her ability to use elemental chakras. Also, Wind's clan thingy is a clan. Wind is a completely different case because her character still was within her rank scope except one one rank higher weapon (which had no abilities because of her clan, it was only stronger than a lower rank weapons in terms of durability.).
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Age : 34
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptySun 24 Oct 2010, 8:41 pm

Also, your millenium eye has not been edited to what I asked, neither has your superhuman drug, or anything else i actually asked from what Ive seen. Read my above posts.

Quote :
Hidden deep within his left ear Yuketsu hides a Kusarigama. This is a small simple sycthe but it is as sharp as any other blade. This Kusarigama is attached to a long extendable rope-like ligament. This Kusarigama isn't an actual Kusarigama, it's a body modification that appears when Yuketsu pulls out the ligament the tip becomes sharp. (This isn't a Kusarigama while within the ear)

That makes absolutely no sense. You say its hidden in your ear, you say its not in your ear, I have no idea what you are talking about at all. If its not a Kusarigama, then what is it? Also, do you know how BIG something that size would actually be? The blade itself is approximately 3-6 inches, so you cant even use it for comparison
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyMon 25 Oct 2010, 10:47 am





Last edited by RyuKage on Mon 25 Oct 2010, 11:13 am; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 30
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Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) Yuketsu, Jikkensha (Complete) EmptyMon 25 Oct 2010, 11:07 am

Good over-ruling Z. Cara and Z only to mod this app till it's approvable. Please commence.
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